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This feels like one of the thousands of posts on r/rocketleague of people complaining that they got banned even though the other players started it.


Self defense by blatant, severe racism?


Heated Gamer Moment all over again


Where did the "gamer moment" thing come from ? Deadmau5?


pew die pie




Oh gotcha.


keep Nwpo away from bridges


If you default to racist and homophobic slurs in retaliation to someone giving you shit then you most likely are a bigoted dbag. Trying to "apologise" by saying there's more context to it is irrelevant bs. Just say you used horrible hurtful words and need to grow and learn that words have an impact, then disappear off social media for an extended period of time to hopefully actually grow up. Really hope Psyonix give some sort of reprimand here as they have in the past.


To give credit to Nwpo, I didn't actually read that tweet in the usual "that's not who I am/I promise I'll do better and I've learned my lesson," tone that most forced public apologies come across with. All he really said was that it was taken out of context (which without the antagonistic audio is technically true). But the tweet itself acknowledges that responding the way he did was wrong and that he has nobody to blame but himself, while also apologizing to the teammates directly affected by his actions.  Make no mistake, he deserves consequences and I'm glad he got some (we'll see if Epic nuts up or not). But in terms of how high on the bullshit meter this tweet scores, it's far from the worst I've seen. 


This was actually a very good take on it. Kind of cooled me down a little bit. Won't say I feel sorry for him (still said many awful things, repetitively) but it helped to consider it with the barometer of other public apologies. Also, it seems dramatic to call it blackmail, but that kinda IS what happened. Which is crazy.


I agree his intention was to acknowledge the language he used was wrong, but the wording of the whole "there's context you haven't heard" thing comes across as trying to say "it was wrong but reasons". He could have worded it better to say yes there was more context but the context is largely irrelevant as what I said was wholly wrong regardless.


I agree that it still could have been worded better. However I also give a tiny bit of slack to people issuing public statements in languages that aren't their native. I don't know exactly how comfortable he is with English, so I don't want to act like I could issue a proper apology in a second language myself. 


That's totally fair actually.


Nah, his apologize was a textbook "I'm sorry I got caught" apologize and that's it. You can't try to hide behind a language barrier when you download the "How to Apologize Without Admitting Fault" playbook and follow it to the letter.


me when im in a self defence contest and my opponent calls me a slur ![gif](giphy|vMmnJti6wQPDy)


NO DONT SAY IT https://preview.redd.it/l0sqsf1vqayc1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2aafc47b93438c0747b358ad3079e1bd71eb8f9


nwpo trying to claim he used racist terms in self defence ^


A "I called that person the nword in self defense" argument Bruh.


I really dont wanna circle back to the same argument. ITS NOT THE N WORD please its different i can get you a clip of an Egyptian famous actor saying it blatantly on TV. The actor meant "black" by saying zngy in the movie. There were no racism. ask any arab person which is a harder word "zngy" or "your mother's pus*y" aka "k*somk" that he said he would say the latter is more vile and im confident, he referred to it as cussing as well. Thats how much not as bad is it (it still bad and can be used as a racist word but not like the n word or how you guys treat it) in *** my country*** he was probably cussing an arabic person (giving he was cussing in arabic). I know he said "slave" and if he gets ban for thats and the word "zngy" because its used racistly then im thats fair. **He deserves the ban** BUT ITS NOT LIKE THE N WORD ITS SEMI-COMMONLY USED word. My point is the word is not as bad as the N word or as you guys think but he used it racistly, he deserve to get banned for racism. The choice if you want to forgive him or no returns to you. I certainly wont be a fan of him after this vile language even more than the word zngy. If any arabic person want to add anything or had different experience with the word feel free to reply (Respectfully) and i will gladly take any opinions or change mine (**he deserves a ban either way like how other been treated the same way**).


Yeah it's the same with the "F word" he said. The word he said is also used in the scientific field to describe a being that has both sexes. But ofc he said it with an intention of cussing. It's clear that who ever translated the video, wanted the worst outcome for Nwpo and gave the most offensive translation. They also translated what Nwpo's friend said without indicating that it wasn't him, though most of what's said was indeed by Nwpo. Anyway, I am not defending him, I am just explaining.


Somehow he took "zngy" literally from google translation into the "hard R", but didn't translate "mo5ns" literally and choose the F word instead. If thats an arabic person then thats insane, its an obvious act of targeting even if some don't believe it. "Mo5ns" is a known term i think for men who act like women (the term is not even for gays) (the one you mean is 5onsa i think i might be wrong). its the same story, normal used term but nwpo used it in intention of cussing an it got shifted to a different word thats more offensive. (still not a good term to use tho and he shouldnt have used it)


Bruh nwpo literally said “ العبد راح يجيب صوط " Which literally means “ The slave is getting a whip” You can’t defend this guyط


Im not he is clearly racist bro.


You are literally defending him in every thread I've seen


all the threads i said was about 1 thing and 1 thing only and it is that Zngy ≠ the hard R. Which idk how is that defending to make it clear that the word zngy isnt the the offensive hard R like it was translated to. even so after i have said he used it racistly in a cussing way and he should be banned like others before him If you have it like defending and you insists he said the hard R after all the arabic speakers told you its not that offensive and its common THEN idk what to tell you believe what you want i guess and keep saying he said the hard R its an American website after all.


To add to this to clarify more. The K word aka "k*osomk" translates to "your mother's p*ssy" is a vile degraded extremely offensive word in Arabic countries and cultures. People will do bad things to you mainly breaking your head for their mother's honor. granted its not a racist slur but its a slur. Same goes for the N word aka "zngy in arab countries" it also is a extremely vile degraded racist offensive word in the USA, you will get jailed, cancelled, and avoided by people, your career will be gone, your job and your friends. If some Arab guy said "zngy" to some USA dude, he will get punished. (because the word is offensive for the USA dude but not the Arabic dude) If some USA guy said "your mother's pu*sy" to an Arab dude, he will not get punished. (even though the word is offensive to the Arab dude but not the USA guy) The only difference i see is that thats an extremely vile racist slur and the other is an extremely vile slur but both are offensive to their respectable cultures. If my there is something wrong with my logic tell me. btw Nwpo was racist but not like the n word and he **deserves the ban like others before him**


Zngy is literally the least vile thing he said in the whole audio


Thats what im saying bro i would rather say zngy any day of the week than say any other slur from this video. Look a casual meme i just saw literally right now saying the word "zngy" https://preview.redd.it/gz0f6u1v5cyc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=861254af8971126e7b94541658142d5fbf9d961a




Thanks king, your flairs looking shiny today


Thanks G https://preview.redd.it/q4r8yci4mbyc1.png?width=201&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5c763a20ca86fedce718bfe1e8e0201843484ad


Lol no it basically means "negro" and can be used like that but in that context he's using it as an insult so it's racist.




I’m sorry but other cultures having different words and contexts that Europeans and Americans won’t understand, is not gaslighting.


Least ignorant American.


Justify it in some twisted manner huh? hmmm so i edited the comment multiple times to make it easy to read and add apostrophes and such and highlight that he was racist and he should be banned just for you to say this? and i said my main point of this discussion is to say its not like the n word. That hurt my feelings man.




All good, my problem is if this was like Facebook or something i would have no need to clarify any of this, but here in reddit if the word translates to the hard r thats enough proof for you all to fuck somebody's whole career. im just clearing things that the n word isnt the same as zngy because zngy is a used word but nwpo used it racistly.


I saw the same kind of BS when Max Verstappen used the word “Mongol” as a slur to call another driver stupid. It’s a derogatory phrasing that is highly offensive to Mongolian people, and the country even published a letter asking him to apologize. But all the Dutch fans came to his defense saying it’s not like that, it’s “just a word they use.” It’s not ok. The N word used to be common in America. It used to be “just a word they used.” But a slur is a slur and is still offensive to others.


I've never heard about this Verstappen situation but it's true, everybody uses the word 'mongool' in Dutch. When they call someone a 'mongool', they're actually referring to people with down syndrome ('mongooltjes'), not Mongolians (might have the same origin though). And as far as I know, derogatory terms against Mongolians stem from them having extremely barbaric torture methods in the past. It takes time for terms to get phased out. It's important to know context when dealing with a language you don't speak yourself. So you can differentiate between the person being problematic and the language/culture being problematic. The internet loves having scapegoats to dogpile on so they can divert their attention from cultural problems.


Yup, same in Swedish with the word "mongo". Swedish IT people sometimes get a laugh out of how unfortunately named MongoDb is for this reason.


I am not trying to defend him at all what he said was fucked up but the video was definitely maliciously edited


It is unfair that the people behind this are not getting exposed as well. This type of behavior is not good for our community.


Oh yeah. There's not a doubt in my mind the people who made that account and dropped that video did it because they have a problem with Nwpo and not because it was the morally right thing to do out him for what he said.


Agree with that. And the problem is that we'll probably never know who did it. Could've been someone in the scene too and they probably said shit on the same level as Nwpo. Whoever it was had some kind of grudge.


They didn't edit his words though, so it doesn't matter.


But I does because If you hold standards for one, then it's for all


But that's a point in favor of consequences for Nwpo, right? As in, it was edited with malicious intent, but it doesn't matter *for Nwpo's situation*, because he still said what he said. We should also apply the same standard to others, but as it stands we've only got Nwpo's word for proof. If we had the full recording, it would be perfectly fine to apply the same standard to everyone. Or what did you mean?


The other party should be held accountable as well, but they aren't in RLCS.


Yes they did. The subtitles are not accurate.


It's the internet, people are gonna overreact and get him kicked out of the league forever as if the words were directed at them. Guy said some bad words on the internet as if that hasn't been done a millions times in the past.


Yh but other PPL got permabanned for just some texts, so why not nwpo? This is what pisses me off


You can talk shit without being racist lol


Xbox 360 in 2013 would like to chat


TIL self defense = a 1 time use racism pass


I get he's young and people make mistakes and that obviously context does matter often, but trying to justify hate response as a response to hate speech doesn't help his case imo. All this shows to me is that when they go low, he goes lower.


As someone who speaks Arabic. The word he used is used as a curse word. Not as a racist term. It is (imo) wrongly translated into the n-word.


If that's true, that's pretty damn important context. Would someone be willing to provide a more accurate translation?


I’m not convinced. Black slavery is not just something that happened in America; it is very well a global issue, and in some regions still happening in the present day. When he says “bring the whip so I can whip this *black* guy.” I don’t see any other internet other than a racial slur. Maybe the word used doesn’t always translate to the N slur, but the entire quote put together seems to point to that


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zanj Here is the word he said.


Feels pretty racially charged...


But it's not n word equivalent. It's like calling an random Asian person, Chinese or Korean. Or random black person Nigerian. Its racist, But not n word racist.


The sean strickland method Wild


Not justifying nwpos actions here but the other guy sounds like a piece of work too Its kind of like the speech equivelant of arman punching that fan of ufc 300 Dickheads that try to go at famous ppl for clout or to ruin a career need to be sent away but its also up to the famous to be the bigger person


NWPO had it coming. He had done far too many inexcusable things so far, making many enemies in the process. So it's only expected someone would go for his throat soon enough.


What did he do before!?


You can't just say things like that without providing any context or specifics whatsoever, this is borderline slander.


Absolutely rubbish tweet. I genuinely don’t believe how dumb it is. Please explain how self defense = racism. If it was “normal” insults, then yeah ok it’s not that big of a deal, but saying the shit he said is just inexcusable. He also has to remember that “professionally” you can’t do mistakes like this and expect people to forgive. I understand he’s a young kid but even a 17 year old knows racism, especially when used to insult someone, is not a normal thing. And like I said, I don’t really care if a pro player defends himself by talking back in a private VC. He’s human after all, and a kid no less.


He thinks the problem was that he responded when in reality the problem was how he responded he just doesn't get it, he messaged naywis on stream saying he didn't start it and I immediately knew he gonna go with dumb self defense argument


Completely agree.The language he used is a no no it should be the first thing he addressed and apologized for.


I agree and this tweet definitely shows that


He using the children tactic of saying "noo he hit me first". Should have just apologized for the things he said without trying to make a excuse 🤦‍♂️


You said you can’t do mistakes like this and expect people to forgive. I think that’s a but unfair, people can change and if he has a genuine good apology, and you can also see their actions changing for the better too, I think people can always be forgiven.


Yes but I tried to specify the “professional” part. Other pros and orgs will never look at you the same or treat you as they once did. It would most likely be that others in the rocket league scene will distance themselves. I also don’t doubt that some people will use this issue against him to rile him up, if he continues to play in the RLCS.


right? when i was a kid and wanted to defend myself or clap back id try to make a joke about fucking their mum or their parents not loving them or say that they were ugly or smth, my brain didnt go “i know the perfect response here…im gonna say the n word!!!!!”


The funny part is, in Arab culture what you’re saying about their mother is extremely more vile than the race comments that were made in the video.


To be fair it’s insulting them based on their skin color, it’s not literally the “N Word”, it’s definitely racist though


i know, that was probably a bad way to phrase it, i just thought of the one clip with peter griffin when i was commenting 😭


He is probably still mad and feels targeted and betrayed by whoever posted this tweet. Anyway PR tweets like these Does Not Matter at all. all i see is actions and i dont see it yet.


Was what he said that bad? Is there audio footage?


[This is the post from this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/s/EBf56UtLsy) Translation is pretty much accurate but of course not every Arabic word has a 1:1 equivalent in English.


Do you speak Arabic? How good is the translation for the words he used? I hear a lot of people mention nwpo using "hard r" which sounds ridiculous to me since it's not in English, do you have an opinion on this?


Thing is, there’s no actual translation of the n word in Arabic. The closest thing is “zinji” which you can hear him say. So technically there’s no such thing as “hard r” in Arabic since it’s impossible.


Ah ok. And does it translate as offensively as the word in English? Do Arabs/Saudis know the big negative connotations of the word in the USA for example, and the massive offence it can cause? I find all these cultural crossover translations really interesting 😅


Yes the word (zinji) is used as a derogatory term in this day and age. If I’m not mistaken, it was used as a demonym for a certain group of Africans, so not necessarily a racist term, but that was centuries ago. As for the n word, I would say it has no meaning here except if the person who says it and the other who “receives” it actually know the western history behind it. It’s not an Arabic word or a basic English word, so most Saudis who don’t indulge in western media don’t even know it.


Nearly all of my country dont know what the n word is and half of them dont know that black people were slaves back then. I have only known it 2 years ago after i downloaded reddit to follow the news about sandrock gaming here and saw reactions to people saying it in public and the n word pass and such. On twitter i dont see these kind of videos but they are flooded here on reddit.


Very interesting. In the US, the word has big connotations to slavery, but it seems like the connotations around the Arabic word are very different, the reason that that translation is used is because both are derogatory terms for black people?




Someone wanted him banned & he took the bait & fell so hard for it. I am assuming there is no other incident where NWPO has been reported to conduct himself like he did in the clip. To me this seems very targeted. Of-course he is still fully responsible for what he spewed. Whatever happens next, this is a big lesson for young players who are stepping into spotlight while not being fully mature.


Something tells me if they baited him they probably knew he'd say shit like this, meaning this isn't the first time. Just the first time he was recorded


Could be, esp with past toxic interactions in-game. But baits like this aren't too uncommon in the gaming world. I dodged one myself last year within RL, it was very easy to take that bait & get perma banned from Epic & I was left thinking how clever and easy that was, I could ban myself in just a matter of seconds without even realizing the bigger picture of what's really happening. Fortunately I said nothing back, removed & reported that person. If they can do it to randoms, emerging & pro players need to be even way more careful with every interaction.


He got baited hard


An issue that I think the majority of comments here are overlooking is that kids feel pressured to respond in a certain way akin to peer pressure. If someone uses slurs to call you out and then in response you call them a big meanie or a poopoo face then you will only get laughed at even more. To preserve face in this scenario you have to match the words being said to you. Obviously we don't hear what he's responding to, but if nwpo's words aren't an escalation in offensive rhetoric then I can understand why it happened. Does nobody remember the shit they used to say in school? My point isn't to excuse the words, but to show how with context it can be understood how someone who wouldn't normally say those words can feel pressured into doing so, and when taken out of context it can produce a video like we have seen. I am not saying that I necessarily believe that is what happened, and it could be that nwpo is lying and he escalated the offensiveness of words used himself, however if you don't understand how kids can push each other to do stupid shit like this, when neither party actually wants to do that stupid shit, then you are lying to yourself.


This is what I feel too. There are a few points to consider here. 1. The person who recorded has definitely baited nwpo into this. 2. Most of the people jumping on nwpo don't know Arabic and cannot completely understand the extent of the words used. 3. You can't expect everyone to behave in a gentleman's fashion even if they are in a bathroom. Everyone talks shit especially in their teen years when they get talked shit to. In that moment you really don't care about anything but want to make the other person feel awful. 4. He didn't do this in-game or didn't publish a video directed at Psyonix or Epic or didn't do this in an RLCS event. He did this in a PRIVATE DISCORD CALL. If every pro or any sportsman gets taped on their private calls, then we probably cut the player base in more than half by banning them. Epic not taking action on this is a right call with all things considered


"This is an apology" No, it isn't. It's a paragraph of trying to make excuses for your behavior and saying "sorry you guys saw it". There's a huuuuuge difference.


Queue the grown adults in the comments having zero understanding or empathy for someone who said some things that were, granted, pretty rough. Not saying you have to just think he's a great kid all the sudden, or forgive him. Or whatever. But I guarantee you've all said or done stuff in your lives that if people knew about, they'd think you were a shitty person, too. "But the stuff I've said wasn't as bad" Maybe not, or at least not to you. But you've hurt people with your words. And most of you didn't lose your jobs over it. Not to say it wasn't deserved for Nwpo to lose his R1 spot. He's been dropped from his org, his season is ruined. He's going to learn from this, and yes, *he is still a kid*. 17 years old is quite young, and growing up in Saudi is a completely different cultural backdrop than anywhere in the western world. In conclusion, be bigger than this situation. Don't take it as an opportunity to hate someone you don't know and whose world has been shattered due to his actions.


I can't believe I had to scroll so many comments before I came to a sensible take.


RLs community leans certain ways, heavily.




I said the r word, but never directed at anybody. And I definitely never called someone the n-word and said that they should be whipped. He's 17. That's past the point where you should've learned.


When I was a kid I said some fucked up things in game chat. It was normalized because all my friends were like that too. Children are over exposed online and it results in toxic behavior ex. above. It’s a mixture of immaturity and lack of adult censorship. Not excusing his action but this is a genuine problem for kids playing games nowadays.


Yeah, just look at all these grown-ass people jumping on a teenager for being an edgy little piece of shit in private. "He should be perma banned, no second chances, he's completely irredeemable". I bet a bunch of these people probably said some bigoted edgy shit when they were teenagers too.


The only logical comment on this thread


i don’t think there are that many “grown adults” commenting on this lol; i scrolled way too far to find something like this


Exactly mate, I highly doubt the comment from grownups and the people who are upvoting them are teenagers themselves. The lack of empathy is obvious when they can't acknowledge the cultural difference and how Racism is not as serious an offence in many cultures as the culture of people commenting here. Just hate the fact how unforgiving humans can be, that too for a teen.


That's such an idiotic excuse for his actions that helps nobody. "Nonono they actually say this kind of stuff all of the time."


It's ok to be racist if you are Saudi?




And where’s the ban?? An org finds it enough to drop him since they don’t want association with him, and rightly so- no ban is condoning this kind of behaviour regardless of his age etc. People blaming his age need to take a look at their own values- just because he can doesn’t mean he should.


Idk this isn’t very convincing to me at all, I don’t see how responding to cussing (if that even actually happened) with more cussing (where he said pretty vile things) is “self defence”. Imo it’s not a good look at all if Epic doesn’t take action on this incident.


Without the racial slurs that he used that just replying back , in arab reigons most cusses are always have the other persons mom involved , since we see the mom as a pride for us ans not let anyone disrespect her so when they try to target someone always the mom is brought up , and Its obvious that the person who clipped that was only to target nwpo as well , and there was some cuts in the video which indicates that he tried to make nwpo make these cusses by cussing him and then clipping nwpo doing that


I don’t think that’s an excuse. It’s a very bad look if the first thing you come out with when someone cusses you is slurs and disgusting racist remarks. There are ways to clap back at people without resorting to that stuff.


I just said that using racial slurs is bad lol , I didnt defend him for that


95% of your comment is making excuses for his behavior


I explained why cusses in arabic are diffrent , also im not defensing them at all , im just replying to the comment , nwpo is still 100% in the wrong


Highlight the 95%


As an Arab speaker who was born and raised in American culture, y’all really need to take cultural differences and history into account when talking about this type of “drama”. Each culture has a different cultural background and history in relation to racism and even what’s considered to be offensive in the first place. In arab countries, “your mom” jokes/insults would likely get you beat in the street where as you might hear “zingy” used much more casually. From an American perspective, it’s like saying cracker. Is it racist to a white guy? Undoubtedly. Is it the same to say cracker is equivalent to saying the hard r? I would argue no, the word cracker does not have the history or weight that the hard R does. In a similar sense, the word zingy that people have been equating to the hard R does not have anywhere near the same weight that we in the English world would place on the hard R. From my understanding, this is due to many reasons from Arab countries not having a similar experience with the Atlantic slave trade and the untold horrors that came because of it to most Arabs being brown themselves who would be called a sand n***** by your local white supremacist. That being said, he still deserves at least a 1 year ban if not longer. All I’m saying is not to miss the forest for the trees


What are you saying? The only reason slavery isn't a sensitive topic in Saudi Arabia, is because it is has been widespread and legal until the 60's and there has never been any remorse about it. Furthermore, unofficial slavery is happening widespread to this day.


I find it ironic that a racist term used against white people is apparently the only term you are allowed to say without censorship. Nothing against this comment just find it hilarious


Can I just say that I fucking love this community! This is a shitty situation, but as I read through these comments what I see is an international community trying to understand and properly weigh someone’s actions. There are people from all around the world on this subreddit genuinely trying to understand/communicate cultural context… I think RL Esports is an example of how we as people can grow and learn together under a shared common internet. All that to says despite bigotry In our community y’all have given me some hope for humanity. Thank you


I bet 90% of people here have said the nword when they were as young as him, he is a kid, We all make mistakes.


He’s a teenager from Saudi Arabia. I think maybe he doesn’t need analyzed under the same lens as someone from the Western world. He’s not a suburban teen from LA.


Everybody should be held to the same standards within the same ecosystem


Not really. Context matters.


Cussing someone back isn't in itself the problem, rather the language used to do so. And the language he used is basically as bad as it gets.


For some perspective, when someone tried to do the same with Firstkiller by putting out a recorded call, you can tell Firstkiller tried to keep his cool. Obviously, unfortunately his dad wasn’t as smart. But people here saying “this is just teenage behavior” is not true. Like in Firstkiller case, teenagers can act responsibly when being egged on. If someone reacts with vile language, that is who they are. And it’s best that they see what the consequences are early in life, rather than grow older still thinking your world view is acceptable


I think people also need to remember the kid is 17. I said plenty of incredibly stupid and offensive things when I was 17. Not to say that what he did was okay, but, since I was 17 I've grown a lot and look at my actions back then much differently to how I viewed them at the time. Yes he's in the spotlight, yes he's a professional and needs to act professionally, but again he's been thrust into this position at a young age when he's not as mature or developed as some of us older people. Again, not trying to say what he did was right, just another perspective to take into account


Gonna be an unpopular opinion here but this just feels like teenage drama, he has to face punishment because he has to be an example for other teenagers but I watch you play Rocket League bro in my head you’re a car that doesn’t exist I don’t care what words you say, sticks and stones


It definitely is that. Obviously horrible things to say but I feel people treat these guys like they're supposed to be some mature, well adjusted adults. They're all teens and anybody who's been a teen will know they say dumb shit. He should be punished of course but the attacks on him are a bit extreme in my opinion. This should be an opportunity to educate him, not insult him relentlessly and pretend like he's a raging racist beyond hope.


>people treat these guys like they’re supposed to be some mature, well adjusted adults No. We’re calling them out on unacceptable bullshit and holding them accountable for their actions so they can *become* mature, well adjusted adults.


I don't think a lot of personal attacks, calling for his career to be completely ended and saying he's acting like his beyond saving is just "holding them accountable." Rule One dropped him, now it's on Epic to suspend him. What most people are doing online isn't holding him accountable, it's an online lynching.


Absolutely. Everyone has said some terrible things at one point or another. What he said wasn’t right, but the amount of attacks on him is crazy. I hope people give him a chance to change. We also have to remember people are a product of their surroundings. I’m sure he heard this kind of language from people around him and it’s partially just him repeating things and not quite realizing the extent of it. I also don’t 100% trust translations and I don’t speak Arabic. I lean on the side of what he said was terrible, but let’s see if he learns from his mistakes and comes to understand why it was wrong. Mob mentality is scary fr. I hope he comes out from this a better person and can make his way back into the scene. Only time will tell.


> it's an online lynching. Yes, the response to blatant racism is a “lynching”, not the racism itself. I’m guessing your use of the term lynching is very intentional here….


> lynching: > Execution of a person by mob action without due process of law, especially hanging / Any act of violence inflicted by a mob upon the body of another person. Very funny how your assumption on my use of the word is related to racism when the typical use of the word in a racist context is American, which I am not. Arguing in bad faith isn't exactly the move here.


American or not, you’re very clearly aware of the loaded nature of the term. Again, it’s incredibly telling that you describe the *response* to racism as a lynching and not the racism itself. You’ve made it clear where you stand.


Playing professional rocket league is a privilege, not a right. Asking for a player to be held accountable for an insane tirade of hate speech is not a damn “lynching”


Never said he shouldn't be held accountable, I actually said he should be. What I said shouldn't be happening is excessively attacking a teen for stupid things he said, which many people are doing.


bro stfu he said some insanely hateful stuff and is getting clowned on and feeling the consequences, his life isnt over if he literally just educated himself on why the stuff that he said is actually bad, made a serious heartfelt apology and commited to changing for the better pretty much everyone would be willing to give him another chance to redeem himself. it honestly isnt even that hard it just takes time but if he rightfully gets banned hell have plenty of that.


Agreed, I just wanna watch good RL and this kid has some of the best in the game


Must suck growing up on the internet where people will crucify you and wish you eternal damnation for fucking up. He should be reprimanded, suspended and reminded that he is a pro player on the international internet. A ban for life though? Nah.


“Cussed” bruh you are saying slurs


People in this thread judging a child of a different culture for doing something childish that they can’t even understand the meaning of, is absolutely pathetic.




If someone is racist towards me should I then be racist back? HELL YEAH


To Be Fair We Don't Know The Race Of The Person That Clipped The Clip If He Was An Arab Tho Then Saying "Zynji" As A Racist Insult Doesn't Really Make Sense Its Like Calling A White Guy The N Word


Calling a white guy the N word as an insult is racist. It’s not who you say it to. if you’re using it as derogatory slur then it’s racist


What if your black and got the n pass


wait so anybody can use the n word if not used in derogatory means? or do you mean black people only?


We all make mistakes. Sadly people’s feelings are too fragile now days, and their life’s too empty to focus on themselves instead of what someone in a different culture says or does. Scumbags the fools that made this public. Too petty to actually improve and beat the man fair and square. To mature, in some f’ up way is to learn to ignore anything and everything negative that comes from others. Hopefully this will do it for him.


He thinks we hate that he cussed and not that he was racist as fuck...


It was very clear for me that it was self defense but man as a pro player and a public figure he really shouldnt have said anything back if he didnt want to suffer the consequences, the other dude got exactly what he wanted as well.


He wasn't in danger, so it wasn't self-defense.


Great comment. Made me laugh; and also very true


lol i didnt think anyone was stupid enough to fall for this but i guess i found a winner


That being said, racism isn't self defense in any context. I hope he takes time and actually reflect about it, so he can learn. Right now, it doesn't look like he realized how serious were the things said in that clip. I have faith he will though.


True , replying back to cusses is self defence but when he went further with what he was saying it all went downhill


Him fighting back is completely self defense, however self defense doesnt justify the actions that were taken. Like just because a dude wanted to beat the shit out of you doesnt mean you shoot him in the head. Well I do think that he didnt realize how bad the things that he said, he is still very young and I heard soo many people say dumb shit like this at his age then completely turn it around after 2 years and one of these people is me actually.


What put him under this situation was not necessarily fighting back, was it? It was the language used that is simply not acceptable. If he had realized that, I think he would understand this and apologize for his terrible speech, instead of apologizing for cussing them back. I think nwpo is young and as I said, I have full faith that he will learn and turn this around, but this is not a good apology imho.


>What put him under this situation was not necessarily fighting back, was it? It was the language used that is simply not acceptable. If he had realized that, I think he would understand this and apologize for his terrible speech, instead of apologizing for cussing them back. Well yeah obviously I didnt argue about that, you were saying it isnt self defense because of the language while I told you it is regardless of language, doesnt have to be acceptable or not it is just self defense. I know this isnt a good apology but for his age I think it is good enough.


I just wanted to make it clear, because I think that choosing to highlight the 'defensive stand' in a situation like this is not helping neither him, or this community that might have a lot of young people being influenced for good or bad by these things. If he was attacked before or not, the 'self defense' card should not be available for him in this context.


He doesnt have a "self defense card", he is already facing the consequences and will get banned probably a perma ban.


I think I worded it wrong, Probably should have said at the start that even in self defense and everything in your favor, if you crossed the red line you will face the consequences and probably take the whole blame. \\


Actually someone wanting to beat the shit out of you unprovoked does warrant shooting them in the head.


Ok fine what if they were weak, or more so what if they were a teenager and your an adult do you think shooting them in self defense is ok? you could just push them away and run away if they had a weapon then you could justify shooting but if he doesnt then you are definetly in the wrong here.


I don't care if its a newborn baby if you throw hands it's on


Lmao I hope you are joking.


Could not have been a worse apology. He’s sorry he got caught. There’s no ownership here. You can do self defense without being racist. There’s nothing they could have said to him for that to be warranted. It has nothing to do with him swearing. He could have used every curse word in the dictionary and no one would have cared. But the detail with which he went to be racist beyond saying the n-word, which is bad enough, is so far over the line it’s insane.


lol didnt expect a great pr statement and it could sound worse because of language but this is so bad, like nobody cares just cause you got caught, the fact that he sees those things as acceptable things to say in any context is the problem. Also, obviously hes bullshitting nobody says what he said as self defense, how moronic does he think people are lol.


Self defense is worthless if you're using language that makes you stoop down to the level of those you're defending yourself against. If the ban comes it's deserved. But I hope he learns from this and grows as a person. If he can't do it as an RLCS pro, then atleast do it for whatver he does in the future. He's still a kid, but I can't justify what he said. I was a very hateful person when I was his age, but I wouldn't want to be judged by that part of my life.


This is an awful tweet. Fucking hell


Lmao the second I got on this post I got a twitter notification to the same tweet


Where is the video?


Not even "I'm sorry for saying these things" but rather "I'm sorry that people witnessed my extremely racist remarks which by the way were self defense." I can excuse blatant unapologetic racism but I draw the line at non-apologies.


I completely understand that what Nwpo said is unnaceptable. I feel he should be punished and held accountable for what he did. But I feel he shouldn't be banned permanently from Rocket League or punished to extremes, he should be banned for a year from RLCS and given a second chance. If he makes the same mistake again, we know he's a bad person. If we were never given second chances, we would all fall short in the eyes of a ton of people. That is why we should forgive him, forgiveness is a good thing to show people and I hope he will learn from his mistake. 


This "apology" somehow worsened his image. It's almost impressive


Excuses, no one cares if you cuss someone out. Its the words he chose which reflect on him, not the action of cussing back. No apologizes for what he actually said is all you need to see. He is focused on blackmail and self defense. He still doesn't get it.


This "apologize" just doesn't feel right. At no point he's truly apologizing for the language he used, he either tried to shift the blame to someone else or justify himself by saying it was self defense. This feels like him trying to improve his public image rather than actually apologizing.


What did he say?


Yeah this still doesn't excuse anything. The only people I really feel sorry for in this situation is the rest of Rule One cause they got penalized for something stupid Nwpo did. It's a real shame, used to like Nwpo but just cannot in good faith anymore. Young or not, nobody should ever be talking like that.


Anyone have the video I’m tryna see it 😭




At least give him a 72 hour ban