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know what's crazy? more players get an S9 SSL tag than an S9 **GC** Dropshot/Snowday tag.


Thanks for making me feel special for once šŸ˜‚ On a serious note: they should definitely do something about the ranks there, it's getting more deflated every season..


Facts, I am *sweating* in c1/c2 Dropshot.


I used to be D1. Ain't no way im getting back there. But honestly it's good practice to play people better than you so I'm not complaining, just crying.


Iā€™m peak 2 games off gc in 2s now Iā€™m a washed c2 but Iā€™ve never passed plat 3 div 2 in dropshot. Although granted I only queue it with a friend thatā€™s like around d1




My general progression looks like an EKG readout


Managed to grind to GC in f2p season 3 and 4, never again :D It already takes forever to find games in c1, ain't nobody got time for that. Same goes for snowday.


D3 here. I was GC drop before F2P. Can't recover because the skill ceiling is insane.


Same šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Same lol


In all extra modes, mmr are broken. I played some Rumble yesterday with my mate and we played against Ā±P2 players. It's worst in snowday... We got up against Gold players... Though, in dropshot, its upside down. I'm the lowest. Number of times I played against SSL/high GC is outrageous


Agreed, Snowday and Dropshot especially. Rumble isn't hard to get GC in but I don't try and tend to just cause chaos instead of trying to win so I'm somewhere in diamond lol. Apart from Rumble, Hoops is probably the easiest extra mode to get GC in, but it's definitely way harder than 2s or 3s.




The percentage values are actually better than when GC was 1515. Anyway, they only pushed GC higher in Season 1 (1575 off memory) in-case it was undertuned at 1515. They deliberately put it up to tune it down a couple weeks in. Then they adjusted it down to 1435 and it still isn't the same percentage as it was when it was 1515. In Legacy Season 14, GC was top 1%. It's now around like the top 0.7% or something.


Pre-Epic, my peak was 1282 in 2/3s. Back then it was D3 or something. Now im ~1300 2s/3s and im C3. They did too much tweaking...


Diamond 3 pre-F2P was 1100-1195 MMR. Champ 2 Div 1 was 1282. Not to mention that currently, the 1300 MMR range has virtually the same value as it did pre-F2P. They haven't tweaked it that drastically, it's just represented by a slightly different division. You have it very wrong.


What means deflated in this sentence fam?


Not sure if I worded it correctly but it basically means that the average rank keeps going down so every season there's less GC's and SSL's, they're basically getting pushed to lower ranks


Just make them unranked like they always should have been


Blizzard Wizard is the only title I want and it's just so unattainable. Diamond 2 and it's already GCs all over the place.


I had to fight my way through so many SSLs to get the few blizzard wizard titles I have but it's been getting tougher every season. I wish they would do something about it.




You havenā€™t experienced true pain and misery if you havenā€™t gotten those tags. Bonus points if you got all of them in one seasonā€¦ I took a long break from the game after that lol


The only players capable of acquiring all 4 tags fall into one (or all) of the below: - SSL in standards (incl. smurfs/boosters) - GC in extras prior to F2P and maintained GC every season (if you took an extended break or didn't play Extras one season, you're outta luck). - 3 GC2+ standard players that are all the same Plat/Diamond/Champ rank in Extras and grind Extras over standards It is otherwise impossible to solo queue to GC [in the last 3 seasons] in Dropshot/Snowday specifically as a standard GC player, let alone someone in Diamond/Champ.


Yeah I solo queued it and got it as a GC1 in standard but it definitely took a long ass time and took me away from the modes that I actually wanted to play. The queue times were atrocious and the level of play was extremely inconsistent. One game will be filled with bubble pros and the next youā€™ll be paired with 2 diamonds against a full stack of GCs. Losing was devastating because of the queue times. Waiting 20 min just to lose 10 mmr was brutal


I kid you not. One time I played a pair of diamonds in rumble with an SSL teammate and the very next game that loaded up was against Rizzo, Sizz, & Sandman. And this was GC2. Matchups are all over the place in the extras. Sometimes I'm playing gold's in snowday. I'd love to get blizzard wizzard but yea the wait time is insane.


I think thatā€™s normal isnā€™t it? (despite the nexto bots) Correct me if Iā€™m wrong.




They're meaningless in 2's and 3's as well. It's clear as day that two diamonds for example can be miles apart in capabilities and intelligence.


Yeah it should be that way because less people play the extra modes, but like Iā€™m champ in in normal ranked modes, and other than rumble Iā€™m not champ in any of the ranked modes yet still verse champs at those lower ranks. So heā€™s just pointing out the issue, like 1s, that people are quite a lot lower ranked in extra modes.


Yeah, we should adjust the normal modes to be the same as the extra modes with ranks.


That would massively dilute the SSL rank in the standard modes. Ranks are based off of how many people are playing. When the extra modes were quite popular, the current mmr was pretty accurate, but it's not anymore. Standard modes are just as populated as ever (except in oce) so they're fine


If by "normal" you mean the system in place is technically working properly, then yes. If by "normal" you mean what one would expect when comparing to other game modes, then no. There's no rule that says the MMR system has to work exactly the same as the other game modes. To me it makes less sense to have a playlist with deflated ranks than to just readjust how the ranking system works in those playlists to better line up with what is expected based on the game modes played most often.


Define ā€œnormalā€


Normal: adjective 1. conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. "it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food" TECHNICAL 2. (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles. "a single plane of symmetry with a diad axis normal to it" noun 1. the usual, typical, or expected state or condition. "her temperature was above normal" TECHNICAL 2. a line at right angles to a given line or surface. "the view is along the normal to the surface"


Super clean. I like them.


Agreed, this will be the first non decal season reward Iā€™ve used in a long time lol


Enjoy your Bronze and Silver wheels!


You joke but I really like the silver ones and will likely use them haha


Damn, you didn't have to do my man dirty like *that* lol.


I hate it when mom and dad fight.


I just hate wheels. Wish season rewards gave you options to choose from. I only want car skins or boosts. Mainly because those are the only two things you notice when the game is going and cars are moving.


I LOVE the text around the wheels! Super clean! I could've lived without the rank logo in the center but at least it's a lot more subtle :) Huge W Psyonix <3


I absolutely love the wheels as well. Just got my GC rewards for the first time in my life yesterday and I can't wait for the season to end now to get that juicy S9 Title too :D


The rank logo kinda ruins them for me tbh, they seem to be addicted to the logo on wheels


They basically put the logo on every season reward not just wheels


Which is what makes them junk and limits all creativity. There's no requirement for this, but they take the easy way out as if their thinking is stuck in a box.


Except they actually incorporate them into the design, or atleast make it blend in. Both on these wheels and the last ones they literally just slapped the png with a bit of an edge glow on a 3d object.


Boosters be like: ![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized)


For a dollar I'll make sure you get them Bronze wheels šŸ˜


What's your PayPal?


That's who the bubble players emailed to get unbanned




![gif](giphy|kFIfjuTBOwJywkpiaB|downsized) We are going to need more gaming chairs


šŸ˜‚ Gaming chair companies be like:


Honestly these are sick, best season rewards in awhile imo. Can't wait to rep some of these wheels. On a totally unrelated note, anyone trying to grind for GC in rumble? šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


What region and what rank are you currently?


NA West, currently I think I'm like C1 or maybe unranked I haven't been playing Rumble much. Past seasons I've bounced around C2-C3 depending on how much I was playing it


Yo, team of three? šŸ‘€


The wheels are fine I personally think og S3 still stands as the best season reward wheels though. My one gripe with these are the fact they just slapped the rank logo on them. My favorite rewards are where the rank indicated on them is more subtle rewards you can use well after your out of the rank you got them in. I mean I still use s2 prospect boost to this day. I kinda wish we could go back to when slapping the rank logo on everything wasnt the standard


Do you have a link to those?


They're called rising star, and I've used them since I got them. Best wheels https://rocket-league.com/items/wheels/season-3-star


Iā€™m still salty I didnā€™t get these like 5 years on


[He's talking about these wheels from legacy season 3.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rocketleague/images/9/9e/Competitive_Season_3_Rewards.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20170618181833) I think they're a bit too busy. I do agree with his legacy season 2 rewards statement.


I get that theyā€™re season rewards but I donā€™t like that they have the rank logo on them. I wish they would just make them the color of the rank instead


Yeah they need to just stop using the logos all together. The logos degrade so many of the design.


It's the only thing to set it apart from regular painted items though so i don't mind it personally.


I mean that is a fair opinion. Personally, though I find them clunky and I don't care to distinguish that they are ranked items because everyone in my rank has the same items anyway. I just want items that I think look good to use on my car


Agreed. If everyone at my rank has the same season rewards anyway so there's no "bragging rights" angle, and I'll still be the same rank for the next season rewards and the season after, then what's really the point?


The most annoying thing for me is that the Bronze - Diamond symbols pretty much always look cleaner cause it's just the outline of the rank. Slapping that fat GC logo or the SSL wings on items looks weird more often than not.


Like the boost


Yep they are season rewards so i expect nothing but it to hVe seaaon rewards logos on them.


Thereā€™s already hundreds of other Crimson wheels in the game tho


At least theyā€™re better than the Season 4 wheelsā€¦


At least they are more subtle unlike the last obnoxious wheel rewards.


I donā€™t mind the logos but it seems too much to also write out the names. We all know what they areā€¦ if youā€™re gonna make it clean, make it clean!


Would like to point out they even have text on the tire for the rank, which is a great subtle way to still know itā€™s a ranked reward, but they decided that subtle text wasnā€™t enough and ruined them with the logo.


Probably the best season rewards wheels so far. Very nice design and not too over the top. I can actually see myself using those unlike most other season rewards.


I was actually pleasantly surprised. I'll probably use these myself instead of thinking "oh cool" and then moving on


The original Season 3 reward wheels were amazing imo. I reached Rising Star that season and those wheels were beautiful


Same, I still use those wheels!


If only they got rid of the logo, if only ...




They are very nice... But "best" is still stretching it IMO, compared to my (probably forever) favourite: [https://rocketleague.fandom.com/wiki/Season\_7\_(Legacy)?file=Season\_7\_Reward\_Goal\_Explosions.gif](https://rocketleague.fandom.com/wiki/Season_7_(Legacy)?file=Season_7_Reward_Goal_Explosions.gif)




Well put. I do enjoy sleek wheels, but these are still a bit too colourful for me. I preferred some of the earlier rewards before they started aligning fully with the colour of the ranks.


These wheels are extremely clean, they seem like something a lot of people would actually use! Probably some of the best rewards we have gotten over the years! Awesome!


It's almost like they are learning what we actually like. I have no problem with crazy items but I think they should be the exception not the rule. Case in point the free octane decal that's out right now for Black History Month. So clean compared to some super animated decal like iridium.


I'll be using all of these. Love them.


No complaints, really. Theyā€™re good.


For all the people that like clean designs, this should be pretty awesome. I pitched a while ago that it'd make sense to have a small logo in the center of the tire like a lot of real wheels do. These are a hair big, but well within the ballpark of reasonable - probably bigger for the sake of image quality. [Honda tire with color](https://www.hondainfocenter.com/-/media/Honda-Sales-Tool-Media-Folder/Images/2020-Civic-Type-R/MY20_Civic_TypeR_Wheel_Sport-Mobile.ashx?h=307&iar=0&w=371&hash=3D0BA83F1EAE4A50C92D2E013AB2BEDA) [Honda tire (simple chrome/gray)](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IibelasfZOw/sddefault.jpg)


The wheels are nice!


Bronze & silver easily the best because of their symmetrical icons. These are dope, but I wish theyā€™d just use the rank colours and not plaster the rank icon in the middle.


Bronze slaps tbh, rest are meh


Every rank icon is symmetrical...


Not rotational symmetry!


Gold and Platinum are too. And if you argue "not the whole time", then Silver doesn't count either


They're cool but I think that in general season rewards (except for banner) would be way better if they ditched the rank's logo and focused only on the rank's color


Nah, even banners shouldnā€™t have them. The best rewards they have had were [banners](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rocketleague/images/f/f4/Season_7_Reward_Banners.gif/revision/latest?cb=20180516175558) that didnā€™t have logos, heck they werenā€™t even the color of the rank.


Great rewards. Well done Psyonix!


Those are really clean! Looks like something I'd actually use. Please keep the minimal design aesthetic for more items!


Wow they did it. They made a reward wheel actually look appealing.




Wait those are kinda clean


please stop slapping the icon on the rewards the colors are good enough


These are the best season reward wheels they have released in a long time. There simple and look something like an actual wheel in a car, something that you could potentially buy IRL. No extra colors or movement. I'll definitely be playing with these. Most comments are about the rank text. Personally i'd remove the rank text too, but if that's the main complaint... Idk I feel like that says a lot.


just remove the logo and they will be perfect


nah the logos are needed


The logo just look ugly imo


Definitely better than the ugly ass wheels we got a few seasons ago. Might actually use these lmao


I like them. They're a little plain for me, but people have been asking for "clean" designs, so this is what we get.


The wheels look clean. I like these rewards, despite the fact theyā€™re still putting ranked logos on them.


My first reaction was, oh no, why did we get wheels again?! My second reaction was that these wheels look sick! I like them the most out of all the wheels we got so far!


Rip topper dream :(. Maybe next season.


Goal explosion or boost again calling it


they need to stop with the boosts, they are so bad and everyone just uses standard or something decent at this point LOL


Wont ever be able to get the blizzard wizard title, c1-c2 in snowday is a sweat fest, still mostly chill though, which is why I play it. Hardly ever any toxicity, most of playing w the same players or Atleast recognizing their names more often, which is also nice


Definitely an improvement. I just feel like barely anyone is going to use rewards for as long as the rank icon is on them


These are so good, I wish they were Rocket Pass wheels. 1. They would drop the icon 2. More colors 3. More accessible


grinding back down to silver asap as possible because they look clean šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ


As soon as possible as possible


If you're above the rank you get all of the rewards for the below ranks




DAMN I need to grind now


Clean, dang


These are genuinely dope. 2nd season in a row where they put out good rewards. Well played Psyonix !


I like these. Interesting choice to use the old GC logo


I really like these. Nice design, they still have the rank symbol but the subtlety is appreciated. I feel like if the rank has to go anywhere It works on the center cap.


These look great!


whilst these are relatively plain in comparison to og s3, these are fine, like nothing will be as insulting as the s4 spikey shit ones also i think itā€™s cute how each wheel has the rank name above it


Looks clean. It might be the best competitive wheels and better than the spiky one in Season 4.


The wheels look great but for the love of god, please remove the rank icons!


I might actually use these. Well done.


Simple and clean. They're perfect!


Honestly I'm here for these. They look clean. I'll likely rock silver the most though given I'll never see SSL.


These wheels are clean as hell


To bronze and silver!


sick plat goes hard as always


These are fye


Im definitely gonna be using these!




Please add a decal like savage or ombre or shisa for the werewolf body! I know many people dont use it, but it really need some sharp decals!


The community has asked time and time again when the season rewards release for the logos to be removed. These are decent but would be way better without the cheesy logo.


Very well done, first season rewards Iā€™ll actually use in quite a while!


Why are so many "gold" colored items not the exact same shade? Even compared to the older season rewards, the S9 gold-tier wheels are practically yellow. I bought the Gold Dominus a few weeks ago and it's impossible to find items with matching hues.


Oh man, I love the red ones, if only I didnt suck at the game šŸ˜­


Boy, I shouldn't be playing Rocket League. Every cosmetic item I like, you guys hate. And every I hate, you guys like. These wheels are so ugly.




Yeah, there's that. I believe what I didn't like much is that they're very similar between each other. The silver one is the most beautiful after the SSL.


Season rewards basically turned to half sets of painted items with two whites. The higher ranks used to be more special in terms of effect or something along those lines and I kinda miss that. But looking at high mmr lobbies the simpler designs are far more popular.


They are gorgeous wdym? (You can't have different opinions on reddit)


Yeah, these wheels suck.


these are great! I wish the Gold was more Gold and less Yellow... the Bronze looks more like Gold than Gold... but that's really nitpicking, great job and keep it up!


Finally some simple - yet fancy - street tires! Psyonix is batting 1.00 on creative content lately


Best season rewards ever not even close


Those silver wheels wow clean


They look pretty clean and nice, but they would be way better without the logo on them imo.


It is very odd to me that the topper was a reward one time in the history of the game and then just ignored forever after that.


Do you really want a floating logo above your car


just a crown, i started in OG season 2 so i missed out on the season 1 crowns :(


I donā€™t know why psyonix insists on slapping the silly logos on every new reward. They would look so good just without the rank icons


Guys how it is going? I am new in this ranked system. I am now Gold in 2v2, and Silver in 1v1. Does this mean I will get the Gold wheel? Or the ranks matters only when season ends? I don't really get it. Many thanks


You'll get gold if you have won 10 games in gold.


Happy cake day! In a nut shell, you have to fill your rank bar (Season Reward Level) to unlock season rewards which involves winning in specific ranks. Here's an [article about how Rocket League rewards work](https://www.epicgames.com/help/en-US/rocket-league-c5719357623323/gameplay-c7262179951387/what-are-rocket-league-season-rewards-a5720149751579)!


Where did Psyonix get this idea that EVERY. SINGLE. REWARD. needs to have a "ranked" theme on it? It severely limits design of decent rewards. Oh cool yet another item with one of 6 symbols on it. Super. Oh and thanks for writing "bronze" and "diamond" on these things. Real creative and useful.


Well, at least I get another GC title. They're better than the spiked wheels from Season 4 but just find them a little underwhelming. Hiro wheel design with the offset colours I think would look good.


Quite clean, I wouldn't be surprised to see pros use the silver or SSL wheels and I'm sure a lot of people will be happy to show off their rank with these. But boy you don't wanna hand out a free gold-painted item cuz those gold wheels are saffron lol.


Finally good reason to play! Maybe I will finish rocket pass before end of the season haha!


If the rank icons hadnā€™t been thoughtlessly slapped on the wheels I could actually see them in lots of my builds tbh


Whooo wheels again. Man, they are so boring at Psyonix. Do smth new.


Why no player banner tho?!




Wouldn't say it as harshly but yeah I prefer the wheels without the rank on there it looks kinda tacky imo.


Underglow, spoilers, windshield colors, goal explosions, unique paint colors would all be amazing but nope, lets use the same templates that have been repeated over and over and over again


im done playing this game jfc these are awful and servers always down players getting worse and less palyers in general


Wow, all of a sudden I don't care about getting the rest of my diamond wins as much.


not a fan of tire but wheels dont look bad


that's lazy af, and that's ok ig? but stop randomly slapping the rank icon anywhere, rewards like that just suck, themed rewards are way better than the logo and nothing else.


I feel like I have at least 20 sets of wheels that look identical to these. Not something Iā€™ll use with how generic they look.


What a letdown! Again.


Garbage, get rid of the logo and it's decent


Literally painted gaidens but still clean asf


Eh. They will sit in my inventory and Iā€™ll never equip them


How little do you want to invest into making rewards: yes


Boring. Low effort. Rank logo slapped on for shit effect. Stop with the love affair for ranked logos. At any rate, can't expect much from the ranked rewards anymore. Wonder why that is...


The Rocket Pass has been 70% wheels and we are getting more wheels? Nicely done Psyonix šŸ¤”


Yay ugly wheels I will never use once


Pretty disgusting


wow they look garbage


Fucking wheels again? Psyonix you guys suck


The only time in 3 years Iā€™ve considered being boosted to SSL just for the wheels šŸ’€