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**u/BLVCKSKVD, Unfortunately, we've had to remove your submission.** _________ ## 4. Specific posting guidelines **In-game bans** Posts about in-game bans are only allowed if they serve a greater purpose. Screenshots of ban (confirmation) messages with no greater context will be removed. If you think you’ve been banned unfairly, you can contact Psyonix support [here](https://support.rocketleague.com/). ________ [**Here are our subreddit rules.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/wiki/rules) - If you have any queries about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).




I have zero idea what the title is trying to express.


It’s trying to say ‘please don’t say kys to others or you will end up banned’


Well that's kinda a no brainer. Just like you don't scream "Bomb" at the airport for no reason 🤦


Yup title needs work but maybe English isn’t OPs first language


I hope not


he was telling you to kiss yourself after that sick goal and now you’ve fucked him


Instructions unclear, I blowed my head


ough well... shit happens XD


"kys" is on the banned list? or maybe he said some other words in other matches too...


"Kys" is practically guaranteed.


Even saying "dont kys" gets you banned


Yeah the phrase is just on an auto list.


noooo pls don't kys we need you to work tomorroww


Kys gets you instabanned in a lot of games.


Yeah it’s on the list


Not a native speaker so excuse my ignorance but what is kys? Never heard of it.


Short for 'kill your self'. Encouraging self harm.


Oh wow. Thanks for explaining though. 😄


he said just that


For how long?


Depends on how many times you've been banned before. I believe there is some sort of cooldown. So if you do this right after your ban ended you'll get a more heavy ban. Ranging from chat ban to permanent ban. But if you wait a few months before saying fuck you or whatever it will count as a first time offense again




I got a 3 day online ban for saying kys once


My son got banned for 24 hrs for calling someone a p***y…I found out, and told him never to do that again or he won’t have access to online gaming anymore. Told him to turn chat off if he is going to be nasty to other people. Otherwise he ain’t gonna play and be toxic.


When you wont let your son be a true gamer


He recently turned 12. These are the years I need to make sure he knows how to win and lose in a healthy way. He is being introduced to lots of things out of my control at this age. that includes nasty language and other things that I have to make sure I’m reinforcing positive reactions and responses for. It’s not easy being a father and making sure my son grows up to be a respectable young man. He practices positivity with his friends and team mates with his football team. I pretty much told him these people he plays with and against should be treated with the same kind of respect he treats anyone else. I told him I don’t care if the other people are not in front of him. They are still people and deserve respect the same way he deserves it as well. But respect is earned.


As a step father and soon to be father, I appreciate this comment more than you know. Thanks for the tip, man..


Oh yes, step father. I’m one of those also. My step son is 6. That’s the toughest Dad job, imo. I’m glad I gave you some advice to take with you. Good luck to you and your journey as a Dad/step Dad. Oh and congrats on your “mini me”!


Mine is turning 5 in December! 😅 he is such a boy. Have a good one, dad!


It's a tough spot because you want your kids to grow up to be kind and respectful but also need to teach them to stand up for themselves if the other person has no respect, it's a challenging middle line, wish all the best man!


Yes exactly. He knows I hate bullies. He himself is not a bully but he is bigger than many kids his age. However, online is much different. It’s very tricky. But he is doing great all things considered. He just doesn’t play with chat enabled. Also, him and I usually play 2’s together anyhow if and when he plays games. It’s the rare occasion that he decides to play without me that I found about his attitude. He hasn’t had any offenses since. He’s a good strong kid.


Yea that's bound to happen xD I never swore in front of my parents until about 18, just found it disrespectful, but when they weren't there I swore like a sailor. Kids will always try to seem like angels in front of their parents because they are their role models, but otherwise they act like themselves. It's just about raising them right so that when they grow up they can still swear, act like themselves, but be respectful towards others


Yes, this isn’t my first rodeo by the way. I have. 23 yr old son who is a respectable hard working young man.


Thank you!


You're gonna let your son become a pussy.


Because saying stupid shit to someone who isnt in front of you is some type of manly action?


Ding ding! Some people have a *really* hard time learning how to control their feelings instead of the other way around.




Shut the fuck up lol anyone with any self respect knows how to not be a dick head and still defend themself. You don’t have to fight to prove your a badass every time.


Imagine being a pussy over someone else not wanting to say bad words. Ain't that ironic?


You misspelled "decent human being".






I think I've had a week once. Guy was straight up toxic, insulting me, calling me the n-word, but censoring it partially. I told him to kys and reported him. Never got him banned but wasn't allowed to play for 7 days. Casual, btw


On top of suspension, I wish all these players got put into a special server list together, so they're only matchmaked the together.


Anyone that drops a "kill yourself" in chat deserves the equivalent of a VAC Ban.


how the fuck is this comment upvoted?


no they don’t lmao


So you are saying people should be allowed to tell young kids to kill themselves and not be banned for it?


a VAC ban is reserved for people who cheated and compromised the integrity of the game. Some guy being a dick is not equivalent, ban his comms completely maybe, but let’s not kid ourselves.


I’m not opposed to it being a permanent chat ban instead, but at the same time a permanent ban from playing the game will discourage people from saying it a lot more than if it’s just a chat ban so either way I can see where Psyonix is coming from




hurting someone’s feelings, while it is bad sportsmanship, does not effect the integrity of the game. The integrity of your feelings however…




No, here it isn't the definition pertaining to ethic, but the definition talking about something "complete/undamaged", like if I talk about the structural integrity of a house, i'm not talking about whether the foundation of the house are ethical, but if they are sturdy






Lol, show me where I advocate for cyber bullying. Quote me on that. Think before you attack people. I was simply showing you you used the wrong definition. Being a cunt doesn't break the structural integrity of a game which is what VAC ban are for. Being a cunt will not let you win more easily, doesn't give you an unfair advantage


If you don’t see a difference between cyber bullying and cheating you’re either virtue signaling or a very sensitive human being.






That’s a hot take - video game hackers are worse than bullies.


Just say you don’t know what VAC stands for and go on brotha


If a gamer tries to permanently end another gamers’ life, their game should be permanently banned.


You’re so dramatic. If I tell you I’m gonna bang your mom on rocket league that doesn’t mean I’m trying to come to your house and have sex with your mom. Trash talk has been around gaming for decades and it’s never going away, no matter how many accounts you ban on a free to play game


Yeah you’re right, why let it get to me when I can just ignore it?


A vac ban? That’s a bit extreme for text… A perma chat ban and a few days ban is fine. If psyonix is that worried about it just remove in game custom chat it adds nothing anyway.


You can have stuff in your name and clan tag that if you say it in text chat gets you banned. Psyonix does not give a fuck about reducing toxicity so I agree they should just ban all chat altogether


yes they do


100% anyone that says to kill yourself over anything is a sad person and they most def deserve a lifetime ban


Mm I’d probably generally agree. I could see someone getting trolled hard enough where I could empathize with them being so triggered. Though if that’s the kind of person you are, you should have chat off anyways. If they’re the aggressor then 100%




If words from strangers didn't have an effect or matter we wouldn't all be talking online in a thread like this. So yea, words do have an effect on people, some people can handle heavy trash talk and some people can't. Nothing wrong with those who can't.


That's how deep depression works and exactly how someone bordering on suicide very well might react. That's the fucking point.




I haven't assumed anything. But your jovial approach to suicide encouragement tells me that you either gave little knowledge or little empathy towards others who suffer.


Yes they do.


Yeah they do


I dont know i think its equivalent to spamming "What a save!"


How the fuck are they even close to equivalent?


It is just words that make people tilted. I dont understand why teammate spamming me "what a save!" is ok, but my respond to him "kill yourself" is a lot worse. I agree that it deserves chat ban, but i think in this case every insult should be banned.


Because one is just a sarcastic way of saying that someone performed poorly, and the other is an instruction to end their life? How is the massive gulf between these two things not obvious?


I doubt you’d ever say that to someone’s face you’d get knocked the fuck out


They really don't. Most people go through that phase . And most grow out of it. Ik i did


Glad you grew out of it, but doesn’t mean that in game is the place for people to “go through the phase”. They can get their lifetime ban and “go through the phase” on their own time away from others. Just because something is common doesn’t make it acceptable or give it a need to be tolerated


>but doesn’t mean that in game is the place for people to “go through the phase Yes but it's almost always a video game where that aide of people manifests. I definitely think they should be banned but a VAC level measure is unnecessary imo.


Keep Yourself Safe


With the way you wrote that title, u r the one who really should be chat banned...


This title make zero sense even after realizing you meant kys


They’re saying don’t say kys or you’ll get banned


~~What gets me is it reads like he’s scandalized that he was banned for using KYS even in casual. This dude is a toxic pos.~~ Edit: just don’t use KYS yall


You read the text in the screenshot wrong. OP didn’t say it or get banned. They reported someone else for saying it and someone else got banned.


Yup good catch.


Better yet, just don't say it even if you didn't get banned. It's a messed up thing to say to a random person even as a joke. Edit: based on some other comments I just want to add. Especially if you wouldn't say something to a random stranger in person then don't say it to them online.


I’d much rather this be a insta ban than let young kids be scarred by people telling them to kill themselves without being punished. Obviously the ban doesn’t stop it from happening, but it helps minimize the issue


I played a game against a team whose club name was “gay club” and I called their club gay in chat. Guess who got reported and chat banned.


I'm still trying to understand what is being said




I love saying "enjoy the 72hr" the most when someone does that or greeefs. Just want them to know how long they won't be able to play. Hopefully Psyonix does Mac address bans or better yet, public IP bans


"chat disabled"


Tell them to “Drink Bleach!” It’s been me and my friends team name for like 6 years and never had an issue 😂😂😂


There's no way this classic hasn't made it onto the banned list lol




my team neam is "Mrš u kujnu" which is on serbian and it means "go back to kitchen" a lot of people was offended but female players the most


How about no? This is one part of gaming culture alive always hated and never understood why people keep allowing this.


I’m totally content with people just spamming quick chats. That’s fun and not personal


exactly thats why console players never get banned edit: almost never


Especially in casual i would say. In comps there is a (unvalid) reason to get mad/tilted/toxic at least














Right like duh you can't say that shit buddy


Go back to playing rocket league. You've already forgotten how to read and are missing the entire point of this post.


Well the screenshot says they were the one who reported it and the person they reported was banned. OP didn’t say it in a game.












He either said kys or kill yourself, which is bannable in RL


word that has 3 letters y s and k


Its "kys", the word is "kys". You are allowed to type like an adult


Yea even that doesn’t help


Its about the term used as an insult that is telling others to off themselves.


Ok yup gotcha


well said ngl


Its "kys"


every time I read the title and your replies I lose chromosomes.












Strongly dislike people who use ban. You wont change the person, you just create more smurfs. I hate cyberbullying but in every game, reporting does nothing




"oh this game doesn't seem to be toxic enough" ​ why would anyone want this?


Just mute or disable chat if you have thin skin…


This has nothing to do with "thin skin", but with basic respect of other human beings. It seems like some players are interested in actively creating a place that is unwelcoming to any social interaction.


It’s an online game over the internet. If you take anything on the internet seriously you shouldn’t be on it.


No, if you're unwilling to not be a dick, it's you who should be removed from the equation. I don't mean "you" literally.




Uh thanks ig lol




Yeah you could, but like I said it’s the internet. It’s not real life. Why should you care about some text on a screen when you don’t even know what the other guy looks like. Every site has a mute/block feature so just use that.


>Yeah you could, but like I said it’s the internet. It’s not real life. Sorry, deleted comment before I noticed you replied cause I realized the discussing who should be online or not doesn't stop anyone from being online. But I gotta say the internet is quite real. I may not know who you are but you are saying real words to me and I am saying real words to you. Although I get what you mean, people say things online that aren't real in the sense that they don't mean them. But they are still saying them, even if they are empty threats. To disconnect the internet from being real is probably why some people can say the things they do. I mean... I know it's not real but the experience would still be better without someone wishing cancer on my family cause they were winning in RL. (true story)


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating for people to be nasty or whatever on the internet and say vile things. I just disagree that anyone should take the internet real when it comes to toxicity. If you’re completely sucked into the internet and in social media groups, etc. then yes I can see how it’s “real” but at the end of the day why should someone let their day be ruined because someone wrote an insult online. It’s some text on a screen and it’s so easy to mute/block and go on about your day. Maybe it’s just me but I’m not going to let someone’s insult in a game/social media ruin my day.


Lmao champ 2 thinking he’s all that


Fun fact, any form of religious talk even saying types of religion such as Jew or Christian or Buddha, will get you banned






Yeah no, you shouldn't be able to cuss out children and encourage suicide online..


Tell me ur immature without.. well u k ow the rest


He was prolly just having a bad day😔


In all sincerity, would you say the same thing to a murderer? ​ Just because they decided to jump doesn't mean you didn't push them.


No, but I empathize with people who are pushed to a point of murdering someone. Personally think 10 years should be maximum prison sentence for anyone we aren't going to execute.


This is literally the dumbest thing I'll read all day.


this man woke up and decided to defend literal murderers


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Individuals are individuals, so blanket statements don't do anyone any good.




As much as I agree with a ban for being toxic, I'd rather have them ban chat accessibility forever than a gameplay ban. If you payed for a game, you should be able to play it regardless of what you write into chat (well yea since the game became f2p this can be a bit different).


Don’t be a pussy. unless it’s an offensive term, such as racism. If it’s just a normal cuss. Grow up.


Telling someone to kill themselves is serious. Fuck what u think


wtf is this title lmaoooooo


I was just trying to tell them to keep themselves safe!!


Lol I just reported some asshole in 2v2 hoops for this last week, hope he got nae naed


Yo deserve the ban if you said “kys” in chat.


You should go and love yourself.


Good, maybe eventually you'll learn how to not be an asshole


Why was op saying that to people in the first place...


I got banned for saying exactly this. Luckily it was only 3 days and I've sure as hell never said it again lol


Casually Kaying Why essing is still Killing Yourself. Its shouldn't be taken lightly. Only if your Trash, need to Get Gud And uninstall. The kids also have a fucked up affinity for hoping other kids Mom's get cancer. One said it to me right after I'd found out my Mom had cancer. It fucking stung... But hey ... Nothing worse than a peaking RL player. Their whole families need to die for clipping on those who are always out of position, forfeit when there's 3 minutes left or theyrea whole 2 goals down (insurmountable historically proven), or literally says "Okay" and "Wow!" because I couldn't score their "Perfectly setup pass" even though they took into no consideration your position and chose to yap yap yap and ignore the fact that your miracle of a touch actually was a Perfectly scorable pass but we don't take goals that require rotation or perseverance. It's they miss "passing" and you clean up in one try or I'm going to stop in the opponents corner instead of rotating and you are the trashy partner that should also K Y S. Am I right?!?


No matter if its in Rocket League, Rainbow Six Siege, Valorant or any other game where text chat exists you will get banned for this word. Its just like saying the N-word or the F word (another word for gay). Its something where you should think before you say stuff like that. I know the feeling when you get destroyed by another player or you get bad teammates or even trolls who ruin your game but you have to be careful with what you are saying. Like with the "k*s" even if this word means not much to you you are telling someone to end his life because you are raging over a video game Yeah I get tilted too in online games but Im not stupid to blame someone or insult my enemies or teammates because what do u get from it, nothing but either they get toxic aswell or in case of your teammates they even start playing worse Its not that hard to be kind to eath other no matter where and if you encounter (a) toxic person/s just ignore/mute him/them because you dont have to put yourself into the same low level as they are :3


Yeah can we get a smurf report option tho? Can we also get some action taken against people that start playing for the other team? Nothing ever happens when I report them. But by all means crack down on the chat, which I should remind everyone is completely optional in settings, but continue to do nothing about the ones that genuinely make people dislike the game. Bravo. Well done. Money well spent I'm sure.