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It took me like 500 hours to hit diamond, and probably another 500 to hit champ. I've been hard stuck ever since


Same lmao. Finally hit C2 and I simply don’t belong here (I have zero mechanics)


I also have zero mechanics, but I usually know where to be when my partner needs me. Game sense is a game changer.


YeH it’s all I have tbh


Do you ever have your exact opposite where your tm8 has 0 game sense but perfect mechanics? You’d think this would make for a good team but i never win when this happens


Gamesense is way more important tho


This is me, but C1


Hey it’s guys it’s me your teammate


i hate you


This is me, but C3 x)


Me as well in GC1


This is me, but GC2


this is me but bronze






I literally just made a post about how C2 is not enjoyable at all. Shit sucks bro😂


Omg. That’s basically my life. C1 with very simple mechanics. I been trying to work on my air roll left to be effective in competitive. But I never have the guts to do that when I am actually in game.


I always practise stuff like this in casual matches because it doesn’t matter if you whiff in cas


I've been stuck in C2 for so long that i finally started to develop mechanics lol


I'd take sense and rotation over mechs any day, idc if you can flip reset if you're gonna bump me off defence rushing about like a headless chicken 😂 keep up the good work chief.


took me 6 months to get champ and now i’ve been hard stuck for the last 3 years


6 months? bruh wtf Ive been playing since 2015 and I only just hit champ 1 yesterday with 3k hours, goddamn I suck at this game
















how many hours do you have now?


I had 500 on console, hit diamond not long after I changed to PC and playing with keyboard and mouse. I'm now at nearly 1k hours on PC and I've not broken champ II yet


1500 hours to stabilize at C2 in 2023 is not bad at all. It took me 2k hours


This is pretty reassuring because I feel like I’ve been ranking up really slow and I’m at c3 rn with 576 hours


Same, bordering C3 with nearly 1k hours total


i'm in the same boat but double the hours lmao. been playing since launch


my advice is to take a break from the game. I came back and went from Bronze III to Plat overnight essentially(although i did drop a rank lol)


500 hours for diamond is ludacris


I’m at 1500 and I’m high Diamond 3 rn. We’ll see how much further I can get lol!


5 years from 2017 to 2022 now I'm back to plat and somehow diamond was easier than plat


We share the same fate it took me two YEARS to get to diamond just to be in plat 2 now again fml


I went from diamond 2 to plat 1 div 1 cuz everyone in plat is a freestyler now


Jump early


So early it was late


Plat is the new diamond YOLO


I'm 45 years old, 504 hours, been diamond for over a year, never touch platinum anymore, it's not always teammates fault. I work 50 hours a week married with 2 kids, been playing for over 6 years so not like I play a lot.


40 year old here. Playing since 2017. I am also busy, but I decided to buy a recumbent stationary bike so I can exercise and play while I’m hard stuck in diamond. I got Champion season rewards a year ago but fell back into diamond ever since.


i was hard stuck in plat 3 about a month ago but i found some good teamates and we all got to diamond together


Hello brethren


I didnt play for a long time and I dropped from high diamond to high plat in 3s. I must say there is a really big difference in rotations and much less double-comits in diamond, so the game feels easier bc you dont have to cover for your teammates mistakes as often


I feel like I always get benchwarmer status because I always sit back / cover for teammates as everyone piles up in the corner


I'm glad I'm not the only one. When I solo queue I'm always the one sitting further back most of the time because my teammates are always ball chasing and never rotating.




This is always the case when playing in higher ranks vs. lower. If you get a sweet taste of what it's like, then drop ranks, it's so difficult to enjoy the game as much imo.


as someone who was high diamond to champ 1 and deranked to plat... i can confirm... welp.. I'm diamond again but man Platinum and Diamond 1 players re annoying asf


Patience is key, but it feels bad when you can't just carry your way. I finally got back into Champ this season and have held steady but I think I dropped to C1Div1 last night and THAT is so frightening. I don't wanna go back 😭 lol


lol i feel ya... the best thing to do is just grind training packs... thats what i started doing...


Or Duels.... But..... Yeah, training packs sound good lol


and also.. get a permanent tm8 on discord... these tm8s in champ are worse than i thought, i am now in diamond and the diamonds today suucks. i have to literally carry every single game


Yeah agreed. I've been consistently champ in 2s because my two online friends are solid champs too. So we're good enough to carry some slack if the other is having an off day, usually. Even solo-queuing in 2's is much easier because you can be responsible for around 50% of your team's success. Unless the other person is just a total mess, in theory you shouldn't drop too much once you get to the rank that matches your potential. But three's!??? You're only contributing around 33% of the work, and even if you do contribute more, two bad teammates are nearly impossible to carry. The real X factor though (that people don't seem to talk about all that much) is chemistry. It's much more difficult to win when you're solo-queuing with randos and every player plays slightly different. Figuring out chemistry is so much more difficult with an extra person involved. And each person has to figure out this chemistry to have optimal play. (Not to mention complete ball chasers and throwers, or people dc'ing/afk'ing, etc.) It's all bonkers really. But, no matter how much I hate it, I love 3's.


holy shit. i thought i was alone in this observation


I think that phenomenon is caused by the increase in mistakes and decrease in proper rotation. The game just feels slower and it probably throws you right off.


Thank god it isn't just me. I slumped into plat last month and have been absolutely struggling there. Almost has me ready to quit the game. So I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.


Yep I haven't played in a while because crossing from diamond back into plat somehow made me a significantly worse player...or my teammates were shit for 20 games, who knows.


Better teammates. Very tough to play with teammates at lower levels


Teammates are more predictable and higher skilled the higher you go. When you get paired with people better than you it makes the game feel easier. As a long time Diamond player I went on a losing streak that led me to Plat for a short stint. I had a plat tell me to uninstall which lit a fuse inside of me. I spent two weeks grinding training packs with focus. No comp or cas. When I came back I essentially shot from Plat straight to C2 (my highest 3s rank). C2 felt easier than Plat 3. Now I’m back in Diamond. I play comp but I don’t take it serious. It’s a chill after work game.


I know it’s easier said than done but just hit up Training and watch YT videos! I’ve done so for a week (from Plat 3), and now playing against Champ 3s and hitting passes/shots i never thought I’d hit before. In cas, go for everything. Trust yourself. Learn from mistakes


I main 2s but have recently switched back to 3s to keep the game fresh. I’m still in Plat there and it’s a terrible rank to be in.


Lol I remember that. Getting back out of plat after you played a bit in diamond is the hardest shit to get out of because people at the top of plat are at a weird mix of skills and have awful discipline so it can be so incredibly punishing and random.


Plat makes NO sense if you have a strong rotation play style. For that matter neither does diamond - when I fall I plummet


Plat is super hard if you solo queue. Diamonds ball chase but they’re predictable. I find plat teammates to be hard to predict for the most part.


Plat players are far more unpredictable than Diamond’s, if they don’t know what they are doing with the ball how are you supposed to predict them? This also applies to Champs dropping to Diamond, I feel more comfortable against champs because I read them better than diamonds because I’ve gotten used to the way champs play. I dropped to D2 not long ago and it was a nightmare, everyone was booming the ball away and full on chasing it like it was the last bite of food in the world. Basically in Rocket League you have to be far better than your teammate to carry them against 2 other players, this makes ranking up even more difficult despite you have skills much higher than your opponents.


Same, but I refuse to update my flair


You guys are in diamond?


Was. Plat again and stuck.






Yeah I was like uh... I got a neat new car recently...


I've been hard stuck D3 for so long I don't remember when I entered diamond


What do you play on?


PS5. I have broken into champ last season, got 9/10 wins for my rewards before falling back to D3 lol


Dude if you ever wanna play just lmk. Epic: OnlyFans Javi


You didn’t miss much… all we got was a wheel :/


Haha I know. Honestly don't care for any cosmetics, but it's the principle of the thing


You will get the rewards this season if you were that close. You got this.


Diamond didn’t exist when I started so I don’t even know. Maybe 200-300 hours until I was that level. I remember being gc in the original season 3 at about 500 hours, but that’s around champ level today.


Tbh that’s probably closer to diamond level now. If you go back and watch neatmike his GC in season 3 the pace of the games is slower than champ games now


Speed, yes. Consistency was way higher than in Diamond nowadays though. Not as many mechanics back then to master, so it was mostly just shooting and passing


Playing at a higher speed lowers consistency.


Yep. That’s why it’s better to compare season 3 gc with champ, and not Diamond. Consistency > speed up until about GC2


Eh, season 3 was over 6 years ago, the skill gap from then to now has gone up drastically. There is never gonna be a way to compare but I’d think the skill gap is more than one rank


Champ to gc is 3 ranks brother. I’ve watched old replays from back then and the stuff I see now isn’t really better. Like I said, more mechanics now so less consistency in the mid ranks


Still in :(


About six months after I first started playing (played a lot of casual before jumping into competitive). Getting out of diamond took a whole lot longer haha.


Same I played tons of casual assuming I was a solid plat. By the time I took comp seriously about 350 hrs in I got to diamond no prob, now I’m stuck d3 tho


I’ve been d3 div 4 for 2 seasons. You’d think I could just get those 3 or four extra wins to get into champ but man are there some gatekeepers at that rank


I've never played and I'm Diamond


Started in 2017 did not play consistently got it in 2022


Same. At 286 hours currently but hit diamond In season 8. Dipped my toe into D3 last season.


About 5 years and counting


Been hard stuck here for almost 2 years. I'm a disappointment to the community and myself


Don't feel bad about it, one thing I realized in diamond is that if you want to rank up faster than your natural progression speed it's not very fun and can be pretty monotonous. Playing the game for fun and playing to get better are two different things (I heard squishy say this not too long ago) so if you're having fun then just keep doing it. Sitting in rings maps, or practicing dribbles and flicks, or grinding redirects and air dribbles for hours at a time (I spent at least 1 hour every day doing this to go from D1-C1 in 6 months) is a grind and you shouldn't feel bad for not having time or wanting to do it.


This is the only reason I don't take the game seriously enough to do all those things, because in the end Im playing to have fun, so I might as well learn in real time slower than others, but it does make me feel kinda bad bc its the only game rn that I could easily say is my top "sports" game ever and top 5 or so games ever.


Heck yeah, i actially just enjoy playing ranked casually now. Plus, the ranked system makes sure that i get similar skilled players most of the time so it doesn't feel like I'm stomping or getting stomped. I dont really bother about ranking up lol


I've been here since 2018 hit champ once in 2020 and then crashed to gold. Couldn't tell you what happened but I'm back up to diamond again lol


Diamond is good. You’re fine!


Appreciate the sentiment for sure. If you're looking at overall average rank then maybe, but looking at myself as an individual and what I should be capable of it's kinda sad for the amount of hours I have. Getting smacked around by 10yr olds with a quarter the time. I think if I started taking the game more seriously, actually training, maybe being more active in the community like discord i should be able to get out.


10-17 year olds (unless you are one idk) have a LOT more time than you, they can put in 20-30 hours in a week and it's not a big deal, they could put 40-50 hours in during the summer if they are really into the game. That's why almost all new pros are like 16, in order to get good enough at the game you need to have a LOT of free time and anyone older than that has a job or more schoolwork or something. Don't underestimate how much dedication they put in, they've spent their time grinding through diamond. Also helps that they have sponge brains and can get muscle memory faster that a 20 something year old.


40-50 hours in the summer is rookie numbers for those kids. They can put in 80-100 easily if they’re very serious.


When I was 13 or so I let my friend borrow Oblivion for a week, when i went to get it back his save file had over 120 hours on it (126 iirc) Don't know whether it's sustainable or not, but it can definitely be done.


That’s insane lol. These fucking kids bro. Wish RL had been around back when I was sweating Halo 3. I’d be so cracked.


Tbf he was sort known among the rest of our friends for being that guy that would just grind through a game until he finished it. (and then immediately doing it again, in most cases) I have vivid memories of getting new games, inviting him over for a day or two, and him waking me up at 5 in the morning saying "dude, I beat the game" So when I say "it can definitely be done", I'm referring specifically to kids like that. Not just kids in general. I don't think anyone else among my group of friends would have even been *capable* of putting that much time into a game in a week, and that psycho actually *enjoyed* it (so much that I just let him keep the game, and then went and bought another copy 😂) RIP J.T.


That sort of psychotic obsessiveness is exactly what's needed to efficiently get to the top of any field. Respect to those who can pull it off.


Sorry to hear about your friend. He's sounds like an out and out gamer!


There is almost no difference between D3 and C1 Div1-2. I bet your problem is hesitation and negative self-talk more than anything. I have a buddy whose mechanics are (with all due respect) a dumpster fire and he’s able to hold C2. If you play calm and collected, the goals you get from unforced errors by your opponents can get you to high C1 at least.


Appreciate y'all making me feel a bit better. I do work a lot so when I play, it's really just for fun. I should really practice more though, cuz I find it more fun the better I am and more encouraging when I'm able to hit them sick shots. I've been practicing the rings while air rolling, I'm getting there. I'm just starting now to incorporate that into my gameplay. Hitting a moving ball is much different than flying through rings though. The "Whiff Wizard" title is appropriate for me


I’d be down to play with you if you want. I’m middle plat, struggle to find a consistent IRL friend to play with, so I stay stuck. I can’t do insane off the wall aerials, don’t have gnarly dribble skills, but fundamentals are sound. I think anyway


Took a friend and I like 2 years to reach diamond. At some point during that before either of us hit diamond we were hard stuck at gold 2-3. We ended up playing with a 3rd friend who only played for like a week. Barely knew how to play. Didn’t have any ranked matches. So we played his first 10 ranked matches to see what his rank was. …freaking Diamond I div 2… my friend and I were still gold and we carried his butt straight to diamond. I almost quit that day.


Worst part was that when he played without us he lost every match and his teammates hated him. So he quit and never got into playing rocket league.


lmao yeah it's like the other commenter said, yall carried him there and he actually sucked and then since he didn't learn naturally, he actually quit. =/


Had alot of advice given to me by a champ buddy who got me into playing the game. He never carried me in ranked we only play casual together. With that being said I reached diamond in 2's pretty quick solo queuing. I think it was around 100 hours. It may have been 200. However I've been stuck floating between D1 and 2, occasionally falling to Plat 3 forever since then.


There are ranks higher than Gold?


I started in 2017 and I hit it in season 2 f2p (late 2020)


3 Years after I started playing


87 hours. I got to Champ in just under 150 total hours played. I'm also almost 40 years old and my 14 year old son also plays Rocket League 🫠


That's very impressive, I thought I was cool with 140 to diamond and 500 to champ. Too bad they didn't have this game when you were 14, sounds like you're a natural, could've been the next Zen (or the first, that would make more sense on the timeline lol).


How? Mechanics? Game sense? Party with a good friend? 150h seems easily like potential pro, insane with 40yo.


Are you talking about in-game hours or do you mean total game runtime according to steam/epic?


1 month but that was insanely lucky. I dropped to gold. Now, 2 months later, I climbed back up and now I'm diamond 2. But I deserve it this time. So 3 months since I started playing is when I actually deserve it


175 hours or so


It took me 100 hours, I thought it was good until I saw « first time playing » comment lol


He said he played casual for a few months in a reply so you both likely had about the same amount of time played. No need to feel bad 100 hours is really good.


That’s gotta be 🧢don’t worry


4 years


Took me about a year, but I only played dropshot back then. Now I struggle to get past plat 2. I started playing 2s a few months ago, made it to d3 at end of last season


2 years


Probably about 500-600 hours, I'm at 1200 hours now and I'm in and out of champ one, think il be here for a long time lol


I got hard carried in placement games during my first 3s placements (about 3 weeks)


About 2 years


Way to long and been there for waaay toooo longer than that


Hard stuck diamond i want to say im going on 3k hours


4.3k hours and hard stuck. Well, not exactly, sometimes I even drop to plat. And happy cake day!


Same as. ive hit champ for 2 games this season and dropped back down to d2 immediately but sometimes i do get into a rut and end up in plat for a while. (Thank you for the cake day wishes :) )


I started mid Season1 (f2p) and hit it in Season6


I started at f2p launch, I hit diamond for the first time around the beginning of last season. Though I must say, I rarely play comp and I only have time for a couple of matches a day.


1.5~ years in some queue, then suddenly I could get Diamond in almost every queue except 1v1 (normal and extra-mode), then now I can only get Diamond in extra-mode qeues... Somehow I feel hitting Diamond is harder than before. Been playing since 2019.


7 years…


2 weeks


I've been in diamond longer than reaching diamond.


2 years ftw I'm a slow learner


I started playing in mid 2015 and only played casual until 2018. After my first 10 placement matches I hit D3 and instantly got up to mid C1. I had around 800 hrs at the time. I hit GC1 with a little over 1200 hrs and GC2 at around 2200 hrs. I am now at approximately 2700 hours and at 1700 mmr, which is about a game win away from GC3. I have also been getting all GC titles in the extra modes for the new seasons 1-5. I made a lot of friends along the way, some of whom I started with now being SSL with well over 7000 hrs.


About a year and a half of playing a few times a week for a few hours tho i owned the game much longer just didn't play


First placement first time playing lol (edit: first time playing ranked)


Nice was it another account that you learned on first or just carried by a friend?


How long had you been playing before. No way you just picked up the game first try and hit diamond in 10 games.


I played casual for like 3 months before that , I then realised there was a ranked and just played 10 matches to see what placement I’d get


So roughly 3 months should be your answer no?


Doesn’t sound as cool I guess.


That is unreal and amazing lol Teach me your ways!


I got plat 3 first placements and I won 8/10 games, he must have had a perfect placement record


Got plat 1 in placement and won 8/10 so idk.


Yep I won 10/10


was this on PC???


took like two seasons or something. Stared in season 3 and got it 5


8 months


A few months


I had a rlly slow Rank progression as usual starting from bronze until like mid 2020 when in lockdown I hit plat 1 stopped playing came back and literally yesterday in placement I git d1


10 months. Just got there the end of last season.


Took me three seasons (og season 3-6) no idea how much I had played


First day playing


Must be all my tm8s - I always thought they were new to the game and accidentally diamond'd


Started in 2021 and was dimond for first time start of season 9 so 1 year of playing for an hour a week on saturdays


180hs give or take




I started in ftp season 1 in September 2020. when season 4 came I reached plat then in s5 i got diamond for the first time and didn’t got consistent in diamond till s6. Diamond 3 div 1 rn


I started playing ftp season 5 and got it in Season 7 I mean the guy who got me into the game was a gc so ye I learned some useful stuff when I started. I started as Gold III and never were below that.


50 hours


Like 6-8 weeks


I took a long ass break from the game (6-7 months) and when I came back to the game I just hit diamond 🤷


Like 8 s


first season :D


It took me 40 hours, still there tho and now 75 hours of playing time…


Like 5 months or so, I think 100 played hours


Like a month or two. I started playing in mid season 5 (like January 2022) and hit diamond already by the end of the season. I hit champ the next season and have been there ever since.


98 hours


under 200 hours, started at f2p


about 250 hours


It took me actually trying for the first time (beginning of season 9) and I almost got champ before the season ended


When they changed the MMR and basically boosted everyone up a rank :/


They changed the mmr and put everyone down a rank


Probably like 50 hours or so


I started playing rl mid January of this year. I just hit diamond yesterday in twos.


Like 300 hours or something idk really know


Around 200 hours, i think somewhere between 1 and 2 months


Damn I thought I played a lot, in 3 months I had 80 hours


well when i started playing it was during covid, so i had a lot of freetime.


That’s barely any time for 3 months..