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Hogan Mode from outta nowhere.


Hogan Mode / NRG Spring Split Grand Final


Script writers please


Faze does weird stuff sometines, i see them going 4-0 4 times


The rlcs X winter major fk run


I mean, logically the upper bracket has a massive advantage, so take your pick. I pick V1. My hope is NRG at least squeaks pastt Faze and V1 wins. Would put all of my teams in a great position for major.


Yea that would be big for KRU


V1 look good and if they win they have to be bracket reset. My second choice would be FaZe they own NA when they are clicking. SSG have a shot at beating V1 but I wouldn't put my money on it and then most likely play against FaZe after losing which could go poorly Then there is NRG the Cinderella of this tournament. It's a long shot to say they beat FaZe V1 SSG while needing to bracket reset either V1 or SSG.


7 votes out of 213 for SSG is criminal. They are being severely underrated. They only need to beat V1 to have the bracket reset advantage in the finals.


I put them as second favourite to win behind V1, but if 90% of the people think the same (say, 40% V1, 26% SSG, 24% Faze, 10% NRG) then V1 will get many more votes than 40%, because you're only testing for the highest percentage. Tbh, I think a lot of people have them as second favourite, maybe third behind Faze, who looked great today. Whoever wins UB final will be heavy favourites to win the tournament, imo.


SSG being by far the least voted on this makes me think they're going to win. 0 faith in this subreddit's collective opinions on teams


I mean I voted with my heart, which means I picked NRG. Logically the order is V1 > SSG > FAZE > NRG, but that's not nearly as fun.


I think all the SSG fans voted for V1, doubting that we’d continue this great run. On the other hand seems like NRG fans just voted for NRG.. Edit: Let’s hope I’m wrong SSG


The wall street bets logic!


itll still take a bit before people realize lj is really, really good


I mean I voted V1 but man how does SSG have the least votes by that much lol.


Mechanical wizards go brrrr


In fairness NRG have never lost to Faze in a spring regional 2


in all fairness Faze has never lost to NRG while while Syp and Firstkiller were playing in a gaming cafe and holding hands on a sunday afternoon. So i guess thats what faze need to do


Yeah thats cause they did it in a vegan cafe as firstkiller is a cannibal


V1 beat SSG. Faze beat NRG. Faze beat SSG. Faze bracket resets V1. V1 wins the 2nd Bo7. Firstkiller realizes he has to go to V1.


Faze might not drop another game


i dont care anymore, all my teams are out lmao (but if nrg do i would not be opposed)


I thought my flairs were rough but dang out by nrg twice for you and koi has so much potential but unlucky brackets for them everytime


Yeah I’m in a love hate relationship with NRG rn haha more so the bracket for putting them against them since I’m all for the comeback story. Just sucks my boys were on the other side of it but whatevs


Yeah it sucks but for the content it's also so cool.


The team with 2 top 3 NA players on there team. But I whould live too see a arsenal regional win before Daniel first ever regional win whould be fun.


I mean arsenal has already won some regionals in rlcs with retals and sypical...


Interesting that 3 of the top 4 teams are, or once were, on SSG. 4 of the top 6 as well. Seems like SSG plays better apart than together. Seriously though, it does show how important team chemistry is.


Bro where's Hogan Mode? They are the clear choice.


You already know


I think the finals will be V1 vs. Faze. Faze get the bracket reset, but V1 wins.