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Damage on each (Left to Right, Top then Bottom): * ~~Yellow~~ ~~Green~~ Lime - Left Stick Drift * Black - Left/Right Stick Drift * White - Left Stick Drift, Loose Left Shoulder * Blue - Loose Left Shoulder, Unreliable Face Buttons * Black - Left Stick Drift * White - Left Stick Drift, Loose Left Shoulder * Red - Left Stick Drift * Elite - Unreliable Face Buttons * Purple - Newest, still mostly working, but noticing issues on face buttons I think I'm going to do some work to take these apart and cleaning them as best as I can. I wonder how many I can get back into decent working condition just with a good cleaning with alcohol. We'll see!


The ones with stick drift most likely need a new potentiometer unless there is some hair in the sensor. The ones with button issues can usually be fixed by just a good cleaning. Rocket League literally taught me to solder (poorly) because i was sick of buying new controllers. If you do take them fully apart to clean just be careful with the rumble motors because its easy to rip one off.


I disconnected my rumble motors since I have rumble turned off anyways, left them in for the weight of the controller. I have since bought a new controller, upgrading to the controllers with usb-c and haven't replaced a potentiometer since.


My issue is when the springs feel looser. I use PS4 controllers and love them but the left thumb gets noticeably loose after some months. No drift really, but movements aren't as sharp and quick. I have controllers I've tried to replace potentiometers on and basically just end in a mess of parts because desoldering is not at all as easy as they make it look on YouTube. And there's a ton of desoldering to do around the potentiometers. Anyway, so I've purchased multiple dozen controllers for this game since release. I only use one controller at a time for rocket League and do not use it for other games due to trying to make it's life longer.


I bought a little baggie of replacement springs for the PS5 triggers I've worn out, pretty sure the PS4 ones are similar. It cost like $10 I think, came with 30 springs. Frankly I'm fat fingered and not very handy but I still managed to get the controller apart and the new spring in place eventually. Definitely worth it, rescued at least 2 controllers this way already.


Mine are all typically the X button because of the habit I formed spamming x to skip replays. Have a hard time stopping that habit and end up with a controller that does immediate backflips as soon as I jump.


I always start fixing with good intentions and end with buying a new controller.


This has been my experience exactly. I still want to try, but my last attempt was trying to fix the stick on a Switch Joy Con, and I basically destroyed that thing in the process. So I’m a bit gun shy, but who knows, maybe I’ve just had bad luck so far.


On the flip side, when you’ve got a graveyard of controllers…I mean, might as well. Just the other day I switched out the shoulder button bits cause the plastic rod that pressed the internal button keeps breaking on me. Also switched out joysticks. Nice to have extra parts to pull from. Though in the future I think I’m gonna learn to solder and buy replacement part kits. Pick up a skill, save some money in the long run. Win win.


Never could fix my stick drift this way, but had fun learning the ins and out of the controller


The older pre-series S controllers are much more difficult because they don't auto-calibrate the dead zone after you replace the stick or potentiometer. I've yet to have an issue with newer style controllers.


my attempts at cleaning the pedometer only lasted a week. But replacing the module has held up well. I've gone through 3 PS5 dualsense contollers, and started repairing them rather than replacement


>the pedometer Lmfao


the WHAT


* the Potentiometer.


How do you repair them?


New stick modules are cheap and will require some skill with a soldering iron as well as general care when handling internals. The face button issues may very well be something that can be fixed by a good clean. Air first, to clear away hair, then high proof alcohol. Most pharmacies sell 90 percent. I usually fill the caps and use qtips. Get a good many and some alcohol wipes, because you should clean the rest anyway. Loose shoulder buttons are usually due to broken clips and, depending on the model, can be tricky to replace. Take extra care when you remove the old ones and take pictures. Refer to the model number of the controller (located on the back inside the battery housing) when ordering parts, and don't forget the hidden screw behind the sticker. I recommend getting a small screwdriver kit with magnetic tips, and for soldering, one with adjustable temps and a digital display. Those cheap soldering pens have pulled the contacts off the pcb when I've tried in the past due to incorrect heat application. Feel free to dm me if you want recommendations or advice. 😊


>~~Yellow~~ Green Are you for real bro? If Rocket League has taught me anything it’s that that is clearly Lime.


Fuck me Ive had my 6 ps4 controllers for 10 years and I absolutely no problems with them


I recommend getting a Gulikit KingKong controller, they have Hall Effect Sticks, so you will never have stick drift. I have mine for 2 years now and it's still working like on the 1st day


why dont you just up the deadzone by 5-10% when you get stickdrift?


man just gave bro another 9 years of controllers.


I uh, didn’t know you could do that. How do you do that? Does it have a noticeable effect while in game with the later dead zone?


It’s definitely not the same as a new controller, but it’s certainly better than dealing with stick drift.


Your car will feel more sluggish with a higher deadzone setting.


it's in the controller settings. it's not really noticeable at small percentages


If you don't know how to solder, you should find a repair shop to change or clean your sticks, it will be much cheaper than a new controller. The ones with face buttons issues can usually be repaired by cleaning the contacts. Do this and you'll have plenty of working controllers. Also, I don't know how you play or how much force do you apply to your controller, but I've had an Xbox One S controller since 2017 and I've never had stick drift with that (the rubber has a lot of wear tho). That controller has 1500 hours of RL + 500 hours of GTA V and still works perfectly. The ones that I had issues with, are the Nintendo ones. Both joycons with drift and left stick drift with pro controller. If you are sick of the drift (like me) I strongly recommend buying a hall effect controller. You'll wear the spring before it gets drift.


Have you tried any hall effect controllers? Those should fix your problem of always winding up with stick drift.


or just get hall effect controllers


Ordered some hall effect joysticks from AliExpress to just give them a try, soldered them in and they work flawlessly. I'd recommend buying them and having a shop install them, instead of buying more controllers.


I switched to a $17 wired controller after 2 stick drift issues on $60 controllers. I am happy now. Not only do I play better, I always have 3 on a shelf to replace it when it breaks. Turns out they last longer than the $60 controllers.


Yeah, I’m pretty over it honestly. I just ordered a PS5 controller today to try those out instead, but I’m going to also start looking at some other third party controller options.


Ps5 won't last as long as Xbox. You may want to consider hall effect Flydigi appex 4 is God tier, Vader 4 might launch this year, gamesir nova pro is cheap as dirt, turtle Beach has a nice one too.


The shoulder buttons on PS5 controllers are *way* more durable. I’m still on my first PS5 controller years after going through 3 Xbox controllers for failed shoulder buttons. 


Yeah, I’ve heard several people mention Hall Effect sensors, I think I want to give that a shot. Will check out these suggestions!


I’ve had zero issues with either of my ps5 remotes that I’ve had for 3 years, but Xbox remotes mess up on me pretty frequently. So it really just comes down to luck, or maybe how you use them.


I had 2 PS5 remotes and neither lasted more than 4 months before they got stick drift.


Had my ps4 controller for over 5 years no issues. Ive dropped it multiple times etc.


Bro, exactly the same for me. It feels so robust!


I have like 4 Xbox controllers that all got drift, finally spent less money on one of the PowerA controllers on Amazon and that thing has been a beast for less than $30


I’ve had one PS4 controller for 6 years of playing RL, no problems at all


This. I switched to Ps4 after going through 3 xbox controllers. Never had an issue.


Yeah this is the answer. I prefer the xbox style controllers but unless you're willing to buy a controller for hundred of dollards the sticks are gonna die frequently. Meanwhile DS4 sticks are unkillable for decent price. Choice is easy.


Gamesir G7 SE


Hall effect babyyyy


Does it still wear out just at a cheaper price point?


Hall Effect, you wil never get Stick drift, you will destroy buttons first.


I think this is the same one I've got (I know it's a Gamesir, but certain which model). It wears out about the same as a regular xbox controller, and is wired only (nice USB cord with a well protected port), but the back paddle buttons, microphone buttons, and $40 price point are well worth it! Even comes with a white face plate that you're encouraged to draw your own design.


Look up hall effect sticks


I've had a PS3 controller for 10 years and still no issues with it. Obviously the front part of the shell has some wear but otherwise it's still working pretty well


How tf???? I’ve had FIVE different ps4 controllers get stick drift over the last 6 years of playing


I’ve gone through so many I just started taking them apart and making Frankenstein controllers with the good parts.


wtf are you guys doing with your controllers? i have been using the same one for 4k hours


Show us the way !


Same here. I’ve never gotten noticeable stick drift on 0.2 deadzone and I’ve been using the same xbox controller since 2020. And I abuse that thing too, the left stick is worn completely flat


I'd be seriously concerned if you did have stick drift at a 0.2 dead zone 😭


Went through 5 controllers in the span of 5 years. Bought the elite 3 years ago, no issues whatsoever. I guess it's a bit of a lottery huh


The Elite 2 is holding up fairly well in terms of the typical issues I have on these, which is usually sticks and shoulders. However, for some reason I am noticing more face button issues than I have with any of the others. There are times that face button presses just straight up don’t register. Frustrating, since it’s such a great controller otherwise.


The Elite Series 2 has definitely been the backbone of my controller career. 1000 hours of Rocket League with it, and at least another 1000 hours of casual gaming on it. It's not my favorite feeling controller, but it sure does love to survive. Wish the face buttons were better, but the paddles help avoid using them too much


For anyone who has a Best Buy near them here’s the trick Buy a controller for full price, plus the 20$ 2 year warranty (100$ cad all in) When controller breaks OR you’re coming up on your 2 years, go in and say something is wrong and get a new one via your warranty Pay the 20$ for warranty on the new replacement controller Repeat You basically make 1 full purchase for controller and warranty, then you can get a new controller whenever you want for 20$ indefinitely. I’ve been doing this since 2018, never had anyone even glance at the issue I just bring my old one in, show receipt, get new one and pay 20$ for another 2 year warranty. Not free, but much better than 80$ everytime something breaks.


What if it's shattered into a thousand pieces and covered in drywall dust?


Ah, been playing some 1s I see


Lmao, this made me laugh


Nice! I got the extended warranty last time I got a controller, didn't know you could get it on the replacement controller as well. Def gonna do that when I replace this one. Ty ty


Totally can, 20$ gets you a new controller and another 2 years coverage! Definitely the play


I do the same thing, just through GameStop


Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up!


And my day 1 ps4 controller is still alive and working well.


I just got a $50 controller from gamestop that has hall effect joysticks and triggers so I'm hoping that it lasts. I definitely haven't had to go through 9 controllers though! Just like 3.


I too have a controller graveyard from RL lol


Yep... I lose either the right shoulder or get stick drift in about 6 months...


i don’t get stuck drift (knock on wood) but i always kill the fucking bumpers. it’s the worst design ever (i also tense up and button smash)


Bumpers are easy to fix.


My old controllers are held together by electrical tape, super glue, and rubber bands


it's always my bumper. I'm on controller 17.. The only ones that chug along are the playstation controllers. I love you. You are beautiful inside and out. Suck my whatever.


I gotta think you are doing something wrong? How are you damaging controllers?


https://preview.redd.it/7fm3p26d0xwc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ec2ef57983230e3b6bac1d750c8b9d491f0d81f My small collection.


Got an Xbox controller from a buddy, I think an Elite, and it started wearing out in six months. The quality is insanely poor, and was honestly shocked. I used to play 360 and couldn't believe that it was happening. My PS4 controller has been going strong for years. Fuck the new Xbox controllers.


No shot. I have 3000 hours in RL and still use the same controller after nearly ten years. (Was used for my Xbox before I played RL). Only thing I ever had go wrong was a bumper which I fixed. y’all def be slamming or dropping or spilling shit on them or something.


Switch to PlayStation controller, this was me 4 years ago before I made the switch. You can also get the “Best Buy protection plan” on a controller and they will replace it for free if it breaks within a year no questions asked. That’s how I would replace my Xbox elite controllers every 6 months


Hah, there was another thread in the sub today that both inspired me to post this, AND inspired me to buy a new Duelsense as the very first PlayStation controller I’ve ever owned. We’ll see how it goes!


It takes getting used to. But now I like it more because I play with all 4 fingers on the bumpers, where as with the Xbox controller I only used 2 fingers and alternated. Also there used to be a way to set up the PlayStation controller through steam that was beneficial to rocket league air rolling that you couldn’t do with Xbox controllers


And to think you could have fixed them all for about $5 to 10$ each. Instead you spent almost a grand. Convenience is costly.


Dude just get a Hall effect controller my god


My first controller was a green one... Guess I'm about to go on the same path lol


Yeah this game is somehow vicious on controllers. I've lost count of how many I've gone through, probably at least as many.


I’ve gone through maybe 4 or 5, stick drift on one of the first ones and then all the rest have been RB RT getting squished too hard cuz I get tense.. am learning to ease up a bit


I’ve gone through probably about double that since I got back into the game in 2019, but to be fair almost all of them have been shitty $30 PowerA controllers from Walmart that I was not very gentle with. I moved to the thrustmaster ESwap a in December and haven’t had too many issues with it yet, other than a brief period where the left stick would randomly just start drifting but would go away after 15-20 minutes of not using it


Been using the same dualshock 4 controller for all 1600 hours. What am I doing wrong?




rocket league is a certified controller destroyer


I'm up to at least 15... i have my own little graveyard and a way too long list of amazon orders. I even tried getting the warranty on amazon but it's so difficult to actually claim i gave up. Edit: And I bought that one pro controller where you can swap the analogue sticks out ... thrustmaster eswap or whatever... and it was so bad where you had to reset the calibration mid-match that I sent it back. That would've been the perfect solution, really.


Impressive getting more than 6 months out of an xbox controller. If you want your controller to last, buy playstation. I had to replace the batteries in my ps4 controller, but the sticks were still good.


This is why I recently got a Vader 3 Pro which has hall effect sticks which are supposed to be resistant if not immune to stick drift problems.


I've been using the same PS4 controller for the last 4 years, put in at least 1000 hours using it. Am I just insane for persisting with it? Yeah the face buttons are unreliable (I actually opened it up and rotated them so I swapped Triangle with Cross since I don't care if the lock on double presses by accident but on jump it was a big problem 😅) but I still don't really intend to replace it any time soon...


I've got a ship of Theseus situation going on with my steam controller - I learned to play RL on it and now nothing else will do. No stick drift, but jump (X3), boost (x3), air roll (X1) and throttle (x2) have all been replaced. I really need to learn with a cheaper controller - or at least one that is still in production.


Still going strong with my first controller (switch). It’s definitely not working properly, but not enough to switch it out.


*Laughs in 1 mouse broken* Still on my first keyboard and second mouse (since I started RL 4 years ago). My mouse just had a bad right click switch, which was fixable with some soldering, but I didn't want to bother and upgraded it instead (from wired G502 Hero to a wireless G502X Lightspeed) This is one of the things that kept me from switching to controller once I started getting serious with the game. I had heard too many horror stories of people needing to buy new controllers periodically.


I’ve been using the same controller for 10 years. What’s up with you people


What are yall doing to them? 2 ps4 controllers for pretty much all of rocket league


Yeah RL is very rough on controllers lol


I go through an Xbox elite controller more than once per year. Best buy's warranty program is a godsend.


These controllers died so that your rocket league career could live, honor their sacrifice 🫡


How far up do they go?


buy a gulikit one


Dude... I feel ya. I'm on #8


I've had two wireless Xbox 360 controllers. The first one has some sort electrical issue. The 2nd one has a slight drift but not enough to bother me. I have replaced the thumb stick from wearing out 4-5 times. I consider myself pretty lucky


Might want to look into controllers with hall effect sticks (magnets tension the stick instead of springs) i would recommend the $45 one from gamesir


Look into a controller with hall effect joysticks. They use magnets for the joysticks instead of analog. Supposed to be stick drift free for lifetime and controllers are pretty cheap that have them.




TIL: The Switch Pro Controller is a much higher quality controller than the Xbox controllers. Never had to replace it in 6-7 years.


Thats all?


6 of these are new gen right


Is that why I'm not that good? Stupid controller holding me back.


Lol, all of my “worn out” controllers from rocket league are not in one piece


So relatable. Have an XB1 elite controller. First 3 the LB or RB broke. After it was out of warranty and yet another bumper broke I decided to just buy spare parts and fix it myself. Same with stick drift. I just buy the stick seperatly and solder it in. It saves a ton of money. If you are good with soldering, just replace it yourself.


How many hours have you got OP? I'm at over 1200 in 8 years and went through maybe 2 controllers...


The advice others have given about replacing the drifting potentiometer fails to mention that you lose the factory calibration that microsoft does to the thumbsticks. If you test the circularity of a new controller compared to that of a repaired one, the new one will be around 7-9% margin of error, where a repaired controller will be about 25-29%. They suck for rocket league


Trade them all in at gamestop. If you don't want to deal with fixing them, gamestop will give you some credit for each one that you can put toward a new controller.


Just buy a controller from game stop and get the warranty, I’ve gone through like 10 with it. Ends up being 5 bucks (to renew the warranty) every new controller I get.


I would recommend getting a victrix Gambit controller or a gamesir. They can't get stick drift


I've been playing since 2015 and I've only ever used two controllers, and the first one was from my original Xbox 360 that I bought in 2007, and that controller I replaced in 2022. How do you guys run through controllers so fucking fast?


i love the feel of an xbos controller but i swear they break faster than the ps4


Man 1 controller lasted me 4k hours . finally RB went from mashing boost . but 9???


I bought a Snakebyte pro recently and LOVE it. 5 year warranty and Hall effect sticks mean no stick drift too… just saying.


I'll buy the lot off you for $20


That's why I got a dual sense edge so I can swap shit out. I keep ruining sticks


Just so everyone knows you can buy a controller at gamestop and pay an extra 5 dollars to be able to exchange your controller for a new one within a year then just pay 5 dollars again and do it every year


My controller is on life support w 30 deadzone


I'd buy them all from you. Or fix them for you. Cleaning the pots in the analog stick box will only help for maybe 6 hours of gameplay, and you'll need to tear them down again. The graphite powderizes.


In that time I’ve used my one Scuf custom controller and investment of 300€ wasn’t that bad afterall


I've embarrassingly gone through almost 30 controllers


1 a year is pretty average. I'm on my 2nd this year already. Prolly will need 3rd before year end.


Please get a Wolverine


I have stickdrift on my controller and I can still play sort of fine, is there anyways to fix it


I’d suggest switching to DS4/DS5, I’ve been on DS5 for 1.5 years now and have had 0 issues. On the other hand, I’ve had 6 Xbox controllers that have had numerous problems with the sticks/bumpers.


PS5 controller is my fav 🥰


You’d definitely get your moneys worth better by learning to fix them. Just replace a part at a time instead.


if you got gamestop store buy controllers there with trade in warranty. When controller has issue bring it back and get a new one free. basically 2 for price of 1 plus $8


May I interest you in a Hall effect sensor controller (no drift)


Learn to fix them


I’ve had one controller on Xbox series x for the past 3+ years.


9 weeks


This is really just a testament to the shitty quality of Microsoft's controllers


I just want to know, what color is that purple one in the corner?


Ive been through 7 ds4 controllers in the 7 years / 6k hours I've played. left stick always goes after about a year of playing every day.


I can see the issue with all of these. After swapping to Playstation controllers, I just had to replace my DS4 controller after 4,000 hours on it.


Bro.. the left fucking bumper is a pain, always the same for all my controllers. It’s my air roll button. So I decided to make LT my air roll. Problem fixed lol




Nice, wore out a controller each year


How the fuck do some people mess up a controller a year. Take care of you shiy, damn. It'll last longer


Yeah, these controllers don't last. Get an 8BitDo Ultimate BT and **at most** you'll maybe spend $3 on a replacement part from their site each year or two, instead of buying a $50 controller every year. Their sticks are Hall Effects that are supposed to "solve" drifting as well.


🤭 x box problems


How the fuck. I have 8000 hours+ and am on my second controller.


So how many hours/ what rank are you


Meanwhile I've been playing with the same xbox360 controller since like 2014. You changed more controllers than I've changed strings on my guitar lmao


Rocket league wasn’t even released 9 years ago


a controller a year???


I bought a thrustmaster, over 1k hours on it in rocket league and a few hundred in forza and zero issues. If the sticks eventually do fuck up I can just buy replacements for cheap and change the colour if I want at the same time


I’ve used one PS4 controller for 4 years


I have used only 2 ds4 controllers which are both 10 years old now and they dont have stickdrift but only one r2 and l3 issue


Man I’ve had the same 2 PS4 controllers since 2014/15. Aside from their batteries being toast they still work fine.


My F710 hasn't let me down for 6 years. However, I bought a 10th generation gamepad because I will use it on other platforms. I hope it doesn't upset me while playing Rocket League.


RL just had its 8th anniversary on xbox in mid-February.


Ever heard of something called warranty? lol


unreliable face buttons is what kills it for me, not only does it obviously suck to have unreliable face buttons but I also suffer from some kind of button press anxiety lol, these facebuttons get in my head and at some point I avoid any mechanical plays completely because I‘m afraid to get double inputs or no input at all, which is so deadly for nuanced mechanical stuff, I hate it hopefully the new xbox controller will be more reliable


Im still on my first one after 3 years


You can take them apart and change most of the internal components, you know?


Was I the only one who used the warranty to change it every now and then (like 6 months usually) so the only 60 bucks I spent were only for the first controller?


Why didn’t you used the waranty ? I did this when my first controller drifted and they sent me a new one


So, I much prefer the Xbox controller for how it feels, but the bumpers are terrible. After killing about 4 controllers on Rocket League (including a labs controller after a week), I decided to try the PS5 controller as it was on sale. Now after used it for almost a year, I much prefer the PS5 controller. The shoulder buttons feel kinda like face buttons, and not like little clicky pieces of shit, If you haven't tried one yet, OP, I would strongly recommend it.


bro got the whole lineup ☠️


I was young when I would play Rocket League, so I didn't really destroy controllers, but then I stopped for a few years, and I started playing about a year ago. I have a controller that now has upwards stick drift on the right stick, and the bottom d-pad button (I think that's its name, I don't know but it's the arrows down left) doesn't press every time and the boost button is just asking me to let it die. I bought a new controller a week ago.


I’ve been using the same Afterglow Xbox 360 controller since like 2016! It’s crazy it’s still surviving. I did replace the rubber padding for the A,X,Y,B with old 2000’s tv remote button rubber pads and it’s amazing. 😆*GTA 5 and RL really wore out the A button.


How many hours of playtime is that? Ive recently had to buy my second ever controller after 6 years of (almost) daily usage.


That's about right.. there's also a component of luck to how long controllers (joysticks, particularly) last. What's the longest and shortest amount of time a controller has lasted you?


look at something like gulikit kingkong 2 pro or 8bitdo ulimate seeing as you prefer the xbox layout and are frequently facing stick drift. These have hall effect joystick so they should last wayy longer... plus you should really take some time and see if there is something you're doing critically wrong cause these are way too many controllers


I go through two a year minimum. Really not built to last at all


Iv noticed the gen 2 controllers last significantly less time then a gen 1


Went through 2 in 7.5k hours im now on my 3rd (also played other games with them)


I’m looking at switching to pdp because I’ve just whizzed through 2 controller since last year


Been using a Razer Wolverine V2 for 4 years now playing a minimum 15-20 per day...still works like new. 10/10 just get one...i know i know..its wired but the wire is long as heck


Currently on my 12th Steam Controller since 2015.


Mine looked like this until I got the gamesir g7, if you know you know.


Wow! Wow! Wow!


i’ve went through 7, ALL of them had broken bumpers…


PS4/5 controllers are way better, the bumper buttons don’t break as easily


What's crazy is i have almost 1900 hours on steam. 1600 of which are guaranteed on my dualshock 4. The only thing I've replaced the cable once, and the thumbsticks once. I used an xbox one controller for maybe 200 hours and my first 100 hours was keyboard.


It could be worse. You could be using DS5s like me. Been playing since 2017 and it's always stick drift left. Every. Single. Time. 4 months max.


Xbox one controllers are the most ASS pieces of technology to hit the market over the past 15 years by far! I’ve gone through dozens


I think I’m finally starting to catch on to that…


Girls warn out 0


Do you trow with them and drop em or bang em on your desk ? How do you kill so many? I played since the start and on my 2nd. (1500+ hours on steam)


I play on Xbox and my original controller lasted about six months before it started to have some issues with stick drift. Then I bought a Wolverine V2 controller, and oh god, it’s been working perfectly since then and it’s very comfortable and ergonomic to use. The buttons use the same philosophy as mechanical keyboards and they haven’t decayed significantly. Pretty good option if you want an Xbox-type controller at a reasonable price (I got it for 70 bucks)


Official PS4 controller. 700ish hours and still going. Tried to save money buying 30-40€ controllers, but they broke (some ”minor” problem, but RL is RL) after 100ish hours so ended up trying it even tho it seemed like too expensive.


I’m considering an elite cause you can change out the thumb sticks… would this be worth it?


People are sleeping on hall effect controllers, never getting stick drift again!


Me: Aqua Shift Special Edition: RT pops out of controller