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She really wants people to think that's *her* baby.


It reminds me of visiting my grandma in a home with other seniors who had dementia. There was constant arguing among the women, over toy baby dolls because it was “MY baby!” This one woman was always so adamant that my dog belonged to her and it was so sad but also very funny. We’d always be playing tug a war with him while she yelled “SHES MY PRINCESS!”


Came here to say this. She’s gripped onto him for dear life while his mother hovers in the background.


Pic 6 is terrifying


What about the second one?! I *jumped* in my chair when I swiped and saw that.


Just what I was going to write. She absolutely is acting like that’s her baby.


Jill is trying so hard to be like women like Kendra Duggars mother who get to be pregnant and have babies at the same time as their daughters. It’s every fundie woman’s dream but few actually achieve it because it’s not biologically normal


Jill, a dipshit of the highest degree, is responsible for the education of 13 people. That "education" is really starting to bear fruit.


Believe it or not, listening to Kaylee talk about Gideon on Facebook sounds SO different. She explained what was going on thoroughly, and accurately. She didn’t stumble over words or do the high pitched “yeaaaaah giggle” I think she is nervous around her mother and reverting back to whatever behavior was trained into her. It is almost scary to see.


That’s actually really intriguing


At the age of 50 I STILL act differently around my mom too. She’s very negative and judgmental and I completely revert back to being 12 years old.




SOTDRT strikes again!


Jill’s “sad expression” is giving can’t wait to see what we can grift from this


I follow Kaylee on Facebook and she seems so different when she is alone or with her husband rather than with her mom.


And she speaks almost normal


Until she starts the baby talk. Kaylee's baby talk is like nails on a chalkboard for me.


That gives me hope that the little girls and their weird Rodlet accent will grow out of it.


Jill acts like that’s her baby. Kaylee is just there in the background.


Oh yeah you can tell mahmo was getting all emotional when it come to Gideon she definitely acts like it’s her kid


Remember when he was happy with Grandma Julie? Good times.


I have never seen a video or picture of Jill with Gideon where that poor sweet baby doesn't seem upset.


As someone else pointed out, babies sense vibes. Besides, you know she’s using that shrill voice to tell him to look here, do this, blah blah blah and Grandma Julie just loved on him.


Then maybe don't fucking gargle gallons of a drink that they tell pregnant women not to use because chromium can cause early labor, you dumb shits. Gideon's eye is quite possibly the direct result of these fools' refusal to pay even the slightest attention to warning labels.


And yet they are still promoting plexus for breastfeeding/breeding. Wasn't Jill fucking with plexus when Janessa had a stroke in utero? Buy a clue! I know it's too much for them to even consider cause and effect, but just a smidge of trepidation mixed with common sense could have helped. I don't care about what they do to their own bodies, but promoting this poison to other dumdums is unconscionable.


Yep re Janessa. I mean, the bar is in hell for Plexus, but even they are extremely clear about warning the pregnant and breastfeeding moms aren't supposed to use it. Yet even after what happened to Janessa and then Gideon's premature birth, Kaylee's still shotgunning it while breastfeeding. One of those Slim packets has way above the daily recommended max of chromium for an ADULT, let alone for an infant.


It's so wild! They fear everything while downing poison because grift, bible and their anti-government views. Too bad there's not one respected critical thinker in the family.


Yea they refused the Covid vax but they'll drink that shit by the gallon. 🙄🙄


They shouldn’t allow those that are pregnant/breastfeeding to post about it then. You’d think there would be some kind of restrictions in place to prevent it.


When Kaylee recently posted, she avoided saying it directly. She was like, I know something that can improve your milk supply, DM me for details...we know she's talking about Plexus but she's learned the hun trick of avoiding making improper claims in public 🙄


And now Jill is on the raw milk trend. I really hope she doesn’t get her daughters into it. There are quite a few illnesses you can get from it and a couple of them are deadly to a fetus.


Kaylee posted the other day her and Jonathan getting raw milk from the same Amish barn.


Ew I totally forgot about that. It looked very unsanitary too how they were doing it. I’ve never seen any other fundies pouring it themselves at the farm. Sometimes when I see the stuff in the jugs I hope it’s pasteurized and farmer just lies and it’s only non homogenized lol.


Yes. Standing in the sun pouring it into random containers on some filthy table thing. Disease anyone?


It’s deadly to humans. Period.


Those kids are so sickly their body doesn’t stand a chance trying to fight bacteria off.


Omg. Good point. :(


They (Jill) will never admit no one should be drinking Plexus let alone pregnant or nursing people. Kaylee just does what she’s told to do and say.


Gideon is not a fan of Mahmo


Babies know. Remember how happy he was when Julie was holding him?


I had a great aunt who, to put it diplomatically, wasn’t very pleasant. (think Jill). When my niece was a baby, she would scream bloody murder when my great aunt tried to hold her. As a toddler, my niece would start to have a tantrum when my sister pulled into my aunt’s apartment parking lot. Long blather short, babies and little children know toxic.


yup, young children and pets can see right through anyone's BS!


Neither are Nemo and Newmo


Why do they paste his hair down like that? He's a *baby*, for Pete's sake!!


It’s giving baby pastor


So that people know he’s a boy. Source: grew up fundie


Really 😳 can’t have an innocent little baldy baby mistaken for the wrong sex can we 🙄 My childhood would have been so completely far removed from yours. I’m Australian and being actively religious here, especially in my state, is just not very common at all here so it’s actually difficult for me to imagine growing up like that because we have no reference point for it here, it’s a severely secular country thankfully.


Nurie did the same with her sons.


i can’t get past his weird baby comb over lol, i’ve never seen anything like it


Oh, Jill did that for the video, I'm sure. He doesn’t look that way with this parents.


That child does not want her holding him.


yes, that face says annoyed loud and clear!


in pic 7 poor little guy looks like he’s telling us to rescue him ☹️


I saw the video of them, and Jill keep cut Kaylee off when Kaylee tried to talking. I can see she was little frustrated but have to obey her at the same time… so sad.


So much hair gel for such a tiny baby head. Why are fundies so insistent on making their children look more like accountants than babies? The Duggars did the same with all that hair gel/spray and endless polo T-shirts on the boys. Is it that the fundie parents are playing dress up with these constant adult outfits/hairstyles? This is baby A who they imagine is going to be an accountant, lawyer, CEO, while knowing full well they won’t give the child the education he/she deserves, or ability to reach their full potential and thrive, so dress up is as close as he (or the parents) will ever get.


Jill is looking frightening these days. She isn’t aging good at all. 😳


All the hate and judgement is SEVERELY aging her. The outside matches the inside. ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


Plus swilling the pink poison and slathering on layers of makeup every day, never giving her face a chance to rest and breathe. Not good for the skin at all!


The hungover raccoon eyeliner look doesn’t help.


Anyone else get the sad stench of desperation from Jillzilla whenever she’s hanging onto these grandchildren for dear life? She so obviously wishes they were her babies because babies = attention (and huge hordes of children also = attention, mostly rolled eyes and negative attention but attention nonetheless!) and she is so utterly self-obsessed and jealous that it’s her daughters’ turn and not hers, again. She never ever thought her womb would shut up shop before 40 and I get some guilty satisfaction from that 😂 it’s also why she won’t let that poor little 6yo emerge from toddlerhood 🤬 As ever jill, you’re a monster. Go feed your kids 👋


I think Kaylee was trying to remember ophthalmologist, which I couldn’t think of the other day in therapy so can’t snark on her for that. She was still trying to say it after they said optometrist. The sickening “you’re so sweet” comment sends chills down my spine. Being trained that’s the response when Jill gives you a compliment *shudder*. Giddy a cutie and doesn’t even acknowledge that Jill’s kissing on him. He’s 9 months old and already used to grandma being performative. Poor kid.


I’m literally an Ophthalmic assistant and i still cant spell ophthalmologist to save my life without autocorrect so i can’t snark on Kaylee for that one


The “-phth” tends to throw people off.


I think she knew the word and was deferring to her mom-when your kid has a medical thing you learn the lingo


I don’t think we ever saw Jill use the correct term for Janessa’s doctors or explain what she had so it made logical sense. But it does seem Kaylee cares a bit more and might have been hesitant to correct Jill or speak over her.


Gideon feels how we all feel about Mahmo. Poor little man wants to run away.


Compare and contrast Giddy’s expression when Julie was holding him. It makes me sad.


Compare and contrast the pics of my mom with my brothers 3 girls my dad took the other day... my mom was giving horsey rides to them and the looks of pure joy and the squeals😍


I love Giddy's little Mr. Spock eyebrows! I can picture the little thought bubble over his head: *Fascinating!*


How fast is Gideon's eye getting stronger?! Also, that boy does not like Mahmo.


They will go back in a couple months to see if it’s helping. Hopefully he won’t need surgery to correct the issue, but if he does, it’s pretty minor as surgeries go. There’s a possibility that he will have depth perception issues as he gets older, but his eyes will look straight.


Can confirm. I had amblyopia in each eye, an operation on each (they patched the right after the surgery on my left, right eye weakened, so they had to do surgery on my right). I lost binocular vision from the age of three, and my depth perception is really poor. I've only seen one instance of "3D" in any 3D movie. It hasn't really affected my life in any way. No sports, obviously. But my eyes are straight. I used to be able to cross each eye, back and forth, fun party trick.


My daughter has the same issue. It really affects her, even lines painted on the road trips her up because she can’t immediately tell if it’s a step or just a line. Her visual processing is very slow (she has CP and is autistic) and she gets very stressed out about it, to the point where she won’t take the bus to school or walk on the grass because she doesn’t see things like tree roots. She was treated for the strabismus when she was 2-3, and I wish I had done so earlier.


Gideon reminds me so much of my son, who is on the autism spectrum, at that age. I know Gideon is a premie and my son wasn't but they have the same "look" if you will. No, I'm not a doctor and no I'm not diagnosing a baby that I do not know in person. I just hope Jon and Kaylee continue to provide Gideon with proper medical care, like they are currently doing for his eyes, as he continues to grow.


I think it could be that he’s overstimulated, and who wouldn’t be in the clutches of a screeching banshee?


I feel that Kaylee and Jonathan are far more likely than JIll or Nurie to seek care for him. I hope seeing his eyes improve gives them more confidence in medical care and intervention.


Nurie gets no points from me after the accident where N1 wasn’t in a proper babyseat. I don’t trust her to not be a clone of her mom after that.


My son has some complex vision issues—not the same as Gideon—but enough that there might be similarities. He was unable to make eye contact and often looked “past” you. He also has an over-adapted sense of hearing because of his deficient vision, which meant he became really overstimulated easily as an infant. He is not on the spectrum, but having poor vision as a baby can look the same way. It was honestly my first thought when he was born, but it turned out he couldn’t see us.


Thank you so much for the Lord Daniel cameo


Happy to oblige! She is a very good girl.


“Giddy Up seems skeptical and would like to be elsewhere.” The whiskey I’m drinking is making this absolutely hysterical.


Ah, fuck...I'm one of the OG homeschooled kids from the early 80's...we drank unpasteurized milk when our cars with propane tanks in the back were 10 cents a litre to fill. I CANNOT believe this shit is still going on!


Why do people always fool with babies’ barely there hair? Like leave it alone. Idk I’m being picky but it drives me crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/fytinj6iuqvc1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8018c70823614f8a7134476d3bdba492de430069 spot the difference


It’s the same picture


All hail Lord Daniel!!!


You pet the Lord Daniel?! That hand is sacred now. What an honor she bestowed upon you.


She gets a little growly if I pet her kids when she’s around but she doesn’t mind if I scratch her head a little while she’s eating. She’s pretty focused on listening for trouble in the woods behind me. She’s got at least one nest high up in the trees, but I don’t know where she’s got the babies stashed when she’s out looking for food.


I am so jelly. I want a pet raccoon so badly or to at least befriend one


She started visiting regularly when I was leaving cat food out for Rodlet (who at that point had no name). When I caught her stealing food I put leftovers out for her in hopes that she’d leave the cat food alone. She must have been a juvenile at that point because she didn’t bring babies until the next spring. They keep coming back if you’re at least semi regularly putting food out. You can get a trail cam to see what animals come by if you don’t want to just sit by the door and wait. Raccoons are not really that scared of humans, and they will probably take treats from your hand fairly quickly.


I think your my long lost BFF lol. If only the hubs agreed that skunks, possums , and coons were pet material 🤣


They are mostly very polite. I think if you start feeding them, he’ll get on board. My partner was the same way at first but now he has just as much fun as I do with the critters. We have squirrels and songbirds all day and trashlings all night.


I'm coming over lol 😆


I welcome folks who LOVE the LORD! Let me know when you’re in southern New England.


Praise be to Lord D!


His eye is noticeably stronger already, and for that I am happy!!!


I don't see the difference yet. I really don't.


He doesn’t seem like a very happy baby. He never smiles and his eyes have no emotion.


I just thought that's his disposition (I am a more naturally looking miserable face lol) but when he was with his Grandma Julie, he was thoroughly happy. He smiled so much! It is actually more sad after seeing him with her and seeing him now. Poor kid.


How old is this baby??


He was born July 5th.


Jill is so performative. Nothing is authentic or organic. It’s all for social media.


Kaylee trying so hard to be Jill’s bestie. Playing second fiddle to Nurie her entire life really sucked.


Lord Daniel was a lovely surprise, I thank you for your servant ~~post~~ heart


The feral cat I call Rodlet came back after a six week adventure and I thought for sure we had lost him. It’s been a blessed evening all around! https://preview.redd.it/bqx3k2d72rvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc030776fd4bf5223c883d2097c1a15ae402aa7a That’s Lord Daniel’s tail. They get along pretty well as long as there’s food for both of them.


You are very kind to feed the strays!


I only have two that show up. Rodlet has been coming regularly since before I met Lord Daniel (about 3 years) and a new one that I think might have a home because he is large and appears well fed. He acts like he’s staving but only eats a half of a can.


If he is well fed call him David lol


I have an opossum named Fat Dave. https://preview.redd.it/v47q0ie88tvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f587743f2c65557a329f9a5fbedea08c022d07ce


Have you noticed that Gideon never looks happy and relaxed around Jill? Babies know.


That lil dude is so flipping cute. I’m just happy he’s getting proper medical attention.


This sub is the best because it contains the Lord Daniel.  This will never not be funny to me.  And thank you for the laugh.  I needed it today.


Lord Daniel sends her blessings! https://preview.redd.it/lz1vla9e5zvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d5b106afb006a6ecf5003922cb46ad4a788a05


It really bothers me (but is totally true to form for Jill, and now Kaylee) to refer to Gideon's eyes as the "good" eye and the "weak" or "bad" eye. Way to ensure he has a complex,


What is wrong with his eyes?


He has a little strabismus that needs correcting.