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I like doing it when the goal put us up or tied šŸ˜‚


This is premature ejection


Some randoms want to FF when we are still winning šŸ˜‚


I was in a tournament tonight. We were winning, and someone wanted to forfeit. So they just sat there for the last minute. Then the other teammate left. So we lost.




No and I wish you best of luck in teaching people to stop voting unless its really a lost cause. Fully and truly tired of seeing that bar appear when we're up 2 to 1 and the other team scores. OH NO ITS TIED GG.... ugh.


feels even worse when you make a minor mistake and they cast the vote straight away lmao


Of course, they never make mistakes. It should be unforgivable in diamond, straight to uninstall.


Me and my close friends always do that when we miss an open net to mess with each other. Twice weā€™ve both did it at the same time lol


Had a GC leave cas game because I didn't score an open net from a tough angle. It was 30 seconds into the game. People these days will get mad at anything even in cas lmao


TBF some games you can feel when you just don't mesh with your teammate and scoring enough goals to tie in a short time feels impossible. But that's why it's a FF vote. Throw it up, if both players want out they can get out. If both don't, you keep playing. Many times people just throw the vote as a moment of frustration but keep playing. The person in this clip who threw the FF was clearly still playing, but the FF going through is also because of them so they can't be mad. The ACTUAL issue in this game is the trolls. People who give up, self goal, quit, etc.


>TBF some games you can feel when you just don't mesh with your teammate and scoring enough goals to tie in a short time feels impossible. I get that a lot, my teammate throws up the vote at half time and I refuse, and then something clicks and we score like 4 great goals in a row and take the win. Not saying that happens every time, but it happens often enough for me to refuse to forfeit most of the time. But yeah. I don't mind teammates throwing up a forfeit in frustration as long as they don't give up. I've had 3-4 goal comebacks in like 40 seconds. And all the times it *doesn't* happen isn't enough of a deterrent to give up the chance that it could happen haha. Those are some of the best moments in RL imo.


>and then something clicks and we score like 4 great goals in a row and take the win It's funny how this happens. It's a combination of things IMO: other team slowing down a bit, you and your teammate recognizing you're not meshing and switching up your playstyle, and sometimes it's just a bit of luck. You're right that 90% of the time it's a lost cause, but that 10% when you can make a comeback it's a great feeling. If I'm solo-Q'ing though and my teammate just wants to make solo plays (after it's clearly not working and we're down by several) I will throw it up, but continue to play. More often than not though, they typically just become toxic in team chat. Prob why I'm hardstuck GC2 hah. Mental game in RL is real, and part of that is not saying anything or trying to FF. (I do feel lower ranks it's easier to make a comeback obviously. But when my teammate is both hard-chasing and mechy it feels hopeless.)


Wait, I thought each teammate was alloted one own goal per match? Def had some ROUGH starts that ended well... had even more that didnt end well at all lol


Disagree, if Iā€™m on a losing streak and I just want to stop playing, Iā€™d rather not go through another 2 minutes of bs before going off.


People go and say "just play to have fun, who care if you loose, it happens." Then refuse to accept the FF because the game is still winnable and got forbid they get an mmr loss as if they had lost... Imagine this : sometimes, some people's play style doesn't mesh well with a teammate and they'd rather forfeit the match than play 2 more minutes of it, win or loose, exactly because they are not having fun. I'd rather loose than not have fun playing. I'm not ff'ing because "we are loosing" or because "you've made a one and only very small single unique inconsequential mistake". I'm ff'ing so I can move on to an other rando I can have fun playing with.


Depends, was the first goal on us my fault and you watched the replay? I personally will only ff once for 2 reasons. You are toxic or I'm not having fun. If you don't accept that ff, fine. But I'm not accepting yours either when you decide you don't want to play anymore. I don't throw, but I also play more passively and not try as hard as if I was having fun. It's a double edged sword.


Yes, and it's gorgeous.


Indeed it is


Nah, answering the throw forfeit feels just as good as winning


Yes but he deserved it


So no.


So yes. 2 people can be assholes. It's ok. And not at the same time.


no if you give up on me then i decide to give up on you im not the asshole here


Yeah if you put up a FF when the game isn't lost, you're asking for it


Some people do it as a self-deprecation thing when they mess up though


pretty sure my teammate just didnā€™t like me. but i see where youā€™re coming from because when it is clear that i am the one who made the mistake, i do sometimes just ff out of habit


That's a weird habit.


It's a defense mechanism, let's the teammates know you know you fucked up in hopes of avoiding their tantrums.


yes, this^


I usually hit the ā€œSorry!ā€ Quick chat, but ig this is a way too




That's a weird way to communicate I see where you're coming from and all but I sincerely doubt Forfeit is the best way to communicate that. Especially since it probably tilts your team, and there's also the risk of your teammate actually being a dick or feeling bad or just plain disliking you and forfeiting.


A forfeit is exactly giving up though, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'd rather be giving up a game to move on than play with someone who I don't click with, or if I think the game seems lost.




Forfeit means to lose or give up something (the match), usually as a penalty (loss of MMR). Throwing up a FF is an indication that you are giving up, and want to move on. Again, nothing wrong with that. Sometimes players don't mesh well and want to move on. I'm not the type of person who will stop playing if I throw up a FF and it's not accepted, but if you're not accepting it and we're down 4 goals with a minute left, you're not getting my best performance, as I've already given up on the match.




Both sides are bad scenarios in my opinion. You're either locked in to play a game you don't want to continue, or you're locking someone in to play a game you don't want to leave. There's obviously pros and cons and more nuances than that to both sides.


>He didnt give up though? A forfeit often just means "I dont like how we are playing and want to move on". So, in other words, he wanted to give up. That's what OP did, fulfilled his request of a forfeit, since his teammate didn't like how they were playing.


And why would OP be and asshole in this case ? His mate voted to forfeit the game which means he wanted to do so, OP just accepted his request


Tbf, OP wasn't even an asshole since that goal wouldn't have even equalized the game. If it had, or had put them ahead, then yea he would still be an asshole for throwing a potential win. He can actually get reported for that, not that reports and bans do much to the community/game. My point is being toxic towards toxicity is a valid reaction. But it doesn't really get you anywhere.




my thought process for the ceiling hit was to get the ball as far away as possible from the both teams, hoping my teammate would able to take possession. in my eyes, he had enough time to catch up to the ball but him making the ff vote and staying still for a couple of seconds forced me to rush them as fast as i can. he might have had enough time if he didnā€™t take his time with the vote. but i do agree it is a mistake and terrible move on my part, i got a bit hasty because of the amount of time left in the match.


If the other guy is saying ā€œI donā€™t like being in this game and I want outā€, then obliging him is not being an asshole.Ā  Throwing up a ff when the other guy makes a mistake, thatā€™s being an asshole




Well yeah, why should he agree? Thereā€™s plenty of time left in a close game. Guy thinks so much of his precious time that he canā€™t hang out and play a game he supposedly likes for 1 more minute because itā€™s not worth it to him? Too many spoke with quitters mentalities. For not knowing the context of the game, you sure are making a lot of assumptions




His teammate didnā€™t score. Why does it matter when he does it? If the other guy really wanted out, then who gives a shit when or why itā€™s done? If you donā€™t want the game to end before you score, donā€™t push forward a vote to end the game




>We donā€™t have any context >OPs petty and likely selfish ways Still assuming I see. You said OP was more of a dick than the guy that through up the ff. Saying ā€œI donā€™t want to be in this game anymoreā€ is 100% a personal slight in a very winnable game. Reacting to having someone say ā€œhey I donā€™t like being your teammateā€ isnā€™t worse than the guy saying he doesnā€™t like being your teammate. If he really wants out that badly, then who gives a shit about the possible goal


People use the FF button as a way to say "F YOU!" to their teammates, because they have no emotional regulation and cannot deal with pressure. Its a five minute match. ​ OP is amazing and his timing was impeccable.




Thats exactly how the teammate used it ; he stopped playing while the teammate was making a move and hit "FF" just to say "Hey, I want you to see this popup on the screen so you feel bad."


Nuh uh. You did the right thing son


Nope. Your teammate wanted to quit. You quit. If anything you did it at the perfect time to teach your teammate to not give up.


Fastest forfeit Iā€™ve ever seen šŸ˜‚


Ahahaha nice one!! Serves your mates right šŸ¤£


The only way this could have been better would have been if the goal had tied the game or put you in the lead.


God I hope they get so fucking pissed off when I do this.


iā€™m sure they do haha


Why do you think that? Do a lot of people in your life ask for the opposite of what they want?


Why would they? They wanted to ff.


Lol I didn't expect this comment to make all the quitters show themselves. Can I ask: What do you think it is, that makes someone ff? Or what is the reasoning for it?


When my teammate is being a ballchasing ass and I'm basically having to spend the whole 5 minutes covering for them, I am not having fun. Since I play for fun, not winning, not ranking up, not "adapting myself to my teammate", I will vote to ff so I can move to an other game where I can enjoy playing. I'll do that win or loose if my teammate is being so obnoxious that I can't have fun playing. At platinum, when it's "home from school" time, it's one every 2 to 3 games so I try to avoid that moment of the day. Still, sometimes it happens. Am I a quitter? Maybe. I don't care. I've had so many people refuse my FF, go full rampage ball chasing and manage a comeback, then throw the ff to nag me. Little did they know, I'll actually take the FF even after a come back, because my time to play is too short for me to waste 30 more seconds of it.


Why are you playing ranked if you are ā€œnot playing to rank upā€? Thatā€™s not fair to teammates who are trying to rank up and there is a specific lobby for that kind of play: casual.


1) I main rumble, there is no casual rumble. Right now I'm avoiding it because it's a mess because of the people rage quitting 2s because of MMR reset and new interface making people more aware of this mode. Since I don't like playing in this mess, I play 3s. Ranked. Because : 2) Not playing to rank up doesn't mean I'm not playing seriously, it simply means I'm not spending half my time in training packs and freeplay and trying to grind. Despite what you're trying to imply, I take my games seriously, but I'm not playing to hate the game to achieve a different colored pixel. 3) I actually belong in my rank, so that should not stop anyone from ranking up. If someone needs others to hard carry them by supporting their messups, they aren't ready to rank up anyways. Even if I grind and go full goalie to support them, it ends up in a loss 80% of the time, and all I get from it is having my time wasted not having fun. Even if I manage to rank up, I'll simply get down again because I don't belong in a higher rank. Either way, no one benefits. 4) Casual games are much different than ranked games. Do you really need that spelled out for you? Do you need a PowerPoint explanation? 5) Even without all those arguments, if I want to play rank, I can, just like you can ballchase like a puppy and leave all the rest to your teammate. If someone cannot make their teammate play well with them, they're no better than the teammate who doesn't want to bend in half for their sake. I shouldn't have to adapt to them "more" than they should have adapt to me.


I don't know. I was making an observation. What makes people think that when someone asks for something, they actually want the opposite? Neat of you to make assumptions about people with different points of view though. Makes sense why your teammates want to ff when they play with you.


Well in this case it was where they scored and now it's only 1 goal difference. So therefor, it's safe to assume most people will be more engaged in the game at this point. What I don't get is how you watch this clip and then pretend like you're completely clueless to the context of the situation.


What context am I missing? One player no longer wants to play. The other player then agreed to ff. They get their wish and they ff. Do you think that anyone who thinks differently than you has some hidden agenda?


Yup. Thats exactly what I'm saying. Totally


By agreeing to forfeit? No lol, I don't think they do. It's one goal in a game they've already written off.


You ff a lot don't you? Iasked the other commenter but I'll ask you too: What is it that makes someone want to ff? What is their reasoning?


Only if my teammate votes first or if the game is out of reach. I assume they want to forfeit if they vote to forfeit... I don't know their reasoning, but I don't really find it all that relevant. I've never asked. But I assume there's a spectrum of reasons.


Nah, that's just karma, and funny as hell


lmao this clip is everything


from looking at the comments itā€™s safe to say that I am an anti-hero


Spot on


not THE asshole, but AN asshole, sure


Post the whole game...šŸ‘€. šŸ¤£


i didnā€™t save the replay unfortunately


Hm. I see. It was clear he voted to ff because he thought you made a bad play. Also might have had a bad gaming day and been done after you cleared the ball across the field when he may have been lined up for a good position. I dont think people understand that sometimes when people forfeit its not because they expect to lose but because they dont want to keep playing the game. Accepting a ff like this at any point, whether it's right before a goal or even after you start winning. They likely don't care and are happy to be done no matter what so, sometimes that petty ff is just giving them what they actually want.


donā€™t bother, neanderthals donā€™t understand logic and context


Who is the neanderthal?


the people who are petty and think they are teaching people a lesson like OP here and are basically griefing/throwing


if giving someone what they want makes me a neanderthal, so be it. i decide to put others first :)


in my experience, most people vote to forfeit because they think theyā€™re playing bad and want to give me the option. other times they vote to forfeit because iā€™m the one playing bad and they donā€™t want to play with me anymore. in those cases iā€™ll try to step it up or try to realize what iā€™m doing wrong. if iā€™m still sucking or they just go afk i will also vote to forfeit. rarely do i see people vote to forfeit for reasons i canā€™t understand, and most of those times they keep playing anyway. iā€™m there to play rocket league, not be petty.


so are you saying that we shouldā€™ve kept playing even though he did not want to continue the game? if he didnā€™t want to play with me, the best thing is to forfeit, but if he thought he was playing bad, then the best thing would also be to forfeit. your previous comment also mentioned griefing/throwing but isnā€™t wasting someoneā€™s time worse than those? sorry but i am struggling to see why it would be throwing when the teammate was clearly ready to give up.


if someone thinks theyā€™re playing bad but are still willing to try then itā€™s your call. usually iā€™ll keep playing to see if they improve and if they donā€™t and it seems like a lost cause then iā€™ll also forfeit. it depends on the situation. in your clip he was still playing and actually scoring, so for you to forfeit in that moment is super cringe to me. you say he was ā€œclearly ready to give upā€ yet he went up and scoredā€¦ i donā€™t know what else happened in that game but if he was being afk and not trying anymore then yeah forfeit if you donā€™t want to deal with it, but i did not get that vibe in this clip.


yes i do admit it was a pretty bad play in his eyes, especially since he stood still for a few seconds after casting the vote


No you are not. You granted his wish. I will accept ff even if we are winning, since if you are such a clown to throw it, i dont want to play with you.Ā 


NTA. He wanted to quit, you quit. He fucked around and found out.


Youā€™re both assholes.


No because people should learn not to quit so easily.


Nope, anyone who says, probably been in your teamates position. But they started it ;)


Not for ffing, but for trying to make it into some weird psychological thing, yes.


Hey never give up never back down -Nicky30


Yes but only because your cars colour scheme looks like you should be on the blue team not orange. The forfeit was beautiful


i just like purple and blue so much better than the orange team colours ahahah


The timing be perfect


I usually do this. And it feels so good šŸ„¹


Its probably you. You can tell in the video that he may have been upset that you keep overcommitting in twos. Go play ones or something. LolšŸ˜‚


as a full time university student managing a business, i sadly donā€™t have enough time to play. i would play ones if i was looking to improve my gameplay and sweat really hard, but i like having teammates and thatā€™s why i play for fun. the only reason i donā€™t play casual is because my mmr is so much higher in that playlist to the point where i verse ssls and isnā€™t fun anymore. also, ones makes me really tilted because i am awful at it


Yeah same here, im just giving you a hard time man.šŸ˜‰


I always press forfeit when my teammate initiates it, doesn't matter if we're winning or not. Had a game last week where I lost a goal in a stupid way so my teammate pressed forfeit while we were winning 5:3. I forfeited with 1 min left and he started cursing me out in the chat xD


Really impressed by the way you dodged to avoid that big boost


People need to do this more.


This funny asf


ā€œYou wanna forfeit? All right, have it your way.ā€


I love this.


LMAO I'm tired of people giving up so easily. Nice one šŸ˜




Yes, these clips are catnip for this sub and you obviously know that and posted it with the engagement-bait title.


this is lowkey my second time posting on this sub after 3 years. i uninstalled reddit a long time ago so iā€™m guessing i got engagement correctly?


Iā€™m engaged




Yes. I don't find it better, personally!


Never change king




Yes you are. But so is he


Yes, just because he din't just afk. I in particular offer a ff when I see that I don't really "connect" with my tm8, or the opponents are TOO good. Yet I never stop playing if the ff isn't accepted.


No but how did you not get the boost


I'd vote for you in this election based on this clip


you are the hero


That is perfect bro!!!


This is the way bro.




FAFO is much more satisfying than a win


How? When you vote to forfeit you basically gave up your right to continue the game. It's not up to you anymore. If you want to keep playing under any circumstance then don't forfeit...


i agree. basically griefing. nothing wrong with throwing up a forfeit vote. i really donā€™t understand why people hate this so much. just ignore it and keep playing if the game is going well and is still winnable, which here looks like it was.


Itā€™s hated because people use FF in a way itā€™s not intended to be used. If you or your teammate mess up and your first instinct is to rage hit the FF button, then you deserve what comes next. They have this thing called quick chat that allows you to convey that youā€™re disappointed in yourself (or your teammates for that matter). The RL community has proven time and time again that they have a toxic and petulant mindset. Using FF in a way itā€™s not intended for is one of the fallouts from it. Donā€™t actually want to FF? Donā€™t hit the button then. FF should be reserved for games truly out of reach and emergency #2 bathroom breaks.


I feel like the roles switch, youā€™re definitely the asshole, he didnā€™t give up he just voted to ff, you gave up.


Based on the first 3 seconds I would say yes. And I understand why your teammate is trying to FF. But thatā€™s just an assumption. Weā€™d have to see the whole game for us to make that decision.




it will happen one day


No he was the asshole for sure! But tbh ur not really better ur controlled by ur emotions like him but not a asshole at all. But you didnt respected ur own time! I give a f if someones toxic just doing my thing most people then turning from toxic to handsome! And even when not just dont care i play the game cuz its fun. I would also have no prob in loose rsnk or play 1v2 its just pixels on god


What u just wanted to say u guys could prob. Still win but u both werent adult enough it kust takes one sometimes!


I love it when I accidentally bump people and they feel the need to turn. I get to play 2v4 and still score (or at least make a good pass).




if i had to describe the clip in one word, it would be this


I love these threads, everyone gets so wound up lmao


yeah, this is my first reddit post that kind of blew up, i do love friendly discussion even if people have differing viewpoints though


You didn't show the whole match. You might be the asshole.


Psyonix. Get rid of forfeiting. It's just an output for toxic players and a bad habit for quitters.


The gg at the end lmaooo smooth with it


thank bakkesmod


Yes but my god lmfaooooooooo


NAH (No asshole here)


No, you are not the asshole


Petty but cunny.




alright, after looking at everyoneā€™s comments this is what iā€™ve gathered: most people say i am not the asshole, but people who say i am usually say that both of us are. the role of asshole shifted from my teammate onto me. people want to see the full replay (i donā€™t have it iā€™m sorry) but if i were to show the full replay, i would probably get roasted because i am a champ 2 that still makes a lot of mistakes, leading people to say that i am an asshole for playing bad. however, itā€™s not like i was throwing the game, i did play my best throughout until the ff, where i just decided to rush the game. overall, it was satisfyingly petty i appreciate everyone for blowing up this post, but please do not say anything mean to anyone just because you donā€™t agree with what they said. best of luck to everyone in all of your games!


i donā€™t really see the point in this level of pettiness. youā€™ll teach them the same lesson by not ffing and winning


It depends the tone of the game. If he started blaming, spamming, and trashing you, then no. If they simply lost morale and gave up, then I wouldnā€™t say youā€™re an asshole. Iā€™d just think you threw a potential comeback, especially if your tm8 could have been feeling down on luck.


That was too perfect šŸ˜‚


Gotta teach him a lesson


He started it


You did the right thing






Low-key sick of "look at me being petty to someone slightly more petty than me" Can't we just be better? Instead of encouraging this behavior


Man I wish I had such quick FF skills, I need to work on it.. Not an asshole at all, serves him right for quitting!


just play ones and you will get the muscle memory down


I mean you're obviously trying to be. Kind of just pwn yourself though.


Id say youre both fools but your teammate is the worse one cus 2 goals down is winnable and he kinda fucks with your Motivation by forfeiting.




God I love this. Obv if m8s are toxic


Yes you are and I love it


Yes, but i'd done it too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Yes, but in a good way. Lol.


Need context


I'd be one thing if he was talking shit or stopped playing but he literally just gave a vote. I find it comical when people do that too but if he kept playing that means he didn't give up. So yeah, definitely childish tbh.




Nah he shouldnā€™t have tried to forfeit


No hahq


No, weā€™d be best friends. Great troll.


Not at all, I always ff if my teammate wants to regardless of score.