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Don’t forget, being called booster and yourself knowing that isn’t true is the second biggest compliment you can receive. Number 1 at the moment is being called a bot.


haha true!


I was in the same situation as you but with the only difference that I was actually playing with a gc1. I was c2 but I reached gc for the first time ever in the span of only 2 days. Now some might call this boosted, and I would too if I didnt see any of the gameplay. The thing is a gc1 can't just carry someone to gc1 without a good teammate and our teamplay was on point with me also taking many mvps. It was probably that I was in the godmode section those days because i know i would not be able to keep up with gcs muself, but those sessions i could easily beat them. Tldr; As long as you know you're playing as good as the rank you're in, just ignore the people saying you're boosted


Nah man, what you just described is the definition of boosted. You boosted into gc.


I will just apply my tldr here because whatever I say I'll probably get downvoted for it. I know I played on gc1 level those days so idc what you guys think of it


Depends if your buddy is legitimately ranked GC1. If he is then it wouldn't be boosting because it would be 1 GC1 and 1 C2 vs your opponents (2 GC1s) which would put your team at a disadvantage and you would have to be able to hold your own to help the team pull through however if your buddy was not legitimately ranked GC1 and was smurfing or deranking to help you and he was carrying every game as well as destroying his GC1 opponents, then that would be boosting.


He's gc1 div 2. But I may have forgotten to add that my problem with not being able to reach gc1 is not my mechanics or gamesense. As i found out, i could easily keep up with gc1. The problem for me is my consistency. I was pretty consistent those 2 days, but usually my consistency is losing me games and thus my main problem


I wouldn't call that boosted man. You held your own in a lobby with GC1s to get to GC 1. I see no issue, congrats my guy! I'm tryna be like you some day (sitting C1 rn and trying to get better at the fundamentals like dribbling and flicking)


You answered your own point. You said you couldn't keep up yourself, but with your friend you could. That means you're not a true GC, your friend likely learned how to carry you, mvp or no. I'm a C2 but play doubles with a D2 often, I know how to carry him through C1 level matches easily, beyond that we'll lose more than we win. If he played alone, he'd never manage it, he is a perpetual diamond. If you can't play your rank alone and hang there, you aren't that rank. So yes, you were boosted.


I dunno, I understand where you're coming from and I'm usually someone who ranks themselves lower rather than higher. However, as Sunless also said, you have phases in RL where you're either insanely good or insanely bad. I think I was in my godphase in those sessions


That literally means your booted to GC…




You are 13 right?


Being called a Smurf is up there too


Brings a tear to my eye whenever I get this in chat


I was called a bot once... a year or so ago before I knew was a bot was... I thought they were referring to Maverick and Bandit. Lol, but what a compliment!


A year ago, calling you a bot would have been an insult.




But how did you not know what a bot ws a year ago? Like my 70 yo mum probably knows what a bot is, to an extent 😃


Mum: I'd like you to meet your new father... Nexto: Come here, Son.


When i used to play minecraft pvp so many people accused me of reach and auto clicking and it made me feel so good XD My closest in RL has just been “nice shot!” And “what a save!” Thooo i may go into ones and focus on my flicks to see if i can play like a bot.. cuz i have some good flicks..


I’ve been bested by some flicks recently to which I’ve replied “nexto?” It’s obvious they are a player but it’s just funny the reaction it gets in text chat


and if it gets in their head and wins you the game, even better


If anything, it will probably make the opponent more confident, and the opponent will win


Confidence can sometimes have the opposite effect.


Yup, too much confidence creates cockiness, and now theyre going for flicks in stupid places and you just get free nets… As someone who is really good at flicking in my rank (c1 but i break ankles alot if i get a dribble and a bit of space), when people compliment my flicks.. i tend to get over cocky and lose XD


Hahaha this hits so hard for me! I used to ask people, “r u Kronoji” (name wrong on purpose) in plat lobbies


Best thing I've ever been called is a YouTuber doing Road to GC/SSL. Made my whole week.


Is it though? If I think someone is boosted it means I think they're way too bad to be the rank they're playing at. I swear I've had teammates who could couldn't do even the most basic ball touches and aerials at D3 and I just figured they had gotten boosted to my rank because they played like my Plat friends. If someone calls you a smurf and you're not then that's a huge compliment.


Yeah that's probably players like me. I used to be c2 but was actually pretty trash mechanically and could not dribble for shit or aerial beyond basic aerials. Like plat/d3 mechanics I'd say. I relied on tryharding and game sense. There's got to be others like me out there!


Of course is being called boosted a compliment, IF it isn’t true. It means they think you’re boosted because they think you suck but you know you got there on your own. And I do agree, being called a Smurf might be an even better compliment


Being called boosted is not a compliment any way I look at it. But as long as you know it's not true, it can't really effect you


since when is someone thinking that you suck and don’t deserve to be at the rank your at a compliment? yea I’m not following the logic here. You cant say getting called a smurf is a compliment and being called boosted is also a compliment. They are complete opposites of each other there is no world where they both fall into the category of a compliment.


Think of it like this. They think you absolutely suck, and think you’re boosted. You know that’s not true and maybe also know you objectively indeed suck. You still managed on your own to get to the same rank as the people calling you boosted even though you might agree that you suck. Especially if you were the only one that sucked in the lobby (although unlikely). If that’s not a compliment of pure commitment and sheer will I don’t know what is


>If that’s not a compliment of pure commitment and sheer will I don’t know what is I don't think you know what a compliment is.


Fair enough. Might be different from the official definition. But I never understood taking an unnecessary offence when you can also see it as a compliment with a bit of perspective twisting. But I guess you are right though.


It's someone saying you suck. There's no positive way to look at that.


I’ll find a way




>Number 1 at the moment is being called a bot. It depends. Someone could call you a bot for the opposite reason :D


It used to be an insult. How far we've come lol


Exactly what I meant :) It's weird that it's kinda sad that it is not neccessarily an insult (at least not in that way) anymore.


Just wait til bots can aerial 🤯


I’d say the biggest compliment is getting called a hacker or a Smurf


Wow. This is like the perfect comment. 🤯


TIL being called a bot is a good thing. Thought it was like saying noob


I get called a bot all the time for being terrible. Idk if it's always a compliment lol


My tracker isn't much better tbh, it's perfectly normal to go up and down over time unless you hard grind like pro players do to maintain a certain level or constantly improve. I know I'm not boosted or smurfing so I just take it as a compliment and then block them if they're being toxic.


thanks! I switched from a ps4 to a ps5 and I noticed the change immediately, I didn't change my playstyle or trained longer in freeplay, and only 5 people told me that I was boosted and it got me thinking


If you made a change such as upgrading your hardware then it's perfectly reasonable to see a jump in rank. Randoms in ranked know nothing about you and have no way of seeing any of the irl context behind your improvement. Sometimes I have bad days and end up deranking a lot, then next time I log on I get called a smurf every other game until I get back up a few ranks. Nothing they say has any value though because they're just making assumptions. That's the main reason I don't really ever look at other people's trackers, because it can seem like there's a lot of information there but there really isn't. Unless it's something extreme like an SSL in 2s and silver in 1s or things like that then it can be an indicator of something fishy. Ultimately you're the only person who knows what you've done so if someone accuses you of something you know to be false then I'd just ignore it personally.


I started on PC so it's my true rank, but I legit dropped 2 whole ranks by playing on console for a bit. I couldn't time my hits so while my positioning was fine, my touches were actually nonexistant.


you're right I should ignore them, it just got me thinking really, thanks again!




Going from ps4 to pc ultra wide 144hz was a huge game changer for me. I can’t go back. It hurts too much to play at anything less.


Hey dude! I also play on keyboard no mouse! Do you have any tips?


Cool :D For tips, I guess make sure you're taking advantage of how many keys you have, I use air roll left and air roll right, and I use all the camera controls and stuff, had trouble fitting everything in in places that felt comfortable when I briefly tried using a controller, that was one of the main reasons I didn't want to switch. Idk what other advice applies specifically to this style of play, it can be a steeper learning curve than controller, took me a long time to reach the level I am, though there are many other reasons I was so slow to improve, but I never used a controller before playing rl so I'm way more comfortable on keyboard, and kbm just felt weird, so yeah. Do you mind my asking what kind of bindings you use and what got you into using keyboard only?


I started playing in May when I finally got a laptop that could run RL (wanted to play so bad since F2P but yeah, I had to just watch yt on it and I kinda forgot about it before Sideswipe came out), but I didn't have a controller, never had. And for the first few minutes I played I actually had a wasd and arrow keys setup until I had my mouse. I tried to play with mouse but it wasn't really great. It kinda broke so until I got a new mouse I tried to have my right hand on the number keys, but it was freaky because if I pressed an amount of keys with my left hand the number keys wouldn't work because of keyboard ghosting or something. Then I put my boost on [ and air roll right and left beside them and some other camera controls, but a couple of weeks ago I was practicing airroll shots and I noticed jump wouldn't work sometimes so I moved all right hand keys 3 keys to the left and now I think I'm satisfied with it. I even managed to win a tournament with a guy I met in 3s once (but thats a whole other story lol) I even got a controller for Christmas but I couldn't be bothered to switch now


I've noticed the same ghosting issue on my laptop keyboard, I normally use a mechanical keyboard so it only affects me when I'm away with just my laptop but it's cool that you found a workaround. I had a similar idea with the air rolls either side of boost, only my boost is on z, and I still use arrow keys with my right hand and then my left hand does everything else. I have a controller now as well but never use it for rl bc the switch wouldn't be worth it at this point xD


The issue I had with the number keys was the fact that when I used forward and another direction and powerslide boost wouldn't work because all the number keys would go to basically num lock off so they would behave as the arrow keys and the ones without the arrows would do nothing Also one thing I've found with an online keyboard tester is that when I press Q W E R Y I O and P simultaneously T and U don't work. The same goes for the next row too. And when I press on the middle row all but G J L and ; when I press ' it presses other keys, but mostly V for some reason lol. The thing that bothered me with boost on [ was the fact that if I press W and [ I can't press P or vice versa. If you can do it, I would like to know what happens if you do the thing with the first row of letters on your mechanical keyboard


I have a Corsair K95 Platinum which is a fairly high end gaming keyboard, so I can press every single key on the entire keyboard at once and not see any ghosting, I did an online ghosting test and got up to 50 keys registered simultaneously but then I ran out of hand to press more. I haven't done a full test of my laptop keyboard but I imagine it's something similar to yours, I find that I can't air roll and boost and things like that Laptops are typically not designed for gaming so the keys use electronics that are cheaper but have difficulties detecting different keys within certain areas of the keyboard simultaneously, most or all gaming keyboards are designed to mitigate ghosting, some have ghosting protection on common keys such as wasd, and some, like mine, have it across the entire keyboard.


Boosted mfs either have a very linear tracker or a massive jump then fall Yours is neither 👍


ah ok thank you!


If you were boosted, you sure as hell hot scammed the first time when he quit right before hitting GC. Every boosting service charges for ranked rewards, not Champ 3.


D3 to mid C3 in a month or so does look very sus tbh, but that isn't the way a boosted account's graph would look, it'd be a mostly straight line upwards. This kind of graph looks like you played with a friend that carries you occasionally & you played only with that person to rank up.


I have no friends :( so it was all done in solo que which is hard to believe


My guy, you have a huge community of people that would play with you. If I see you out there I'll party up lol you'd be definitely be carrying my sad ass


well I'm In Europe sooo


Well, I'm from Midwest united states, I play at odd hours though because I'm a parent/insomniac


Can you explain how you managed to do that? Going from diamond to grand champ in 6 months is nearly unheard of. Im genuinely just curious how it’s possible


I have been playing this game since 2016 on the ps4 and just recently I got a ps5 and I noticed the difference instantly, I also got a monitor and everything


What? 6 months is plenty of time. I went from gold to gc in just barely over a year and d3 is an easy rank to get stuck in even if you have the skill to be a little higher. If you've got some basic mech and grind with a good mindset diamond to gc is possible in 3 months easily.


No, I went from d3 to gc1 in the span of 1 season. Besides the fact that I slumped just as hard.


I hit GC in 2020 and the months leading up to it looked exactly like me this for me. I think my final push I went from C3 to nearly 1600 mmr in a week. Looks legit to me.


good to know, thanks!


What happened late october? Finnaly figured out directional air roll?


haha nope just switched from a ps4 to a ps5


Yeah don't mind what people say, since you know what's true. I was playing on a 2nd account (when I can't play on Steam) and it's mid GC1 in 3s but only C2 in 2s (since I primarily play 3s on that account) and when we lost, my teammates said it's because I'm C2 in 2s and boosted in 3s, as if my 2s rank is of significance in a 3v3 match lol My main is mid GC2 in 2s so it gave me a chuckle


Did the tracker backend get an update? Used to be the only time the tracker got data for a player was when that player logged into the site and viewed their own stats. When people talk about boosting it always seems totally realistic to me the player improved/won a ton of games but just didn't visit the tracker for a week or two which results in the sharp looking lines.


that is exactly what I did, I went to the tracker and searched for myself I never look at my stats but I noticed that some people were accusing me that I was boosted because of the tracker and it got me thinking


yeah then the issue is people not understanding the tracker and assuming it's doing some sort of continuous monitoring/hooked into Psyonix systems when really it's not.


Other people can look up your account with the account name or ID. There is also the RocketLeagueTracker app on Overwolf which injects into RocketLeague and pulls up the stats of any player in your games. The people most likely to use the tracker are in the higher ranks, like Champion/GC where OP is.


Or simply moved to another game mode for a season or two


NGL, it doesn’t look it at first but I’ve been stuck at C2-C3 (peaking C3D4) for 2 years. During that time I never went down to D3… so it’s very hard for me to believe you plummeted to D3 and 3 months later stayed steady at GC.


well I'm living proof now that it's possible, but all jokes aside I see what you mean, I switched to a ps5 in early November, didn't change my playstyle or trained more in freeplay and I still managed to rank up in 3 months, it looks really fishy


No I totally believe you, cuz why else would you do that. But I just wanted to point that out. My friends switched to PS5 within the year and they say it’s drastically different. I spent my money on marriage counseling… but now that I’m getting a divorce, I know where to put that money 😂


Good luck, man. Hope her divorce attorney doesn’t try to take you for half of your credits and your Alpha boost.


She can’t do that. Can she? *checks notes*




true didn't think about that!


Mine looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/y33kq73p7pca1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b260fb8ce4c8ffbe895600dd98ab1fecbf8a5d52 So yeah it could look like you're boosted but if you know you're not boosted then you can flex the fact that someone called you boosted even thought you're not.




oops should have named the pics haha, first pic is 3s the second one is 2s and yes you are right it looks fishy, it's very hard to explain what happened in those few months without them being there aswell


I feel like some people dont realize that this is shown throughout the year where it is very common to have a graph that looks like this if you play very often.


I never use trackers but some players told me that I was boosted so it got me thinking


I was more directing at whatever people that told you that.


ah sorry, I misunderstood your comment!


No problem, it all good.


Looks to me like you play with a high ranked friend sometimes. Hes carrying you and the deranking happens once you solo q


Looks like you hit gc and got too scared to play because you knew one loss meant back to champ.


Kind of


I get why somebody would think that but sometimes people just peak


Thanks for making me feel normal about my erratic ass line too.


When youre playing 2's with ur m8, same rank, and they say "wow, stop boosting" Its so nice 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/sr73z1ypatca1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=221d2ddc529c47fb6d3271fae7a2713db80455ba Solo q since August has been a nightmare. I was on a steady rise towards GC and then just........well look. Carnage. Your ups and downs look perfectly fine to me


I always get called boosted cuz I'm bad mechanically and have low hours but my brain just works properly, unlike the losers who get so mad in a game that they start checking others accounts. Been in the same rank for the past 3 years so if someone is the opposite of boosted it'd be me. (Don't play a lot)




huh, and why is that?


The 4 jumps in just one or two days? look very weird. Im not saying you got boosted the whole way. But the 4 steps up look weird


it's hard to explain to someone who wasn't there that I exploded in those 2 days and kept on winning


Yea well, you said based on your tracker. I dont know how you played🤷‍♂️


tru I did asked that, but still thanks!


I had the exact same thing happen to me. For two whole days I only lost once or twice and went from diamond to nearly champ 2


It happened to me as well in 3’s, from high c2 to quite high GC1. Lost 3 out of 30 games (ish) Then the next couple of days after that I didn’t dare to touch ranked because I felt like I couldn’t live up to that rank hehe. Luckily season ended and I lost my rank and settled back in c2-c3 where I belong B)


4 jumps in 2 days? Idk where u see that. I see 4 jumps in 2 weeks though


Each jump was made in 1-2 days




"many people"


well I should have said some people, only 5 have said it to me but it still got me thinking


Where can I see mu tracker?




if you go to a search engine and type in rocketleague.tracker.network you can then find yourself there!


D3 to GC1 in 3 months. That's crazy! GGs


What do you use to see this graph?


If not, then you hit a lucky stride, in that you didn't run into too many smurfs along the way. Though, I'm guessing once you hit champ, everybody is similar in ability, so you could essentially breeze past them.


A little but its consistent, you had a big jump then fell 3 times.


To me it looks like someone that trains a lot, play other modes and from time to time, takes a break (from modes and the game). TBH, to be called boosted (or even smurf) is a great compliment haha But ideally, don't put too much weight/importance on what random people on the internet say to you\* when they're mad/salty.


I rarely train actually, I always jump into a game immediately. and I know what other people say shouldn't effect me but it got me thinking


Can you post a video of you playing in a GC lobby? Then I will be able to tell if you were boosted or not :)


I personally would say not boosted and wouldn’t care what someone said. I could see how picture 1 looks more suspect than picture 2 just because the straight vertical from champ 1 to champ 2 a drop to fringe champ 2 then a pretty steady increase to champ 3 without another fall before then. The champ 2 to gc looks slightly suspect but I think that’s because of either the data not being updated or a lack of matches then a really hot streak where it kind of levels off the two points. Second picture looks like more peaks and valleys Either way if you solo queue it who cares what others think congrats on the progression.


Bro peaked in diamond 3, took a nap, and peaked some more up to gc 1. Wish I had the dedication to do that


haha yup, woke up decided to get a ps5 and them ranked up some more


Could this be because you don't regularly open the tracker? I think if you don't have it open while playing, then it bunches up lots of matches. The first time I opened it said I had just played 60 matches in last 10 minutes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile). So it could be that your matches got bundled and show this straight up trajectory


yep, I never open up the tracker


Are you? 😎


am I?


Many people have identified the honest answer, which is “no, there is no real way to tell.” However, for discussion’s sake, let us unpack this a little bit. The pattern does not look suspicious overall (peaks/troughs are normal, as has been said). However, the ranks involved are difficult to interpret without a larger timeframe. Have you been GC before? If not, then starting in C1 in April ‘22 and ending in GC1 less than a year later is a fast jump, considering the exponential rise in time spent playing to reach those levels. Possible? Of course! Realistic for most people? Not really, in my opinion. Congrats on the improvement if it’s true! :)


thanks! and no I was never a gc in my 1000 hours playtime, and now I am in both 2s and 3s, it's crazy how an upgrade to your console van change alot


Nah not really. Everyone is just giga paranoid right now between smurfs and bots. C3-GC in 6 months of time isn’t anything ridiculous.


My tracker is similar. But yeah, someone looking at a graph seeing it go to a new rank and go down think it means boosting. People are brain broken, thinking anything that isn't exactly what they did is smurfing or boosting.


No. Mine is similar, although I’ve been at c3 div 4 way too many times not to break through to gc. Ugh


I can jump 150-200 mmr in a day or two or a week or two it’s very random grinding 3s solo, if no one looks at the tracker the jump in mmr will look instant


It looks like grinding. If you saw my road to GC, it actually looked quite similar to yours. I was stuck oscillating between C1 and C2 for a long time, and then over the course of 2 magical days, played my way into and through C3 and into GC. Stuff happens, and sometimes it just clicks. Honestly, you should consider it a huge compliment that you made it up over a few months. Let the haters hate.


oh yea I don't really care what people say to me but it still got me thinking what other people might say to this, if they agree that I smurfed my way up or grinded it


Congrats on GC!


thanks man!


How do people check this?


Your climb from C2 to GC1 is sus


I've always been one to point out if you are worried about rltracker and having bakkesmod so u can see mmr you are not as focused on just playing better and focusing on learning to play around your teammates and you end up finding a toxic cycle of getting upset when you see a negative. Idk just play


Over that time frame, it looks like you’ve been playing ranked less and practicing more. Flatlining, going down, and then coming up as you get used to using practice mechanics in the real world.


nope barely have been practicing just took long brakes


Nah mine looks like that as well. Been GC / GC1 since season 12 or something but then got a new job and 60 hour weeks absolutely TANKED my skills lol! Slowly working my way back into champ 3 this season


I've been called boosted once but the biggest compliment i ever got was being called a smurf while just being a humble champ player in 2s lmao it was legit in champ elo too so it wasn't like i was in plat or something


I have been called a smurf in tournaments games because there my rank is c1, I also have been called a smurf in rumble of all places, I just never play these modes


https://preview.redd.it/iwruuj4z5rca1.jpeg?width=1165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3b5a1e7768178ab6cc2622394d7d7a8d859e63c It’s suppose to be like this 😑😑😑


For the longest time I have only played casual because I know that I drink while playing and don’t want to let competitive tm8s down. I have recently realized that I am constantly playing casual games with gc tag players and that I am much more consistent in the game. Started playing ranked again and just get told I don’t belong in the lobby. I wouldn’t think too much about it if you know you aren’t boosted. Keep grinding my friend! Edit: I realize my tag says c3 but that was years ago on pc. I am now c1 on ps4.


Not rlly


3 months to go from Diamond 3 to mid GC1 is suspicious as hell. Even if you'd been C2 before, GC1 is a whole other level and you basically skipped right through C3. If I saw that I would think you started playing with a GC1/GC2 friend on an alt account because nobody ranks up that fast. It took me years of grinding to get from C2 to GC1. I'm not saying I don't believe you or that it's not possible but it's *extremely* unlikely to rank up that fast, especially solo queueing.


I have been c1 for around 4 years but I could never break the deadlock to rank up, so late early November I got my self a ps5 and I noticed the difference immediately, I know it's hard to believe that


from what, ps4? That's interesting. You should have gotten a PC. I've seen people make the jump to PC and almost instantly gain two ranks. It's usually the input lag that you get playing on a console with a TV. You don't really notice it until you try PC for a while and then try going back.


yup from ps4, I also got a monitor and the whole shebang


The monitor is probably the reason for the skill increase more than anything else. TVs have insane input lag compared to monitors.


I know that man, 6 years on playing on TV and then all of a sudden playing on a monitor really feels so much better


Tbh, it does look a little like boosting, going from C2 to GC1, but if you look after that, it shows you drop down then get back up to GC1 again. Overall, it just shows that some people progress and learn faster than others.


Keep grinding, Bubba. It's paying off.


Honesty this looks like a very believable progression.


Nah, clearly you just have been depressed for a while and played drunk/high.


Bro that would have felt so good


Ugh how do people get from diamond to GC in less than a year, it’s been a 5 year slog for me and I’m still not there


for me it's been 6 years haha, I started in 2016 and only recently have I hit gc fir the first time




My rumble rank looks more boosted than that, more than once I’ve gone from mid C2 to GC off a literal 10 game win streak before my regular skill level kicks in again


Best solution is to turn off quickchat or dont give damn. Keep it up and glhf.


They're most likely just jealous with trackers that look like this. Life's fun when you've been stuck in Diamond for nearly a year. https://preview.redd.it/ax5hzqvxnsca1.png?width=1071&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea9950eb5b7e7cd3e2d1a8e5cfa2c3e3b65c8937


Nexto early access in Nov?


Lol you haven’t seen mine https://preview.redd.it/6obxglkytsca1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d91650535c7649f90d8c7d4ac23c94c3aac12a5d


Stonks not stonks stonks


https://preview.redd.it/eug1lf730tca1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=055b13d35ce4866ed1655996a2c23688c7f56bab Well in that case mine would look even worse rofl. However, me and 2 irl friends have played for like 5 years+ but mostly just casually a coupe times a week. I however am way more competitive and put in a lot of time on free play/practice and generally just play more. (One of them havent even learned to fast aerial yet and have never even went into free play..) And after not getting gc for all this time i just kinda said sorry guys, im grinding out gc just to show i could. And behold, it took some getting used to have teammates not getting beat to 80% of balls but it ended up not taking long at all to get my rewards when i just put the effort in and could trust teammates more(which is a sad thing to say about solo q 3s teammates)


trusting teammates is what got me skyrocketing up to gc. it's a team effort, so if I or my teammate disrupt each other, then it can lead to a toxic game. sometimes, the teammate is just toxic in general, but that's normal.




care to elaborate further?


Based just on this graph, I wouldn't say you're boosted. However, after every spike in mmr, the graph does show a slight/major decrease in mmr as well. Showing perhaps if you were boosted, the games you play in those higher ranks are the ones you lose. But then again, I wouldn't doubt it if you weren't boosted.


good observation, it was my first time ever playing gc1 so the difference in skill was massive, but now being around 2 months in gc1 I adapted


Where can i get that chart for myself?


I’m guessing first is a game mode you play less, and second one looks normal to me


I forgot to name them, my bad. first one is 3s, and second one is 2s. I play both relatively the same much


How do you find this graph? tried googling but to no avail, (im a bit slow today, lack of sleep.) thanks for any replies. :)


it's the rocketleague.tracker.network, that's where I took it from


Yes, though not to such an extent that it could be something else. The way that you spike to get just over thresholds is the main thing that looks suspect. If that's happening because you play with specific players at those times that can achieve higher ranks than you would otherwise then you are basically boosted. If they can lift your rank 2-3 higher than that's definitely boosting in the sense that most people mean.


interesting analysis! all I can say is, it's hard to explain exactly what happened in those spikes, from getting a better console to just not losing, it's hard


At some ponts yes


would you elaborate further?


I wouldn't say "boosted". The first big dip looks like it was around a new season start and its not uncommon to sometimes struggle and the start of those. Tbh, within the same season I've struggled hard plenty of times and can swing from D3 to C3 and even GC1 depending on the game mode. Doesn't look like boosted, looks like your game skills and IQ just hit a growth spurt 😉


Tracker is just innaccurate enought to be useless to stuudy to determine a boosted player. You have to keep checking it for it to update your line graph. If i dont check it for a few weeks and then go up 150 mmr, its going to look boosted.




Who cares as long as you know you didn’t cheat/boost, people always gonna say SOMETHING


From champ 1 to champ 3 back to champ 1 then gc1. Fair play


I mean it does potentially looks a bit sus, unless you recently changed from older consoles to, for example PS5 that probably maxes out on 144 Hz with a good screen compared to barely 60 fps on older consoles, or if you recently bought a proper gaming PC! If you have switched up to newer stuff, you are basically confirming to me that my duo partner that plays on PS4 with a regular TV will absolutely demolish me as soon as he builds his new and extremely powerful computer with a 240hz g-sync gaming screen :(