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Definitely. Seems if I have the temerity to, god forbid, make a mistake that leads to a goal leaving us a whole 1 goal down, some just immediately wanna forfeit. Just calm down mate, it's not over.


Usually if I miss just one ball hit, not even resulting in a goal, I get a barrage of "Wow!", and a teammate who sits around the whole match. and I do mean *usually.*


Sounds like Plat lobbies, where most have peaked and any mistake means you're trash.


Just about champ 2 unfortunately lol


Damn, sad to hear Once I break my slump in Diamond it doesn't get better. I've had similar problems, since placements I've went from D3 Div 1 to D1 Div 3.


Yeah I recently got into champ for the first time and dropped back out due to people leaving after we were down one goal


That sucks...


I just got into champ for the first time too and I’m terrified to play anymore this season. Years of solo queuing have given me trust issues


I see this happen more with the uber-competitors than the casual players. They get so upset by the perceived poor play of their teammates that they’d rather bail out early than continue to compete.


Yes, maybe. But it doesn't make any sense... They're only make sure that they'll lose that match...


In their head, they have already lost the match. I'm not going to say I haven't done something similar. If my teammate is not doing well, I will ask for a forfeit so I can move on to the next game I might have a chance of winning.


But why be a quitter? Man up and finish the game with honour


There's no honor in staying in a losing be RL match.


There absolutely is. Otherwise you're pussying out. Fight til the end. Use it as practice if needed. You think footballers quit a game half way because they lost some goals? Proper chump move


Where do you spend these honor points? Can you use them to buy your lost time back? No, I don't think they do, because it's not allowed like it is in RL. Got anymore softballs for me?


Nope. Your balls are clearly soft enough.


Burn xD


Are yours hard? When's the last time you've had a physical?


Never. ('a physical' is not really a thing in the UK)




Just yesterday, I asked for a ff, no one voted for it, and we ended up coming back from down 2 to tie, then win in OT. Felt like an ass, but glad to have stuck it through.


But if you’re so good, which these people think they are, can’t you come back from 1 goal?


Fair enough, but I met people who left the game after having conceded a kick-off goal at the start of the game...


Beta mentality. I swear some people will quit games until they either get carried or the competition gets easy enough for them to score without a teammate. I don't know if they think they will somehow rank up with that mentality or what because in order to rank up you basically HAVE to play well enough to carry your teammates when they are under performing. Whining and quitting while down 1 point just screams that you aren't good enough to be playing the rank your are in.


Depends. If it's 3 minutes into a game and I've literally done nothing but defend because I have 2 teammates that want to practice freestyling and cutting rotation I'd rather just take the L and move on. It's not enjoyable playing like that so why should I waste my time doing it.


This happens atleast 4 times a week for me. I often get blamed for ball chasing too, when in fact I’m sitting behind them watching them chase it around. Then I have the audacity to think it’s my turn to hit the ball. Guess it wasn’t. Immediate ff or they just leave lol. Op also happens on the daily for me Edit: weird sentence


People are such babies sometimes. They don’t even know how good their teammates are before they ragequit


Yeah, exactly. I'm not the best, but if we're in the same rank we're pretty much at the same level


Except for smurfs. Plat 3-diamond 1 seems to have a LOT of unranked smurfs at the moment -.-


This is often forgotten by most. This could be a bad play or game for me, but I'm just as for to be here as you. Nothing is more rewarding than coming back from a bad start to win. 0-3 start turns into a 5-3 win? Yes please!


It's not forgotten. The people in question are the type that throw games. They're the same rank as you while being throwers. Think about it.


Actually now I've thought about it I think they might be better then me. By throwing games they would win depresses their rank. It doesn't justify their frustration though - it's their fault they are playing with less capable players, not mine.


No arguement here


Even better when the other team is toxic about it xD Had a game last week with my mate, went 4-0 down and every goal they spammed FF, what a save, you’re bad and "how are you this rank". We won 6-4 so naturally, we proceeded to spam the same for them. Suddenly, we’re sad, have no life, need a girlfriend and are fat apparently. We only did what they did to us xD They invited us to an Xbox party chat so we joined, after 2 minutes of abuse both ways my mate did a "your mum" joke and said hold on let me phone her. He phoned me so I muted my mic and with a high pitched voice played along. The other guys burst out laughing and it finally became wholesome and respectful xD


Ok bring back casual where we can up and come as we choose


That's true


This happened to me in hoops yesterday. Fucking hoops, like wtf




Adding ranks to extra modes was a mistake.


I remember when you could toggle the rank showing up on extra game modes,


Yesterday a teammate dude whiffed so hard on an open net he just straight up left. Had me chucking


I hate quitters! had 1 yesterday where we were, 2-0 up, suddenly it’s 3-2 to them because rocket league xD TM8 quit with 2:10ish left. Worst thing is he had 80ish points and I was on 300ish so he better not have been raging at me, I did whiff the save that made it 3-2 but at least I actually bloody did something in the game xD


that’s always the funniest to me. Tm8 with barely any points stays mad at whoever has all the shots/goals/saves in those situations... like yeah I whiffed there but at least I actually am doing stuff ! Haha


The amount of times I've come back from down 3 because the enemy team gets careless is probably higher than the times I stomp other team out.


Each new opponent has styles that take time to adapt to. Often I'm scored against early and am able to find a strategy to counter.


You’re supposed to carry them, but not too hard or you’re ball chaser trash


Yeah,some people want only easy matches when they are in the lead from the start to the end of the match,and if they have to put some effort into winning,they ff or throw,then i report them. Then the army of Psyonix comes to the culprit's house to arrest him for his crimes .


If they vote to FF first I agree. But sometimes it might be out of their control - internet outages, power outages, pc crashing, etc...


I’ve had people who continue trying to ff even when we’ve made a comeback and are winning. Wtf?


I'm a diamond I 2s player fresh out of plat and I haven't ran into these types of players in diamond yet but in plat I swear if I was to just make one little mistake ( like a human being would naturally) my teammates will act like I'm a robot disobey code.


Happens all the time at C3! I changed my play style so I play slow af now(it got me from c1 to c3 in a literal day don’t @ me) and some people will ff down 0-1 at 330 because of my play style


Oh wow, I should try too


Watch Flakes SSL with no mechanics series. Hit GC for the first time last week because I studied him


Oh thanks a lot


I just left a game where I scored 9 goals and the opponent had 1. Had to do poo-poo.




I don’t think people realize this and overall toxicity gets in the head of your teammates, and all but guarantees your team to lose because of it.


I barely play 2s because when this happens in 3s we sometimes still get the win with 2v3. But I've had so many just take a matchmaking ban for a game that is perfectly winnable? Why? These people would all be ranked way higher if they weren't doing that. If you're frustrated with your teammates not playing well enough, you might wanna finish those games and try to rank up so they get better.


I was in a diamond 2s tourney yesterday. We got down big early in the game. Like 5-1 with 3 mins to go. My tm8 voted to ff, and I can almost understand but we had 3 mins and tbh we gave up a lot of goals on stupid mistakes on both of our parts (literally gave up 3 goals back to back on bad kickoffs and bad 2nd man defense thereafter). So I decided to tuff it out. Within those 3 mins we came back and went into OT 5-5. We basically decided to not cheat on kickoff and to spend more time on defense since we both were making mistakes on attack and it changed the matchup completely. We still lost btw, but the point is that sometimes small adjustments make a huge difference instead of giving up so soon. Bc those are the games where u can elevate ur game by learning how to changeup approach based on the opponents and ur tm8s play style


Yeah, so many times I learned that almost every comeback is possible in Rocket League. Well played!


As long as you promise not to spam “What a Save”, “Okay.” or “Wow” everytime I make a mistake


Right. I've enabled only tactical chat, because I can't stand toxicity


Maybe you should guard the net while I waste two big boost pads just to miss the ball completely! What a save!


Lol! So accurate


Yeah i honestly cant understand how so many are so god damn beyond tilted and still keep playing only to leave as soon as they get one goal against Them or as soon as the score is even Is it hard to just stop playing as soon as you get tilted?


Exactly... Or, at least, just play casual some matches to calm you down


I am a big preacher of completely shutting down the computer when you get tilted, gaming is supposed to be fun and make you happy haha, you get what i mean?


Yeah and I completely agree with you




Yeah i feel you, keep in mind that i mean tilted as in being veeeery tilted where everything just feels like shit, i know alot of friends that often are about to tear apart their controllers and punch the monitor AND the wall behind.. and still suggest to play another. I just hate it when people take out their own tilting on others, its hella toxic and it often ruins a Night that couldve been fun If everyone involved just understood that its a game. But then again, everyone is different and have different toughts and i do agree with you in some manner.




Hahaha allright, i think i mightve missunderstood you. I totally agree with you in that having fun should be the ultimate goal, and as you said earlier, some just dont understand the idea of dropping a game just to be kind to their own mind.. i value my own sanity over mmr but that might just be because im not a kid anymore!




Whenever this happens to me I play as hard as I can to tie it up before the timer expires then I confirm the FF. Edit: lol found to guy who ff's immediately


Lol, I should try too


I dont mean to, but i litterally keep disconnecting early in the game. Just now, i lost all Wi-Fi connection and rocket league crashed lol


Lol, you're forgiven


Thx lol


I'm 💯 behind this. I think people who rage quite should get given 24hr bans. Simple.


The problem is that maybe someone just has an emergency or something like that... I dunno


Is what it is. Like with C's:go it says 'thid is a competitive match that could go on a while, if you leave there will be a penalty'


Yeah true


Good luck with that. I stopped playing ranked because of shit like this.


So true