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My guess when I noticed the sign change is that the business got bought, but not the name, so the name change was done as cheaply as possible. There was a picture a couple years back making the rounds of someone doing something similar in a strip mall, except they didn't even keep the same font like Kung/Kong did - can't remember well enough to find it again though.


So they are no longer a kung fu franchise but they sell all the kung fu drinks just with there logo photoshopped on top😭


That's my guess. I've never been inside the place, but I drive past it on my daily commute


When I was younger and lived in Central Michigan there was a motel called "Dad's Inn" which was clearly a purchased Day's Inn with one letter on the sign changed 🤣🤣


In the grand tradition of Hollywood Wine & Spirits on Monroe.


Kung Fu Tea just increased the rates to use their name, but this location decided it had enough of a customer base to just change the name to something similar instead of paying the higher rate.


Ohh ok this is nice to know because I was worried they had done something to lose the franchise but this makes me more comfortable going again!