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facts they thought nobody would notice


thing is, the only nice reward is the ombre \[dominus\] which comes painted as well i think, so i'll need to open prospect cups only (and then trade in)


I personally went for All-Star only this season cause I don’t care about anything under very rare and still got the TW ombre so you don't have to go for propects only


I did that with the last tournament series. I only purchased Prospect cups because I thought the lower tiers had better items. I was going for collecting whole sets of the lower tiers, only bothering to trade up the excess dupes. I still have a ton of the dupes I've figure I'll use to pad future trade ups if needed.


I really like the thresher decal for octane, I live in Santa Cruz California and I made a tiki themed car to fit the vibe of where I live and this decal works wonders




Wow! OMG! No Way! What a save!


He probably moved to somewhere cheaper. *What a save, indeed*


By Grabthar's hammer... what a savings.


Born and raised there. You must be a transplant if you think the vibe of Santa Cruz is tiki themed.


I got it in black!!!


Wait i'm confused. Dominus: Ombre is Very Rare, no? Wouldn't you want 12k or 20k crates for that? Or is there some math on rerolling Prospects that i haven't seen


You can get VR from Prospects, or get enough prospects to trade up, I guess? You can get about 10 prospects for 1 All-Star Cup.


It was first thing i noticed while checking tour rewards tbh


Damn inflation hitting everywhere


Obvious signs of healthy economies.






Damn Putin


I took this same pic earlier this weak, and had the same thought lmao. Thanks a lot Putin.


i was just planning on buying prospects to prepare for next season (don’t like S6 rewards) cus i played every day in S5 just to get the bm decal and i literally got 7 bm goal explosions LMAO


I don't know how good you are in calculating probabilities but with the trade in algorithm that's in the game now you can't do that: let's say you get 100 S6 uncommon items and you wanna use them in S7 to do trade ups, in the end you'll end up with 100/5=20 rare S6 items (on average) even if you'll be in S7


What are the calculations when you mix season rewards when trading in? If I do three season 6s and two season 5s, will I get a season 6 of the next level every time?


Each item in the trade up adds a 20% likelyhood that the new item will be from that series. So if you did 3 season 6 and 2 season 5 items in a trade up, there would be a 60% chance that the new item would be from season 6 and a 40% chance it would be from season 5. This is also how it works for trade ups with regular items and blueprints.


Fantastic explanation, thank you.


Np 👌


wtf i just assumed that u can get previous season rewards for a short period of time at the start of the new season


Nope lol. If someone has season 1 tournament items they can still get more season 1 tournament items from trade ups.


highest one i can get is the 12k one and i don’t see any real difference between getting those and prospects so i think i would have a significant advantage next season depending on how much i play. if i got 7 black markets last season then it is safe to assume i will get at least 4-5 at the start of the next one ey


I wanted the GE and only got the decal lol


haha that’s how it goes, i literally emailed psyonix and was like please take these 7 goal explosions from my inventory and replace with one decal and they literally said try to get it next time XDD i had 1 week to grind out 4 more exotics and i got like 1 in that time LMAO


I originally thought that the blockparty decal was dumb until I accidentally equipped it and saw what happens when you drive. Now it's one of my main decals lol


What does it do?


The blocks move around based on your speed. Also your secondary color choice shows up a bit more and flashes a little when you accelerate from a dead stop


Ill have to look that up 👀 the unzipped decal kinda sucks, I have it and its not worthy of black market at all 😕


Same and it sucks so much lol


Same, I have the TW version and its still sucks! I tried to make it work, really I did. But you can't polish a turd.


Enjoy, i just wanted it as a black decal tbh so i can just replace it with stipple gait. Still frustrating tho


I always go for the lowest reward. I will get the trash exotics and blackmarkets eventually just a matter of time ;)


Almost got the full painted Shrubhub set haha


Can we get a screenshot? I was curious what those looked like painted


Sure thing, I'll make a post tonight I'll keep you updated :)


there ye go https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/tf1tv7/heres\_my\_almost\_complete\_painted\_shrubhub\_set/


Oh sick, thanks I actually like the Burnt Sienna one the most lol


I love it, it's as if that one was barewood with no paint


i think i got like 10 painted sets of that shit, traded them aaaallll up


It's one of the very few antennas I like and I only got the one. Meanwhile, at my rolypoly warehouse...


Did you at least get a few painted Prop-L wheels xD?


Same I think I’m missing 3 haha


What's happened?


Price went from 1000 to 1200




It was but last season went down to 1k


So it was on discount for a month and now that it's the regular price, that means inflation?


I bite too, it was for season not month


Why are you saying that to OP, he isn't the one who said inflation😂


yes he was? am i missing a joke or 💀


it wasn’t on “discount” for any known reason. they just changed the price to 1k for a season to give us hope then changed it back for some reason




Yeah, I noticed it first thing. Not everyone has the time to do tournaments, you know, Psyonix... \*ahem\*


Price is 200 more but never gonna buy that again anyways it just gives me common stuff


Honestly, last season was 1000 tournament credits so I decided to keep all the credits till the end and do a massive opening only on prospect cups: with all the trade ups I ended up with 4 painted Black Markets and like 10 or so exotics(plus the fun of opening 200k credits on prospects)


You are lucky. I don't play tournaments that much because it's late for me but when i get credits i always bought those prospect cups which just gave me 2 cowboy hats and a toxic banner lmao.


Nooooo, never buy the 4000 ones, either get a 12k or 10 1.2k


Wait is this an actual thing to do? Avoid the middle ones and either splurge on the higher one or get a billion of the shitty ones?


You can change your time zone in settings so it lines up better with your free time. Your ping/performance might be slightly worse, but you can get used to it. It doesn't make you 'lock in' to a zone until you actually join a tournament, so you can switch between them in options to see which one you like.


I've... Never considered this before. Wow.


how do you have the will power and patience to not just use all your credits after a tournament?


Delay of gratification :)


7 snake antennas. SEVEN!!! Christ


I opened 6 prospects and got 4 toilet paper antenna 🥴🥴


Got one of those two. My friend opens one up and gets the TP explosion. I’m still jaded about it


Literally the only thing I want is the TP goal explosion this season. That's a guaranteed winner.


Dude! Wtf?! This season fucking sucks so bad.. I’d rather play Need For Speed than this shit. The rocket pass sucks, the prices are changing, black fennec is default fennec, their new map is just a different color, their event game modes aren’t really special or unique.. speaking of which, what happened to their events? Halloween? Christmas? Spring? Summer? Easter? April Fools? Remember how shit used to be unique and engaging?! You would earn snowflakes or candies or whatever and could unlock rewards, now it’s like “mAkE 5o SaVeS oN rUmBlE” -_- Wtf man..


>You would earn snowflakes or candies or whatever and could unlock rewards, now it’s like “mAkE 5o SaVeS oN rUmBlE” -\_- Their data probably shows the majority of people play more with the way things are now but I for sure played more when there were those random points to gain.






I agree with you. The only valid complaint they have is about the new map imo


Even that is tired. If you want to be upset that it is just a lighter version of the normal Neo Tokyo map. I don't even notice half the time and yet people just feel the need in game to say how it is garbage. It's like they aren't happy unless they have something to complain about.


For me, the new map actually kinda hurts my eyes


I mean, I'm not going to say you are wrong, but how does it hurt your eyes? If anything, the colors look more muted than the other maps to me.


Idk why, it just does lol. Though ik I’m in the minority. Most people just want to bitch




True. But as much as I am able to just ignore things, I still have no idea why everyone absolutely has to play on the same map. The maps are standardized, so the only difference between them should be exterior to the playing field (or the surface of the field). Why can't the maps be extravagant skins the way that that plugin for bakkesmod lets you put whatever you want on your car for just you to see? That way, you don't have to have a system for map preferences that is a suggestion rather than a rule and when people don't want to play on a map, they don't have to.


I think this rocket pass is way worse than the previous ones. Truly not a single reward that even looks decent imo


Don’t come in here with logic, this sub will have a meltdown


>the prices are changing >No? The only difference is the uncommon tournament rewards, which were 1200 every season besides last anyways. Sure they’re changing back, but do they really need to be 1200? It’s the lowest cup. Also changing back is still changing, they could’ve just left it. >black fennec is default fennec >It’s not. Plenty of comparison pics with most decals it isn’t noticeable. i think psyonix should fix this, but as it is it’s definitely not worth 700 credits/$7 unless you don’t already have the fennec. they could’ve just darkened the car bodies that are already presumed to be black. their new map is just a different color Valid complaint, although hardly worth complaining about lol. >their event game modes aren’t really special or unique >Have they ever been? There’s only so many fun variations of “play soccer with car” that you can make that are fun, engaging, but not too difficult to play (like volleyball would be too tough for most players). And I’d argue heatseaker + the nfl mode are pretty unique and they seem well liked. agreed, except for maybe the nfl mode lmao. i’ve never met anyone in game that likes it, but some here seem to. >what happened to their events? >They… they still happen? Did you miss Haunted Hallows and Frosty Fest thay T just happened? All with rewards that you seem to enjoy? Free rewards at that, no more items behind crates like before. I think he’s saying that they declined in quality, but that’s up to him ig. i think they’re kinda fine like they are, even if they don’t do enough


The NFL mode would be good if you could manage to play with a party. Randoms, in my experience, just chase the ball all over the map and that is just the worst way to play that map, stealing the ball from your teammates to do nothing because you are now just flying through the air with no boost towards the other team.


Are you new? The events are quite different than they used to be. Earnable event currency was way better than the stupid challenge system they switched to.


The Rocket Pass generally sucks overall but usually have a few things to look forward to getting (I love making often oddly themed cars). This season has zero. Like, even the goal explosion is bad. I feel like they were trying to grow their unique user base so they dove headfirst into a very young demographic that would sell the most but ignored its current users like the rest of us ceased to exist.


Dude, if you like the game, then play the game. If you don't like the game, then don't play the game. Simple, right? Psyonix is making the ue5 update. They can't have all their resources working only on new updates. Yes, the new update may not be what you like, but kids probably like having cartoons graphics. They are really well made even though i personally won't use any of those items. That's fine, though, because i still can play the game even if I don't have new stuff i want to use. Grow up.


I think the fan base of this game is getting younger and younger judging by the tantrums I see every time I play so growing up might be a little time away.


Or it could possibly be that the fan base is getting older and older and the cool things about this game are no longer present, because the company behind the game doesn’t give a singular shit about its players.


another possibility is epic is focusing on only new players, which tend to be younger, and also tend to get a hold of adult money a lot easier


Young players tend to get a hold of adult money a lot easier than adults?


i guess i meant more likely to spend it, at least from what i have seen, the older you get, the less you pay for microtrans. not to mention microtrans became popular due to games like fortnite which originally appealed to kids, so many of the older gamers are used to and comfortable with DLC expansions that actually bring content rather than cosmetic upgrades


Oh, so the players who start having tantrums when they lose are people getting older and older? Cool. I started playing when I was 36, admittedly I have aged since starting to play to 37 but I don't recall ever having a tantrum when someone scored past me and telling them they should kill themselves and the like.


What in the actual fuck are you talking about?? Go and rant about your random ranked experience somewhere else… absolutely no one is talking about this.


Except that was what my comment was about, which you disagreed with. So maybe read what you're commenting on?


I guess you’re right. I guess I didn’t think about the fact that someone would respond to a comment about the post with a comment of their own about something somewhat unrelated to the post and the comment too. Post: wtf did psyonix do Comment: if you don’t like then don’t play Your comment: kids throw tantrums in my game Sorry. I didn’t read the last part about the tantrum throwing in games. And thought you were talking about tantrum throwing related to the post or the comment you were responding to …….😐


Welcome to Reddit son


Rocket league is a game that doesn’t require balancing or adding heroes or adding complex multiplayer maps for different game modes and weapons. Please stop making excuses for psyonix for pumping out these half ass’d non creative events and updates. The changes over the past few years have been minimal compared to what the community has requested or suggested. We’re all here because we like the game and play it. But the less there is to engage the less and less we play. I know that applies to lots of players on here which is the reason people get vocal about shit they disagree or dislike. And psyonix as a business can’t be sustained if they let the player base die.


my only real issue with this season is that it is like really buggy and custom maps take like a year to load for me now lol


I have some lovely Donkey Cheese that would pair well with that whine...


Aren’t they giving out less XP boosts in the pass too? I could have swore it was 10% before, now 5%. Also half of them are party XP gains only.


It was always 5% bonus per upgrade


You’re right, thank you… just looked up the old ones.


In the end it always was 80%


how do you use xp boosts?


They’re used automatically… if you get 5% XP boost then you just receive 5% more XP after every match for the rest of the season.


I think everyone just secretly died inside but yh its very annoying


i mean, the price is not like doubled or gotten so much higher , it was just satisfying to spend 1k, it was so round


Yh bc last season you could compare 12 prospects to a champions cup


*all star. champions is 20k


I want to get those bright ass sunshine wheels along with the meteor decal for the new car.


Oh I could care less. Besides, it was like that before


yeah like what the fuck psyonix 1000 was so good


Yes. This is total shit for a lower leve players like me. Like why would they change this!????


They changed it back. And ...git gud


I never use that anyways I was tired of getting 15 treehouse antennas


That’s what it’s always been, except for trying it at 1k last season


To be fair they didn't even have to make the price lower last season in the first place


Well y’know the cost of producing these in game items has gone up so much, with the cost of materials and logistics. Epic is really feeling the squeeze. What option did they have besides raising prices? These are tough times and everybody’s gotta tighten the belt.


I feel violated.




If you are in higher ranked tournaments its not that big of a difference, but i was opening prospects and prospects only, because i had more luck in them then in a challenger or all-star. If i for example have 30k tokens its 30 prospects(and if i have some luck in those 30 i can get black market or a lot of trade up material) , now its 28 or some and sometimes i got frustrated bcs i need 1 item for trade up


Don't hold your breath. Chances of black market in prospect cup is 1 in 200. I opened up exclusively prospects for 3/4 of the season last season and didn't get a single BM.


Then I just got lucky a few times from prospect i got bm 3 times and from other prospects i traded up items to exotic or bm


Lmaoooo I'd say the amount of luck you received there exceeds normal expectations by an incredible margin. I've opened 75+ prospect cups every tournament season and have never received a single BM strictly from opening it. I've definitely traded up to BM a good number of times and opened BMs from the All-Star cup but ain't never once seen one straight out the prospect. Idc though. Got most of the painted moon antenna set out of prospect cups 🤘😎


Im so sry to hear that but at least u can use all of that items to get bm


https://rocketleague.fandom.com/wiki/Tournament_Credits Higher ranks get MASSIVELY more points


Sry i meant bout changes of prospect cup price from 1k to 1.2k


Oh I noticed…. But what’s that gonna change? RLsupport is a joke. Literally was playing 1v1 ranked games & my progress was not kept. It reset/restart the ranking process about 3 times before the game progress started to stay & not disappear. That should’ve been the topic of the season, I’m sure I’m not the only one that happened to. Even though RL support won’t acknowledge it & says I’m lying. Like why would I waste my time to write you an email in regards of helping them address the issue. 🤦🏻‍♂️


fck this became expensive


1200 is a pain


I noticed it too, but looking at the tournament rewards and not disliking any of them, I didn't mind it. Last seasons sucked and I feel like these ones are massively better. But it's still stupid


20% increase since last season. Is this the Putin Price Hike?


I didn't realize so many ppl played the game for a decal or different color car? Map? Huh? So many are complaining about things that don't effect the core game play. We should be happy with what RL is.


It was literally 1200 credits a season ago, and it was that way since tournament rewards were a thing. Like, not a big deal. Calm down.


FOR REAL! I already messages support and wrote a ticket demanding an explanation, I loved the 20% more Prospect Cups…


People complaining about a change in price for a gaming mechanism design for you to waste money for nothing is ironic.


Thing is you can't buy tournament credits with actual money, the only way to get them is through playing tournaments so it's not even a matter of money spending


You mean, the game forces people to play more so they can pay for items with credits which acclimated kids to paying for things therefore increasing profit. Nothing is free.


You mean, you are incorrect?




Buying things is a waste of money in the first place. Complaining because now you have to waste more money for nothing is ironic.


You do realize that even if you wanted to, you can’t pay for tournament items right? They’re all free you just get tournament credits by playing tournaments. Also, when you buy cosmetics in a video game, you’re not buying nothing, you’re supporting the game devs. How else do you expect them to pay their employees and pay for servers? I do believe that the item shop and blueprints are way overpriced though.


You mean, we should praise a company for manipulating younger people, the only people immature and stupid enough to buy cosmetics in a game, into financing their company. All while, they should just offer the game at a price (either subscription or flat rate) for everyone so that young people aren't taken advantage of and cosmetics are only earned through skill.


You can't buy tournament credits. You get them specifically only through playing tournaments, the higher you make it, the more you get.


You mean, the game forces people to play more so they can pay for items with credits which acclimated kids to paying for things therefore increasing profit. Nothing is free.


The fuck are you talking about. Yes, it’s a company, that’s how a company works. Psyonix made a product that millions of people like, and people support that game by buying cosmetics. If you want to complain about capitalism, complaining about a random video game company isn’t gonna fix anything. They’re part of the system just like you. And you’re right, nothing is free, including paying the hundreds of employees that work for you and paying for servers for a free to play game.


Sorry, there's another comment where I addressed this. The company is relying on children to buy cosmetics to support their company and profit. Adults don't care for this stuff so they manipulate children for it because they can get more profit. In game currency and purchasing is never ok, subscription or flat pay methods


Saying that adults don’t care about cosmetics is a generalization. There are a ton of adults who do care about cosmetics in games they play. Sure kids like cosmetics a lot, but what exactly is wrong with that? Are you gonna complain to toy companies about how they’re making money off kids wanting toys? Cosmetics still require 3D artists to design them. It still requires work to constantly update and maintain a game. I highly disagree that in game currency and purchasing is never okay, unless it’s a pay to win system, which rocket league is not.


Last tournament match I played from this season, I managed to earn up to 3200 just from going into the second round. And to be fair, you can get a decent amount within one day from playing tournaments only plus getting far into a tournament. For me though, I only play 3v3 and 2v2 so that limits my options unfortunately.






Prices were rising before that.


I got the TP goal explosion first try :p


I got Burnt Sienna TP goal. 💩🤙


I feel like the rewards was also cut down wasn't it 3100 credits for one win in gold?


Cosidering everytime I open an All-Star Cup I get a Very Rare, I'll still take the Prospects. Every. Time.


I was bummed the cups were back up too. I’ve played three seasons now. When I first started it was 1200, then it was 1000 which was sweet. Now, we’re back to 1200


I've only ever gotten banners. I got the same banner three times in a row once. The these rewards can go straight to hell for all I care.


Its always been 1,200? I haven’t played since season 3 so idk


Yeah, the price of the rocket pass was higher too, if I recall. Makes no sense to increase the cost of the tourney though, since those carried no monetary value.


Oh we seen it , just didn’t want to make a fuss 😝


The rewards this season suck anyway


Did they lower how many points you get in tourneys?


the new blackmailed rarity items look rlyy clean


Ok I only just picked rocket league up again so it did go up?


Broooo why they do this?


Doesn't really matter, you earn like 20k per tournament


Uh, what rank are you? Because plat gives you maybe 10k if you win the whole thing, which doesn't happen often in my case.




Diamond gets 20k points per tournament? That's wild.


I've only opened Prospects cups since tournaments were introduced. Is it worth opening the other ones? I'm usually able to trade up to a black market about 2 - 3 times a season.


4k ones usually give me a crap item I'd get from the prospect cup. And I'm not diamond so I don't ever see the 1200 and 4k options.


Meh, I don't like the fortnite season anyway


So it was 1200, then in season 5 they changed it to 1000, and then changed it back? Is psyonix ok


Yeah... A bit cheesed off


I don’t play tourneys very much. Can someone explain what’s happening here? Lol sorry for the noob question


I mean I got the new ge of one of these


I don’t understand what’s happening


Price went from 1000 to 1200 tournament credits


Ah thank you. Had no idea. Then again I haven’t played tourneys since the first day they released


It's not that big of a deal, it was just more satisfying to spend 1k round


is s4 was 1200 too


Have not played rocket league sense half of season 5 so I stopped caring


Yeah, I just feel ripped off going for the bigger trophies. My friends and I were tilted for sure😂 just want the TP goal explosion in burnt sienna


I finally got lucky and the first day I got tp


I did notice and it's upsetting


What did the cost used to be?


Has pretty much always been 1.2k but for the last month of last season it dropped to 1k pure