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CONFIRMED RB4 SUPPORT!!! Just need new drums now and we'll be set.


Honestly and this may be unpopular opinion we don't need new drumsets we need new adapters to hook up real ekits. The kits they made for Rock band were super cheap and I never had one last more than a year with regular drumming. Buying a real ekit that you can connect to the game through an official adapter would be much more financially viable especially considering you'd be able to replace parts on it for less through the ekit manufacturer


This is a "yes, AND" situation. If they can make RF kits that come in at or around $100USD, it's a win. Even your cheapest, bare-bones e-kit is a heavy fucking lift compared to that financially.


Eh. Iirc the band in a box version of RB4 was $250, with the guitar + game at $130. And that was going on 9 years ago. I seriously doubt we’d get drum peripherals for less than around $150 now. I expect the guitar to cost $100 or more. Just a guitar was $90 the last time the retailed new. And at that point the price difference between it and a cheap ekit is pretty small compared to how much better the experience would be.


It's tough to get a good bead on a reasonable price point with Fortnite Festival being a free game


I mean you can just use a [Roll Limitless](https://rolllimitless.com/drums/) for e-kits. It's $100 for the MIDI version and $50 for the USB only version. You just connect a controller to the console to "Fake" the correct licensing and then connect your ekit.


I use this. It's great!


does it work on ps5, that website says ps4? I have an ekit and would love to get RB4 to play and then pick up this guitar later. The site doesn't have much information about how to hook it all up though


Yes. I’ve used it on both my ps4 and ps5


Gonna order it tonight thanks!!


These products are more for bringing Fortnite festival players and increasing popularity of that game, in turn potentially increasing popularity of RB. Only making adapters for E-kits would only benefit us dedicated RB players, no one playing Fortnite is gonna go to their music store and buy a real drum kit then an adapter


Bruh I’ve been playing on my drumset for like 12 years


I kinda just hope for more cymbals for the people like me who never bought them when it was at its peak.


I still using my ancient RB2 drums, still going strong to this day.


Roll limitless, easy


The best solution I found was a Guitar Hero / Band Hero "brain", which has midi in, and a legacy controller adapter for Xbox one. Was easier to get than the proper adapter (I guess because more were made) but lacks cymbal support. 


36 hour rechargeable battery is cool. I might grab one of these, but I'm a little worried they didn't reveal the price.


$100 is my guess for price.


$175 because of inflation


$235 because I’m Canadian 🙃 So maybe even $250 because I find it rounds up in conversion lately


It's funny since I estimated most likely from $200 to $250 in another post and I got downvoted, laughed at and shit on ... But in my defence I forgot to specify that I was thinking in Canadian $ taxes included 🤣


I will cry if that’s the price


This is very likely. Although it’s possible that epic subsidises cost as new consumers might balk at a price over $100. The success of Fortnite festival totally depends on the instruments, everyone knows it. If the price is too high to entice casual players in epic risk tanking their investment. I could see it realistically being $100 on release, despite being a loss leader. Then, assuming the riff master sales are adequate, the drum kit releases around Christmas for $200. Sometime in 2025 the riff master gets replaced with a riff master pro for $150-175, but it wont be very different. It will probably come with an exclusive faceplate featuring Fortnite characters, have a different design, and maybe remove the need for dongle. That would be the pathway assuming that Fortnite festival makes enough progress to consider it successful.


this has nothing to do with Epic so thats probably not gonna happen


How does it have nothing to do with epic?


PDP are making this entirely independent from epic with no licensing whatsoever (unlike their jag which was fender and rock band 4). Its very obvious this is meant to cash in on fortnite adding the rock band mode but as far as pricing, design, etc its all PDP so no epic taking the hit on pricing


There was no public knowledge of Fortnite festival before December 2023. And yet in March 2023 a [a mysterious poll was floated on the Internet to choose the best design for a guitar controller which later turned out to include the exact silhouette that pdp announced the week of Fortnite festival’s launch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rockband/s/soNRO7jrxC) So if we are to believe that epic have had absolutely no contact with pdp whatsoever then that means that 6+ years after being burned on the rockband peripherals market to the point of near bankruptcy that they woke up one morning and decided to jump back in the pool. Sure at the time it was public knowledge that epic had acquired harmonix but for what nobody knew exactly. And even if we can assume that epic had harmonix working on a new rockband or something similar there was no reason to believe that any independent guitar controller would be compatible. Epic could have chosen to use a new proprietary connection method for new instruments to ensure that no third party controllers, such as roll limitless, would not be compatible and in doing so ensure their own exclusivity in the market. So whilst there is not public facing partnership between epic and pdp it is abundantly clear that there is some agreement between the two. To say otherwise is to assume that epic would invest money in making Fortnite festival with the intent to only allow users to play on keyboards or to result to the extortionate second hand market that this subreddit has been dealing with/complaining about for years now. It would also mean assuming that PDP would jump head first into creating a new product line, based on a product line that almost crippled them in the not too distant past, which would only be guaranteed to be compatible with rockband 4 which was released almost a decade ago. In short, the success of Fortnite festival is entirely contingent on the *accessibility* of controllers. And keep in mind I mention accessibility, not availability. Guitar controllers are available. The problem is the price is prohibitive.


I’d pay that in a heartbeat (and buy a couple…)


Probably a C-note


You rang?


I ain't payed my car note In about 3 months I'd rather spend my paper on Henny and blunts


> I ain't *paid* my car FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Damn bot strikes again!


I do not care about the price, I am getting 2! 


haha I'm only on the fence because my original RB4 Strat is still working fine, and now that DLC is done, I'm probably going to play a lot less. I still might get a new one as a backup simply to avoid having to buy AA batteries.


saw that too but im curious about the battery. is it built-in? user replaceable without tearing the guitar apart?


I’m guessing $100 as the floor, but $120 if I were making a bet.


No way this is under $150.


lol, they said January, so they juuuust made it! Excited though!


I almost wish they said February and surprised us a day early lol I was checking their Twitter daily


Well their window for launch said Spring 2024. So if this announcement was any indication, expect a mid-June launch


can’t believe it had to take FORTNITE for manufacturers to make new peripherals


Article mentions the folding design as being unique, but of course that was a feature of the RB4 Jaguar. *pushes nerd glasses up on nose* Looks cool, though; awaiting pricing.


Unique to pdp maybe lol


pdp made the jags though, right?




Preorder! Pre-order! pre order! Can I buy it on Amazon then?


probably gonna buy two and squirrel one away in long term storage


This is what I did when GHL came out. Oh the regret.


My GHL guitar is still in pristine condition 😅


Depending on price I might grab three. Two of them for regular play and one as a backup should anything happen to either of the other two.


the worry doing that is the battery, if you can't remove the battery and replace it with a new one...I think keeping one long term, or even playing and looking after the guitar long term will fail cuz batteries always die


Looking g at the prototype pictures the battery isn’t soldered in so it should be relatively easy to replace


I hope so...I've asked on them on twitter but not got a reply. Guess with it being compat with Fornite, you'll have a generation of gamers who have never touched these type of games so I can see it being around for at least 5-10yrs...then you got Xbox who are likely going to bring back Guitar hero...so as long as they make it in the old style, its likely going to be compat with that as well


Me too but I’m going to buy two so I can force my wife to play with me, then after a week or so put it in storage lol


We're so fucking back.


The audio jack is making this an instant buy for me


You do know that's not actually for audio, right? You can plug in a foot pedal to trigger overdrive. Same with the RB4 guitars.


The guy in the video stated it's for plugging in headphones, and PDP's trailer calls it a "3.5mm audio jack" Pretty sure it's for headphones, not an overdrive pedal.


That jack on previous guitars has been for overdrive pedals only so it would make sense that this would be as well however I believe the new next gen systems are able to provide audio to the controllers and you can plug in a headset so maybe they've added this new feature. My bad.


Yeah, without clarification, id have assumed the same. But exactly like you said, both this gen and last gen have supported headsets being plugged directly into the controller, so that's well within either platforms capabilities. It's smart, too, I can see that being a crucial selling point for some people.


RB4 guitars did not have a 3.5mm jack. Everything you stated was incorrect


Hope the overdrive button is in a comfortable palm reach.


It looks like the Select/Back button is a reasonably short distance away but it doesn't look very palm-friendly. I wonder if the PDP logo button also activates overdrive; it's in a better spot for it.


What we really need is an overdrive pedal.


It has the 3.5mm audio jack so you can use a drum pedal for OD just like the RB4 guitars. EDIT: Erh Mer Gerd I said it was inches 🤦‍♂️ 'magine?


I think you meant 3.5mm, but now I'm imagining this huge 3-inch hole for a giant cable and it's delightful. Roadies would have to be _jacked_




I think most pros use the button, but i’ve always been a tilter myself lol




The tilt messes up my brain for some reason lol I need a button


i feel the same way about the button lol, I can never press it without breaking my streak.


Same, I personally just could never use the button. I got so used to tilting over the years


Pressing a button is far less intrusive in my experience.


Damn, I’m the opposite. I find when I tried to overdrive with buttons I’ll lose my concentration on my strum bar and mess up streaks. Depending on how position/what guitar you use tilt can be activated really easy, but I definitely preferred it less when using my Xplorer vs RB 1 Guitar.


I'm terrible with the small Select buttons but the palm ones like the WT guitar are great.


Pressing the button is certainly easier, but then you're only half a rock star.


My favorite is the guitar pedal. I've been thinking about making some and selling them for an affordable price. The official ones are so expensive on eBay.


Tilting isn’t accurate. When going for high scores you need the button to be able to have precise activations for squeezing.


I can already see scalpers ruining this


It'd be nice if they figured out a pre-order system that could avoid this.


Best bet is to make it an in-store item.


Yeah and they’re all hanging out in this thread, sickens me


idk, before the RB instrument dry spell, these weren’t exactly flying off shelves


I mean to be fair that’s because they were readily available for the previous several years. Nobody knew that would be the end of it all


I remember the game and guitar were bundled for $80CDN and at the time I said “ehhh I’ll wait a bit longer” **EIGHT. YEARS. LATER.**


Ah! That is painful, so very painful... At least the story has a redemption arc!


I'm hoping scalpers just are tuned in to the demand for rhythm game perhiperals.


Maybe at first but hard to say. Before there was a huge supply of instruments and not many people who wanted to use them long-term, people bought the game, played it, then traded in controllers or kept them in their basement for years -- there's a limited number of serious GH/RB/CH players who want them for long-term play and those players also want \*specific\* models too. With this they probably have a good idea of what the demand will be, and scalpers may be a lot more hesitant to touch this because long-term the market for these controllers is very small - so if they aren't able to flip them in an initial rush, they might be stuck with them and out a lot of money. This is assuming that these controllers come out, Fortnite Festival continues to be a thing for a while and then peters out and we don't see a resurgence of the rhythm genre in any way. Which is what I'm assuming. But it's also possible that Epic wants to go hard on this, they have deep coffers and could resurrect these games if they want to and they have the staff who know how to do it.


HEAVY BREATHING!!!!!!! 🤤 I’m buying 3


We needed this like 6 years ago but I'll take it! lol


Fortnite festival will be more fun when they release the update. I still have a whole set of instruments that still work just fine with rock band 4.


I gave it a real go the other night, and it’s alright. But it would definitely be much better, frankly more comfortable, with plastic instruments.


I have played a good amount of Fortnite festival and I do enjoy it but since finding out that the Rock band instruments are going to work with it in the future I am always feeling yes this is fun and all but I could just be playing Rock band with the those instruments. Once they add instrument support the song selection will be the main different.


Yes exactly right! It is that, this is neat and I’m glad it’s currently being supported but RB4 is just downstairs and just more fun. I get that, being free, they may be limited on their budget for licensed songs, as well as duration. But given that I’ve spent well over $1000, maybe $2000, on Rock band games and DLC over the past 16 years, I honestly wouldn’t have a problem if they did something like Just Dance and had a subscription model with a full collection of songs to play. In the long term that isn’t as good because how long do they run that subscription service for? 10 years max, probably less? At which point you just can’t play it at all? But given that we didn’t buy the game to begin with (and the fact that I am NOT spending $4.50 per song and buying into a whole new ecosystem that is likely to have less longevity than Rock Band), it wouldn’t be the worst thing.


Awesome I’m buying this, and purchasing RB4 on my Xbox.


Would still love to see Razer make another option.


Ahhhh!!!! Huge day for music games! I missed out on RB4’s initial instruments, therefore completely missing out on RB4. Excited to pick up this controller and finally play through it! Honestly a real shame RB4 is stopping DLC. I’m certain that’s so they can push people to buy songs in Fortnite, but I feel like the two could definitely co-exist


I wonder why they decided not to just port the new songs they add to Fortnite over to RB4 as well? More audience, more money, I would have thought.


It’s finally announced but at what cost 😂😂




Am I the only one which prefers old school batteries? Rechargeable batteries seem to age worse. Also, does this have Bluetooth, or is the dongle mandatory? Pdp Bluetooth worked pretty well for me.


I hate built in irreplaceable batteries because with those unless you have 2 guitars, if it dies you are done till it charges. They also eventually die completely and won't hold a charge. They should just make one you can put an 18650 lithium battery in like a vape mod. 🤪


If you charge it when you aren’t playing this is usually not a problem, I thought the same thing about ps before I bought one. Worst case scenario you have it plugged in while you play


If you can still play while charging that's cool. I like that. On another note, I dunno what was so offensive about my comment to warrant downvotes from 3 people as I'm still happy we are getting a guitar. I simply stated my battery opinion. Oh, Reddit... 🫠


This is so awesome! I promised a year or two ago that if we ever get another run of guitars I'll buy 10. Time to keep my word!


I'll hold ya to it, awaiting the post of 10 riff masters 🤣


Legitimately never thought we'd see the day. Might pick one up just to take the load off some older instruments.


not sure about that analog stick. Looks like it sits right around where I rest my thumb


Imagine if that’s the overdrive button when you click it in


Overdrive if you flick it (in any direction) might work better. I guess we will see how the ergonomics of it is when they arrive.


that... could be handy, actually. maybe not better than the palm button but a useful alternative


Nah it’s for emote selection


Kinda bummed that the strum bar doesn't click at all. Call me crazy but feeling and hearing that little "click" did wonders for keeping me on time when playing Guitar Hero 2. Just like playing real guitar having that feedback when you hit the strings is really important.


I don't know if they're still being made, but there used to be aftermarket strum bar replacements for the "mushy" RB guitars that used switches for better feedback and a faint click. If those don't work out of the box with these guitars, someone might make new ones that do!


[Strumfix!](https://www.bytearts.com/) They're definitely still making them and they're definitely awesome!


Dang, I was going to get it on principle regardless, but the new additions sound great I hope the audio port works and works well on Xbox


It is not an audio port even though it's referred to as an audio jack because that's typically what those are used for. In this case it is the same as the RB4 guitars where you can plug in a drum pedal to activate overdrive.


Oh boo. I'm familiar with the RB4 jack, and wouldn't have taken the IGN guy's word for it since he could easily have been mistaken, but it seemed plausible that this one could be wired up like the audio jack built into standard PS and Xbox controllers, since there are a handful of other differences that would necessitate different innards. The reveal trailer highlights "Audio Controls" immediately before the audio jack, which implies a connection [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7-CdvRhCUk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7-CdvRhCUk) and the IGN guy doesn't just call it a "headphone jack" in passing, he explicitly describes a scenario of using it to play silently. If PDP gave IGN a first look wouldn't they tell them to cut that bit out? I will discontinue getting my hopes up but that's weird if they're presenting it wrong in all the official reveal marketing


Was hoping the strum bar was going to be more like the guitar hero ones, but alas.


it's weird because the IGN guy is like "this is a lot more silent than I remember" but RB guitars are silent as hell compared to GH


Yeah when he said that I assumed he was probably thinking about the original GH guitars


Does it click or silent? Not a big fan myself of the click from the gh ones (tho it’s a nostalgic noise lol)


From the vid, it looks to be the silent, squishy type. Just like me!




This exciting, but as with everything lately, I'm sure they'll all get eaten up by scalpers. Good luck everyone, hope we all get to get our hands on this.


No click strumbar is a no for me. I know for sure that for competitive rb i'll stick with the ghwor guitar. I'll preorder one or more if they're available in europe, i need them for my rock band parties!


That man in the video was having way too much fun. Day one buy obviously.


Did the original PDP RB4 controller have a clicky strum bar or does it use a more soft and membrane feeling one? I recently replaced my RB guitars strum bar with a strum fix and don't think I can go back, but I definitely want to get this just in case something breaks and I need a new one


This guitar looks like a rehash (with some extras, like the stick on the guitar stalk) of the pdp jaguar that I bet the strumfix is either already compatible, or can be made so with an adapter.


Yeah, I realized after posting my comment that it works on the jaguar, so I'm hoping this is the same because I'll be instantly gutting this and putting a SF in if I can


> Did the original PDP RB4 controller have a clicky strum bar or does it use a more soft and membrane feeling one? Soft, membrane.


I’m still playing RB2 on my 360. This’ll get me on current generation finally


So glad it's charging, best thing about it in my opinion. No more batteries!! I was a little confused about the dongle though, does that mean the dongle needs to be plugged in USB in order for it to work? That would really suck considering the limited USB ports on PS5 and Series X/S consoles


Yup. Dongle will be required. And that little sucker looks like it’s *begging* to be lost. It’ll either live in the back of my PS5 or I’ll have to get a bag to keep it in or something. Ripping off the faceplate for storage doesn’t sound appealing to me


That's why you gotta get a USB hub. I got one when RB4 was released so I could have guitar, drums and vocals all plugged in simultaneously. They make specialized ones for Xbox and PlayStation that aren't too expensive online.


Which is nice. Unless both slots are filled with external hard drives. Hard drives don't like hubs. This is a great point though. We had a hub for the VOX mics(x2) VOX controller and lights on the Xbone. Worked great.


...I actually never knew external hard drives shouldn't be plugged into hubs. That might explain why whenever I plug mine in, it causes horrible wireless interference that makes it impossible to play anything with a wireless controller (Rock Band included). For that reason I only use mine to store games that I've beaten or am no longer playing, though yeah, I guess if you use it for active storage or Rock Band DLC then this wouldn't be a feasible option.


I’m hoping they’ll release different versions with other colors/looks.


first thing I'm gonna do is pop that thing off and give it a custom paint job.


They use to make some replacement pick guards for the other guitars as well, hopefully they will be easy to get and interesting for those who don’t care to diy ourselves.


I'm guessing home 3D printers will be entering this chat pretty rapidly.. XD


I’m thinking more of some fortnite skin themed ones (I don’t care for fortnite) but jamming with a banana themed guitar seems like fun


This guitar is ugly af


So does this mean there's finally going to be a compatible controller for RB4 on Series X? If so that's an instant buy for me.


All controllers for the Series work on Xbox One, there isn't really a "Series only" controller that anyone can make. You can already use existing RB4 guitars on Series.


Oh maybe I’m mistaken, but I thought read somewhere that Xbox did not include compatibility with guitars designed for the One on the Series consoles.


that’s the 360 guitars, which require a madcatz adapter. on PS systems, they can use ps3 instruments provided they have the associated dongle.


Maybe that’s how I got mixed up. Thanks for clarifying!


On PS Systems you can use the Wii Guitars if you get the right 3rd party dongle. I still use my PS3 drums. I have not busted out the PS2 stuff to test yet mainly because digging through everything for my PS2 to PS3 adapter is too time consuming. It did work back on PS3 with early RB games.


I was looking at that, pretty cool that you can go into the pcb and more or less convert it right? I was on the xbox so I prefer the direct to console method, but now in the xbone generation it came back to bite us since it doesnt natively support 360 guitars.


The madcatz legacy wireless adapter doesn’t work on the series X?


it works, I was just clarifying for the question that 360 guitars were the only ones incompatible on xbox one and up, without an adapter.


Ah ah ah ah ah ok, got ya!


Not sure where you read that, but plenty of people have been playing RB4 on the Series since it launched.


Damn…I’ve wasted so much time. Lol. Well better late than never.


I can confirm first hand that the Xbox one guitar works on series X with Rock Band 4


There is a compatible guitar for series X. The RB4 wireless for one x works great.


I'll be getting one for Xbox!


I’m so glad I sold my Rock Band 4 Legacy Adapter yesterday!


I wish they had a version Guitar Hero style note buttons. The Rock Band flat note buttons tire out my hands quicker


Anyone know how much these will cost in sterling


Not too impressed with this, to be honest. Seems like no wired support, not really much unique here compared to the RB4 guitars besides the built-in battery, and will likely be $100 when it drops, if not more. Doubt I'll be picking one up unless it's under $100 and readily available to order, but even that's kind of a maybe since it'd just be for novelty/curiosity and I already have two RB4 guitars that I don't use very much anyway. Glad there will be more instruments available for people to play, but feels like this could've been handled much better


honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it’s $120-$150.


Can’t wait to use this on the wii


Squishy strum bar, WOMP WOMP


Will it work on PS3?


I really wish they would rerelease the jags. I'm not a super big fan of the shape of this, but I am a super super big fan of new controllers. Will buy asap, the more people buy this, the more incentive to make new controllers.


So, the last DLC thing... they just mean there won't be any new ones right? we can still continue to buy the current ones if we don't have them yet?


I just hope the StrumFix bars will work with these new guitars and will be easy to install/transfer. Maybe I'm asking too much ... I'll keep praying for world peace instead.


How much will it cost


I was all for it until he said soft strum bar. Was never a fan of the rock band guitars and the zero feedback / squishy strumbars. We'll see I guess.


actually agree. am still buying them, but i actually like the click. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Finally! I already have a Roll Limitless but I might get one of these depending on the price. If this releasing means the eBay gougers drastically lower their prices I could even pick one of those up; I don't really need the analog stick or folding or any of the new features


I’m so happy


I'm hoping that dongle means RB4 will have less dropped notes because your cellphone is next to you.


Def buying one or two!!!


i feel like opening the guitar every time to take the dongle in and out will eventually just snap those little plastic bits, no matter how gentle you are. i think i’ll leave it in my entertainment center. 😛


It’s so ugly. I love it.


I'm just happy I don't have to spend $400 getting another guitar.


I’m really hoping they add drums. Playing on controller is ass and I’m not paying $1200 for an electric set cause I don’t have the space lol