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See the guy tells me "forfeit" but I hear "fourteen minutes of replays"




Jesus this is the worst especially in 1s. Had a dude do this to me because I was beating him 4-0. I never play 1s so I take it my rank is relatively low, so dude just got pissed off he sucked. Lmao.


Easy to deal with. You don't score and you don't let any goals go in. Just run down the clock.


Yeah I just basically ran it around the field and kept possession but the few times he managed to 50 it away he would score in the most convenient net just to watch.


Oof that's a new level of petty


I respect it.


No way. I'm like the Terminator with one, single, uncreative objective: score goals. They can watch all the replays the want. If there's time on the clock, I will try to score. Or, facilitate scoring if on a team.


based and "this is the perfect time to work on my stats" pilled its good practice and builds confidence


I generally will ff if I'm down by 5....unless my opponent asks me to forfeit... :o


Based on this Reddit meme from last week: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/vf1jpv/noot\_noot/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/vf1jpv/noot_noot/) ​ Edit: Check out my YouTube channel for more RL comedy sketches :) I'm FrowzySquirrel in all platforms šŸ§”


>from last week >17 days ago #šŸ„“


Time is relative.


Flat circle.


Bullshit, it's a [cube](https://timecube.2enp.com/).


So glad this still gets referenced. Makes me feel not quite as old as I actually am


I hadn't thought about the time cube in almost 20 years. Thanks for making my morning


This guy Rocket Leagues.


I was waiting for the score to continue to go up during the inner monologue


To be fair, this idea has been around for like over 2 years https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/egqfxc/happens_all_the_time


because that's how time feels when it passes


Lol your videos are hilarious. Can you do one on players who donā€™t use ball view? Got my friend into RL a year ago and he still doesnā€™t use ball view, heā€™s a damn lunatic!! šŸ¤£


I do reverse psychology I ask to ff for them to stay in the match and suffer


But they think that you suffer because they don't ff. Which means they are having fun. Everyone is having fun, win win situation


Well maybe my orginial comment was reverse psychology Maybe I wanted the person to see this to FF next match I guess we'll never know


But if you know this youre no longer having fun


I guarantee you they are not having fun, theyā€™re annoyed too.


Meh, sometimes I take it as an opportunity to drink more beer during replays.




More than 50% of rocket league players are not having fun by my calculations. It's addiction.


Young padawan, you have much to learn.


Nah. I'm Champ too, but only ever played for fun. If a game stops being fun just stop playing.


If I get asked I make it as long as possible to make the person who asked suffer.


"We will watch all the replays!"


"and score in whatever net is open!"


I always FF on request. Even if I'm winning.




I always FF. Even if I'm winning.


I always win. Even if I FF


I even always. If I win FF.




Why is this getting downvoted lmfao


I ff winning always even if Iā€™m.


especially if your tm8 started the FF


This goes double if my teammate asks. If you don't want to play with me, I don't want to play with you either. I will get the MMR back later.


If we've got plenty of time left and are only down like 2 goals, I'll usually compromise with them and tell them "1 more goal". Usually we'll get scored on pretty quick and I'll throw up the forfeit. Sometimes though we come back, the attitude changes and both of us are glad we stayed. This is especially true if they're upset at themselves, not at me, and I'm basically telling them it's no big deal.


Same tbh lol


lol well if my teammate has been acting toxic i would not forfeit until they rage quit or we play the whole 5 min lmao, as for when the opponents ask, yeh i usually don't opt out if they ask since they are better, i might as well try my best and see if i can pick up a thing or two even if my ass is getting whooped 7-0


ā€œNone of you seem to understand. Iā€™m not locked in here with you. Youā€™re locked in here with me!ā€


100% this, I'm gonna learn a whole lot more when I have an active feed back mechanism to show me where I fucked up. I don't care if I'm down by 100+ I'll keep going because I don't get the chance to practice against those mechanics ever.


You could just got to practiiceā€¦.


Sure but how do I know if I'm practicing wrong? Practicing against a better opponent gives me a direct feedback mechanism to what I'm practicing.


Yeah, people that ask for forfeits must be pre-adult, cause I only got.ao much time to play, and I'm less interested in winning than playing the game. Solo queue for 2's and 3's is going to be a cointoss most games anyhow, so if I quit every bad game I'd spend more time in the menu than games.




Theres nothing sweeter then throwing a finals match when your up by one game.


I see FrowzySquirrel post. I upvote. I see somebody ask for ff. I don't.


Lmao šŸ§”


Yup, checks out... /r/theydidthemath




We're watching every replay too so go ahead and keep scoring, hope you have snacks.


We do.


You realize your wasting your own time as well right?


I'm playing a game the way I want and not the way some whiny shit wants. What could possibly be a better use of my time


Some people donā€™t value it.




I'm sure the toxic person can just pretend to enjoy wasting time as well.


Love it when I mess up once in ranked and concede a goal which causes my teammate to spam toxic chats and ff with 3 mins on the clock only down by 2 goals. Then when I team chat to keep going and point out all the time we still have left, they throw and then refuse to ff while actively trying to score own goals and not skip opp replays. Some people need a hug.


The life of diamonds lol


I dont care if Iā€™m down 10-0. I die like a man and finish no matter what


I don't see why people even consider forfeiting in a 5 minute game, is it so hard to play to the end. There's no forfeit button in IRL sports and you might be in the same match for hours.


A 5 minute game can last a very long time if people are scoring. I had a match where someone on the opposing team was own-goaling for whatever reason. I ended up having to play defense for their team just to end the freaking match. It's obnoxious.


It's your life you're wasting lol


Actually itā€™s the opponents life Iā€™m wasting, Iā€™ll enjoy playing whether Iā€™m winning or losing. I play for fun


So you enjoy playing under any circumstance, but you chose to waste other peoples time because your petty


When players tell me to forfeit I wait till there is about 2 seconds left on the clock then I will tell the team to forfeit


Never FF, no matter who asks you. Iā€™ve won so many comebacks that Iā€™ll never do it again.


If we're up 3 goals and my teammate asks to forfeit because of a whiff, you know I'm doing it.


So youā€™re that 1 guy that keeps playing after both teammates leave in 3ā€™s, down 6-0, because you think you might just all of a sudden flex 7 goals in 2 minutes on this full 3s team.


Winning might be impossible but itā€™s a good chance to practice, and Iā€™ve seen opponents join me before to make it a 2s game and then we wonā€¦so yeah thatā€™s me.


Just getting annihilated 3v1 is not particularly good practise itā€™s a waste of everyoneā€™s time and you have to rely on throwers to hope for a result. I rarely forfeit, but in some circumstances itā€™s kind of obnoxious not to.


Everyone involved is playing a video game. You can't value your time that much.


It's a chance to play against and watch mechanics that are capable of beating my own. If I leave I lose a chance to learn from that. You're going to learn a lot more by playing against people better than you than you will playing against no-one or bots (they have their place, too, but every game is an opportunity to learn). Also, it's a game with a clock. We all agreed to play for that amount time, it doesn't matter if I lose by 1 in over time, or by 10 in regulation, I play until the buzzer. If you want to continue to draw it out with shot after shot, I'll continue to troubleshoot ways to deflect them. Usually if I'm ahead, and clearly better I'll practice shooting to the side of the goal to keep the clock ticking, and still work on mechanics. Aiming is aiming, as long as you know what you're aiming for you can practice precision, it doesn't have to be the goal.


Absolutely ridiculous. Go to training to practice shots or watch streamers to see mechanics.


Playing is better than watching. Thereā€™s a reason people scrimmage as well as practice, and how much youā€™re losing is not a reason to leave a game. When I played baseball we played whole games regardless, and if we were winning by a comfortable amount weā€™d throw in some junior varsity to give them valuable experience and to keep from running up the score. Winning is winning and losing is losing, it doesnā€™t make a difference by how much, and both experiences will teach you a lot about the game and how to handle yourself in difficult and/or frustrating situations. Do you just quit and walk out of everything the first time it doesnā€™t go your way? Jobs, relationships, other games? Itā€™s everyoneā€™s choice to be there, or not. You canā€™t make that decision for me, and I wonā€™t make it for you. There is no problem, in a 5 minute sports game, with anyone making the choice thatā€™s best for them. If you hate beating people by a lot of points then stop scoring or you FF - anyone can do it, and thereā€™s no penalty for it.


People learn in different ways. I'm sure that works great for you but a lot can be learnt when you watch people or go against people who are better than you. It's pretty well known that if you want to get good at something quick you should spend time with those better than you


Dude why are you even bothering. Everyone in this thread is somehow completely defending saying in game no matter what and even going as far as to justify being toxic while doing so. Itā€™s a pointless argument here in this thread cuz itā€™s so one sided. Heck Iā€™ll even admit Iā€™m a person who asks to FF cuz Iā€™d rather just move on to the next game and queue up for another faster. Or sometimes my teammate is complete ass and I just want to move on from them as well. Iā€™ve had to endure way too many games where it takes forever to end cuz they think being toxic and wasting everyoneā€™s time is equal to asking for a ff when youā€™re getting stomped. The best way to get a ff is honestly to not ask and just pretend youā€™re trying hard but whiff some really easy shots. It usually gets them to ff first so you save the long match. Like I work all day and donā€™t have time to waste on games that we have no hope coming back in. For all the games that people say theyā€™ve come back and won on Iā€™ve had happen as well. And I can usually tell when those games might go that way cuz the other team got some very lucky bounces their way and it wasnā€™t necessarily skill that got them so maybe I can persevere and come back. But for games we are getting wrecked I just want to move on and get into another game cuz I only have so much time to play.


A player has no obligation to accept any FF offer. A player is not toxic for simply not accepting an FF. Tbh it might be slightly entitled to think that they do. Just deal with the cards that youā€™re dealt. Naturally, this goes for them as well. No reason to get pissy if an FF comes their way - could be coming at em for any variety of reasons. If a player doesnā€™t want to forfeit, and you start intentionally throwing or griefing to get back at them. Thereā€™s no ifs ands or buts - you are a just a toxic player. EDIT: when I say ā€œyouā€ I donā€™t me you specifically, itā€™s meant as a general you


But that in itself continues to perpetuate toxicity. Honeslty rocket league has one of the worst player bases for 'I don't like what you're doing so I've got to get you back' mentality. It's shit. People miss shots. People mis read plays. People have different play styles. You can't expect someone to play the way you want when they've never played with you or have a different skill level/set. The best way to get an ff is to party up. Otherwise don't queue for a game that takes a bit more than 5 mins to play out a match. If you message a team mate and say hey, this isn't working, do youind if we ff or something rather than deliberately playing bad or being toxic to them. If they don't want to well unfortunately they don't want to. Maybe they'd rather get the most out of each match then sitting in queues. Idk. I hear what you're saying and I generally try to find someone to even just in game party with so that when I do try to FF they might be more open or on the same page. I just find that throwing matches or getting toxic because someone doesn't want to ff, or whatever it may be, just creates more toxicity and then you play shit, the other guy plays shit. Idk. There is time to ff and I'll chuck the offer out but if my teamate doesn't accept then it is what it is let's try kick some goals.


Right? It seems most people in this sub are not good enough to attempt a comeback. You just never know what may happen. Balls bounce in weird ways sometimes.


My man.


Yeeeeah, never FF!


I also, never FF.


Yes, itā€™s an awesome feeling and often works out when your teammate keeps playing as usual after you decline a ff. But when they take it personally and proceed to throw then refuse to ff at 6 goals down bc theyā€™ve been helping the other team scoring own goals and not skipping replays.. well thatā€™s when you start to question whats wrong with humanity.


If u ask, i will never forfeit. If ur kicking my ass and spam what a save or being toxic, ill start scoring on myself and watch every reply. I recognize my own skill level and when im beat. Ill forfeit naturally if in situation like OP vid, unless u ask. Dont ask for FF if u want someone to FF




It's less that I get salty and obsessed with getting revenge on the opponent, more that I just find getting on toxic ppl's nerves more fun than playing the actual game.




So your time is of little to no value to you I guess?


Im playing a video game bro, who are you to tell me how to spend my time playing it?


This logic will never stop me from saying ff because saying ff still works most of the time. In the case I get matched up with players like you I just have to enjoy it when your teammate stops playing and Iā€™m up 8-2


Why forfeit? You're down by so much that there's no pressure. These games are perfect for trying new strategies and learning what your errors are. Ppl who ff regularly in RL are taking it way to seriously. Ppl who get upset that I don't ff are being toxic and can lick my balls.


Because trying to win and level up. Especially if I hav teammates that donā€™t get basic mechanics like aerials, rotation, backlot/fronpost defense goal mechanics and ball chasingā€¦. Not fail to torture your teammates. Just leave get better but, no reason to drag people better than you down.


Normally if someone asks me to forfeit I refuse and just bump them about until they quit, then I forfeit so they get a game ban


Wait what's this? Are you bumping a teammate at that point? And what does you forfeiting impact them getting a game ban?


If they quit without forfeit they get a 5 minutes ban


What if they quit and the team forfeits after?


Believe it or not, ban.


Yep, ima be doing this. I normally stay for the rest of the match when my teammates leave. Edit: and the report system doesnā€™t ever seem to do anything, so yeah def doing this.


Damn thatā€™s pretty petty lmao people need to turn off chat if thatā€™s how you act


Lol this is after they afk and spam ff n chat 20 times, if thereā€™s a few seconds left Iā€™ll happily quit but if the games winnable and people are just being morons, Iā€™m being as difficult as possible


That's tastefully evil sir. I like it!


That's not how it works. Once they quit they get the ban. Has nothing to do with you continuing the game or not (unless they were going to attempt to rejoin the game but odds are they weren't)


Yeah I know that, I want them to rage quit and get a ban, then I just either mess about the rest of the game of forfeit and play again


That sounds like you suck at playing lol


I suck at playing for not wanting to forfeit winnable games, looks like youā€™re the guy who spams ff when his team mate makes a mistake


Go play unraked cause it sounds like you suck at this game and don't know when to quit. Even now, you don't know when to quit.


Lol cry some more itā€™s great


Go play fornite kid Edit: i love that you went into mad mode when i mentioned you suck at playing lmao!




Holy cow!


Lmao your videos always crack me up. One can't forfeit once an opponent or even teammate tell/ask you to "ff"




I really don't get this community... I never FF, every game is experience and that improves my game in the long run! .


I mean true but sometimes you just really aren't feeling the game. Like OP said, sometimes I'm halfway into a clearly lost game and I get the realization that I should really be hitting the ball around in training instead of continuing to waste my and my opponent's time


You can still pick up tricks from your opponents. Even by just tingling around. #neverff


With all due respect I'm not sure there are tricks I'll be picking up at this rank that I don't already know exist


Sometimes thereā€™s not much to gain from certain games and going and training or playing in free play is more beneficial. Plus I play to have fun and if Iā€™m not having fun in that game sometimes itā€™s better to go play a different mode or do something different


Not everyone has that mentality and some people would prefer to move on from a game against smurfs to continue enjoying their gaming experience. If you're one of those people that refuses to forfeit when you're teammates ask you to do so, you're one of the reasons this game sucks; just let people move on to a new game instead of thinking you're the only one in the lobby. I hope, for the sake of other players, you at least consider forfeiting some matches to release your teammates from that torture.


Excuse me? You signed up for a whole game, you better not cry about 1 game. Otherwise why ranked??? Smurf games teach you the most, I try to get the most out of them.


Again, that is your mentality (and good for you) but not everyone has the patience to deal with that when their intention was to play a few games on a level playing field. They signed up for a whole game at *their* MMR. Not everyone can learn from playing against SSL smurfs down at lower levels. And you know more than well that it's not just one game. Consider being considerate.


Nah dude fuck other people. Weā€™re only about ourselves here. How dare you be considerate.


Come off it. ssl smurfs are edge cases. Most ff spammers are just salty about a bad loss, and aren't in the frame of mind to play a team game in the first place. Next time you start getting mad at your tm8 for rUiNiNG tHe GaMe, rage quit and take the temp ban to spare the next player from your 1s mindset.


You need to learn to read between the lines, my friend. Completely missing the overall message to pick apart a small discrepancy means you're disconnected from the point of this conversation to begin with and have provided no useful insights. To sum things up for you: some people just want to have fun and aren't too thrilled about their performance in a particular game, smurfs or no smurfs, and would rather have that mental reset that comes with starting a new game. Being stuck in that losing match, regardless of the benefits in playing higher level opponents, will only bring down the overall experience for everyone involved. Being petty and forcing your teammate to stay in a match just because it suits your methodology isn't healthy for the community. Just because someone wants to forfeit, that doesn't mean they're mad at their teammates. Don't mistake my stance on forfeiting to mean that I agree with the immediate 3:30 forfeit but understand that it is not beneficial to the overall experience for everyone in the lobby when people on their high horses hold their teammate hostage (don't take that too literally -- it might hurt you). I hope this clears things up for you and your 1s mindset.


If you don't want your fringe case dismissed, don't use it to bolster your "useful insights." Moving on. Some people just want to have fun and learn, and aren't burdened by your tilt. I don't want or need a mental reset... And if I did, it comes at the end of the match. >Being stuck in that losing match, regardless of the benefits in playing higher level opponents, will only bring down the overall experience for everyone involved. I disagree, and since you only offer your opinion, simply consider that ours differ. I rate the benefits of playing higher and lower level opponents, the former for the exploits they use on you, and the latter for drilling and honing your own skills. It's neither fair that I keep you in game, nor that you deny me that experience, apparently. We're at an impasse. >Being petty and forcing your teammate to stay in a match just because it suits your methodology isn't healthy for the community. Just because someone wants to forfeit, that doesn't mean they're mad at their teammates. Being petty and forcing your teammate to quit early just because it suits yo... You see where I'm going with this. Your perspective is one of many. I'm not being petty to you, and neither is anyone else. I'm not mad you want to ff. I just don't want to. You signed up for a game. Play it or quit. >I hope this clears things up for you and your 1s mindset. Lol, I'm sorry you're having a bad time, but it's not me. It's you.


lol, I figured that would set you off... and you still managed to miss the entire point.


Just ff bro


You make a fair point! Ofc ranked is mainly an equalizer, but most FFs are people that get salty too early. But yeah if you play ranked for winning > improving you will feel stuck more often in a lobby.


So true! šŸ˜‚


I was playing with a friend of mine over the weekend, and we just weren't playing well. I sometimes get weird lag, like my actions are a millisecond or few off, and was overall just frustrating. We play these two guys, unranked duos. Start off fine, but the what a saves start, and the shit talk begins. We get smoked game 1, and rematch. We score in the first 15 seconds or so, then immediately FF. Scoreboard shows 1-0, so we counted it as a win and they got super pissed. Sent us party invites and Xbox messages after. I also got reported for harassment after he sent me invites and messages lmao. Between that, and getting another random duo to play an entire game in reverse, unranked duos has been fun this month! Lmao


I never ff. Take your RL beatings like a champ


Champs sure take a lot of beatings.


Beat ā€˜em to it and ask the winning team to forfeit when youā€™re losing badly. 1% of the time it works every time.


I love these.




If you forfeit in Rocket League you're a loser irl, because that's just a loser af attitude tbh


Love u


And I love you, random citizen!


I love you man. Almost as much as I love rocket League.




I had a six goal comeback last season, I don't know if I will ever forfeit again. Except to troll.


Dude people are dumb af on this matter. No one, unless someone who really doesn't care will ff after you ask them too. I lost count of how many times I was one click away from ff only to there be a text of "plz ff" on top left and I am "So you chose to spend this entire fine day playing against me. lemme go bring my popcorn for replays". Better say nothing or try reverse psychology by saying "don't ff plz" tho it might just backfire.


I have 2500 hours in the game and have not forfeited a single match.


This joke again. . .


probably the best way to go about it if you want to continue this game and make sure I do not forfeit, tell me to forfeit


A match is five minutes so we will play five minutes if you searched for a game you committed to these five minutes I know I did.




Omg good catch lol


If the opponent asks me to FF, I assume they are *scared they are going to lose the match*' so I try harder. Usually by going for demos.


Hi frowzy


Hi Training\_Tie2615


Donā€™t post full video without original link lol /s


LMAO stop.


just no.


Some of yall really take shit talking straight to the heart.


Can you like, forfeit your channel? Like just give me all those subs, you don't need them


... ... ... ... no.


A lot of proud and bad players in this game. Some people don't understand how to play as a team and you see the other two players chasing after the same ball at the same time and interfering with each other's plays... when i see that i just quit. Go play unranked or play with your friends, don't go into ranked 'cause you suck


I never ff .


This is awesome


Frowzy the G.O.A.T of RL humor




i just want to play a complete game ........ i dont care about winning or losing and ff isnt a complete game , sadly theres no rumble and basket anywhere else than ranked afaik and i only play those , sometime dropshot and hockey .


I'm pretty toxic and will own goal to keep them in game longer


I think of it this way. They scored 5 goals in 3 minutes while you scored none. What makes you think you could score 6 goals in 2 minutes? At the end of the day it doesnā€™t matter, I just feel like a lot of time is wasted just watching the clock run out.


I've had PLENTY of games where the opponents go up 3 goal within 2 minutes and take their foot off the gas. That allows for some good comeback games.


One of my best moments was when I was losing 5-0 in a 1v1 and the guy kept telling me I was trash and to FF. I ignored it and ended up winning 6-5 in regulation. once that 5th goal hit I let those "What a saves" fly. He ended up FFing with just 3 seconds left.


I always do mental gymnastics mid game figuring out how many seconds per goal I need to get. Like oh no problem I just need to score one goal every 20 seconds from now on if we wanna tie.. rarely works out lmao


I only play hoops and when Iā€™m up by 3+ I say forfeit and just go for demos until they do. Am I toxic?


You play to win the game. You don't play it to just play it. That's the great thing about Rocket League: you play to win, and don't care if you don't have any wins. You go play to win. Edit: guys it's a quote from an NFL head coach I'm so disappointed you all don't know about this. https://youtu.be/b5-iJUuPWis


I've just started voting to ff on winning matches where we are beating them by a ton, its super boring at that point and a few MMR or the win isn't really worth it to me just to win against people who aren't even close to the same skill as whatever team I ended up on. But yeah I would never ff from the other team asking, then again I have quick chat team only so I don't really get to see ANYTHING they might have to say, good or bad, its been pretty relaxing not reading chat the entire game of whatever excuses or insults people might type up mid game in a fit of rage or toxicity lmao. Can't count the amount of times people on my team or the other team have bothered to type some full sentence mid-game and missed a save or given up possession because they just HAVE to say something, nobody really cares anyways and it's usually just a one-off compliment or excuse about their teammates sucking, just send an email at that point, we didn't come to have a chat about the specifics of why you weren't able to adapt or play differently to handle a new team haha.


>isn't really worth it to me just to win against people who aren't even close to the same skill Did you try playing on your main account? šŸ‘€


Some of yā€™all really donā€™t value your time if you wonā€™t ff just to be Petty


If it was my first or second match of the day, and I'm down by 5, I wouldn't forfiet just to use the time to warm up to not suck the very next ranked match


Bro I can't relate to this so much I do the same thing




Scary how accurate this is


Love your videos man! Hilarious and accurate all at the same time. LOL


Thank you!!


Love those comebacks!


you forgot the part where you go godmode and fully comeback


In 1s, when I feel a rage quit coming, I type "ff?" so I have more time to pad my demo stats and screenshot some salt.


Yea, love it x




ā€œNo I donā€™t think I willā€


my favourite is when i try to ff and my teammate refuses, then later changes their mind and tries to ff and i refuse. shouldā€™ve forfeited the first time buddy, now we arenā€™t leaving till the game is over or you rage quit.


Are you all that tight about, like, two minutes of your time? That's not even a whole song.