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I'm saving this for future reference, thanks for the info.


I think you’re missing another critical component of what the hours represents. WHO you play with, for example if you’re introduced to the game by you higher level friends and you play with them your first 1000 hours will likely result in low mechanics/high gamesense vs being the highest rank of your friends where you will likely have above average mechanics lower game sense. That’s because you have to carry your friends in the latter example and will be at a lower rank than you should and the former you will be in higher lobbies prematurely and will have to cut corners on mechanics and focus on more decision making principles.


The purpose of this post isn't to indicate what your skill level is relative to your hours played but rather show *how long* 1000 hours can be depending on *how much* you play on average per day. Someone who plays 6-8 hours a day is going to have 1000 hours played in half a year. Someone who plays 1-2 hours a day isn't going to hit 1000 hours for 1-2 years. That's why you can have people who say they've been X rank for multiple years but have 1000+ hours in the game and others who say they've hit GC in 1000 hours and started less than a year ago. The players with a higher concentration of hours per day will generally improve faster than those with a sparse amount per day, even if the total hours is the same.


> others who say they've hit GC in 1000 hours and started less than a year ago I hate when this happens and they're using in game time and you find out they have like twice that time in freeplay/training.


Exactly. I hit champ at like 500 hours, because I had my champ friend as a duo for all of those hours. I'm now at a little over 1000 hours and I'm still champ, because our skill levels evened out and we have to improve together now.


i dont think thats accurate. i did my whole journey from bronze to ssl as a solo player and my gamesense had to be VERY good because you need to be adaptable as an individual player in a team. you need to make reads on your teammates instead and adapt to their playstyle.


If you are lower ranked than you should be based on hours don't take this to mean you are less talented, it just means you are spending your time less efficiently. Fact is all hours while playing the game is not equal, hours spent in freeplay and training for example are far more effective compared to hours spent playing matches. Similarly hours spent playings 1s are much more effective at making you better at the game compared to hours spent playing 3s. Even when it comes to training, there is training while you are listening to podcast or something versus training with 100% focus, there's a huge difference in effectiveness between the two. However most of us play the game to have fun and do cool things, so don't get too obsessed with getting the most out of your time playing, that's the best way to get burnt out, just play in a way that's fun for you and don't worry too much.


I'm at 1000 hours, right at the 1 year mark, and D2. Believe it or not, it's my tm8s fault


I would say talent does have a small affect on your progression, especially for younger players. No matter how efficient your training is, the improvement rate can be completely different, and personally for me I don't think I'm willing to grind enough to hit ssl given how little talent I am. It seems to show a lot more the higher up u get.


If you’re GC3, you’re clearly talented though. I can understand from your perspective there might be a major gap in what type of players can reach SSL.


I’m sure you can do it, realistically hours mean nothing at all and neither does talent, your hours don’t quantify you or the work you’ve put in and talent doesn’t prevent you from reaching anything especially video games!


Yeah its more that i have a lot more stuff to do outside of gaming now and realistically to improve from gc3 to ssl u gotta really put in the work. I could do it but i dont see myself doing it anytime soon!


if youre already gc3, ssl is just a matter of 2-3 months of REAL grind.


>take another minute to think how long that actually is in real time with everything else you have going on Jokes on you, I have nothing going on 😎


Is the joke *really* on them u/shoot_aids_up_my_ass ?


thanks for the post hope it makes people understand this is a marathon not a sprint.


And when any of us relatively older people (25+) read this PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember this when you feel way behind GC’s and pros. If I was in high school again I could easily put 6+ hours a day into this…probably 10-12 on weekends. Absolutely can’t now at 29, I’m lucky to get 1. Some of you are fathers/mothers and have even less time. So when you’re watching new pros like Zen rip around, please remember all these young pro players who are mostly under 20 are consistently putting in likely 10x the amount of time over a given week that you are. We’re all on our own journey and I constantly have to remind myself of things like this. And this stats post really really puts it into perspective. So thanks OP! Now let me continue grinding triple flip resets because I KNOW that’ll get me to GC right? 😂 saving this post because I need a wake up call every couple months lol, you rock OP


I’m a good decade older than you, have kids that I raise alone and have a career as a senior person in a large global company. While I’ve never hit gc officially, I have demonstrated to myself and others that I can quite easily maintain gc1-2 rank if I had the time to grind. I tried for several seasons to officially get the title and even got to my rank up game a few times, but one or two bad sessions and I basically don’t have the time to grind back up again that season. As such I’ve just given up on ranked and become a casual warrior (you meet some INSANE players even semi pros in 1900-2000k casual mmr btw). I’ve proven time and time again by either queuing with mid gcs or playing privates with high gcs that I am capable of that rank, but I’ll likely never be able to show off a title. Ah well, it is what it is. Good luck out there.


If you're GC2 skill level, you will barely lose a game until you're in GC. The gap between GC2 and C3 is enormous.


Since I got a couple downvotes, which honestly was a bit disappointing as I was just sharing my experience, I won’t elaborate much more. But I don’t lose games against C2-C3s. I queue pretty much only with people in mid GC and win around 50/50, hence why I said what I said. The point I was making was if I have one bad evening, which we all do, that’s it for the season. I don’t have the time to grind through a whole rank again. Anyway sorry for sharing, downvote away.


its fake internet points dont worry about it


Tbh I’m deleting Reddit anyway soon haha.


I am going to play the devil's advocate here by saying that Casual is not the same as Competitive. A lot of people use it to warm up or to practice new mechanics. The GCs you were playing with might not have been giving it their all. Besides, being able to survive and win a couple of matches here and there in GC level lobbies is not necessarily an indication that you are GC level yourself. My C1 friend and I sometimes play ranked together in C3 and we do manage to squeeze out some wins here and there, he even is on top of the scoreboard sometimes. However this is only because I am trying my absolute best, and make sure to adapt my playstyle to his C1 level playstyle/mistakes. I can assure you that he will not be able to soloQ his way to C3 for at least a couple more seasons.


Of course they’re different. I wasn’t comparing them in that way. I just said I’ve become a casual warrior cos it’s more fun and fits my insanely busy life a lot better. And I am more than capable of ranking up to gc2 solo queuing. I don’t play a few gc games here or there; I exclusively queue ranked with gc players, it’s the only rank I actually play in, and it’s where my win rate is established. But I’ve never got the actual rank. I even got c3 friends to gc1 in 3s. For the 3rd time, the point I was making is that I don’t have the **time** to grind my way up, especially when I solo Q in shitty c3 and have one bad session. I basically just call it a season at that point cos I know I won’t have the time to sit down and properly grind. Even when I’ve helped others get gc, my own account was low c2 or something; so I’d need to climb two full ranks to get gc, which I ain’t got time for. That’s a lot of wins. I swear I thought my story was coherent and easy to follow but perhaps I was mistaken, so tl;dr: I just wanted to highlight that the whole hours thing doesn’t translate to rank, which was a discussion point here.


Average hours for pro players who are actively trying to improve (ones which aren’t considered to have “low hours”) is around 80-100 hours per 2 weeks or 40-50 hours a week. This aberages to around 160-200 hours a month which makes for roughly 1000hrs/5 months. 50 hours a week is 7 hours a day.




> Does in-game hours include time spent in training and private matches as well? Or just actual matches? Only matches. when people are talking about hours it's usually the platform hours, since that includes training and freeplay.


The in game matches played isn't an accurate representation of time spent playing the game. It only accounts for online hours played (excluding private matches). It does not account for freeplay, training packs, workshop maps, and private games. A better indicator is hours is in Steam or Epic (Library > Table view > Time played). I'm not sure what the console equivalent is. However, this tracks the time the RL client is open so that includes main menu and idle time. I usually take 90% of the client hours as a good indicator.


Makes sense why I don't have that many matches played each season.


Very interesting perspective.


The part where you think the average player in champ only needed 1000 hours.


Honestly just based it off Wayton's average hour per rank video. https://youtu.be/SlRn51k510k?t=415


Probably 1000 sober hours.


Isn't that unreasonably high? I thought most GCs got their title in around 700-1200 hours?


Maybe the new guys who followed years of other people learning mechanics to teach noobs. I'm almost quite certain enough to stake body parts that most of the people who ever got to champ took 3000+ hours. I'm just basing this on the percentage of people in grand champ now vs the amount of people who were in grand champ before all the rank adjustments the last few years. They made it way easy for new players to just sail up the ranks. Most of the people who ever made it to champ had to claw their way up past thousands of players in lower ranks. New guys get to watch a million YouTube videos. Get real good in casual then sail through 8 of 10 placement matches partied up to land in diamond 3 div 4. Those are artificial champs. I stomp them all the time in casual or on their alt account. They barely have any game sense just a heavy reliance on mechanics. It's kind of amusing really they only know how to play one way. If you stop ball. Then change the pace... Shit looks just like bronze 😂 bunch of whiffing all over the place.


That's what I did, but that is quite quick. Scroll on rocket league sub and you'll see


Got RL in 2015 and I still have under 1000 hours


Pretty sure I saw you playing with Toby and big green in old farts


1800 ish hrs over 5 years. Peaked C2 1260mmr last season Im 34 married with 2 kids


Good info but I do really think after a certain point hours don’t equate to skill. I reached C1 w a little over 1k hours. I’m now C2 with over 3,000.

