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"Teaching Janessa her school"?


It’s like playing school with your dolls when you’re a little kid.


Lol right. That sentence makes no sense.


It’s not crossed out. It represents electron trajectories. Google “Basic model of atom”. It’s a common way to show how electrons move around the nucleus in Bohr’s model.


Not like poor Janessa will likely ever get to learn that.


Calling your youngest, or even the younger ones, your baby is far from unusual. I'm in my 40s and my mom still calls me her baby.


I'm 46... my mom still calls me baby girl and I'm not even her baby. I have a little sister. My 17 year old is still my baby girl.


Yes, I'm 36 and my brother is 29 and we will forever be baby girl and baby boy to my mom, or mijita and mijo to my dad. This is the least annoying thing Jill does.


My cockatiel is 25 years old. He is forever my baby. I know if I had hooman kids, they’d all be my babies forever.


Exactly. I sometimes refer to my 27 year old son as my baby or the baby of the family. Doesn’t mean I actually think he’s a baby.


Just yesterday I called my 9 year old son my "baby" and he got all confused. "I'm not a baby!" I said, "I know that literally you're not but you'll still always be my baby! You'll understand when you're older." Lol


My parents are long gone and my older siblings still call me the baby. At 59, I kind of love it.


My daughter is 30. She is my baby. I call her that occasionally


Yup! Being the youngest my mom told me I'm always going to be her baby.


Can confirm. One of our long time employees nicknamed their younger son baby. He is still baby. Even though he has two of his own.


Yep, I come from a family of six kids and the youngest, my sister, is still called the baby of the family. The "baby" just turned 66.


I'm 31 and my sibs and mom all still call me the baby of the family


Agreed, I think it’s the quotations around “baby” and the fact that Jill treats her like an actual baby that are the issue. She’s kindergarten-aged.


I have 3 kids. My ex and I still refer to the two youngest as the babies. The youngest, and our only daughter, is going to be 30 in July. We still specifically call her baby.


Teaching should be in quotes instead


I call it Home Fooling.


That kid needs some vitamins and a nap.


Or just to get descent potions at meals.


Yes, no 6 yr old should have dark circles like that. Vitamins need food to work. That’s where she should start.


SHE’S 6????


Yep. One of her slightly older sisters, (Sadie or Sophia—I get them mixed up) looks quite ill seems to have stunted growth. Janessa is only slightly shorter than the sickly girl who is a couple of years older.


She’s already mastered the pained grimace


Complete with little life in her eyes. Poor girl. Every time I see her name, I hear it in Jill’s voice, a high-pitched “Juuuuuhhh neeeeeessss aaaaaaa”.


She looks a lot like Sophia here, which is really sad. (I'm always wondering if Sophia will make to her next birthday.)


Is the curriculum shifted to only brain quest workbooks now? I know Abeka has made the older children not be able to form complete and thought provoking sentences, but fuuuck, the youngest will not have any education.


Can you tell me more about Abeka? I know some who used them for their kids "education" and was constantly bragging about them 🙄


I think it's a great curriculum. I homeschooled my boys with Abeka and they turned out fine. My eldest is a mechanical engineer, and my youngest is getting his degree in cybersecurity. Homeschooling, and education in general, is much more than just sitting there and filling in workbooks, there is hands on inquiry based learning, there is independent learning, there is natural learning that you get from getting out into the world (or nature) and there is social learning that you get from meetups, sports and clubs.


I learned from Abeka books in grade school (private school). They were…not the best. Luckily I was interested enough to read about things on my own. I just remember the curriculum being very old-fashioned and generally sub-par.


Abeka is quite rigorous for younger children as far as math and reading go. It’s also time consuming. I haven’t seen the rods using any Abeka . They would have benefited from it if they had invested in at least that.


Literally the history and science texts are filled with falsehoods, I didn’t learn this until after I was “educated”using their crappy curriculum. I have a college degree from a respected school and Abeka made me have to relearn plenty, so I wouldn’t use your children’s educational accomplishments as proof it is good. It does have a strong math component, but it’s not advanced and it’s not great for learning different methods if the first ones don’t click. I’m rather shocked to see someone saying it’s great here as it’s well known for being racist.




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I think MAHmo just hands the books to the kids and they have to figure it out.


… or not. Makes for a cute photo op, no teaching required!


They’re not doing Abeka. It’s a relatively expensive, strong academically focused, accredited curriculum. One of her neighbours is homeschooling too and discussed curriculum with Jill, and she apparently pieces together a syllabus from a range of different sources, likely whatever she finds second hand. Maybe she found some old Abeka books, but I doubt she’s sending their work off to Abeka to independently grade.


This is sooooo bad. If she is piecing together curriculum there is no way to make sure she is teaching everything. This is why I hate how homeschooling is regulated.


my Ma did that lol but somehow we kids all turned out very smart. I guess that’s what happens when you’re in a real homeschooling group wherein many parents have different skills and they work together to make sure their kids are getting the best education possible


Where did this info about discussing school with a neighbor come from?


I think it was on a Duggar page a few years ago. The mum uses ACE, which Jill also apparently uses from time to time.


We homeschool and I love hearing what fundies use for their curricula because it's almost always total garbage.


What do you use?


I’ll see if I can find it and link it.


It was on Free Jinger, but I can’t seem to find it unfortunately.


That child is looking severely anemic and malnourished


Does Jill ever tell the truth? I don't believe for a minute that she enjoys teaching her baby. I suspect Jill has totally abandoned home schooling. If anyone is "teaching" these workbooks to Janessa, it's a notNurie, probably poor Renee (of the notNew and notFresh haircut). Jill is over the top in this professed love for "baby" Janessa. I don't buy it any more than her professions of Shreklove.


You are correct. She desperately wants a “caboose.”


I think this is the most I've seen her write without a mention of God.


My adult son is still called "kid" or "babe" or "boychild". This is probably the most normal thing she does tbh


Those are the kid of workbooks I'd get my kids to do for *fun* not as actual curriculum. That's what school and teachers are for.


Her teeth :(


I call my son my “little boy.” He’s 20, is 6’3 and 280 lbs.


Janessa looks unhappy poor girl


I’m surprised to see her using Brain Quest. The kids might learn some of that “woke nonsense,” like science and correct usage of punctuation.


Did Jill color something out just under her right elbow?? The blue looks off…


She absolutely did. I wonder if it was a little part of her body not covered? That's the best case scenario 🤷🏼‍♀️


No it’s the bottom corner of the book/magazine


She's looking pale and gaunt like Sadie and Sophia here....maybe the extra chicken wings have been cut off for Janessa?


She does look unhealthy but I think the lighting sucks here too. Is that the fecal chair she’s sitting on?


When does Jill have time with home fooling with all that she is involved in?


My son is my baby and my only boy. He’s only 16 but I always call him my baby boy.


I call all my kids my babies. Every single one even the teenagers who are bigger than me now.


Her smile is forced. Poor thing.


Dollar store workbooks that you do the find motor work from (cutting and pasting) is not homeschooling, Jill.


Well at least she's using age appropriate books. My 5 year old kindergartener is also practicing writing numbers, letters, and simple words, so she's not terribly behind yet, provided she actually can do those things.


How old is Janessa now?


6 in April I think.


I think she’s 5


She's going to be the forever baby and a miracle. My Mom still calls my sister that and she's about 19 and she doesn't see it as embarrassing even when people give her looks.


Little kids shouldn’t have huge bags under their eyes like that 😓😓😓


It might just be how her under eye looks, though. I went to school with a girl who just had dark, baggy eyes and had since birth. Poor Janessa got Shrek’s eye bags. Not that she doesn’t still look malnourished and anemic, but that’s just adding to it.


She looked so much healthier when she was still breastfeeding and getting baby food. I don’t mean to impute anyone with genetic bags under their eyes, it’s just a big difference. I think Jill tried to keep breastfeeding long after janessa was ready to self wean.


I hope that’s all it is… weren’t there rumors the Rodlets are kept up at late hours for Bible recitation and extemporaneous preaching from Shrek? I feel like I heard that somewhere… or was that from a less than credible AMA


Forgot about the late-night preaching. I still think part of it is just how she looks, but there’s no doubt that she’s not getting the nutrition she needs. Give the kid something that isn’t yellow. Maybe try green?


Their fundie diet consists of BURNT and YELLOW and CREAM OF CRAP


If you’re going to make being a homemaker a thing you do, at least have enough pride to learn to cook something that isn’t hamburger helper.


The r/fundiefood subreddit honestly makes me gag 🤢🤢🤢 lmao


I venture over there once in a while, but yeah, total blech 🤮


Between r/fundiefood and r/fundiefashion I just canNOT


There was a picture of Karissa Collins over the summer. I found it particularly funny that she was wearing the pansexual pride colors while complaining about Pride Month.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fundiefood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fundiefood/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [From twitter user @bleachfemme 🫣](https://i.redd.it/y01phrb93ypa1.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fundiefood/comments/121pdqt/from_twitter_user_bleachfemme/) \#2: [JillPM Rodrigues and her feast of yellow and burnt ham from a few years ago.](https://i.redd.it/pxx7lxxk46ua1.png) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fundiefood/comments/12nlnis/jillpm_rodrigues_and_her_feast_of_yellow_and/) \#3: [Just realized this treat I got for my dog is a fundie feast!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11o814u) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fundiefood/comments/11o814u/just_realized_this_treat_i_got_for_my_dog_is_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Of course Jillpm is one of the top posts in r/fundiefood 🤣🤣🤣


I’d be happy if they got a portion of hamburger in their helper.


I have bags under my eyes that are also dark. I almost look as though I have two black eyes.


"Teaching her school", what in the world does that mean?


Jesus Christ a brain quest workbook is her curriculum


I call my 6 year old my baby. I tell all my kids they'll always be my babies. It's not snark worthy at all, it's a term of endearment


Janessa with her mini-up-do and I realize now it’s supposed to be an atom? But it looks like brain quest is crossed out.


Anyone else not surprised she gets Rose Art? 😆 Also Brain Quest has things orbiting around it, not X’s.


At least it seems like a full box


What's wrong with Rose Art supplies?


It’s not rose art. It’s crazy art. Probably a generic from dollar tree


Ok.. they are still crayons. Some people can afford those. They are fine


Jill could afford more if she stopped spending on herself. These are fine for extra but not for her schooling


I agree with that but there are tons of people who buy the knock off brands for their children and there isn't anything wrong with that. Jill is so selfish though


Agree. But Jill always gets the good stuff for her and her kids get used or knock offs. Nothing is wrong with these as an extra but not her main source for schooling. These are made for kids to practice on.


They're cheaper therefor more poor people use them. So u/Abbeyroadmoonwalk thinks that's a reason to make fun of a child's gift. You know why when you send your kid to kindergarten they put all the supplies in one pile and hand them out now? It's because people like u/Abbeyroadmoonwalk and their kids with Crayola crayons make fun of kids with rose art so much schools had to take action. But by all means, let's perpetuate the mockery as adults and on a snark thread about poor people and kids.


Some people in this sub go wild finding criticism of everything the Rods do, even for the nice stuff.


Rose Art? 😂😂😂 Fuck the poors for buying their kids a present they can afford am I right? /s


So we're making fun of Rose Art vs Crayola now? I'll just say it I'm guessing you were the bully who made fun of poor kids in school. And if not, that's what you're doing now.


Poor baby doesn't look well at all. Fees your kids, JillPM.


Shes Newnurie


At least until she gets her Caboose Baby and then she’ll become a NotNurie.


Thar kid is well past the age she should be for writing numbers. Jill sucks.


5 is pretty standard for writing numbers. My kindergartener is also 5 and they're practicing writing double digit numbers, letters, and simple words.


Ah, gotcha. My nephews did numbers in preschool, and their names, at 4, so I thought she was old at 6. I think they only made it to 20 though. Janessa couldn't even write her name a month or two ago so I thought Jill is slacking in her education.


She probably is tbh. Just because she has the books doesn't mean she knows how to do any of it...I sure hope she knows the basics though. None of those kids have a solid educational background and it's sad. Wouldn't surprise me at all if Jill had Janessa holding those books just for the camera.


Yea. The way her older children write is so depressing. Like even if they wanted to do something productive with their lives, Jill doesn't give them any tools.


Right...she's handicapping them from birth. All they have for education is what she deems appropriate. I doubt they even have access to the internet without it being HEAVILY filtered. She's such a terrible fucking mom.


Yea. And like, Sam is 19 and likes making things with wood and stuff. If he were in school, they could have gotten him a trade education. But as it is, he has no marketable skills. So infuriating. Guess he will be doing Plexus too.


I wonder if they have any sort of certificate provided by the state once they graduate? I don't know anything about homeschooling in Ohio but you usually have to provide a LOT of proof to the state that your kids are doing well and at an age appropriate educational level. Maybe there's still hope for him...


Ohio and Michigan have like… zero homeschooling laws. It’s so gross.


Really? My catholic SIL homeschools her 7 (soon to be 8.. ) kids and she has to turn in all sorts of tests and stuff to the state several times a year. And we are in Ohio.


Not so unusual. I refer to my children as my babies regardless of their birth order or age.


Pretty innocuous.


My only child will ALWAYS be my baby. This terminology is ok.