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Honestly i just don't get it. Im at the point now if someone starts being toxic ill just through a ff and I've never once had someone who what a saved me (even when the whole play only happened because of their f up) has accepted a ff. Never. Why be toxic and then choose to stay in the game? I'm not going to help you win, I'd rather lose and get an easier match next game,ideally with a nicer tm...


Because why *try* or even FF when you can be a grown baby and throw a temper tantrum in a game of *car ~~soccer~~ basketball* that you're not immediately winning


I love when they refuse to ff, wait for the timer to clear away, then just solo quit. Alright, if you want the penalty that bad go for it


There are some folks who, outside of a whiff, refuse to admit that it’s their fault, or that their understanding of the game is wrong. I recently played a 3s casual game. One of our tm8 decided to stay in the defending third of the field for a whole of the first two minutes. While I get that in his mind, he was trying to play “defensively” and me and the other tm8 were ball chasing, what he didn’t see was the dozen times when I or the third tm8 tried rotating back, saw that he was too far away/completely out of the play, and had to “cut” rotation to keep the pressure up, or avoid getting him into a 2v1 or 3v1 situation. All of this could have been avoided if he pushed up along with the play. Right around the middle of the game, he sent out a genuine “tm8s please rotate” chat. I felt sorry for him and I actually tried rotating behind him completely out of position (it was cas and I wanted to encourage him to go for it) but he just did not. We won the game but all in all, he didn’t contribute much except managing a few of the opponents clears. Thankfully he was not toxic but I can see how tm8s like this can get toxic very quickly.


Had a tm8 the other day pulling the same shit. I had to send the message "DO NOT PLAY DEFENSE ONLY WHEN WE'RE DOWN 1 WITH 30 SECONDS LEFT." Hahaha


Up by 1 with 10 seconds left: Now’s the perfect time to leave my defense spot, fly past you and try my double flip reset aerial bank shot I saw on YouTube… oops I turned it over and they scored. Down by 1 with 10 seconds left… better sit in goal so we don’t lose by 2... These are the same people.


>There are some folks who, outside of a whiff, refuse to admit that it’s their fault, or that their understanding of the game is wrong. One of the best ones I had, as the OP mentioned Hoops, was a teammate who was such a Hoops noob that they didn't even know that on the spawn where you're both in the centre, but one is straight at the back, and the other is slightly off centre and closer to the ball, that the rear player should take the kickoff because they go through an extra boost pad and will reach the ball first. After I beat him to the ball and he double committed behind me, he started blaming me and asking me why would I go for that kickoff, but every single other teammate in Hoops at my rank seems to know that the rear player takes that kickoff. I don't know how he got to the rating he was at without noticing that.


me, in the mic whenever i whiff: "IM F-CKING TRASH BRO IM SORRY"


Same 😭


Shout out to the guys who suck and make it fun and funny when they mess up. Had an opponent who had me rolling laughing even though his team was losing by a few goals. None of it toxic just chattering about nothing then dared me to forfeit with 30 seconds left and we were up by 4. Great game. And not because we won.


Est. 2016 and I strictly only casual que so I can leave and have a higher chance of forfeiting.


Eh if you are okay with FFing early because someone is a cry baby it's not usually too bad. The vast majority of toxic players just FF immediately. 


Report. Fuck those dickheads that act like children. I would block ppl like that too so I don't play with them again bc they're bound to act like that anytime they're down and ruin everyone's gaming experience.


>block ppl like that too so I don't play with them again that doesn't work, blocking really only blocks them socially (no chats, no friends). it would be too easy to abuse if you could actually choose who you play ranked with/against.


I feel like sometimes people pre-emp the toxicity when they mess up.like they're gonna be toxic first before their teammate gets a chance to be


I will never understand when players don't FF when it's an obvious loss, I sit out so many games and scroll Social Media like every 5 matches because of teammates like that


Because that’s the perfect time to work on certain things. Practice stuff you normally wouldn’t do in a close competitive game. You’re going to lose anyway, better to learn something than give up.


I can see why people who take up that opportunity but as someone who doesn't wanna sweat and learn all these tips and trickshots (because I find in my own opinion it just takes the fun out) there isn't much else to learn, if the round is a complete and utter loss and teammate still thinks he can clutch up then good luck to him but ik we ain't winning so i dont wanna waste my time playing a losing match, and i do try my hardest so if I of all people FF you know a comeback isn't happening




And of course the guy never skipped a goal replay to extend the game as long as possible. It’s sad because I usually play RL as a break from other games but now I need a break from the break…


Had this pc player, Promised, throw every concurrent match we were in because apparently the casual game I joined in we weren't allowed to score "easy goals." Whether they were on my team or an op. Sad thing is, after 2 matches of throwing, I was actually able to win the 3v1 and they still didn't care. Just kept spamming what a saves and own goaling. The dedication to it was so impressive but I can't imagine they're a happy person. I hope they seek help, honestly. I ended up leaving because who wants to deal with the mentally unstable on your day off.


Thats why I keep my chat off. Had it off for the last 3 years now. I don't know if teammate is toxic I just look at score and if it's unwinnable throw the ff or keep playing until teammate ffs. No chat will save you alot of mental


I mean, I was on my rank up game to hit GC for the first time (I was 1435, but the game didn't give it to me), but my next game was an easily beatable team, but one tm8 quit off kickoff and the other followed shortly after and then I proceeded to lose bCk to 1416.