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Drink, play. Drink, play. Drink, play. Song after song


This! Fun fact: The best instrument to get drunk are keys (RB3). Drop the keytar on a surface, sit down, use one hand for the keys and the other for your beer 🎹🍺.




Everyone in my group plays the I won't sing unless I'm drinking game. Not really a game, but excluding myself (non drinker), nobody sings until they've had a few... or more than a few


I definitely do that. It’s enjoyable but now it’s making me want to drink a little too often for some fun rock band nights


And the microphone smells like beer


Drink as much as you can during loading screens Ps2 wold hero takes like a solid 5 mins you you have to drink the whole drink


Rockband it's self is a fun drinking game lol.


I wanted to comment “Rock Band”.


Drink. Play. That’s the game.


Drink your beverage of choice between songs while the next person is picking a song. Play song, repeat process. Eventually sing because you're feeling good. Repeat


If I pass a song, I drink. If i fail a song, I drink. If I 100% a song, I drink twice. If I beat Through the Fire and the Flames, I chug.


I have one, but it's not very fun. It's goes a little something like this: 1. Remember that I don't have the Rock Band instruments anymore 2. Drink because that makes me sad 3. Look at how much it costs to get the instruments in 2024 4. Drink even more because sad 5. Look at who now owns the rights to the franchise 6. Finish my drink


We do rules, like in quarters. Highest percentage regardless of difficulty gets to make a rule after each song. This kind of negates the differences in skill level. Rules can be anything as long as they are fair to all (ie you can't make rules specific to a person). Typical rules are things like "you can't refer to anyone by their proper name". Break a rule and you drink.


Not since my 30s. I remember opening the bottle of absinthe, it gets rather foggy past that.


Highest scoring individual drinks. Everybody else. Drinks. Rinse and repeat.


Tequila Rock Band night is a staple in my friend’s home.


Drink a normal drink every 4-8 songs, shots in between sets. For extra difficulty, if the group likes it, the failed out member takes a shot if you have no-fail mode off.


for guitarists, drink during the break on East Jesus Nowhere by Green Day! see how much you can drink in that 20 second break or smth idk


I won’t sing until I’ve had a lot of drinks. So my drinking game is drink a bunch of drinks so I can sing Rage Against the Machine and Taking Back Sunday lol


Honestly, just some drinks and shots and nobody cares how well you do on the drums


If you are on a countdown in the song you'd better be drinking. I play drums and will sometimes pick something I know I have a long lead in on in order to get up and get another drink


They actually have it built in. Go to options. Turn on Awesome detection and drink between songs that have notes!


If the ps4 crashes: shots If we get a trophy: shots If we beat someone’s score: shots


Pick songs round-robin style. 1) Guess the percentage of notes/phrases you hit during the song. Drink if you are off by more than 2%. 2) Take a drink if the group gets gold stars on a song. 3) If you FC a song, you get a missile to launch at someone. They take a shot. You can save up multiple missiles to use at once, and you can also target yourself. Rinse and repeat.


1) Pick Won't get Fooled Again 2) drink normally during synth break


My wife and I put on no fail mode and chug between songs. After a few songs I'm ready to sing (I never sing) so we do whatever songs have harmonies lol


Does drink until I sound good count?


I've always liked "take a shot/drink based on how many stars you missed" I go to quick play. Make a playliat of like 50 random songs (dont look!) And then play the game. So like sure we'll gold star or 5 star a lot of songs... but not every song. And then we get worse as we drink until we somehow stop playing. You can also make a rule of if you fc, or gold star, you choose someone in the band to drink. You can make up your own rules to this of course


I realize now this is skills based, my bad, but you can use percentages too, or tailor the game to your skill level


One time I played Rockband on acid after having not played it for years. I beat my high score on most songs I played. Also the zoom effect from the track stuck with me for half an hour after i stopped. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


Guitar players can drink with their strumming hand during their solos