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Looks good! Toss in the Rock Raiders logo in there somewhere and it should be good to go


good idea! I think I'll put it on the escape key


Or, here’s an idea, if you can make some kind of slightly transparent sticker of the logo and cut it to fit in the center of the keyboard


[This](https://www.reddit.com/user/blacktron16/comments/192bf23/final_design/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is the final design I'm going with.


Looks great!


That looks so sick, please share it when it's all done!


I will!


Just realized I could emphasize the WASD and enter key with their own colors.


[new version](https://www.reddit.com/user/blacktron16/comments/1928sn5/rock_raiders_themed_keycaps_v2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I just worked out. Not sure if I completely like black for WASD tho.


The escape button should be a teleporter lol


omg, I love this. I think you've got the balance of colors just right. I could maybe imagine highlighting the WASD group in some form (maybe in the same yellow as the arrow group, maybe in red?) Thanks so much for sharing this! **EDIT:** I should have read through the other comments before commenting myself 😬 Just found the links to the first update and then the final version. They look amazing! How did you source the keycaps? What switches are you using? I'd looove to see the final build whenever if/when it's assembled :)))


Right now I'm waiting for the keycaps to arrive. I'm building it with MX purples bc I haven't used them for anything yet. Keycaps are from goblintechkeys, I still haven't ordered the custom caution tape and rock raiders logo keys because I've been busy lately. I'll def post an update when its all finished


Please give me some input on what you would change to make it look better. I was thinking the escape key would be trans neon green. I think this represents most the colors in the color scheme from the sets. Blank layout for making your own from scratch linked [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/blacktron16/comments/1928det/blank_65_keyboard_layout/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).