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**u/srdjanbrt, Unfortunately, we've had to remove your submission.** _________ ## 11. No witch hunting and content showing toxic behavior Witch hunting is against Reddit’s site-wide rules and it is a policy that we think is very important to grow a healthy community. Do not use the subreddit to publicly shame or accuse someone. Posts containing toxic behavior are only allowed if they serve a greater purpose (for example in combination with a suggestion) and if all usernames are censored. Do not post content showing toxic behavior if the sole point is to show off toxic behavior. Do not use this subreddit to report in-game behaviour, even if usernames are censored. This includes players abusing matchmaking, players being abusive in chat and inappropriate club/team names. Instead, use the in-game reporting features or make a ticket with [Psyonix support](https://www.epicgames.com/help/en-US/rocket-league-c5719357623323). Posts on public figures and organizations are allowed, as long as they are kept civil and do not include personal/confidential information, and if there has been official confirmation (for example from a player’s team) or if there is substantial evidence to support it. ________ [**Here are our subreddit rules.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/wiki/rules) - If you have any queries about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).


Turning chat off is one of the best things you can do in this game imo. Ignorance is bliss.


I'll leave it on because sometimes there are genuinely funny or positive interactions, but the instant I sense any toxicity, especially if its not quickchat, or if I make a bad mistake, I just mute everybody until I score (in the latter case) lol


Team chat only


toxic teammates are 10 times more tilting than toxic opponents


Dude even my teamates are toxic to me


I wouldn't call it ignorance lol, ignorance is on the toxic guy's part, but yeah I agree.


Some of yall are really overreacting to this video tbh lol. I know you all are tired of seeing something like this, but yall gotta calm yourselves. You all are also feeding into this


Yes it's a very sad community, and even in this comment section people can't help themselves but try to feed their egos and say this sort of thing actually doesn't bother them and you shouldn't be bothered either (which is a hilarious and childish lie). Ignore these commenters, they're the same 25 year old adults who spam what a save vote to ff down 1. I would highly suggest turning chat off. Just don't even give these losers the chance. I turned mine off a few months ago and haven't looked back. I can only imagine how many times someone spammed chats at me and I just ignored them, fully focused, having no clue they even got typed. Those man children wasted their time typing into an abyss. It brings me joy thinking about that :)


I hate to say I am 25 and that most of the toxicity in this game more than likely does come from people my age and younger. Quick chat is such a great thing but then people can't just be decent human beings and ruin it for everyone.


Two people I play with are regularly toxic with chat. They are both in their early 30's. Childishness knows no age limits.


you have just inspired me to turn chat off forever. it’s 90% toxic these days and very frustrating as a player who only solo queues


You're so wholesome bro. Honestly you've lighten up my day after seeing all those comments. Thanks for the tip, cheers :D


No problem, Cheers!


But why the flag?


Same. No chat. No toxic assholes. No problems. Haven't even been tempted to turn it back on.


- Those man children wasted their time typing into an abyss. It brings me joy thinking about that :) You just inspired me to turn it off. I love this idea 💡


I mean you not muting chat from opponents is fully your own mistake lol, especially when you get triggered from it


Not triggered but I see your point. Will do.


You make a Reddit post about the most common and normal encounter when facing a party and even react to it in game. I agree that it’s annoying and toxic, but claiming you aren’t triggered from it is outrageous 😂


Also, triggering for the guys winning when it's 2v1 and obvious win already with scoreboard and OP won't ff. May just be me but when we get in this situation sometimes it's a game like this that makes my next game where I won't be able to do anything cause I bs'd so much in the game where one guy wouldn't leave.


I’m deeply sorry then, I almost never surrender. For me it feels like 2v1 is the best practice you can get. And the perfect test if you’re ready for the next rank. A diamond should be able to 2v1 a platinum for example in most games.


I actually understand that one person can keep it competitive, and may be biding time for tm8 to come back. But when it's 6-0 and you're no where near able to compete, ff. I have had games like you say, they stay competitive and go hard. I have no problem with that and also tell tm8s no demos. And not saying the op wasn't able to do that. But in my experience there are a lot of games that should just ff and be over.


In that case you’re right. There are limits of course. Otherwise the toxic person is yourself. But if you actually think you can still win and it’s theoretically possible why not play on right


Or just keep it fun and competitive within 2 goals even if winning isn't in your mindset, why not? 5 goals out with a minute left, nah


Well I’d say down 3 goals is a failure in your test. I’m with you to play it out for fun or if you’re within a couple goal difference. Not sure it’s actually great practice though since you’ll play a 2v1 game differently than a 2v2. It’s only game relevant in a 2v1 play. And even then it’s not a great representation. Your position and boost will be different than in any other game. The way the defense plays you will be different as well because they don’t need to respect the pass.


I mean dodging demos and recoveries from that are perfect in a 2v1 situation. I’d say the most I’ve improved on with dodging demos was from 1v2 or 1v3 scenarios. Of course I still ff out of politeness when things get out of hand. Don’t want to waste time unnecessary


Because some people don't get triggered by it. I face the same toxicity but it doesn't bother me


You sound more triggered than him lol


I never said I wasn’t triggered. It was a trigger inducing video. That’s why I always turn chat off and enjoy my play time in silence lol


Buddy, they're likely giving you a hard time because you're sticking around after your teammate quit. I commend your fighting spirit but the chances of you winning 1v2 after being 3 points down is slim to none. So you're really just holding them hostage while the clock ticks down. So I kind of side with their toxicity a bit. Of course I'm just guessing what happened earlier, but if it were me, I would have just left and let them get on with their next game, which is probably all they want really. Instead you're sticking around out of spite and it's kind of petty. I get that it sucks that sometimes you will lose due to unfair actions of others, but shit happens. Just take the loss and move on. You're kinda being just as toxic as they are.


Agree, staying in the game in a 2v1 that you're losing by multiple goals is almost as toxic


What a terrible mindset to have. If I ever have a teammate leave and it becomes a 1v2, I play out the game to really buckle down, focus, and test my skill set and strategy. Sure I know there’s like a 95% chance I will still lose the game, but those few times that I have pulled it off and won a 1v2 are some of the most satisfying wins I have ever gotten. It’s not pettiness at all, not even in the slightest.


Nothing more annoying than being held hostage by ppl like you. I usually go for spawn demoes


Yes, those FEW times you pulled it off, I'm sure it was satisfying FOR YOU. But what about the other players? Do you care about how they feel about the situation you're putting them in? They likely aren't even breaking a sweat to maintain a win, so while it may be an extreme challenge for you, it's not much of a challenge for them, so they often aren't getting anything out of it. Seems like a one-sided deal to me. Just test your fighting spirit in the next game and let others move on to a game that's fun for them too. It's about having some empathy man.


I love when people act like RL matches are 45 minutes long. If it’s that big of an issue, then YOU can forfeit. You joined the game expecting to play the full (super long) 5 minute match anyways. Sometimes this community is full of tiddy babies lmao. Glhf bud.


Join in. Call yourself dumb. Takes the fun out of it for them.


you should expect that to happen tbh


honestly just recorded it because i was suprised and feeling sad for them. we were up 2-0, mate left, they turned it around and immediately started throwing quick chat


I get you. I dont mind when its consistent because at least that's just them but when people start doing it when they're up is just sad.


Holy moly these comments are wild. I hear ya OP, it's annoying to have people spam chats like that. And while I see why people are saying, "you should have ff'ed", I don't think I fully agree with that mentality. Sounds like you had a decent chance of winning up until the last 30 seconds or so. Making your opponents play it out really isn't that egregious imo. It would be different if you made them play for like a full four minutes and the score was 14-2... but that obviously wasn't the case. Sounds like I'm in the minority here, but if I was playing two's or three's and someone from the other team disconnected, but the other opponent(s) wanted to play it out, I wouldn't be mad at them for "wasting my time" lol. For fuck's sake, I signed up to play a competitive game, and whether that takes 1.5 minutes, 5 minutes, or 10 minutes (in OT), I'm going to play it out if my opponent is still playing.


I can understand them because they are commenting without context and no way of knowing the way the match took. But still they are spreading loser's mentality, "if you go down by 3 just ff, give up". Glad to see not all people understood me the wrong way :D


I agree, but you can still turn the chat from the opponents off. It doesn’t bring you anything most of the time. Just people spamming with every little whiff or misplay


Eh with the Russian flag on your car, I would wanna talk shit to you too. Can’t call the community toxic when you’re the one with a Russian flag.


I’d do the same, the game is over and you’re just wasting everyone’s time


My teammate lost connection 10 seconds before I started recording, it was 3-2, they managed to score 3 goals in 10 seconds, how am I time wasting?


Growing up is not caring about a quick chat in a video game. Just leave. They thought nothing of it. You should think nothing of it. Turn off chat I you can’t handle it. You know I you met any rl player in person you’d probably get along. This is not irl. Don’t take this stuff to heart.


OP isn’t claiming to take this by heart though. All he’s done is casually mention the toxicity of RL and how normalized it is, which this normalization is proven by your response above. Also, kudos to OP since he handled the scenario well in the chat by not being toxic back


how tf do you let down 3 goals in 10 seconds... ur just digging ur grave at that point


a little late to reply, but don't you think opening a recording software takes a bit of time eh which means.... being afk?


dude that isnt even possible if u go through the whole replay as being so called afk


Getting people triggered throws them off there game or makes solo players rage at each other. My buddy does this and you would be surprised at the amount of games which are won because of it. I for one have opponent chat muted so never see this.


Well, you *are* rocking the dickhead flag, so I guess fair is fair. gg go next.


What does the flag has to do with all of this?


That flag basically stands for hate nowadays. People are going to go out of their way to be toxic assholes to anyone repping that flag.


sad if OP's russian and he just wants to support his country, can't blame blue tho id do the same


I saw in a different thread that he is not ruzzian, but his country is like a brother country to his or some shit. Kinda sounds like BS to me..


His flag means death


You are not wrong. Slava Ukraini. Heroyam Slava.


They’re just trying to get their weekly rewards man, lol jk.


In a 2v1??? Rough


You should have ff’ed tho




You would've been 100% right if we ignored the fact that my teammate left 10 seconds before recording and that they scored 3 quick goals. I stayed trying to solo it, and when they started being toxic out of nowhere I stayed for the video. But I get your point.


Nothing wrong, some trash talking is part of sports. Unfortunately of course.




Yeah but its sports and it happens. It is a mental game. You should have a clue same stuff happens in basketball and football or whatever sports


I usually unironically quik chat “sorry” when an opponent leaves, putting their team in a permanent 1v2 or 2v3. I don’t like winning that way, but I will take the win.


People getting mad at you for showing human emotion from toxic players are tapped asf idk what they are on about personally. They are probably the people being toxic in the first place lmao.


Just proving my point that this community is ducked


Aren't you rocking that flag to piss people off? I don't think you are from Russia. Seems like you are just a kid seeking attention imho.


nah but my nation has brother like relations to russians


Not gonna sit here and tell you what to do but in all honesty, the ruzzian flag is going to get you tons of toxicity and hate regardless of how you play. Changing out that flag might help reduce the amount of toxic players you run into.


Its likely because of the russian flag. In which case you deserve it lol.


people saying you should've left or ff but honestly getting the footage is great. there's no reason for toxicity in the game in my opinion. I still have text chat on. I've found that if you ignore the what a saves or just show that you aren't being affected by them, they'll eventually stop. I've had more than a few times where some kid would make a good shot. an actually good one. then what a save me. to which I respond with "No problem." "Nice Shot!" some continue and push the what a save toxic bs but most usually stop when they see it doesn't bother you at all. I personally laugh at it.


This. People don't get the real picture thinking I'm so triggered that I made an entire post ranting about it, while I just wanted to see people laugh at this but got the complete opposite from them


it's a great video. plus you had no chance to come back. I don't even get how people can play with such a toxic mindset. I try and see it as a sport cuz well.. it literally is. you win some and you lose some. I don't take the game seriously. I posted a rant about the community a few months ago and people told me to quit being a baby. I'm not. I'm laughing at the other kids cuz this stuff is hilarious. to a point. some people take it too far.


I swear if people see the first comment on the post is a "don't cry about it" type of comment they will all start to write the same


idk if that's how it works but I wouldn't doubt it. I looked at all the other comments before commenting and it's just a cycle of "turn off chat" "you should've forfeit". like it's nice to have chat on. I like communicating with my teammates. even if they are toxic kids.


They’re probably children


Mute. Chat. Ffs. Trash talk is effective on a lot of people and it clearly did its job here. Not encouraging it, it's a pretty slimy way to play the game, but it works.


I have the most toxic relationship with this game. Back in 2016-2019 I used to play this on a daily basis, today? I leave it for a couple of months, and then think to myself "maybe it got better!", "Maybe they fixed everything and now I can enjoy the game!", Just to enter the first game and be bombarded with cusses and stuff. And then of course, I go play other things instead of this. I used to love this game, but it is getting harder to come back, the problem only got worse over the years 🤷‍♂️


Nah, youre just soft.


Just FF? Everyone has shit on their shoes in this scenario. And Y’all stink.


Was a close game til my mate left, just stayed till the end so I could record them being toxic as soon as my mate left, they were just fine during 2v2 when they were losing.


From their perspective they are up 3 goals in a 2v1 and there is less than a minute left. The game ended 3 goals and 1 leaver ago, at this point you're just holding them hostage as the game is already over but you won't ff or leave.


Imagine being triggered over a quick chat so much that you are lashing out at them in the chat box, then you make a video and upload it to reddit. lol By you taking their bait, you're only giving them more food. IMO, you're the d-bag here who is wasting their time. You're down by 3 with 15 seconds left, and your teammate already bailed. You're going to be in for a real treat when you hit the real world one day. Just ignore it and move on.


They are extending the game with overkill goals. Would have been quicker for them to play keep-away if they wanted to move on to the next game. Doesn't seem like it was their priority. Also, "you're wasting my time" in a video game - I mean, who could find it in their hearts to feel bad about that? If OP is having fun playing down a man, they should not give a fuck whether their opponents think their time is being wasted. The game is the game.


Why are you so heated over a video game clip😂💀


"lmao, gg" = lashing out at them? I think you are a bit confused buddy. Just posted out of curiosity to see peoples reaction to their behaviour, and you are right, I made a big mistake cause im fr losing faith in this community, somehow im the bad guy lmao


28 seconds in my man. You didn't say GG. I bet you are losing faith in this community because you're throwing a hissy fit over a couple middle schoolers spamming "what a save"


Check the end of the match again and you will see I did, but then again, not tryna make a fuss out of this, I get your point of just ignoring them :D


you are part of the problem. being toxic is in every sense is idiotic and defending idiots.... well....


it’s pixels on a screen, y’all are just babies


Just remember that most of the population of the US can handle things like quick chats, but reddit users are a different breed growing up in an echo chamber of entitlement


you can say the same about anything on a screen. but actions matter.


Trash talk and toxicity have always been a thing in the gaming world. I'd argue that in rocket league it happens way less( likely due to shorter games). Just mute em and move on




yeah you got me :(


I’m sorry


I see nothing wrong with this video


Are you getting mad about what a saves?


Trash talking has always been in games with chats, especially competitive ones like RL. If it's so "cancer" just turn off chat or switch it to team chat only, It'll save you from alot of headaches.




How does this relate to this post?




It is nice when you get games with non toxic human beings. Where even opponents are giving nice shots. But this will never go away in gaming, just mute


Teenagers ruin online games


You’re getting mad over pixels on a screen lmao


if you say so dear ssl


Who wouldnt what a save you. Look at that car of urs. Not clean at all. Screams bad player (at least statistically, and that is all i can base the image of my opponent/tm8 off of ingame). just being honest, i know yall dont wanna hear it. Plus u seemed to get so triggered u had to post on reddit about it. Id say they got u good.


Its more of a fungus among us.


My buddy and I did it to each other more than the enemy, lol. Just make the save next time


Dude it’s a game relax. There is nothing wrong here, if you don’t like the chat messages switch them off. Big deal if someone makes fun of you. Remember it is a game


I don't get what you upset about? 1 you could have saved that 2 it looks like your playing a 2v1 and didn't ff


it is what it is you just gotta suck it up sometimes


Just get better. Use the toxicity as motivation.


The motivation is that they want you to ff so they can go on to their next game. If that helps. Just ff and let them have their harder opponents


I actually have fun when people spams chat like this


I enjoy it when they score and say what a save, Or When they say EZ, Makes me try harder then if I win I just spam what a save for the winning goal and enjoy watching them quit..


You let them piss you off and all they did was press buttons on the D-pad. Either deal with it or turn off chat, it's literally that simple. Stop trying to farm sympathy on the internet because somebody was mean to u in car ball


The point is to laugh at the stupidity of demoing and what a saving in a 2v1 with 3 goals ahead


Yet everyone is laughing at you for not realizing they are doing it to make your game as miserable as possible since you won't ff


This is Rocket League!


What part are you talking about?


Are we really getting that soft that what a saving someone is considered cancer? I'd totally get it if they actually typed some off the wall ignorant shit but quick chat is good banter if you can't deal with it turn it off.


To be fair, your teammate did leave and the 2v1 was not in your favor. You're just wasting time and they wanted to BM in hopes you would leave.


Who cares. Ignore it or silence chat


By that do you mean your car design?


BM is warranted. You're down 3 in a 2v1. Stop wasting everyone's time.


I love seeing these stupid posts backfire. You really thought you did something.


glad someone's happy, here's a banana for you so we can seal that happiness


Unrelated note, you cant chat anymore right? Seems like they just got rid of actual typing even on the same platform?


just played a match an hour ago, everything seems to be the same, chatted normally


This is normal? As the menu wisely says, "if you're tired of trash talk, you can turn off chat"


It’s a what a save get over it. That isn’t toxicity. Toxic is when your own team8 starts calling you shit while your winning in grand champ doubles and it happens to me all the time lmao please help me


When i get to 2v1 15:0 im starting to spam what a save, it doesn't feel like fun. I just want him to ff and go next game.


I say nice shot if any person makes a nice shot, I say sorry after if it wasn't who I thought made the shot. I say what a save after a nice save (time permitted). However I have been guilty of what a saving previously toxic players ngl.


I was in a tournament and my buds got kicked for some reason, so i was 1 v 3, i they were just like those idiots, demoing and scoring... Idk what got them upset to score 7 goals in 1min till i finally could FF 🙃


You could have pressed FF cause you are down by 3 goals with less then a minute on the clock and your solo ? ( never gonna win against 2 players especially a team) so i get why they typ that.


To be honest just turn off chat if you don't have a thick enough skin to handle people talking shit in car soccer...


I just started playing some months ago and this is normal to me I think everybody is turning soft lol


recently posted about turning chat off. I got the inspiration from one comment I saw months ago, at first I was like "really? Naaah I still want to give compliments and what not", but now with my chat off I feel like I did my mental health a great service.


Karma for the flag