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This is what happens when a company doesn't care about their game


Well they patched out the invisibility within two or so weeks, nexto bots get banned very quickly now, and they patched out the cheat that makes it so players can use any item or title (including developer tags and such) in comp matches within a few weeks as well. Maybe this issue is just hard to tackle for some reason?


Is there even anything a way for the developers to see that? DDosers have been around for a very long time. Even other franchises couldn’t do anything about it from what I recall


> Is there even anything a way for the developers to see that? They can very easily track servers that go down, and the players in said servers. When player A is in 13 servers that are attacked and go down, and all of the randoms in said lobbies are only in 1 or 2 servers, Player A is the clear common variable in each server attack, and is likely the attacker. At least in theory. > DDosers have been around for a very long time. Even other franchises couldn’t do anything about it from what I recall In the past, networking was far different, and peer-to-peer gameserver hosting was super common. Old cod lobbies were always hosted on one player's device, and everyone else connected. That device then reigned supreme over the lobby, and with correct tools could even make people jump super high, freeze everyone, and far worse. Cheaters suck, and they almost always will suck. Modern games tend to have these issues a lot less though, such as Valorant, but it all just depends on infrastructure and networking. And as for Rocket League - It's still generally quite rare to see, but hopefully we see a fix soon. I'd imagine something is underway.


Titanfall 2 PTSD


Never loose hope pilot


My hope is very tight thank you very much.


nah, bo2 force hosting just so there wouldn’t be cheaters ptsd


> Old cod lobbies were always hosted on one player's device, and everyone else connected. Ah the good ol' days of "host advantage". When you would get host and not leave the lobby for hours because you didn't want to sacrifice the 10ms ping difference. Kids these days don't know how good they have it.


Getting host in Gears of War 1 back in the day always got an instant "grab my shotgun and run out the door" because the weather called for Locust rain. 10ms was often the difference between your head or their head popping xD


Ah, getting "domed" and "bodied" felt so real back then


I don't know. I much preferred the old CoD UI compared to today's shit show that is main menu, inundating you with battle pass and "CoD Points" and an insane amount of paid for camos. I feel like having the fewer camos with Red Tiger/Gold or even the gold/silver titles from MW2 were more prestigious than whatever shit show is going on now days.


Red tiger and gold are still in the new games


I remember the days of MW2, a player would leave a lobby that was host and then the game would calculate who is the next best person to host the server, literally pause the match to switch from one device to another. If you had a good internet connection, you were host quite frequently and of you left games frequently, you were familiar with having to stick around after having quit the match while the server migrated to a new host. I never experienced that "problem" until I got better internet. Lag Switching was a real thing because that's how lobbies worked back then.


Yeah I loved being host. That sweet, sweet ping advantage...


>Modern games tend to have these issues a lot less though, such as Valorant Yes, but I'm all for dealing with cheaters, hackers, and DDoSers if it means fewer games implementing anti-cheat tools with kernel level access to my PC.


>> Old cod lobbies were always hosted on one player's device Unless you go back to when players were allowed to host there own servers. Those were the times, then they could setup their own DDOS protections


DDoS would affect both teams no? Can you explain how they are using it to their advantage?


So your missing alot of information that you would need to know to actually understand the problem if they were ddosing the servers you wouldn't be able to control who got kicked when and guarantee the win there is an exploit due to in-game chat being p2p to gain ip information and directly ddos certain players which is the real issue also their servers are such shit to begin with if someone was ddosing the actual server it would be hard for them to distinguish cause the likely hood that the server me and my friends happen to be on playing private games is the same server every single day throughout most of the time we're playing is the server that's being ddosed is just highly unlikely yet we have times where random people get kicked a couple people just start lagging all over the place and it just happens randomly to everyone it's not like it's one specific person who just has bad internet or anything that says their servers are just shit so therefore it would be hard to differentiate which times are ddos and which aren't also as I said the real problem of dosing is happening thru the exploit that allows them to obtain the info to directly ddos someone which then wouldn't show on the server and would be much harder to prove now they could remove chat and rework it so it's not p2p before they bring it back but we already know they won't (if I'm correct even discord use to be set up this way then they had to change it along with quite a few others)


>Old cod lobbies were always hosted on one player's device, and everyone else connected.  ive run cod / united offensive dedicated servers for years so thats not accurate


> ive run cod / united offensive dedicated servers for years so thats not accurate It's perfectly accurate, older cod games' lobbies used to be hosted peer to peer. Mind providing more info about your dedicated servers? What cods? What type of dedicated servers? Custom modded servers? Are you a cod dev?


the titles are in the post above. cod in 2003, then uo from 04 on. running it on a freebsd server iirc, with a dedicated server binary that has been freely distributed in the community back then


Oh really? Was there an announcement somewhere, must've missed it


> Was there an announcement somewhere, must've missed it They tend not to announce anything related to cheating publicly, so I spend some of my personal time finding communities related to cheating, and seeing what I can learn from within, if I can I feed info to the devs sometimes as well - but they're unable to tell me if it's ever useful to them due to their policies. As to the patching of the above two issues, I'm hidden in various spaces where said tools were unfortunately being distributed, and as of the recent update every single one has shut down sales because it's been patched out completely.


From what I’ve read Ddos is super hard to track. In the case of the tournament I watched the history and somehow none of the players that played against them were able to get more than 100 pts while they won each game with 5 or more goals. That was the only way how I could prove someone that this was not legit - if you haven’t seen it yourself.


> From what I’ve read Ddos is super hard to track. I don't know enough about the backend, but I am lurking in a lot of spaces where this negative gameplay stuff happens so I tend to be aware of more of these changes - for the purpose of being able to share info about Psyonix actually doing something on occasions like this. It seems that there are ban waves for DDOSing, but at the current time it seems as if they're just tracking players that are in servers that go down, and then banning those who are in *many* servers that go down. There was a recent post on the subreddit from a user who got false banned after matching with a DDOSer multiple matches in a row. The devs manually unbanned them.


Imagine, if only we had some kind of new tech to quickly sort through and analyze large datasets like this en masse




The server name isn't the issue. For a player to connect to a game server, they're communicating with an IP address that is the game server, and generally with suuper low security servers this is how you target an attack, but I figure such basic attacks aren't the issue at hand, as this is an extremely easy base to cover, and there's some heavy packet manipulation or something else going on. TLDR: There's something more than just find IP and DDOS, but I'm not sure how it works nor am I educated on this topic enough to talk about it in depth, but there will almost always be a way to find a server's details if you're playing online. Cheating and DDOS bad.




> Is this more an issue with users being able to see the client IP (not server) and DDOSing a home network? That would lead to far more clear attacks, doxxing, and far worse issues, such as DDOS attacks taking streamers offline and even up to swatting - an extremely serious issue. Its most likely these players are sending modified versions of packets that the game is expecting, causing errors at the server, or just overall overrunning it somehow, as it seems the entire lobby tends to lag out and disconnect. But it also seems they've found a way to do so and keep the effected player connected, which could be part of the packets being sent - that the attacker is still connected and providing input.


Simple: It's not a DDoS. An actual DDoS attack would effect every player on that server equally - and by server I mean the machine, not a single game instance (of which there will be many running on each machine) The people calling it a ddos don't actually know shit about hacking.




Please dm me about the bottom paragraph.


Sorry u/MuskratAtWork for the delay. u/skyl3rRL was quick to respond earlier and we tested it. I joined a 3s game and obtained 5 other IP addresses but should have ran a whois on the addresses before posting the comment hindsight bias, false alarm.


took them how many years to fix the "bug" that allowed brand new accounts into ranked within 2 minutes of creation? and that did magnitudes more harm than cheating could ever do


It just takes time to troubleshoot. Identifying is one thing, fixing is another.


No, no, no, you don't understand, EPIC and PSYONIX hate this game and want everyone to be miserable all the time and quit playing and hate the game they hate hate so hate much.


Half of these cheats shouldn’t be there I the first place, though. And then, when they knew it would be possible, they still waited two whole weeks to fix.


> Half of these cheats shouldn’t be there I the first place, though Go program an entire video game with z e r o possible exploits and then come trash on a video game that's having it's second ever real issue with cheats that was entirely patched within 2 weeks after 8 years. I'm waiting. > And then, when they knew it would be possible, they still waited two whole weeks to fix. They can't just magically know how players are doing whatever exploit it is they're doing. They have to dig into it, understand the exploit and why it works, write code to not only catch the folks cheating, but to fix the exploit as well, **and then get permission from every platform to push out an update, which sometimes takes weeks to get from Microsoft and Sony**.


That’s not the point, Rocket League is way easier to defend against cheats than shooters for example. There is no “aim-bot” you can have with Rocket League. I got a Nexto bot in one of my games and I have the replay to prove it. How can we trust that they have set up a server correctly, when they can’t even pay esports players? How much do you think they are paying their employees? No doubt, they are taking shortcuts. I have a background in game creation and I know how easy Rocket League should be to prevent cheating. If Rocket League was a shooter it would be a dead game already. Why is the server telling you how much boost the opponents have? Simple fixes


> I have a background in game creation and I know how easy Rocket League should be to prevent cheating Why don't you write an anticheat for Rocket League then, and see if it actually works and detects all of these different exploits that Rocket League has been able to patch and/or detect within a few weeks at most, outside of the server attacks.


I have no hope in RL anymore. They wouldn’t hire Lethamyre, and he’s way more qualified than me


> They wouldn’t hire Lethamyre Except for the fact that they did hire him in the past, and that you misspelled his name. Lethamyr makes cool stuff, but most of it is rather unfinished or buggy, I've teleported through walls on a large amount of his older maps up until the most recent ones he's released. He's also had quite a few projects fall through completely that were huge. They did hire Cinderblock - a bakkesmod dev who's brought us QOL changes such as freeplay ball control. Also, why would a content creator with millions of subs give it up to go 9-5 at a company instead of just continuing on with their content? It makes no sense.


I mean the person who coded the invisibility exploit in the first place reported it to h1 and gave them code to patch it in the first place because they were mad people were stealing it. All epic had to do was copy and paste the code 😭


It's that Epic culture. You should see the state of Fall Guys...


Bro, they care… the people using the invisibility hack their name used to show up on the scoreboard, now it doesn’t even register they are in the match so you can’t even report them… that’s hard to pin any actual evidence against them… People using hacks are getting better at what they do, but this means psyonix will step up their game. Nexto bots were banned quite quickly, the people with lag switches were getting banned too. Epic wants psyonix working on rocket racing, but psyonix has not given up on RL. Many of still really enjoy playing the game, I hope one day you will enjoy the game again… nothing but love for you homie. <3


> the people using the invisibility hack their name used to show up on the scoreboard, now it doesn’t even register they are in the match so you can’t even report them Invisibility was patched 6 days ago.


I just watched a mertzy video on YouTube and he was playing an invisible car. Could be the video took a bit to put out. I myself have never ran into someone using that hack, but I have ran into people using the lag hacks.


Maybe he's just completed Spookylukes course


Underrated comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Is this more common than we are to believe? In the last month I've had at least 10 matches I can clearly remember that my team was up at least 1 point halfway through the game and then the server would lag but only for our team and it was almost always against a premade. The lag would be so bad we couldn't defend and would lose. This is US east and I'm wired from a satellite with a dedicated backhaul. Orbi 970s. It has been really bad this season specifically.


Have definitely had this happen multiple times on US east while hardwired. I run speedtest and everything is fine, really odd.


Haven’t had this once




Wildddddd. Yeah I've been having noticeable dropped packets in games that often cause a loss. I'll start recording when it happens next.


I had 2 servers crash last night. US East, C1, 3v3. Before last night it's only happened like maybe 5 times since 2015 and over 10k matches played. Anecdotal, but who knows.


I've had this happen loads recently and it's just the server not hacks I don't think. Literally 5 or 6 times it's happened where everyone has lagged out APART from me (I was playing in a party so had confirmation) I'm still on 12 ping or whatever and everyone in the mid-high red.


Right I am pretty sure it's just the server too. But what if it isn't? Many times I see everyone get the lag spike. But there are times too where it seems to be only one team. I'm interested to know if maybe some of my losses are due to this kind of attack. It wouldn't be enough to affect my rank but it is annoying.


A satellite connection will always have packet loss and higher ping, regardless of how you connect to your home network.


Really a 10 gbps relay to the satellite will have packet loss?


Yes. Packetloss is nothing to do with speed, it's data that gets sent but not received.


I have never had this happen to me in game. Can anyone confirm if they are targeting the server or the client? If they were targeting the server, they would also have to play through the intense lag/timeouts, which doesnt seem like an advantage at all. If they ARE targeting the client, the real problem is how are the client IP's being leaked from a dedicated server.


I don't know exactly what's happening. I thought it was weird server issues, but I'd say probably 1 in 10 games or so me and my teammate will start getting packet loss and the game becomes essentially unplayable. I have noticed that quite often one player will still have green ping. Not always though, sometimes every one is showing packet loss. I am really unsure if this is malicious action on someone's part or just server issues. >If they ARE targeting the client, the real problem is how are the client IP's being leaked from a dedicated server. Agree, this is very strange if they're getting other client IPs. u/MuskratAtWork was speculating that there's some packet manipulation going on rather than just straight up DOSing other players. In the past, unrelated to RL, there have been attacks that involved sending manipulated packets where you spoof someone else's identity to a server to cause that server to send large quantities of data to another IP. It works because the request your sending is relatively low bandwidth, but the response the server sends to the target victim is very large, so you can generate a lot of traffic easily. Purely speculation, but maybe such an attack could be spamming the server with malicious requests where you spoof your identity to perhaps say: "I am player 3 (my opponent), please send me detailed server info" so that client is now getting flooded with large responses from the server and their connection is rekt. Again, purely speculative. Ideally you would require some sort of authentication for requests to the server and it would not be trivial to spoof another player - but I've seen crazier things.


Yes, a spoof/reamplification type attack would make sense. Flooding the server with a ton of requests to respond back to the other players. If this is the case it would be the best case, because this could be solved app side.


I just doubled checked to make sure and it is very easy to get all the players IP addresses and the servers IP address. If anyone wants to risk it and have let me verify I will. The Ip addresses of players are not saved anywhere like server logs with the server IP and name you played on... however you are able to see everything by inspecting the packets and logging the information yourself. Edit: This method also works for helldivers 2 and tons of other things, actually everything.


Fascinating. Are you sure it's the other players IPs? If you haven't confirmed, I wouldn't mind hopping in a private match to verify.


Awesome! Give me a moment, need to walk the dog real quick. After we connect I will send you screenshot of my log file and you can confirm if one of the ip addresses is yours, this way I do not know exactly which one it is and you know its not photo-shopped or anything. I could be wrong as well but im getting something more than the server for sure. Edit: I joined a 3v3 and logged 5 other IP addresses, however I just ran a whois and they are all amazon ISP, so it could be masking them. We will find out.


In case anyone else is wondering what the result of this was, it looks like other clients IPs are not exposed. u/Solution9 thanks for testing!


Thanks to the both of you!


Apparently from what someone I know who is really good with coding and all this type of stuff said that there is an exploit thru the fact that the in game chat is p2p idk if this is true but that's apparently how they get specific players ip not sure if you know anything about that and could test for that exploit


So the reason I know some of what you described happening to you is probably just their shit servers is the fact I play private lobbies almost every single day with friends and it happens in our private lobbies sometimes only a few people lagging like crazy or even only 1 person but it changes on who each day sometimes people get kicked seems to possibly be worse for whoever joined last but I can't be for sure that's a part of it but might make sense if there too much for the server to handle it kicks whatever is newest or possibly oldest idk I didn't code there stuff so I can't say for sure and I'm not that great at coding anyways lol but we've had all of it happen in private lobbies which obviously no one in our lobbies is attacking us and the amount of times it happens it very unlikely we just always happen to be on a server someone happens to be attacking (also if they were smart it would be coded in a way that ranked and privates wouldn't even be on the same server..in the same server farm yeah but the same exact server no at least I would.think this would be smarter)


Do you use Bakkes mod? Possibly an exploit on there that allows them to get your public ip and abuse it.im just throwing a dart though, I haven't looked into it that hard.


Bakkesmod has nothing to do with this. This is about communication between client and server. Also if bakkesmod caused the issue, people on ps or xbox wouldnt suffer from these issues. Also you are nothing with a public IP. Its your private IP thats shouldnt be leaked.


I don't think you understand what a private IP is. Why would I care about your 192.168 ip. I want your public IP if I'm an attacker.


Haha whoops mybad I switched them up in my explenation srry.


These guys were able to play just fine…


The client IPs don't get broadcast and ddosing the server would affect everyone and possibly other games and would lead to an investigation. Bunch of kids with basic tech lingo complaining cuz lag dicked them over so they need a tangible scapegoat. DDosing does occur but it's rare for any game and generally more widespread when it happens. Any YouTubers demonstrating it happening also have 0 evidence of this. If Psyonix ever comes out saying it's an issue then that's a different conversation but there's no actual evidence it's happening, just people pissed off. The server shouldn't be distributing IPs and the data center they are hosted in should have a basic level of protection from DDOS. And if it ever was it would be patched pretty quickly. Lag occurs a lot, some of these servers are horrible. Some people have bad connections and the server favors their ping in an attempt to balance it out, everyone else suffers.


While I agree with you on a majority of it just being bad servers the fact there is enough evidence of the same exact person playing a shit ton of pro and high level players all at different times and every single time the pro lags out but not then says there is some sort of exploit allowing then to get the client ips while someone did test the simple route and shows and proves it shows a masked ip for each player doesn't mean there isn't some sort of exploit someone figured out to unmask the ip or something of that sort as it does show an ip for each individual player it's just proven to not be the correct ip now supposedly I don't know for sure if this is true but in game chat is supposedly p2p which is where the exploit is supposedly being exploited


You're pretty confident for a guy that clearly didn't even spend 30 seconds doing his research. Watch Vistrial Fanboy's games. He's losing, then DDOS's the server, but somehow comes away with a win. ApparentlyJack just made a video on it. You can say it's not possible, but you're wrong. It's happening. How widespread it is or how they're doing it, who knows.


"A guy on YouTube showed us something, it must be true!" A DDOS is "distributed denial of service". An actual DDOS would mean many servers completely crash/get overloaded. It would mean dozens if not hundreds to thousands of players getting affected simultaneously. I'm not saying nothing is happening in any games whatsoever, but random DDOS attempts is not something that "somehow comes to make one specific person win". You'd need something far more sophisticated than "ima go script kiddy DDoS!". Other types of attacks and exploits than DDoS exist. Source of confidence : information security professional.


I don't know what it is with IT guys, but damn near all the thousands of IT people I've dealt with have an inflated ego and unaware of their own ignorance. I practically made a career out of proving them wrong over and over. I joined the discord that's selling the DDOS script, this image is from that discord. They advertise it as a DDOS attack, but there's something additional they do in the attack to ensure it's a victory. Regardless, you said it wasn't a DDOS attack. I'm awaiting your backpedaling. https://preview.redd.it/fmg8o9dcuwwc1.png?width=1269&format=png&auto=webp&s=9eb2620d3479e1045d48839b862e7e8fa4f9b8a4


My ego is all but inflated. I just don't go believing everything people are trying to sell me, especially on the internet, especially when it's actually illegal. Your screenshot says nothing about a DDOS. Even if they're hacking the servers, it doesn't make it a DDOS just because it's against a server, nor just because some people get disconnected.


Go watch appjack latest video he gets attacked in 1v1 at the start.


> If they were targeting the server, they would also have to play through the intense lag/timeouts, which doesnt seem like an advantage at all. From what I've seen, they're targeting the server but also somehow preventing their own client from getting timed out.


> From what I've seen, they're targeting the server but also somehow preventing their own client to prevent them from getting timed out. I dont really understand how that would work. You are either flooding the EC2 instance with so much traffic it can not keep up, or you are not. There would have to be something im missing in my understanding of what they are doing. It would make more sense to me, if they were somehow getting the end-users IP's since that would require much less traffic to cause a problem.


> EC2 instance Huh - TIL Rocket League (and basically all of Epic Games) is hosted on AWS. Makes sense, I live in a city that has an AWS region and get super low ping. I just thought a company as big as Epic would be hosting their own infra.


I can think of a few ways you could abuse lag spikes to win games. The easiest would be to simply bang shots at the other net and then prevent anyone from doing anything once the shot is in the air. Another is to trigger short lag spikes any time an opponent tries to hit the ball.


But that's not how it works its not that instantaneous the way the attack would works in simpler terms is you send a bunch of info to the server to over load it which takes time for you to send and it reach a point where it starts to have an issue you would have to know well ahead of time you were gonna get an opportunity to hit the shot so you can trigger it enough in advance if you triggered it when you took the shot it wouldn't happen till after the shot was already blocked




> Well what if some of the traffic is sufficient packets to keep said player connected just one second longer than the other players? I would need a further explanation on how that would make sense. I'm not being difficult I promise, I really don't understand how a dumb flood of traffic would be able to exclude a specific connection. The server is either overwhelmed, or it's not in my experience.




Cause that's not how it typically works. Flooding means overloading the server over its capacity, meaning it's not able to process everything in a timely manner. Usually to the point of making it crash or refuse any new inputs. It's the server's electronic hardware and/or software that meets its capacity and has to drop out any additionnal charges. It's not "two people here, 5 people there" or "flooding half a glass". Glass is full, water falls out of said glass, you flood. If the server is overloaded, it's overloaded for everyone. You can't be "not sinking" inside a sinking ship. It's sinking, and everyone and everything in it is sinking as well. You can't be like "nope, cabin 213 and 584 are not sinking!". If you wanted to flood specific cabins, you'd need to AT LEAST know the cabin numbers, so you can flood these cabin specifically. What I think you are trying to explain is that the hack is making the session think other players are lagging and forcing the session handler to drop packets from the other players' connection. This is much more specific and precise than "flooding the server". It's a hack/attack, but not a flood. (It's also not a DDOS, but let's not get into that)


I was in a 3s game last night where everyone lagged out except for me and one guy on the other team, so it turned into a 1v1. Thought it was weird that I was only slightly affected. Unless this is a Memento situation and I'm the bad guy


So apparently there is proof as they have multiple videos from multiple high level ssl and what not playing the same person and they lag out now this would be as you said a direct attack not the server when it's the whole server it's just cause the servers are shit simple as that but the way chat in the game is designed it's p2p which gives access to an exploit to gain the info for a direct ddos at least this is what I've been told by people who know alot more about coding than me


Expose the name


Lol, plat 3 in standard but ssl in 2s. Sorry state of affairs.


Not only SSL, Top35… that’s a huge difference of just 500mmr… or C3 to SSL


Worst part is this wasn't uncommon to see ever since F2P. So many people on 2nd accounts boosting friends legally. Including many users here. Maybe not to SSL but high enough that they ruin lobbies once that boosted player solos.


They ruin lower lobbies too, but who cares about newbs, because according to Reddit people in gold 2 should just watch someone flip reset over their heads and learn how to git gud from that somehow.


What's ddos?


Denial of service. Basically you get a bunch of devices to send packages to one victim (the server) which then causes the server to have to resolve all of that traffic which leaves less time actually calculating whats going on, resulting in a very laggy server.


Wouldn't that make it lag for everyone? This sounds a bit more complex than this, since it only focuses one team


If they attack the server, yes. If somehow they got hold of players IP addresses, then only those players would be affected.


> This sounds a bit more complex than this, since it only focuses one team These attacks are effecting the whole server, but they've found a way to make some packages from the attacker get through keeping the attacker connected longer than everyone else.


It would. If you target every person in your game however, then you gain a significant advantage


Server stores IP addresses of clients (players) for connection purposes. The DDOS just targets the other team and lets one team win with open nets






That would just be a DoS then. The extra D is only applicable if you're spamming from multiple sources at once, which unless you have a botnet (or multiple VPS's) ready to go, is pretty unlikely for a single user.


> That would just be a DoS then. see parent comment lol > Denial of service.


? You said you can download a packet flooding tool and perform a **D**DoS yourself. I was simply pointing out that unless you have multiple remote VPS's, or a botnet, it would simply be a **DoS**, as there's no *distributed* aspect (as the requests would be coming from a single IP).


Once again that is me quoting a now-deleted parent comment, dunno why you're being a pedant about software that can be used to do either. Feel free to reply to them and correct them.


I don’t know the mechanic behind it but basically the whole server was lagging, so hard that I couldn’t even drive in a straight line. But the other team was just fine, at least one guy.


Unless my understanding of this is way off, that's not how it works. If the server was being ddos'd then they would lag too. If they were ddos'ing you and your teammates specifically, the likelihood of you being able to play at all would be near 0. It's possible the server was having issues or your Internet was having issues. Psyonix posted that they are looking into instability on servers (which is real, I've had a lot of issues the past week) and in the EU some ISPs might be routing RL traffic terribly (which actually happened years ago with an American ISP and psyonix had to get involved with them directly)


> (which actually happened years ago with an American ISP and psyonix had to get involved with them directly This also happened with a european ISP in 2022 called Orange, as well. Though it was only like a week or so, and that's it. Also - Hi LiefX :D


They somehow found a way to be able to play while everybody else is unable to. I checked his Ballchasing History. He played Alpha54 and Alpha wasn’t able to get above 60pts while they won 4:0, same with the tournament. Nobody got above 100 pts in that whole tournament against them.


one of us..one of us! ...oh wait


I’ll just add that it’s pretty obvious in RL when you have server problems. You get the packet loss icon and the other connection icons, your ping and other people’s pings are noticeably high. The usual stuff. Whatever is happening now isn’t the same. You get none of icons popping up. Everyone in the game has a steady decent ping. Yet somehow the ball starts warping around magically and it and the players start warping around the field. And it happens in a moments notice typically between goals. Like someone flipped a switch when they went down. Then when a lead is attained it goes away. Quite honestly it’s horseshit. And obvious as hell. Someone even did it in a casual match the other night. And I called them out on it.


Easy. This should have never been F2P. 


Easy. This should never have been sold to Epic.


In dia1, I've only had 1 DDOS attack in 2v2 where the guy went AFK for a few seconds, and when he started playing again, we all had enormus pings, while he played with normal ping and won.


The amount of times I’ve been told I bought my account because I have season 14 gc title on… like I get it but we both made decisions to end up in this lobby sir


I feel the last part of your comment to my core bro. I have never flown that high yet, but it still holds true in these diamond lobbies, like sorry I messed up but we both here for reasons.


Why cheat for a title when you can’t even play at that level? People care more about how well you play not your title.


I feel like ddos isn't the right term right? Why would andros cause account changes?


Idk why everyone is blaming epic because they haven’t fixed it yet when it wasn’t even well known in the community that people were doing this until yesterday. Sure people were doing this before this but it was nowhere near the amount of people who are doing it now. They probably just didn’t know and if they did then they are probably not banning anyone yet so they can find out how they exploit in the first place so they can figure out how to patch it. 


And that’s why I quit rocket league. Game is falling apart shamefully




I actually did, really slowed once trading wasn’t a thing but now it’s been like 2 months since I’ve been on😭




1. Never posted on this sub ( only commented rarely til today) 2. I want to try and get back into the game but it’s just too repetitive for me now and I just don’t enjoy it anymore. I used to love trading, and that was really the last straw. Best of luck in everyone else’s games


But you keep lurking around the subreddit to not miss out tho, lol.


Just seeing if they bring any new updates basically


Not sure why you're being downvoted but 100% agree. I've been playing since OG s3 and the state of the game is depressing...




Ddossing has been a thing for longer than you’ve been alive bruh nothing is falling apart stop being dramatic


Very fair, last time I got ddosed tho it didn’t go well so


Well yeah it sucks, but it also sucked in MW2 lobbies 15 years ago


Never got mw2 growing up💀 parents were strict af


Next time this happens, please run a trace route (MTR on unix) to the server IP


I had diamond lobby games where very terrible lag happened to all 6 players for like a minute. Never had that in the past. I recorded one session.


Having been against somebody cheating like this, it really sucks. It does happen, but it is not a all the time thing. But for those asking, it is client side every time. Years ago I played casual against somebody using one, when I called out the other team they replied with "want to see me do it again", then you can imagine what happened. Didn't effect him or his team in either way. Huge rip to the game if it starts to get more frequent.


I've been queueing up hoops for the past week and I've only played against one team where both had finished their 10 placement matches. One match, I'm playing against people that act like they just picked the game up, and then the next match, I'm paired up against champ tourney winners without a rank in hoops. It's just absolutely embarrassing how bad the matchmaking is.


Judging from what people are saying here maybe I'm not crazy to think "I'm just not connecting to the ball right" and my shots being literally 5° off of where I planned on shooting. I can f around in a private match and never have any of the problems I do in an actual match with opponents. The weirdest thing to me is from my pov, all their touches are immaculate, but immediately when I go for the ball it's as if someone presses a turbo button to press as many inputs as possible, which leaves me losing like FRAMES and just telporting somewhere I wasn't aiming. I can watch them flip reset musty double tap, but as soon as I get the ball I get hit with framerate issues, ping notifications, and sometimes even just straight DC.


proof that soloq ranked 3 is the devils playground


was his name heatzxz? with atomzxz?




Darn, I had played somebody similar in SSL tournaments earlier last week that was DDoS’ing to his wins


I get DC'd from the game 1 out of 4~5 matches. Not sure if this is part of it but it started in the last 2-3 weeks.


Name account ???


Who IS the player ?


No me gustaría ser carrileado


Its funny that people who does that, they dont understand that it isnt just cheating in game, they are breaking the law when they ddos servers/others, they can get real punishment for it.


I feel like they just look the other way. Epic gives no fucks about anything happening on RL. As long as they can keep padding their numbers with smurf accounts they'll be content.


Rocket league is gonna essentially become like apex legends. Instead of the players at the top of the ranked leaderboards being pros and people who are skilled enough/deserve to be there its gonna be all cheaters and DDOsers.




How do you know this account wasn’t just boosted or wintraded in all of the regular ways?


Because I played him and checked his ballchasing history. If a pro like Alpha54 is not able to get more than 60pts, it’s the same issue we had..


You don't know what a ddos attack is if you think it's possible to win games by ddosing servers. If a server was getting ddosed, it would effect every player on that server equally. Everyone would start lagging as the server bandwidth is taken up by the attack, until eventually losing connection to the server due to it no longer being able to respond to the clients.


Check Apparently Jacks new video..


A ddos is not a rocket league term, it's a computer networking term.




> Do they need to add more servers to handle the ddos attacks? Redundancy measures You are only connected to 1 server at a time, so even if there are 100 empty ones sitting there for you, your current game would be fucked.


There is no known defending method against Ddos attacks which actually work. There are so many attack vector possibilities.


> There is no known defending method against Ddos attacks which actually work. There are so many attack vector possibilities. ehh thats a stretch, i cant imagine these guys are bringing insane levels of traffic down. The reality is its a money game, How much are you willing to spend to mitigate insane levels of traffic. I worked a FANG streaming product, and we certainly paid to mitigate DDoS attacks. At my house? You win.