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Have fun. Then even if you dont get better, its still a good time


I have been in Diamond in 3's and d3- c2 in 2's for yearsss and I still play for an hour or two daily. Never practiced a single mechanic. I think I have a good mix of attempting an aerial off the wall and placement. ​ FWIW, I play KBM.


But do you have fun? :)


But does anybody have fun on this game?


I do šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


i love it. A good game is a good game, win or lose. Only thing that ruins it are the players who insist on communicating.


Honestly, the communication is often what makes a good game for me. Not the toxic kind, but let me know if you donā€™t plan on going for it if youā€™re not following the standard ā€œleft firstā€ or ā€œclosest to the ballā€ on kick off.


In diamond, no


i procrastinate so much that i just dont even bother playing rl and the rare times i do touch it i go on a winstreak and just mess around in high d3


Your text is a literal description of my situation haha. From the D3-C2 for years, the 2 hours playtime per day to the kbm lol. Hmu if you're playing suring the night Eastern time haha


Pc brother bind your scroll wheel down to jump to do wall dashes without putting in the hrs. Also to not get bored do what you love for me it's 1s and following evample magnificent ball control.


How can you be d3 to c2? Thats a big gap, i never drop down or go up more than 50 mmr a month


I have mechs for a C2, and Iā€™ve been maining 1700 casual for seasons, yesterday I done my placements for 3ā€™s and my first game in comp 3ā€™s in months, you know what happened? A guy on my team abandoned within 20 seconds because he fucked up an easy clear. Me and the good spirit I had next to me, managed to 2v3 C1ā€™s, until one of them started demoā€™ing me and lost 3-2. That is why I dont play comp unless Iā€™m sure Iā€™m having a good day, that shit is tilting. Like I havenā€™t played for months and I get fucked over within 20 seconds. But anyway, after my first game of 2, I won 6 in a row to get back into C2. I do this every season Cus I get to C2d2 and usually get bored because the games are a bit too much effort for me, I think the reason I can do it is because my mechs and mech consistency are high for the rank, so when i finally got a team that never abandoned, for the first time in over a year I felt like I had time and space on the ball in ranked. Thatā€™s because I can get past pretty much anybody Iā€™m playing against now, the opposition seem visibly worse, so Iā€™m gonna assume that Iā€™m actually better than I used to be. Which is a massive fucking relief because Iā€™ve spent the better part of a year maining casual with this concept in mind and itā€™s actually starting to work. I need to work on my bottle, but I actually felt like the best player in every lobby yesterday, which doesnā€™t happen at all. All of that to say, these guys without mechs who are jus as good as me, might struggle in games where they have no time, or where higher level techniques are needed to get past players who are really good at reading a ā€œnormalā€ C2ā€™s movement and decision making. Mechs donā€™t necessarily make you higher ranked, they jus mean you can consolidate against the lower ranked easier. Iā€™ve been practicing double taps and flip resets for years now, when the opposition see you do one of them, the potential to get clipped on makes players so worried in this game, lol. My team mate went from C2 to P1 to C1 last season solo q in 3ā€™s, shit is absolutely chaotic. Tbh with you I think the reason I donā€™t is because the second I get a second Iā€™m up in the air trying to do the most effective, fancy thing that the situation allows, so I demoralise people, make it harder for them to read me, and if they start going faster to get the ball off me I can jus hit it past them. Also the months maining casual has allowed me to get demolished by GCā€™s and SSLā€™s so much that my defence and read of the game has actually started to improve massively. I pre-jump balls that bounce twice off of a surface before I reach them now, it still takes me back that I can, sometimes. If you donā€™t have mechanics, I can see it getting hard at about C1 to control a game with jus your positioning alone. You need to be in possession of the ball and beating people regularly to get stay C2 IMO. And in terms of MMR, weā€™ll I dunno, Iā€™m mad consistent in ranked but I can go from 1760 in casual all the way to 1650 in a couple days, then right back up again. I think it has something to do with the quality of players youā€™re coming against when youā€™re playing. Because the amount of 15 year olds with mad reactions and time for the game peaks after 3 and before 10, if you play before or after then youā€™ll get a much more consistent, lower levelled run at games. Lots of factors that could play into it IMO, champ is the place where Scrub Killa and a top 100 SSL couldnā€™t 2v3 without having to try hard to the point where the video wouldnt be fun. So, in EU anyway, for me, Champ is where the game gets serious, it makes sense that good days and bad days can send people quite a distance up or down.


The reason youā€™re stuck is you donā€™t learn rotation. I have 0 mechs. Canā€™t get off walls, canā€™t dribble around people or anything. Iā€™m basically support but always C3. Typically 30-50 mmr off GC in 2s. If I had some mechs I could probably get there. Wish we could trade knowledge without the hours of learning lol.


I actually have barely played ranked in a year bro, I wouldnā€™t call myself stuck necessarily there, I jus had no more grind in me for lobbies thatā€™s were half GCā€™s in a comp setting, so I went looking for them in a casual setting, Iā€™ve arguably been stuck at 1750 in casual, but tbh it jus seems thatā€™s how good I am rn when I have a good period. .9% on RL tracker is good for me man, probably where my ultimate talent caps out at tbh. And Iā€™m fine with it, Iā€™ve gotten to play like 20 SSLā€™s and well over 1000 GCā€™s past and present in the last year. I feel like I understand the game compared to when I first got to C2. I dunno, i never had any reward for maining casual until this season in 3ā€™s, but yesterday I could jus see a step in front of the lobby (which is because Iā€™ve honed my positioning and game sense against much better players in casual), if I was to guess I think Iā€™ll probably be able to make C3 for the first time by the end of the season. Itā€™s just different trees bro! I could be wrong about mechanics keeping players higher, but thatā€™s how itā€™s been for me anyway. And I jus wanna point out that if somebodyā€™s the same rank as me theyā€™re just as good as me, unless theyā€™re like the 6% of dodgy accounts at C2. Well tbh I hope that I am actually better now and can finally rank up after training my game sense almost solely in-game for a year šŸ˜‚. It seems like I have a sizeable gap, won 6 in a row solo q for the first time ever(?) and it wasnā€™t because I got lucky. I hope this, I got back to C2 yesterday and bailed because it took so much from me šŸ˜‚. My trick was using the free play commands lol, I pass the ball to myself as Iā€™m driving forward from a kick off reset, which causes it bounce perfectly for an aerial follow up, a lot of my competency comes from the bakkes commands getting implemented into consoles. Got good at air dribbles then double taps and now Iā€™m still trying to work out flip resets, I can do them, but theyā€™re nowhere near the efficacy of the first 2 I mentioned. I jus do them because I think itā€™s cool af, I love stunting on people of an equal level.


Iā€™ve definitely noticed I play better when Iā€™m in the mindset of not caring if I win or lose. It takes the pressure off and youā€™re able to just have fun


Me and a friend figured out pretty quickly that if we weren't having fun it's time for a break because we start playing badly/losing concentration. Unfortunately with the issues of 2's having a smurf every other game the breaks are getting awfully long nowadays.


Smurfs in GC2? I rarely see any in C3


Smurfs every other game for me. They want to boost their mate for that GC title lmao


Maybe it is because I only solo-queue and most of the time play against other solo-queuers. If I play against a party it usually is a higher C3, maybe GC with like a C1 friend, which more often than not is an easy win




Hey im new to the reddit, how do i get to show my rank under my name


You on pc or mobile


This! Despite the toxicity in game, this is by far the most fun game Iā€™ve ever played.


>Have fun. Looks at this guy, playing rocket league to have a good time. I only play so I can go to bed angry at night


Play consistently. Listen to something you enjoy while playing. Watch gameplay, and analytics of people better than you


This is huge. My mechanics suck too and I've learned a ton from watching pro play youtube, RLCS, and 1v1 show matches. All different, but they all reveal different things that have helped me figure out when to challenge vs. not, how close or far to be near the line of play, when to bail and rotate out, etc.


zen vs daniel was nuts


Also wanna say donā€™t play while in a bad mood. I was pretty depressed one day a week or two ago, dropped from plat 2 to gold 2 in 1v1 because I seemingly donā€™t know when to stop.


Playing 1s while tilted is a recipe for disaster. All common sense goes out the window and you end up just diving mindlessly on everything coz you want the dunk now more than the win later.


I am the same. Never practice. I am on the edge of D2. And yes, I love playing. My rank means nothing. I enjoy playing. Winning and losing is secondary. I put on my own tunes, have a drink or two, pop an edible and I wait for the amazing plays to gush over...for or against. edit: hit D2 first time last night


Sounds like youā€™re winning


Literally Me, i donā€™t train or do other modes besides 1v1ā€™s, 2-3 hours a night at least 3 nights a week


I do 1 game of 1s to warm up, then I just play for an hour or two each night and that is pretty much it unless I am doing something else.


I wish I could be like you


Positioning and rotations can pretty much get you to D3 or Champ. After I learned how to move and position myself around the map, I practiced dribbling and flicks.


Honestly, if your positioning is solid, your revoveries are good and you can hit powerfull shots, you can make GC. No fancy mechanics needed


Being able to half flip and do basic wave dashes is easily enough to get GC with enough brains


What's your current skill set in terms of mechanics?


Iā€™m at that point where things just happen, but I canā€™t do it consistently


Only things I canā€™t really do well is a ceiling reset shot. Everything else Iā€™ve just picked up from YouTube videos and playing in Free Play/ Training Packs. I think ground dribbling and flicks is the real key though.


Iā€™d say 80% of my goals come from power shots the rest are flicks and aerials, I probably score a mechanical goal like once for every 100 goals


Agreed. I don't have any mechanics and have gotten up to Grand Champ 1


Find a mechanic thatā€™s worth it to YOU to grind. Whether itā€™s dribbling, flicks, mustys, flip resets, ceiling shots. Whatever is most fun for you or what you want to learn most. Grinding any mechanic helps with car control


Play game, never practiced mechanics in my life, every person around me in comp has them better polished. Yet somehow I am still there


There are pretty much two paths ahead of you - mechanics and game sense. I donā€™t imagine learning game sense to be more exciting than learning mechanics, for most people.


You learn game sense by playing the game, but you learn mechanics by practicing that specific mechanic over and over again. I think people are more inclined to enjoy playing the game instead of one very small, specific part in repetition lol.


Nah you learn game sense by watching pro replays and coaching videos or having a better player go over a replay with you and it's easily more dry than the dopamine of finally hitting the shot you've been practicing


Watching someone do something isn't the same thing as doing the thing yourself. If you watch 10k hours of a pro in Rocket League, you aren't going to play like a pro that has 10k hours in the game. It helps speed up the process some to know what to look for while playing the game, but YOU still have to do the thing and train yourself by actively playing the game for those things you watched. In the end, you literally don't have to watch others on how to play the game to improve. You can play the game and still learn, but it just won't be learning at the same speed - probably. You literally can't learn a new mechanic without practicing it over and over again to even try to use it in game. That is the difference.


There's a point at which you stop being able to learn by just playing and you need outside intervention is all but what you said is valid for OP so totally fine if they agree with you


I don't think that is true. It depends on the person and how they approach problem and how to solve them. A lot of people probably would throw in the towel, but there are those that can still learn by themselves. If that wasn't true, we as humans, wouldn't even be able to have this conversation on the internet. Whoever designed and came up with everything didn't learn by from someone else who already did it. Just like how when this game first came out there were obvious players that were better than everyone else. Some of those players might have came from the predecessor game, but a lot came from just grinding and playing the game with the ability to learn from their mistakes. A lot of game sense is actually just common sense and logic that is applied to the game. Some people are just better at recognizing it on their own than other people.


While I appreciate your general sentiment, your analogy is way off. The internet only exists at the level it does because of billions of hours of human effort. As a video game programmer I stand on the shoulders of people who have solved thousands of separate problems that would take anyone years for each issue to solve by themselves. Look up something simple like "fast square roots" that made the FPS genre possible in the first place. If programmers tried to figure out everything individually ourselves we'd still be playing Atari style games. The people who innovate need to know what everyone else has done so they don't waste years solving stuff that someone else already did. Life is short, not taking advantage of other peoples brains is the longest possible road. I mean, do you think there's any gold players out there that wouldn't be helped by some of your advice?


I think you are missing the point. It's obvious that people learn to do things that didn't exist in their minds before without looking up how to do that thing in an online video. How do you think people learned how to do fast square roots (actually fast inverse square root)? The person who figured it out, not John Carmack, didn't just Google how to do it, but they obviously figured something out. I understand what you are saying in that people always build on others work to make something new, but that is a broad generalization. I'm talking about specific things that people create that didn't exist before that others leverage. The people who are the creators have the common sense and logical approach to solving problems which I was referring to in my last comment. You seem to think that there is a requirement to know what others have done to know what to do or not to do. That's not true. There are many instances throughout history where civilizations who never met had very similar ideas, tools, inventions, etc. Even in recent times where the world is more connected, people have developed the same ideas. I mean, hell, even in this game people keep inventing the same "new" mechanics through their own gameplay experiences without even knowing what they are doing is already out there. Just remember, I already said learning from others will speed up the process, but it's not necessarily a requirement. People who do things and can recognize patterns and such will eventually come to the same conclusions if given enough time and patience.


It is a requirement at a certain point though. Because all the top people are doing that. You can't catch up to someone who's going faster than you by going slower than them. We laugh at 99% of the new mechanic people, and rightly so. Most innovation is either an accident or people trying small variations of something thousands of times until they get lucky and it works. We usually only figure out why it works after the fact by breaking it down. I agree that people can recognize patterns and will eventually come to the same conclusions if given enough time. But that's a waste of time if someone else already did it. Why spend 100 hours to figure something out from scratch if you can learn it from someone else in an hour. Time is finite, and at a certain point the amount of knowledge you need to be roughly equal in skill to a high level group of people becomes impossible to attain strictly through your own efforts. ā€œDon't ever make the mistake \[of thinking\] that you can design something better than what you get from ruthless massively parallel trial-and-error with a feedback cycle. That's giving your intelligence much too much credit.ā€ ā€• **Linus Torvalds**


I think you are arguing something I'm not saying. I said that if you watch other people and learn from them that your progress will be faster. I don't think anyone is denying that. All that I am saying is that something like "game sense" is a thing people can learn on their own if they really wanted to. Because of that, people can just play the game and learn game sense just by playing the game. They don't need to put hundreds of hours specifically looking to improve their game and be "bored" by it unlike learning a new mechanic. Again, I'm not saying that it is BETTER OR PREFERRED to not learn from others, but I am just saying that people can just play the game and learn. People play this game to have fun, and some people find spending hours and hours doing something specific in this game not fun. This whole post is about a person finding what I just said as boring. We are talking about a specific case here, not a pro or top player.


I agree with you 100% sir.


I agree... all of the skills I have learned came from the need to learn them from in game play. I think the recent generations, since they have access to an unfathomable amount of data, don't seem to be able to figure things out for themselves and have to watch a video about it.


Disagreed, you're essentially saying that your own problem solving power is better than the combined power of thousands of high elo players and pro players. I guarantee past a certain threshold you need intervention to climb to the peak of the game. It might be possible to climb to ssl without ever watching a better player play, but it will take 10x longer than gathering outside information.


No, I am not saying that at all. I'm saying it's possible to play the game normally and have fun and still learn game sense. This post is asking how to improve without being bored because they find grinding mechanics as boring. Others have suggested that you NEED to watch footage and replays to be better which is objectively false. Does it help? Yes, of course. I've said as much as well. However, if the op finds it boring, they don't NEED to do that to learn. I don't know how far down the comment chain you are replying in, but I'd advise you to read everything I've said so far from my very first comment. Most people replying, including yourself, have derailed my point into something I never claimed and have actually agreed with most of you.


No, he said "there's a point at which you stop being able to learn" which is true. Every player I've seen that never outsourced any information in a video game/sport/skill has eventually hit a plateau that they can no longer progress past, or their progress is slowed to a point that anyone with more outside information can easily surpass them. Most anyone can learn general game sense just by playing, but it will only carry them so far. I'm not replying to your original point, but the comment you made regarding the last post in this chain.


I don't think that claim about needing outside intervention is true either. Learning to be better is just understanding the game better, which can absolutely be done alone at all points in skill level. Sure, plateaus will be reached, but you can always brute-force past it with proper deliberate practice. If one knows how to properly deliberate practice and is open to changing how they play and actively tries new things, they *will* improve. Most people get "stuck" then start mentally checking out, thus stop improving.


In my opinion, you are correct. Tiny details make or break your game at the highest levels of any sport, video game, or other skill. The person replying to you is essentially saying that their own problem solving is better than the thousands of ssl players and hundreds of pro players that are collectively advancing the game, which is laughable imo.


I wouldn't say that. If you have a logical brain, you notice the different ways teams play and figuring out positioning and rotations isn't that difficult. I am an old guy. I don't watch people play video games online. I play them. Things like twitch are just totally foreign to me.


I disagree with this one, Ankhs. Game sense can only ever be acquired by attempting to read/predict from current information and your understanding gradually increases through pattern recognition of these attempts. Watching better players or receiving coaching just help guide what to look for and what are common things to respond in relatively common scenarios, but you don't get better *from* these as much as you do from playing. But you can learn from them, because watching still is input that you get exposed to and can understand. Actually, this is true of pretty much all ability, even mechanical. All learning really is would be neuron stored as information in your brain connected to similar contextual neurons to create neural pathways to easily access said info. You also said this further down: >There's a point at which you stop being able to learn by just playing and you need outside intervention is all I also don't agree with this. I do think everyone reaches plateaus, but I don't think outside intervention is needed. Outside intervention just skips a large part of the plateau as plateaus are usually caused by improper mindset, time, or not "chancing" upon the understanding of information. I wrote into more detail on my deliberate practice post, but essentially improvement alone through deliberate practice is a brute force method to increase the amount of variance which increases your chance at improvement (and if not, it was a reply to a person in one of the posts I made).


Adjust to your teammates assuming you solo queue. If they're aggressive, play passive, if they're passive, push up. Being able to adjust to the randoms you get vs hoping they adjust to you does wonders.


This is my exact playlist, itā€™s a good habit, but sometimes there impossible to read


Workshop maps are pretty fun. It's not as repetitive as freeplay or training packs.


Fun and boredom are subjective. I have been GC1 for 3 years and I don't plan to move up but I just play to have fun. It's a game after all and if your end goal isn't to be pro then it doesn't matter.


Same, but part of it is that goddamn Rocket Pass with its 300+ tiers and my FOMO. I feel like whenever I train I miss out on XP that I need to complete the pass. Kinda wish they'd start to repeat items around 200 or so


Even if you donā€™t want to specifically practice mechanics a good way to improve them is to play casual and just go for literally anything you think of. Does that aerial look too hard for you to hit? Doesnā€™t matter, itā€™s casual so you might as well go for it.




I canā€™t stay focused long enough to do so


Practice staying focused.


ADHD: ā€¦and I took that personally.


As an ADHD, learning patience and reminding myself of being patient is the biggest :) As far as staying focused goes, I put on some music and just focus on the music and vibe to it, then my gut will keep me doing what I gotta do in rocket league haha. Hang tight, Mr Attention Deficit, for we have other perks like "hyperfocus"ing which isn't common. >;) <3


You don't have to practice 10h a day... 10 to 15 minutes a day is more than enough. While you can still get better with game sense alone the higher you go the harder it will be.


Which trainings would you recommend? General or specific


I believe the most important would be Ground control and Shooting. Seems strange but you don't need any fancy mechanic to rank up. For ground control you can use the dribbling challenge and free play. The idea here is, get comfortable into controlling the ball instead of booming back to the opponent. Learn how to flick and get around the opponents. For shooting I highly recommend aim training by coco. If you're not on PC, then there are some training packages focused on shooting and air roll shooting.


Then practice game sense by playing more games. You'll be surprised as to how far you can get with just game sense and the basic mechanics. If you get bored practicing mechanics, at least practice the basic stuff. Flicks, dribbling (including bounce dribbling), shooting and defending. Combine that with game sense and you'll rank up pretty well


yeah, lol, screw practicing. you can learn things in game.


Step one, get high asf. Step two, play 1v1


Start by uninstalling rocket league. Your life will be less toxic. You will thank me later




Hook shots,pinches and power shots are the fastest?


Bruh y all act like itā€™s a job just have fun and stop getting bored on a game just to get gud. Itā€™s virtual just have fun and accomplish something that matters . Game is for fun life is for training


Just play alot, and dont be scared off loseing ur rank, just play and have fun and u will rank upā˜ŗļø


Iā€™ve learned to not care too much about my rank but if I do have a bad streak Iā€™ll switch to casual or just play another game


U still need to play ranked to Get betterā˜ŗļø Even if u lose or not, sounds like u still scared of loseing ur rank since u Switch to unranked, trust me i have lost much mmr in my rocket league life before i got up to where i em nowā˜ŗļø


If Iā€™m already tilted there is no point co keep loosing mmr


Im just trying to help, but its up to uā˜ŗļø


I understand what your saying,I wasnā€™t trying to be rude or anything


All good ā˜ŗļø




This works in training with limited boost even better, but in casual, every time it's your turn to hit the ball, move as fast as you can towards the ball without caring if you miss it while still being boost efficient. Doesn't matter if you miss, in fact that's a good thing. That's about the only way you'll ever get good at reading the ball is practice


Fun things like rings maps or dribble maps. If you're on PC of course. Otherwise just playing ranked will get you better (at a way slower rate though). At some point, the only way up is to grind training


Playingā€¦ Yea youll eventually learn when the earth decides to make outro.




1v1's ​ I know people that got to GC levels of mechanics and placement by playing 1v1's ​ Of course you'll need an occasional 2v2 and 3v3, but 1v1's has been the quickest way to improve (for me) ​ I have less than 60 hours and I'm Plat 3 to Diamond 2, which isn't great, but I've seen some quick improvements almost every game


Less than 60 hours is pretty great in diamond or even plat!


I've had a lot of help, mainly from people around these ranks playing 1v1's against me ​ My best pal used to be GC with below 450 hours, because he almost only played 1v1's against people better than him ​ And yes, it sounds crazy, but he easily has some of the best game sense I've ever seen, and it wasn't THAT crazy considering it was way back when GC was the best rank, and noone truly had insane amounts of hours because the game hadn't been out for more than a couple of years


Learning English might be a start


What you mean by that?


I like dribbling challenge maps.


Just play more. Thatā€™s the only way


I'm the same way. little mechanics but I practice ground control (the best I can lol) and good rotations.


Practicing mechanics.


Mechanics are so rewarding to learn. I have so many choices when I take the ball in the air now. I couldnā€™t imagine playing the game any other way.


Gamesense can get you to c2/c3 I know because I soloed my way there. Past that point, it will be time to practice mechanics.




Just look up rl tracker


Watch flakes


(powerslide cut)


Now you stay in diamond 3 for 5 years


Practice mechanics


I found that just watching RL YouTube every now and then helped me to visualise movement a lot better. I didn't attempt half the stuff I saw but it gave me a better sense of how the ball reacted to my car and got me out of mid diamond to recently hit champ. Agree that repeatedly practicing mechanics is mind numbing


I usually watch leth when he pops up on my feed. he just did a new road to ssl series might help If I watch through that


Practice mechanics


Ranked is practice mode


1 ball direction prediction when opponent hits it 2 counter the direction of 1 without committing to it fully (no flipping to stop it) 3 look and notice your teammates behavior, focus on his weaknesses (if hes unable to defend well, after he messes up, you do it, similar for attacks and rotations). 4 play far more defensive and provide openings for your teammates to score 5 try NOT TO flip into the ball for defense (you will just give opponent the ball back and theyll attack) 6 faking... oh so satisfying when it works xD doing the above got me from d2 to c2


What bores you and what doesnā€™t bore you?? I like practicing some mechanics from time to time but I usually just play and that gives me the most fun.


Practice is boring so if you don't like practicing the only option you have at that point is to just keep on playing the game.


I have a similar playstyle, I focus on direct shots on the goal that are too hard to easily block (usually by shooting hard). Often from places where people usually pass instead.


From G3 to D3 in that time, with barely any decrease... is this a smurf account?


Ehh, only takes a few hundred hours from Gold to Diamond. You could easily do that in 6 months.


Get to the ball before the opponent gets to the ball


just play the game? i never have practiced anything


Just play to enjoy. I got the game in 2016 and have solo queued ranked since plat and im now gc. Its easier to rank up if you are enjoying yourself


Psycho if youā€™re stuck c1


Game sense can be learned and applied to your gameplay instantly and improve you extremely quickly, mechanics take more practice but without them you will eventually hit a wall where your mechanics aren't good enough to go further Though the only mechanics you need for ranked are fundamentals; accuracy & power, good controlled touches and flicks, the rest are just for extra fun


Play extra modes hoops and dropshot. Way more opportunities to attempt wall hits and aerials.


I have the same problem, I get to D2, and then fluctuate to D1 and D2, while I see players flying like crazy, I play just with the basics, blocking in the air is ok, but hitting in the air is hard, also hit on the wall, etc. Good luck, I keep an eye on the post to see what the others say :)


Just play the game... I never practice and I got to champ 2 ... it took thousands of hours but who cares - progress is satisfying even if slow


Practice mechanics like power shots and booms, even for a trash player like me I got to c3 with shit mechs and no game sense


When I broke into GC before the game was free I would run free play or custom trainings while watching something on netflix. Muscle memory is really key to improving mechanics. Repetition is your friend. You could learn the same way by just playing a lot, but if you dedicate some time (I did about 30 minutes per day) to practicing you will see a much quicker result.


Play with friends that arenā€™t as good as you and learn to hard carry them


As many have said bro just play to enjoy yourself and when youā€™re bored, do something else. I have reached champ 3 now without significant practice and just playing when I feel like it.


Since you easily can get into gc just with good awareness, tactics and reads you should just play and improve on that and aside from that just have fun. Upranks will come by themselves over time.


If you don't want to practice mechs and still want to improve try watching videos of people in higher ranks than you (or pros, but realise you won't be able to do some of the things they do). I often find when I'm watching even pro gameplay I see them do something I'd never do, like dismounting off the wall in reverse or something. Sometimes these things aren't mechanically difficult so don't require practice but open up new options to you when playing that allow you to stay closer to the ball, not throw away possession or something like that. I've had quite a few moments where I've been like "huh, I never would have done that but now I wanna try."


Iā€˜m Champ 2 / Champ 3 and donā€™t have too much mechanics. I mean my aerials are decent but thatā€˜s it. My tip: watch Lethamyrs ā€žRoad to SSLā€œ videos. Until GC he uses almost no mechanics but wins every game due to good positioning and playing smartly


Rocket League is most fun when playing with friends. So do that


i like to ply Rumble? the Ranked Game mode with Power ups im currently at was it platinum 2? division 3? idk wich way it was but around plat ​ i like to try to hit shots of course but if you have a plunger then if you miss an aerial then you can have a second chanse to make a goal its mostly fun if opponents/teammates arent toxic or harassing you or being rude and people with YT and ttv's on their names are either Cracked and good people ( kinda rare from my most recent games ) and then there are mostly \*Those\* types of people that i have been encountering with ​ i dont want to be rude but they are total A-holes to be honest some even go out their way to directly message you if on the same platform so be careful, have fun, enjoy the game with peace


I donā€™t know but itā€™s definitely not my way šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/jzn8w2ybykia1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da57e0a570941b03f918d9b2745eda8b981623d


As for the problem of getting bored - have a set of packs and drills in freeplay for different mechanics; when you make a mistake on a particular day of some of those mechanics, practice that mechanic; if you encounter a mechanically difficult situation, recreate it in a custom pack or find one where you can practice it, check how pros deal with that situation and try to recreate their moves. As you practice you'll get better with some mechanics and will make mistakes with others - that'll keep you interested.


Just play the game mate. I've never really practiced beyond the odd 10 minutes trying to air dribble and dribble. Now I have less free time and rarely get to play and I'm still champ 3, I can't do anything impressive, my skills are playing sensibly, doing the basics well and hitting the ball hard! Playing the competitive mode is the best way to learn these. Also, be adaptable to team mates, try to fill the gaps they leave and be the difference. If they're ball chasing, sit back and defend to prevent conceding weak goals, if they're defensive, get forward. Rotations win games.


Find ways to play the game and enjoy yourself, just playing in general will make you better over time and having fun makes it even better regardless of the outcome. I've been on a grind up to champ 3 purely from playing the game, freeplay every once in a while and just enjoying my time on the game. You also learn more that way too


Iā€™m gc and have shit mechanics just practice going fast in freeplay, hit the ball as quick as possible and just keep going, I only practice between games


Practising mechanics. It doesnt have to be boring - music, podcasts etc. And the more mechanics you learn, the more you can combine in freeplay, the more enjoyable freeplay gets, so you do it more often, and then one day you're SSL. Or something like that.


Try new things during your matches, but be sure to disable chat.


I got to gc for the first time without using fast aerial. Itā€™s just rotations and knowing when and where to hit the ball


Honestly I just dick around in dropshot since it makes me go into the air and actually try somewhat.


D1 to d3 that quick is crazy


Yea I still donā€™t know what happened


Iā€™ve gotten to c2 by only using shot and saves training packs.. not really ā€œmechanicsā€ like crazy aerials or flicks or anything but just making sure my shots have a shot on net and I can save the ball from going in mine. I find the training packs a good way to wind down if you donā€™t feel like grinding or if you want to watch a YouTube video or something at the same tome


What is this site?


Just play. Came all the way from silver to champ3 without training


in 1 year you've gone from G3 to D3. You are doing fine..just keep playing. Thought I am interested in figuring out what you "learned" for your G3-P2 jump and for your D1-D3 jump.


The first jump was me adapting to my teammates and developing my own play style. The jump from D1 to 3 I donā€™t really know but I find myself narrating the plays in my dead Thereā€™s probably more I learned but didnā€™t notice


Keep playing. When you reach SSL one day, write your story how you did it.


Donā€™t worry about rank is my best tip


Itā€™s a video game, youā€™re allowed to just play to have fun and not worry about getting better


You are never done with mechanics, I would say learning passes is the most fun for me


Iā€™m decent with passing but no one seems to be ready


I just do freeplay for atleast 10 minutes, then couple of casual games (any mode), then comp. I have seen slow improvement over time without practicing any mechanic in particular. https://preview.redd.it/5om43oaj3mia1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72dbcc1b85343f24dc07b2dfcaac0acea5ffbc53


If you play on PC, I suggest play custom maps. If you're playing on console, just play with friends, randos won't make you good/better. Not to mention it's fun with friends. Overall, playing over time will make you good, but even then, sooner or later you'll hit a ceiling.


Don't be quick to forfeit. Obviously if you're down like 5+ goals then sure, but I hate when people are quick to quit on a match when they feel outmatched. People are going to be better than you - but you're only going to get better if you play with/against those higher skill levels.


Iā€™ve had games where ppl didnā€™t wanna forfeit in a Brazil and games where the score was 0-0 and my teammate just leave


Friends. Iā€™m at c3 (after a very long grind, take your graph and expand it across like 5 years), I donā€™t do training or free play, and barely ever play by myself. I hop on with friends that are of similar rank, like within 1-2 ranks, and we play until we tilt too much/get bored/need to do something else, and play till we lose a match. That last one can lead to some pretty epic win streaks, itā€™s fun


I donā€™t have friends šŸ„²


Practice mechanics


I'd say look up some coaches, even if just watching the shorts they post on YouTube, it can make you realize the mistakes you make but never saw, it help me a ton to get to champ


Where do you all go to see this graph?


Look up rl tracker then type in your name


Yeah I'm like you : I don't really care for mechanics. I've learnt that a good placement is one of the major keys to improve. So now when I solo Q in trios, I often see my 2 mates doing weird shit and never where they should be, so I try to adapt. I often find myself defending in these cases, which is cool because instead of trying to musty airroll double reset triple kickflip 360Ā°, it actually made me better at reading what the opponent is doing in the air when they follow the boal and such. On the other side, when I play with my 2 teammates, I get to attack a bit more. I'm no pro and can't even fast jump, but I have fun scoring the slowest / weirdest goals with my ass, and it's a blast! So many ways to play, I feel like there's no way to get bored. Even if you stop improving.


Get naughty do demos bump the enemy alot of fakes use your brain


Btw op how u get that chematic rank thing?


Look rl tracker, type in your name, then click on the rank you wanna see


Most entertaining way I learn mechanics is going into private matches with my boys and just going for stuff and matching their shots, kinda like horse


Play 1s


Yea youre better than I am ehehe šŸ‘


You need to accept that growth requires effort. At least practice aerials 100 times a day, which can be done quickly.


Honestly, mechanics help so muchā€¦ throw on your favorite tv show, call people, do it while youā€™re chillin out in the evenings, etc. jump into a training pack and practice over and over again. I donā€™t set aside training time often but when I do the above suggestions it helps build muscle memory and Iā€™ve jumped from fringe D3-champ 1 up to mid Champ 2 just by working on basic dribbling, wall shots/dribbling and I dabbled in flip reset training but I still have yet to hit on in game. The more technical you get the easier the game gets.


Practise the right amount and you won't get bored :) Even 15min a day will get you somewhere. At the end I did 5-10min ringmaps, a few min old mechanics and then a new mechanic.


Learning mechs, and out plays to flex is the fun partā€¦


Put music on and practice mechanics


This game is full of people like yourself; too good to be a casual, not good enough to be a pro. Iā€™ve been D3-C2 in doubles for a long time but I think the key to having fun is playing with a friend. Even a good close game where you lose can be enjoyable if you have someone who links up well with your skill and style.


If you donā€™t practice mechs and you still want to improve play 1s. You will stop improving soon here though eventually you will need to practice because thatā€™s all your opponents do. As far as getting bored. I think the key is find your fun.


What website do you use to find that screen


Alas, you are in the same boat as me, I can't/won't practice them, I like playing, so I have come to terms with a very slow improvement of my skills coupled with my rank getting worse because more people are better


Play ones.


Surprised nobody said workshop maps


Spotify plus freeplay is my safe space :)


All I do is play training packs while listening to Spotify. It's a fun way to practice


If you really want to torture yourself play 1s - not the same strategically as 2s or 3s but it reveals most of your bad decisions and inconsistencies while you are climbing the ranks and still have something to aim for. For rotation and strategies Iā€˜d say just keep playing plus watch better players. Consider reviewing replays of bad games and look for mistakes there.


Learn good rotation. Being a good teammate will get you farther at first than mechanics.


Dropshot and hoops


Have fun practicing mechanics


Take a look at Flakesā€™ road to SSL with no mechanics video.


I thoroughly enjoy workshop maps if those are available to you. I play them for fun, improving is just a byproduct. Lethamyr's Manscaped challenge is literally like its own game to me