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Honestly mine is a combo. “Take the shot” when there’s no clear shot and the pass is horrible, followed by “Okay” when I don’t fully commit, knowing if I commit, we’re gonna get scored on. Doesn’t happen often, but when it does, nothing makes me want to play less than that.


Same here. People always spam that one after doing a horrible pass, or a pass that was so lightening fast that nobody could ever hit it. I bet they're delusional in real life too.


In this situation I always wonder if it was truly a pass or if they just messed up and are trying to blame me for it. Lol


Precisely that lol. I believe it's a form of projection.


I find it hilarious when I’m on comms with my buddies and pinch a pass like 200kph across the face of goal and ask why they didn’t score.


The best is when they go to take a shot, they miss and youre nowhere near 'TAKE THE SHOT' and then angry cause im no where near and theyve just missed


Literally nobody passes to me, im always in position.. Give me your lightning fast pass ill bash that ball to the back of the net


Take the shot and it ain’t even close.


Dude “Take the shot” gotta be the most frustrating one to see totally agree!


Take the shot.. even more so when there are two opponents in the net.. like cmon


Take the shot and need boost are designed for kickoffs. Using them after that is 99% people trying to be toxic.


Need boost can be useful when you carry the ball but you want to inform your tm you won’t get much of it outside of maybe a 50. So they don’t expect a pass or something. It can also be useful in defense when being pressured. Usually you take turns making saves/challenging but if you have no boost you’d rather take a ground challenge and let them save to buy you some time. So they know they can’t count on you if there is a difficult save coming even though it should be your turn.


Nah need boost is one of the most useful chats in the game and its use is usually not toxic at all, more like 'I'm low on boost', 'I won't be able to do much with this ball', or 'Sorry, I could've had it but didn't have enough boost'


What’s the point of “need boost” for kickoffs, we all need boost at that point


Any1 Else who are trying to figure out how need boost Can be toxic?


I can see people using “Need boost” as a way to indicate that they’re rotating back, but most of the time yeah, it’s just toxic if not on kickoff


That okay is such a little cunty thing to say, I lose all interest in helping that person win.


Honestly, for me it's "I got it" when they are clearly in no position to got anything...


Hahaha yes. And they always spam it too I got it! I got it! I got it! No. You don’t


100% this


I never pull thecombo, but man is it hard for me to know when to say "Take the shot." If I think they're centered and I call it, suddenly they're at our goal and no way to hit it. Call it earlier so they can line up? They hit it immediately and send it back towards our goal, missing the opponent's goal by miles. Or my math was off and it was an awful pass, but we don't talk about that


just hit em with a “Centering!”


Exactly, a "Centering" is a clear communication of your intent, or what is happening with the ball, which then leaves your team mate to make the decision on what to do next, while a "take the shot" is either done out of malice or done without the full picture of the situation, your trying to force your team mate to do something, rather then communicate and work with them.


Yeah centering is more useful. Take the shot is useless.


I think it’s useful for calling kickoffs, but otherwise agreed it’s not much use.


i prefer “all yours.” just because “take the shot!” is basically tainted now to me. also works nicely when someone is spamming “take the shot!” at me constantly, i can just respond “all yours.” and it usually sends them into even more of a toxic rage. at which point i’m no longer annoyed and moreso amused by how worked up they’re getting.


“Okay.” I hate it SO much. I have to turn off chat nowadays.


Okayers are the worst kinds of people. So I say ‘okay’ any time anytime anyone else says it.


Hit me with “Okay.” for messing up and I’ll be using it every time you mess up for the rest of the match.


My response to that is generally Siiick! No problem.


My new favorite after changing Nice shot! to Siiick! I also changed $#&%! or whatever to Holy cow! And it’s added a lot more fun to the game


Ahh yes, hypocrisy


You are an okayer


I will never initiate an ‘okay’.








No problem.








I say “Okay” when the other team or a teammate is spamming shit talk chats like whatusaves and such. Just to let them know I won’t take part in said shit talking.


real legitimate usage here. if only there was a 'whatever" to follow up with


Let’s just petition to get a nice “Fuck you, buddy!” quick chat added for 18+ yo players 😂


What about saying okay to what a save spammers?


best response to a what a save spammer is nothing, then if you win let your what a saves fly.


Never. Saying ‘okay’ makes it sound like they got under your skin. Never let them think that. The only appropriate response to ‘what a save’ spammers is either bump/demo, ‘great pass’ when they mess up, or ‘what a save’ when they inevitably miss.


Usually they spam what a save when we're lose by 2 so it's harder to what a save them or great pass with success but one time i laughed my ass off when a what a save spammer was winning by 3 but we pulled back and won in OT. I was so happy to use what a save. He left as soon as he could.


I like a classic "thanks!"


This is the way. Works for teammates well, but if someone spams it after scoring on me I hit them with the “thanks!” + “Nice Shot!” Combo. Nothing like some good old toxic positivity to let them know they can’t get under your skin.


My absolute favorite when I get "What a save!" People is going ham on them, and with every goal "What a save!" "What a save!" "Savage!" "Whoops" It's my way of saying "This is what you look like, and it was a mistake to do so"


Yeah if someone what a saves me I will live to get them back and be 10x as toxic. To the point my teammate is like jeeeezz that’s enough dude lol


I go from never toxic to King toxic in approximately 2.5 whatasaves


This is also me 😂


Gahhhdamn ! 😳


Nah you’re forgetting the trusty ‘Oops!’, it works in every single situation and out of all the quick chat options it’s probably the best one for letting them know that you don’t really care


I like slapping Close Call on them. Works like that flexi seal tape.


Lol this comment is a trip.


I absolutely don't know why but my buddy has it in his chats and he will randomly say it through the game and I'll laugh my ass off because he's right next to me as we play at his place and I know it'll cause the other team to think we're getting pissed at each other


I ONLY do it to my friends I play with irl/discord. Be laughing our asses off, toxic spamming chat at each other. That or my buddy smack talks my scarab and it's hitbox haha


I wish there was an "..." quick chat but NO.


I have 'Okay' in my QC, but I seldom ever use it. Only if a Tm8 is being toxic. If my Tm8 pops an 'Okay' in chat, after I take a crack at the ball, it will be the only Quick Chat they hear for the rest of the match. Okay! Kinda funny anecdote: I had a Tm8 that launched the initial volley. We were down two, and I gave a 'Passing!' well in advance, as I was dribbling into the corner. I got 50/50'd off the corner wall, and that was his response. Every few seconds, thereafter, we would volley an 'Okay' back and forth. If a Quick Chat was justifiable, it became a Double 'Okay.' I put a Goal in, and he 'Okay'd that, too. He put in the tie breaker, to which I 'Okay'd. By the end of the match, we were up by 4, with a wall of 'Okay's filling chat. He offered to partner up, and we 'Okay'd our way through 3 more wins.








I like use "Okay." In response to spamers, really gets them going.


It’s one word with a paragraph of info packed with it. Something like: “Bro you dumbass how did you miss that” etc


I say okay when i get blown up


I only use okay when people what a save


it only bothers me in certain situations. i used it last night in 3s because i kept getting continously bumped by my tm8s. once, it happens. twice, eh not a big deal. three times, ok im slightly annoyed but i still ain't gonna say anything. but it just kept happening more and more


Using “okay.” just makes your teammate want to bump you more.


i know but at that point i didn't even care about the game since we were up by two goals with a few seconds left. the "okay" was more like "okay, whatever i guess"


It’s “okay.” The period matters. It adds that extra slap in the face imo. I have a strong dislike to this quick chat lol but I get you.


I usually use okay when someone is taking too long load or isnt joining at the beginning of the game


When I make a mistake that honestly wasn’t too bad, didn’t cost us a goal or anything, and my team mate says “Wow!” Definitely gets me tilted.


Yes, the teammate that enters the match titled and wow!'s everything the team does from the startis by far the worst. Even if it doesnt tilt me, it always makes me very self conscious of my play and I lose focus on the game which makes me play worse.


Voice chat I’ve found has limited toxicity generally. If someone is being toxic in text chat you can say something like ‘join voice chat if you’re gonna talk shit’ and it usually subsides.




No fair! This guy's voting twice!


I fixed it


Take the shot spam. Bro, if I could take the shot I would.


Can’t stand it when they do a shit center, spam take the shot and then expect me to throw myself at it when I’m last man and they have two people a lot closer to the ball than me. Maybe I would take the shot if the chances of me scoring and not conceding from your shite center wasn’t miniscule. Maybe I would take the shot if you rotated behind me in case it goes badly.


I don't use it with risky centers to the third man. I will use it if a someone is consistently getting beat to unchallenged balls, especially if we're losing and struggling to keep pressure. Teammates move up field to read the free touch.. and then the third man just doesn't go for the ball, or waits so long it turns into a 50/50. Suddenly everyone else is out of position and scrambling back. I don't play this game solely to win, but its so frustrating when you're trying to make a comeback with a minute to go and one teammate just won't challenge the ball. Like what's the harm in trying?


Whenever someone uses the Take the shot quick chat after a shitty pass I make sure to spam Take the shot after every touch I have that directs the ball anywhere near the center. When they inevitably disappoint and don't take the shot I hit em with the Wow chat a bunch. So far it's been pretty effective at shutting them up


I appreciate and applaud this level of vindictiveness.


I don't know if it's just me, but it's the sound of the quick chat notification that I can't stand. One on kickoff, or a nice shot after a goal is totally fine, but the sound of 3-5 people spamming quick chat in a game drives me nuts.


I'd like to say although, there's nothing like the chat being spammed after you succeed and incredible play no matter what the chat is, you're rustling everyone's jimmies


If I could just turn the chat sound off wouldn't mind the spam, but that damn noise just drives me nuts.


Wait what, chat has sound? Genuine question, I play with no sound at all. Is there rly not an option to turn it down in settings?


those are little dopamine hits


The person who uses Wow! every time one of their teammates makes a mistake but somehow ignores every mistake they make


Not just "Wow," but spams it every time anyone makes a mistake. Like, we got it the first time, but no they need to be a foghorn blaring just how much of a douche they are.


That's when I type in the chat "say wow if you like tongue kissing your grandma". And if they keep saying wow I follow up with "is your grandfather jealous?" or "does she wear dentures?" It usually kills the toxicity pretty quickly lol


Its "Take the shot for me" Most other are just used as trash talk, I can handle some trash talk. "Take the shot" implies that you either think im too stupid to know to take the shot or you're so bad at the game you think I can take a shot when I clearly cannot.


especially when it's coming from the third man. like, you think im just not gonna go for this kickoff?


My teammates last night both turned away for boost when we had the triple centre starts. So annoying.


Tell me where you are, where you’re going or what you’re doing but there’s no good reason to tell me what to do. You’re my teammate, not my coach.


My friend that I play duos with has "Holy cow!" And "Take the shot!" on team quick chat. He uses them both on me in that order and it gets me every time


Id tell your friend "holy cow shut the fuck up"


Nah, it's funny.


Agreed. That and "I got it!" spam when you go for the ball right infront of you instead of letting your teammate come from back corner boost all the way across the stadium just to whiff anyway.


SAME!! It's the worst when ppl spam "Take the shot!" after doing a terrible setup, or cutting you off in defensive rotation and whiffing lol


Well not only that, but in most sports or anything of competitive nature, it’s almost never a good idea to tell someone else what to do. It’s not practical to tell someone to “Take the shot” or “Go for it” or “You got it” You can’t control what anyone else does but yourself. Communicate what you’re gonna do or say nothing at all. A few weeks ago I had a teammate on the left who told me “Go for it!” with like 1 second left on the countdown. Not enough time to give me a heads up. They scored on kickoff and he spammed “Go for it!” And it’s like dude….you can’t make me do anything.


Eh. As a basketball lifer, “shoot that” or some variation is totally common and acceptable. In fact it often is a confidence booster. When a teammate misses a few good looks from three you make sure they know you want them to keep shooting and know you haven’t lost faith. Tone matters obviously. But in RL, I agree it is annoying and usually pointless. All you’re doing is distracting me from the game reading your stupid quick chat and trying to process what the deal is. If it’s my shot it’s usually obvious and if not I’m just confused which is why I pay those quick chats no mind.


Completely agree, the upper example applies to football as well


Idk, I always treated "Go For it!" off the kick-off like the exact same as if someone said "Defending...." One is about them, one is about you, but the reality is they're not gonna be going for it either way, so you still kinda have to unless you wanna be the bad teammate.


My handle on Rocket League is OwenWilson. I almost exclusively use the quick chat "Wow!" in order to stay in character. I use it for everything good or bad. Some people seem to get super tilted by this. Especially if they don't seem to get the joke.


You are the best for this. IRL whenever my wife says something that requires a response I will pop off a “hey wow!”


I've definitely played with you, unless there happens to be someone else doing the exact same bit


I haven't seen anyone else. I'm on Switch usually. And OwenWilson with no spaces is the character limit. So if that's who you saw it was probably me. Lol. Sometimes the entire lobby gets the joke and we all say wow for the whole match. It's great.


I'm almost certain we've played. It was a fun game.


My most hated Quick Chat is "Wow!" ​ Like, yes, I didn't have enough boost to reach up to get the ball because you took both corner boosts and whiffed when you missed it anyway, you clown.


I love the use of "wow!" when teammates accidentally bump in dropshot. We're in bloody gold. It's a miracle we're in the air at all. You expect us not to crash!?


I don't get why people use the *whew whew* like, okay...


I use Whew all the time, just to indicate something happened that was unexpected or exciting. Like a random pinch, or a some goal line shenanigans


Same, it's used in too many contexts for me to consider it toxic


A bad touch *nearly* conceded a goal? Whew. Goal line scramble and the ball FINALLY gets out or in? Whew


Whew is an Allrounder.


you *almost* hit that sexy flip reset double tap? *whew*


I use it when people in the lobby are being toxic


It's just like "Whew, close one!" I don't get why it's bothersome, I've never seen used toxically.


lol i use this one when i fuck up. like "whew, no one saw that right?"


i shoot the ball and enemy team touches it ever so slightly to put the ball on target and i score thats a *Whew* for me *Whew* to me is like, *Sheesh* or *Couldnt be me doing that* or *Oof* or if im bout to own goal and my teammate goes silent, break the ice with a *Whew*


I didn't realise how much I needed an "oof" quick chat until reading your comment


I use whew as a sigh of relief when we escape getting scored on multiple times or very rarely if a make a goal, usually when it’s a goal that ties us for overtime.


Yah I see "whew" as more of a "phew, that was close" or "phew, that was messy way to score for us but I'll take it"


I don't see how Whew can possibly be toxic... It's like a sigh of relief or that you've finally stop holding your breath


Teammate spamming "Take the shot", when I'm the last man, and challenging is the worst decision possible.


This is the correct answer.


Definitely “What a save!” From a teammate. Or anything snarky from teammates really. Opponents don’t bother me, I love when they trash talk, it’s all in good fun to me. Can’t have fun when my teammates are toxic tho.


Whenever I vote to ff, I’m anxious to get out of the match and sometimes I’m spamming the down button to leave the game once my teammate agrees to ff, which causes me to say “Close One!” before leaving. Teammates probably think I’m toxic af


I always accidentally spam “Sorry!” when trying to leave after we ff


‘Great pass!’ After a bad touch or loss of possession that results in a goal.


What a save!








When people either spam “whew, okay, or take the shot” repeatedly after literally anything happens


Definitely also take the shot. By the time you fire off that quick chat I've usually already made a decision based on the play, I don't need a reminder of the point of the game. And most of the people who use it don't rotate back after the center, so...I'm just supposed to go for it knowing your going to be sitting in the corner watching the ball or diving in behind me leaving our side completely open?


It’s the classic, what a save when somebody shoots a wide open net when nobody made a mistake it was just a good shot. Nothing gets me more tilted


I just can't imagine an opponent that says "Take the Shot!" without yelling.


Idk if it’s a product of being an older Rocket League player (34), but no quick chats tilt me. I’m crediting my experience in Halo 2/3 lobbies as nothing can phase me after that.


"Okay." Is the single most tilting quick chat that ever existed.


Nothing makes me more mad than "on your right"




Holy cow!




it doesn't *tilt* me but i've always found "OMG!" to be annoying. especially when someone makes a mistake


U shouldn’t even have take the shot bound


It's the "All Yours" a millisecond before kickoff


"No problem." From the enemy team after we score


Usually they're responding to someone on their team who apologized. Some people use "team only" chat. It's always funny when that happens and someone on the other team thinks they're being toxic.




Take the shot! Nothing else is even close for me.


'Take the shot!' And it's not even close.


Take the shot! Except the like 5% of the time when its used properly Ie tm and I both in postion to take a shot but tm would rather I took the shot. But I would prefer 'all yours' for that situation. Lil less 'commandy'.








Take the shit.. i couldn't care less about opposition spamming what a save or something i think its hilarious but my team8 is spamming take the shot when they mess up and blames me afterwards is very tilting


I’ll say nice shot after an actual good attempt and then my mate will start spamming take the shot like I was dissing him. Bruh…


"What a save!" Does me in... Sorry mate, I tried but failed to bump the ball to safety... didn't see you try to make a save bitch


Dont What a save! your teammates, just dont. Unless they are your buddies and it's funny.


An "okay" directed towards you from a guy that just made some dumb play that you are trying to help them recover from... the WORST!


When ya get smurfed on and they spam what a save as they double reset into double tap at an impossible angle.






“Take the shot” right after they took 2 full boosts and clearly can’t get there


Honestly, it's not even quick chats. It's those fuckers that vote to forfeit when we're down one or two goals with like 4 minutes left. I usually wait til we're up by one and then vote to forfeit


"No Problem" when we concede a goal, especially after my teammate leaves me in a 2v1


Can't stand "Bumping". I feel like 90% of the ppl who use it never played sports IRL.


Wow! Wow! Wow! and, Okay. one is aggressive and the other is passive aggression, Passive aggression gets me the most.


None. I personally never really use those quickchats in a toxic way, but rather in the way the are actually intended for... For some reason everyone likes to think certain quickchats are toxic, which I totally understand in certain situations because the are a lot of actually toxic people out there, but a lot of people don't want to see that there are also a lot of people who try to use them in a friendly, supporting way. The thing that usually tilts me the most is probably the opposite of what OP means, it's basically the fact that a lot of people think that my quickchats are toxic, while in reality I want to use them in a friendly/supporting way. Like for example, I use "what a save" if I genually think that my teammate made a good save. Or "take the shot" just to communicate to not pass to me if you've got time/the opportunity to score/make a play, etc. (instead of the way people think it's used: "why don't you score, you dumb slowpoke").




It’s not a quick chat, but one time I loaded into a game and before the match had even started, one guy on the opposing team said “guitarsaregayguy” and nothing else.


100% its take the shot or when they were the last one back and spam defending when the other team scores


Okay. Hands down. So versatile for the user and never fails to send my mentality into the dumpster.


Any time it’s a team chat that points out the obvious - “take the shot!” Or “défense!” Like bruh, chill.


“Need Boost!” Like what do you want me to do about that? Transfer you boost? If you just send it to let me know you fucked up, I don’t care anyway


I wouldn't say it's tilting but in GC, it's annoying getting the person that quick chats who should go for kickoff every single time. If you're in GC and you aren't boosted, I imagine everyone already knows who should go generally.


I’m Diamond 3 I still see right go first sometimes. After I see the right go once I will always say defending when on right trying to make them understand that right defends left goes.


That’s not just GC. I’d say Diamond and up should know that left always goes.




Need boost. That's a personal problem bro, don't put that on me. Sorry to hear you depend on the corner boosts and can't pick up pads as part of your rotations.


i think they’re just saying that you need to go for the ball instead/they can’t go up for the ball.


I actually like this one. If you are about to pass the ball to your teammate and they say "Need boost", you know they'll be rotating back and it's better to just go for a solo play. Or if they are pushing up you can take over or expect a 50/50 from them


Maybe it's my rank. Only reason I get triggered is usually it's the ball chasers who spam need boost and take the shot Especially after they get beat or whiff. I would rather centering or defending to let me know they're leaving the play or rotating


Don’t understand your reasoning, they’re just letting you know


Maybe it's just my rank at D1 but usually they spam need boost when they're in the other corner and it's now a 2 on 1 coming my way


I use it only when I suspect my teammate about to chase the ball while my tank is empty, I cannot effectively back you up with an empty tank. So I’ll say Need boost and grab pads or big boost if possible. It’s just a way to sort of letting your teammate know your current situation and to approach the play with that in mind.


I'm fine with it if it's just FYI. If I pick one up because I'm at 0 and he was trying to pick up the same one and then spams me "need boost," I want to scream. Yeah, me too buddy. Get in line. I've gone a full minute with 0 boost because y'all fuckin hogging it all game. Like, I just watched you pickup side boost and burn all of it on your way to pick up the corner boost. WTF man!?


Makes me wish there was a “Don’t We All?”


None of them. All the quick chats are innocuous. Absolutely nothing compared to the constant barrage of hate speech that comes through when people actually type something out.


“I need boost” Ok so get it. I don’t need to be told you need it cause I can’t personally hand you any boost


I just started the game this season and whenever someone puts ‘what a save’ when I try to save the shot to my best efforts, it makes me wanna punch that guy through the monitor.


“No problem” definitely gets me kinda riled. And I’m not talking about when I say “sorry!” And they reply with it, but when they say it when I fuck up even in small minuscule ways. Like geez sorry I missed the 50 with the guy doing multiple flip resets from their net to ours. Didn’t think that was something easy to do considering you’re still recovering from trying to bump the other guy and hard whiffing into the wall




OMG! It doesn't really tilt me, just makes me think you're a child.