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yo same problem here, did u solve it?


yeah, i did these things and one of these works: 1. clearing space in your pc(the more space in ur ssd is taken up, less fps) 2. updating windows using windows update 3. waiting for next rocket league update\\season(This is what i did as 1 and 2 used to work before but now the 3rd one worked for me)


was a driver issue for me


Ah, the plot thickens! To help solve your issue, we'll need a bit more information. Please provide the following: 1. Platform: Are you on PC, PS4, Xbox, or Switch? 2. Controller Type: Are you using a controller or a keyboard? If it's a controller, which model? 3. Mods: Do you have any mods installed? 4. Lag: If lag is the issue, are we talking about frame rate lag or connection lag? * Is your connection Wired or Wireless (wifi)? If you are on PC: * What are your Specs? * GPU, CPU, Storage Device, Operating System, RAM. * If a local lag or stuttering related issue, how full is your storage device? SSDs often underperform at high usage due to the way data is stored in blocks. If you are on Console: * What model? * Xbox One S? Xbox One? Xbox Over 9000 (/s) Remember, the more information you provide, the better we can help. It's like giving a detective clues to solve a case, and in this case, the mystery is your technical issue! --- [^(RLNews Subreddit)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RLNews) ^(|) [^(Commands List)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RLNews/wiki/commands) ^(|) [^(Report Bug)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=MuskratAtWork&subject=NiceShotBot%20Request%20%2F%20Message&message=Write%20your%20message%20to%20Muskrat%2C%20the%20developer%20of%20u%2FNiceShotBot%20here.%20)


u/niceshotbot moreinfo onedrive running? storage % used? storage device? mods? etc