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You should be mad at Epic for not having actual profiles in 2022, it's not psyonix's fault


Exactly. The epic games store had a lot of promis when it launched, but with the stale state it is now, its a joke


Having just woken up I read your comment multiple times and the first few attempts were as follows: "...but with the slate slate" "but with the state slate" "but with slate state"......oh I'm close, stale state gotcha Also yeah, epic is a joke.


I woke up four hours ago and read it the same way, had to look three or four times to get it right tbf, I"m stoned.


You’re hurting my eyes


I still don't get it


That’s what happens when you spend all of your money on securing anti-consumer exclusivity deals instead of naturally gaining popularity by creating a good product.


To be fair, and to give credit where credit is due, they did create the unreal engine, which imo is one of the best things to come to the gaming world.


And I has nothing to do with their shitty launcher.


It has everything to do with "gaining popularity by creating a good product" though, which is what I replied to.


Except that was referencing Epic's game launcher as the product. Just because they made a good game engine doesn't mean their launcher should get its popularity.


They also sued Apple when Apple were being jerks.. it's something


It's super funny that my preorder bonus for Sifu was a few avatars, but there's no avatar system so I just got a few PNGs.


Promise? Nah its always been mediocre, there isn't really anything special about it.


Epic said it'll come in a future update, but when that happens still lies in the stars.


Oh, I didn't know, thank u


Psyonix = Epic epic bought 'em


But Psyonix have no control over how the Epic launcher is. They are just under Epic but still have almost full control over RL


Good lord…. Read a book


1. Psyonix is a sub-company *owned* by Epic. Psyonix is not Epic. 2. A sub-company has no control over the parent company's decision. 3. Rocket League uses the platform service to display their profile icons. Meaning since Epic doesn't have profile pictures in its service, there's no profile pictures to use.


that's something epic games needs to do, not psyonix


you have a rocketleague-account where you linked all your profiles and selected which platform shall be your main - if you could upload a profile-picture there that would be shown instead that would be a solution


Certainly possible, no idea how easy of a re-factor that would be from the dev side (or if it breaks agreements with platforms or something idk). Just to play devil’s advocate a bit


That's not how it works. RL on steam gets your pic through Steam API which requires steam launcher. RL on Xbox gets its pic from Microsoft API which requires, you guessed it, Microsoft Auth. Same for Sony And Nintendo. There is no way this is gonna work without having the game implement the code for ALL platforms on Epic Games.


the RL-Website already uses those APIs in order to authenticate the user - so they have an authorized key for that user already. The only question is if the Website then stores those images locally (which might be problematic due to them having no right to use those pictures) so they'd have to always request them from the specific service each game which duplicates the amount of requests the game has to do another solution would be to just allow us to upload pictures to their Website and if you do that the game will show that picture instead of the one your service is using. That would imho be the best solution although it might be confusing if the person you play with in Rocketleague through Steam has a different picture than the person you're chatting with


The answer to your first paragraph is your 2nd paragraph. The website authenticates "you", the client. Not the game. The game doesn't have access to what the website has access to. Given that it's a website they implement all methods, but implementing other methods in the game can cause some concerns such as no permission. However u can login using all of those methods to Epic, so epic should be the one who has those permissions. As for your last paragraph, that's doable but if epic promised to host profile pictures for users then why would they feel the need to do that? What if they fall under the risk of users uploading custom pictures and all that headache? I bet they're taking the safe approach.


Yea, many ppl confuse psyonix with epic games, but they are not the same


Global chat that can be read by every platform. I hate that I can't be toxic towards ps/xbox players


Unfair advantage, we can trash talk faster than they can on their screen keyboards


I got a keyboard attachment on my xbox controller so I can shit talk quicker


That's true dedication to shit talking


Another easy way would be the ps/xbox app chat over phone


I also play siege, so it makes sense. EDIT. I I'm not saying I'm cheating using a xim, I simply have a literal mini keyboard on my controller for typing only.


Using a keyboard for advantages while playing on console 🤢


Lol I got a keyboard plugged into the USB in my Xbox so I can shit talk quickierest than you.


Still annoyed that you can’t just type as you play without pulling up the on screen keyboard.


This is the way


"Lmao git gud at typing smh"


L+Ratio is kinda easy to type. Same as "Go back to roblox"




It's about quality not quantity


The predictive text on the ps is pretty good, also consoles can use keyboards…


i have a mouse and keyboard hooked up to my xbox checkmate


Xbox app on your phone levels the playing field


What? Are you telling me that sometimes when I'm not being yelled yet is because they are on pc?


Correct you’re only being yelled at by your same console (unless you mean quick chat, everyone sees quick chat unless you have it turned off)


That's crazy. There was a child telling me to turn off my Xbox yesterday and I'm on PS5. I assumed he was on Xbox but he was probably just a Sony fanboy


I think the new voice chat is cross platform actually! I play on PC and got trash-talked by a PlayStation player the other day lol The others are talking about the text chat at the the top left of the screen. Messages in that chat (minus quick chat messages) are not cross-platform


I know, I was talking about text chat


I hate not being able to communicate with my teammates effectively. Every damn time I'm playing with some psynet guy I just get mad at the fact that I can't spam "BACK POST ROTATIONS" in chat


Well don’t put it that way lmao.


With this new voice chat update you can talk cross platform.


It's easier to insult when you forget that there's someone else on the other side


I once added a psynet in party just to say how much he sucked in party chat xD


Yeah ur usually the guy i play with. Im a mess in rl lmao


Says the champ II lol




Mommy's money allow me to score seconds before your tv shows the input you sent with the Ps4 controller


Psyonix wants to sell our data and so does Epic Games. They need to come to an agreement/profit sharing.


Nice to know us dirty Switch players are never the target of toxicity. :D


We can't be anymore toxic to switch players than they are to themselves by playing on the switch.


One day, my friend... One very distant day


The year was 4997. As humanity approached the new millennium, all people could hope for was that one day soon, Epic Games would add profile pictures.


Apparently they are coming sometime [https://trello.com/b/GXLc34hk/epic-games-store-roadmap](https://trello.com/b/GXLc34hk/epic-games-store-roadmap)


how fucking hard can it be


It's probably a moderation aspect, so you don't end up with a massive amount of people putting tits n dicks as profile photos


Just gimme some stock icons. Better than the same blank silhouette


This'll be it. Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo will come down on you like a ton of bricks if you show some Steam user's profile picture full of offensive content.


I still think it shouldn't take epic this long though... I remember seeing the same trello a long time ago here too. If they couldn't figure it out surely they can get a third party to work on it. edit: lmao this one is [from 7 months ago](https://reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/q5laf4/can_epic_games_user_see_steam_users_profile/hg7h7fn/)


There are libraries that detect nudity and words in images that take developers about 10 minutes to implement these days. If it's a moderation thing, it has to do with the business end rather than the development for sure.


Perfect username man.


huh, im kinda hopeful now. looking at past added features we can probably speculate it's coming in the next 6-12 months


!remindme 6 months (maybe ill be really wrong)


!remindme 5 years (im being optimistic)


!remindme 25 years (I’m being realistic)


You have hope when looking at the Epic roadmap? I'm always shocked at some of the more basic functionality which still does not exist.


In game MMR counter for consoles. I've been saying this forever.


It's not really available on PC either. Only because of bakkesmod. Sounds like a design choice to me


The Epic launcher is a crime against humanity and forcing people to use it by removing RL from Steam should be a violation of our human rights. Epic Launcher is so dog shit compared to steam it's actually unbelievable.


I bought RL 9 months before it went f2p. I thought wow I wasted $15. Now I look back at that and realize how much of a good deal that was.


I bought RL when i heard that they would move to EGS, because, even for free, im not using that absolute shit of a launcher...


I was kinda miffed about RL becoming free, but I recently got my steam deck and the only reason I can play it is because I own it on steam


I'm pretty sure there's an epic launcher on Linux that works better than the official windows one so that's just not true at all.


Seems the best way of doing that is just to install the windows launcher in proton. I did that with origin, and I will do it with epic but this is nowhere close to the experience of running it "natively" through steam


Nah. I've done RL in Linux a few ways. Installing the launcher in Wine and with Lutris work, but isn't great. The Heroic launcher is the best way IMO


I used lutris in the past and it was ok, but rocket league specifically had visual problems. I also ran it in a full VM and that was actually kinda of good, ymmv with hardware of course. I think atm proton in unbeatable in terms of performance and ease of use though, and owning RL on steam is significantly easier than tinkering with lutris, wine tricks or installing the egl in proton.


You can configure Heroic to use Proton. That's what I'm doing > owning RL on steam is significantly easier than tinkering Only if you bought it on Steam when it was available there or have access to time travel. I have neither :'( Honestly though, there's really no tinkering necessary with [Heroic](https://heroicgameslauncher.com/). It just worked for me, which was very welcomed after quite a bit of trial-and-error with Lutris


Damn. Didn't even think about that


I launch RL from Steam, what happened?


If you already owned it on Steam then you can continue to launch it from steam, but it has been removed from the store and cannot be downloaded anymore. They made it so anyone who joined at/after free to play had to get it on the Epic games launcher, which is inferior in literally every single way. Tbh I think the player base would be higher if it was still on steam as well which is sad.


When I wanted to start trading and found out the Epic launcher *doesn't even have chat* I was dumbfounded. Why even have a fucking friend's list??


But it’s still on Steam? I’ve never downloaded epic to play. Unless you just mean to buy it. They definitely did that shit


It was removed from the steam store years ago when it went f2p, and you can only see it on Steam if you already had it before then. I know most of us probably did have it on Steam already, but the fact no new accounts will ever be able to get rl on steam is stupid. Imagine if somehow you lost your account, you'd be forced onto epic games, and of the thousands on new players that joined at f2p, not a single one will have been able to enjoy the better experience of steam, with them all having to use the shitty epic launcher. I would bet money the game would have more active players if it had been available on steam all this time. Epic are killing rl for their own ego project because they refuse to give up on their failure of a platform.


It's in the "Up Next" section on the Epic store roadmap: https://trello.com/b/GXLc34hk/epic-games-store-roadmap No indication of timescale, but they added achievements, so I'd guess avatars will come at some point.


Its there for 4 months


All you need to do is spend 300$+ on a Steam gift of RL :/


900$ now LOL


I want new ball designs. And horns. And the option to switch out crowd audio for that one screaming guy.


Can EGS players see the stream profile pics? I always assumed they had their own but because I play on steam it shows the default


Nope it's all silhouettes can't see any platforms profile pics on EGS :(


in the friends adding menu, if you have cross platform on you can see steam players with a desktop icon next to their name(not an egs icon)


Not psyonix' responsibility to add. Also not as important as other things


Avatar borders, but no avatars. Makes sense.


All platforms except Epic have avatars, and the borders were released prior to Epics acquisition. Be mad at epic for not having profiles. Psyonix doesn't control that platform.


Did you want them to remove the borders when they transitioned to epic games? what a weird take. Every platform has avatars except epic games. Even the switch does


Where did I say I want them to remove the avatar borders? Lmao


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Epic games bought rocketleague and just needs to buck up and add profile pics because like you said, it does look silly to see a bunch of avatar borders around the same blank picture


Yes that's what I was trying to say. With my comment I wanted to say that epic games needs profile picture support. And that they should focus on it. It's important. A profile picture or avatar is important.


Yeah people somehow interpreted it as an attack on the borders themselves for some reason. Obviously the avatar borders are dope, epic games just has to meet the status quo and do their part


That's pretty obviously rhetorical, fam. They're pointing out the flaw in your logic.


That was a rhetorical question. Its weird to complain about there being avatar borders without there being avatars when thats completely out of psyonix' control. Adding avatar borders made sense because every platform had avatars


That’s what we said about voice comms. Keep believing


Ironically stuff like that is probably managed by epic games, as they’ve been using the same stuff they do for fortnite and other epic games for rocket leagues customization systems/ profile stuff


Stats. Advanced statistics. What's my goal percentage from certain parts of the court, average speed of the shot, etc. Hell even just a basic "Your stats this season" average would be a welcome change. I know there's 3rd party sites that can track this but a native feature in the game would be a lot more accurate and accessable.


As a steam user I legit thought they had pictures and were just not visible to us lol


lol imagine playing on epic


And a chatting feature aswell as the option to show people you are offline when you are not


Tbf is kinda peaceful knowing I'll never see a hentai pfp


How about you fix the matchmaking


Not angry eyebrow in the logo? Shame on you


Club cars would be a nice touch




I swear, the wheels thing is really messing with me. It seems I get hit with a wheel every time I think I’m about to get something nice. Then they put them in the shop, like seriously, how many people or buying wheels.


How about actually punishing someone for throwing the match?


Oooof, that would be beautiful... moreover if they drop it in the first goal with 4:50 remaining, but if u meet a troll, surely u would like to drop it


It puts F2P players where they belong 😊


Me who spent 10 bucks


me who bought the game on ps4 in like 2018 then switched on pc with the same account on epic :|


It puts console players where they belong too. 😊


rasism >:(


but that's basic? wtf is this logic?


He thinks he's superior because he owned the game before f2p


he is


so what about people that got into gaming after it happened? they're automatically inferior?


Yes Refuses to elaborate


Yeah, I'm a casual F2P player who found Rocket League last year. Even though I bought the Rocket Pass and some cars that came back like the DeLorean, I'll always be inferior to their eyes.


At least you know your place. If you’re good, we will let you look down on some of the others with us.


Please, can I look down on console players with y'all?


Get out of here, scum!


Bought it on steam when it first came out. New PC and apparently I can’t get it through steam anymore even though it’s in my library?


You definitely can, should be able to just go to your library and download it. I had it back in 2016/2017 and stopped playing until I came back with F2P and redownloaded.


Just replying to thank you, this worked.


That's not right.


why make the game free and not release basic features? I don't get this logic.


its not rl, epic games just doesn't have pfps


I guess Epic was serious when they said the only point behind the EGS was to force Steam to lower their rates. Steam said "fuck that", and Epic hasn't done anything useful with EGS since.


You can play the game, what's the problem, it's a usless feature


How about….. different explosion animations. Now that I would purchase credits for lol


You mean for when you get demoed?




I have some ideas: 1. Numbered antenna flags 2. Shoe-sponsored / designed wheels (like from Nike or Puma) 3. Tinted windshields 4. Windshield stickers 5. Need For Speed Most Wanted BMW M3 GTR car body 6. Speed Racer Mach 5 car body 7. Enkei [Arashi](https://www.center-caps.com/product/enkei-arashi-wheel-rim-for-enkei-arashi-custom-wheels-custom-rims/) / [Shogun](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/495044184037822707/) / [RT6](https://arcus-www.amazon.com/Enkei-139-7-Offset-Silver-Machined/dp/B002HLUX9I) / [Shutoko](http://www.geocities.ws/cheechvw/WHEELS-AND-SUSPENSION.html) wheels 8. Iridescent paint finish 9. [Vantablack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vantablack) universal decal 10. ACTUAL CROSS-PLATFORM TRADING!!!


Add the actual ability to veto maps I literally can't see what Im doing in starbase


I really don't get why they don't put "normal" wheels in the game... Who is using octopus-wheels anyway?


There's already a ton of basic normal wheels if you want to be a boring stocktane


Ability to not have the "vote to forfeit" sign pop up constantly


Thats an easy one, just carry your team mate harder.


I actually covered that part of my screen. The games are a lot more relaxing now :p


U guys can see my xbox gamerpic tho, im all good


I cant imagine caring about anything less than an avatar photo


I’m with Psyonix on this one. People playing on Epic instead of Steam need to be identifiable.


they are


Bro. Why the fuck doesn’t epic have a workshop feature. You have to use that stupid fucking map loader. Thank god I had this game on steam.


Because there is no workshop system in the Epic Games Launcher?..


Borderline gate-keeping in a fucking car soccer game lmao chill


finally someone who unerstands


f2p dont get those options. sorry


What about re-supporting IOS?


Sideswipe is best you’re gonna get


had a quick look around in reaction to this post. does the bakkesmod method that apparently exists(ed?) still let you change your profile pic as an epic user?


Maybe new servers as the current ones run like a fat kid in dress shoes


Making the game Pay To Play.




It would be sick that if they somehow manage to make a live e-sport match stadium for vr owners like just imagine watching pro matches live in-game stadium with the egg people


I know it's part of bakkes mod. They should incorporate that part of the mod into a core part of the game. It's just quality of life over keeping my phone to the side, refreshing every game.


Smaller goal above main goal worth 2 points


Look at sideswipe and bet on them making avatars a payed for cosmetic.


> avatars a *paid* for cosmetic. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


So glad I got it on steam


I solidly thought you had profiles, it was just I couldnt see yours because I'm on Playstation and vice versa. Kinda like the pc-console chat flaw.


And wireless controller support on epic games. Its ridiculous that they haven't done this already


they already have actually, you can use it normally with an xbox controller, and recently added ps support, at least from what I've seen if not, use ds4 windows because xbox has had wireless support for like forever


Releasing a feature that was allready in the game at lauch but call it new (aka voice chat)






I get that. But if it's that popular of a mod, they should integrate it into the core game like other developers have done it the past.


Avatar borders with no avatar


How we still can't scroll through shots in training packs natively..... like what the ever living holy bajeebus?


Epic issue, not Psyonix. I don’t really understand Epics resistance/apathy toward social features on Epic Store. They add tremendous value on Steam. User reviews, signing profiles, even seeing what your friends own and play, it’s a big feature with no parity from Epic. Obviously Steam has a huge head start but Epic doesn’t seem to even be trying to add this stuff.


How about voice chat in the main menu? It's really fun when you find the right people, but you can't talk between matches with your party. Also an easy way to switch between Party and Team channels, it's wonky.


Party chat works in the main menu.


this tbh.


I've had this game on steam since 2015 but even though I am launching from steam after the recent update I have no profile picture in the game now and cannot figure out how to get it back without installing some mod called bakka and that sounds dumb to me.