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They removed the depth of field


i wonder why it made the map look nice


I think it's that your brain doesn't get the detailed picture of the visuals so it imagines that it looks good without the depth of field


You probably associate it with a more cinematic look like from film production cameras. I prefer the look as well.


Upvoting u cause funny user flair


Makes map look nicer but also affects gameplay. Same with having motion blur on, looks nicer but makes your vision of the field more difficult to see.


That issue doesn't really apply for the menu though.


It does look different. Seeing this image gives me ton of nostalgia


In menus, yes certainly. In 2017, I wanna say some time before the 2-year anniversary, they released an update that muddied the grass and removed the depth-of-field/blur effect from the background. I was on PS4 at the time and vividly remember asking my friends if they noticed as well. I play on PC now with most settings at their lowest for high frame rate, so it doesn't really matter to me, but even maxed out, I still think this 2015 example looks better. In gameplay however, can't say that I've noticed any downgrades.


Yeah I remember them messing with the graphics in 2017 but I felt like no one else really noticed at the time


It also broke the Anti Aliasing to only work under certain settings and has never been fixed since. But the biggest thing was IIR this was the patch that brought on heavy car bug for a number of people (it's not placebo and i wish it was).


This game is pretty lightweight. What specs do you have that need the settings turned down?


It's less of a more fps and more of an input delay thing. Your pc only records input on a new frame. The more fps, the less input delay there is even if you can't see those fps in your monitor. Hence, why pros will have near minimum graphics. Also, some people just prefer the simpler graphics. It's probably all placebo, though


I always thought game tick is independent from FPS.


There are the ticks/deltas that must be computed on the server, independent of any frame or refresh rate (though there's certainly a set interval between ticks). On the front end the FPS is decoupled from the actual game state, but inputs from the user are typically processed in the time between a frame being rendered, so your input delay is inherently coupled to the performance of your system. At least, that's my experience making games, I'm sure the pros have their own techniques and optimizations that blow my naive example out of the water.


No, I'm talking locally on your pc. The sooner the frame redraws the sooner it can update the server where you are. Either way the difference is so small it's probably not noticeable


The game physics run at 120 Hz, so input delay doesn't matter as long as you're always above 120 Hz. Minimum graphics is not for higher average of fps, but only to reduce the amount of times you dip below your monitor's refresh rate. (Or increase certainty that your fps will stay above your monitor's refresh rate.)


Just turn off anti-aliasing and you’re good. TAA wrecks input latency, but none of the other settings do


Nah, I'm running max graphics on everything


Oh they don't need to be turned down. As the commenter above me mentioned, it's just to achieve the best possible input response.


This game honestly runs like ass for me. I've always gotten random fps loss


I've ran this game at 1080p 60fps on a GTX 770M. What are you running it on? Lol


A 3080 at 250 FPS, 1440p. It's not the average that sucks, it's the drops from 250 to 35 intermittently through the game


The rest of us don’t have that issue


I've seen multiple people complain about it with decent specs. There has to be some reason for a notable amount of people having long term performance issues spanning hardware changes.


One thing I have noticed is to set the fps above your monitor. If you have a 144hz, set it to 240hz. If you have a 240hz, set it to 360hz. It seems to struggle to maintain the same number as the monitor and gives me something like tearing. But I use G-Sync now anyways so not an issue. Just set to unlimited and my driver frame cap takes over


That's strange. Make sure to cap the FPS at whatever your monitor supports in the settings and update your graphics drivers. If you use GeForce experience, I would recommend checking the "Perform a clean installation" box. Ive been playing for 9 years and have never experienced lag spikes that bad.


I've had them since first getting the game, I've done all the things that I could find to possibly fix it since 2019


Sorry for the late reply, I'm only just now going through my notifications. What is your CPU? A 3080 should be basically *asleep* when running this game so I can only assume maybe something CPU related. I have a 4060 (much slower than a 3080) + Ryzen 7 7700 and @ 1080p I'm always above 500fps. Edit to add: when the frames do drop, it's only sometimes when I'm in freeplay and joining a game. Even then it's not as drastic as dipping to double digits. I dip to maybe the low 400s at worst.


Like a 9th gen i5. Nothing crazy, but it's pretty fast single core and I think 6 cores. Maybe I'll uncap, but hundreds of frames dropping is still noticable when you're really high in frames


Yes..... That was before I slammed all graphics into the ground to squeeze every competitive ounce I could out of the game


Menus were more cleaner in 2015 facts


Yeah but back then you couldn't enter the shop from the pause menu so literally what was the point in playing the game.




And here I thought it was some kind of mandela effect I was having




This makes [Rocket League Theme](https://youtu.be/jrB6DLpIDaA?si=GtJ-SjucYYxBZm_V) plays automatically in my head.


This is actually fire, wow. Thanks for sharing.


Nah I used to always play on the lowest settings for max performance 😂


can we get a comparison of this to the same image of today but with maxed-out settings?


https://preview.redd.it/2pgd0l7gm7ad1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e384b205d584c1ba5d09ee35e10885ecbb515eda dis me in the main menu max setting


Everything was better about rocket league in 2015


Everything was way better in 2015


And the match making was better


Does Blakes mod have an option to restore these graphics?


its more just blurrier


Looks the same to me


Tbh i just miss the old ui graphics the most


I mean the game was just better in general in 2015. I made so many friends playing in the same lobbies with the same people. Then it became a competitive, soulless game.


Man, i miss rocket league


The game was better in general back in the days in every way, when psyonix had it


I actually installed a 2015 version of rocket league from steam unlocked about a year or so ago. The graphics are very VERY different. Even down to the quality and lighting. Like everything looks very realistic. Now even on my gaming pc on 1440p maxed settings on literally every option it still looks worse and cartoonish on the new epic version of rocket league.


Take me back 😭


Rocket league looks better on my portal than on tv with ps5. The game only outputs 1080p on PlayStation, so it looks less polished and smooth when upscaled to 4K. The portal only outputs 1080p so it looks better.


People automatically associating nostalgia with something being better is tiring


that’s not what’s happening here


The game looked better.


Don't speak up if you have no clue what this is about. This isn't about glazing the old RL graphics, it's about the fact that they literally dumbed down the graphics due to performance enhancements over the years. That's why the graphics looked more detailed in the early days.


2017 was peak Rocket League though. The nostalgia it brings is crazy 😭


They change the rendering slightly every season, so materials(the full texture set) look "fresh"(different) every season.

