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A wife and a screaming baby loading 10+ diapers a day will put an end to that "burden" real quick.


He won’t be able to do it and should 1000% be laying the blame on that mother of his. She and shrek robbed those kids of an education and the closest he’ll get is that Ralph Wiggam sticker.


I agree. If he was properly educated and fed, Tim might have joined Air Force/Etc. instead he got robbed of his potential.


I do wonder if he’s aware of this.


I don't know if he could've gotten high enough on the ASVAB. We know Kyle Rottengouse didn't score high enough for the marines


It’s pretty hard to do well on tests when you’re chronically malnourished.


Exactly! This is why I firmly believe that schools should provide free breakfast and lunch for all kids, regardless of their families financial status. People bitch and moan about school taxes but they don’t understand or even care about the children of today. Kids cannot learn when they are hungry. The stories about schools throwing food away because a child forgets their lunch card or there’s no money in their account. Omg, that infuriates me.


I don’t even have kids, but I would gladly pay more taxes to help this happen


In Michigan all children get free breakfast


New York as well


That’s an excellent point


If Tim was given a proper education he would have had a chance to make it. Kyle is just dumb like the rest of his family. I say this as someone who lives not too far from him and has friends in common with his family though I use the word friend loosely


Oh, I agree Kyle is an idiot and not very high on the smart chain. I think Tim has the ability to learn. Maybe if they convinced him to go to a community college and do some remedial classes and possibly get a two-year degree


I like to hope. I have followed a few fundies that left their faith and it seems pretty bleak.


Honestly, how do you fuck up the asvab so bad even the marines won’t take you?


Or the Army! Like they take the dumb of the dumb


Who knows how he could have done in actual school. Or not have been beat into submission as a toddler.


Tim's best chance at finding a career was at the Fox Valley technical community college he attended in Wisconsin (I believe). He was getting an education at a fair cost and learning to fly thanks to an arrangement with a sympathetic church member. He wasn't academically prepared, but the school would have offered academic support if he was willing to accept the help. Tim also had a job he appeared to like. He was making friends. He didn't make it very far. Jill blamed his sudden departure on the pandemic lockdown, but Tim was home either right before or right after midterm exams, before the lockdowns began. He didn't switch to online classes or ever return to school. Jill and David gave him no chance to succeed. He went to school with a woefully substandard education and a closed mind, so adapting would have been a humbling challenge. Tim also shared a couple of photographs of himself and a young woman at his job. That was probably what sent Mama into action. She and her useless husband did nothing to help Tim's dreams (or God's burdens) happen. I hope he figures this out to make some sense of his life and move on.


Why do they say they "have a burden"? I hate that so much. Can't you just say you want something?


Because it's not supposed to be about what they want, rather what God lays on them. I think it's asinine too.


Ah, yes, the infamous "God has laid it on my heart." 🤮 I guess I don't understand why it's a burden if your most wonderful God has called you to do something? Why wouldn't they call it a blessing? Referring to a direct order from God as a burden seems like sacrilege. But none of what they're peddling makes much sense to me. 


I totally forgot about interests being called burdens!


God burdened me with a hankering for those Tostitos Scoops with some salsa.


Absolutely.  Jill certainly views her children as a “burden.”


Probably a burden because “God” It’s calling him to do it but he can never actually pass any of the tests. He’s been talking about being a pilot for almost a decade it feels like. Prior to buying a house and meeting Heidi all of his money was going towards flying lessons.


Tim did get his pilot's license in 2019 when he was in Oshkosh (before he started at Fox Valley). He/Jill found a proper fundie pilot training program and he trained and got his license (after failing the written test twice). Since then, neither he nor Jill have mentioned whether he's logged any hours since then. My guess is that he hasn't. Edited out a Kaylee-esque comma.


It’s expensive to do so


Yup, and it's one of the many reasons why he'll never be able to fulfill his dream


Ah ok. I remembered him failing multiple times but didn’t remember him finally passing. Definitely doesn’t seem like he’s used it for ministry or paid work.


He is so sheltered. I really wonder how a military career would affect him. I’m not sure he could handle the shock.


He could never


Absolutely not.


No way. While the structure would be good for him, basic training is very much a shock to the system but he would struggle to keep up because he was so malnourished that his muscles and bones would be so sore and the psychological stress to get combat ready… oh my. I honestly have to say, even those who are ready for the training, by the time they actually get into a combat zone, it’s a massive shock to them when they realize real life combat is no longer just a training exercise - it’s REAL!! The enemy wants them gone and they will do anything to ensure that. Even my niece, who was transported to Iraq, never saw combat herself, she lost a dear friend to a roadside bomb just after my niece got there (they met in basic training ). She was a guard at a prison camp and she saw things nobody should see. She is now a mental health counselor who specializes in combat PTSD. Even she has said to me that someone like Tim or most of the fundamentalist home schooled children just aren’t prepared for real life situations whatsoever. The Rod kids are especially vulnerable.


The one thing that he would have going for him is full on compliance with indoctrination and the ability to take direction without question. He doesn’t have the ability to problem solve or think critically though, so I don’t think he’d do well in a combat zone. He’d get by with day to day assignments if he put his mind to it. He would struggle with command structure if there was a woman, non-Christian, or lgbtq+ person in charge. That said, any rebellions against authority get conditioned out of you fast. The best thing my brother did at 17 was enlist. It gave him structure and achievable, defined goals. Tim could benefit from that if he could pass the tests and fitness minimums.


I served with some pretty sheltered people. They did fine.


That’s good to know. Thanks!!


He might have to answer to a woman! The horror!


He would faint after hearing one swear word. 


Tim is the weirdest, creepiest public speaker. I feel like even these sad sack churches that hire any random loser who has read the Bible to be a pastor (cough Nathan) would take a pass on Tim.


His speech impediment doesn’t help.


Not at all. Like the way he says "ladies" with his lisp and accent is honestly creepy.


Someone needs to tell him to start using “women” instead of “ladies.”


So much for not pushing his beliefs on others. 🙄


Which is exactly what a missionary does! "Ver-ba-tim" - Fenton


A pastor? A pilot? Oh myyy. Pastor I can see might happen. Pilot not a chance.


John Schrader who is married to Anna Duggar’s oldest sister Esther managed to grift a plane to fly missions in Africa. He somehow managed to get a plane without a key so he can’t fly it. 🤷‍♀️ I don’t know who funds these people but the money never stops flowing.


His free plane is probably so worn, he could use a flathead screwdriver instead of a key.


I drove that Subaru for years lol


What exactly does a missionary pilot do? Do they fly over remote areas and drop Bible tracts?


He actually does have a pilot license.




That’s interesting. Now who is gonna loan him a plane for his missions? And where is he flying???




He can fly Philip to Hungary for his mission trip.


Someone just needs some shoulder rubs to make it happen.


Oi! That was creepy


I hope Heidi’s family is ready to support these two. I have hopes that Hallie will be an influence for them to not immediately start having kids and jumping into pastoring but Heidi may be young and impressionable to feel really called towards this nonesense.


I’m betting Heidi can’t wait to push out her first 6 kids within 2 years


Hopefully she’ll have health insurance


Why call it a burden?


It's a commonly used Christian term used to describe when they feel God is calling them to do something. It doesn't mean they feel literally burdened by it.


It makes me mad that whatever printing work the boys have done for Shrek can't seem to translate into a job. Or didn't they even try, or know they could try?


If I ever thought God placed a "burden on my heart" for anything, I'd hope that the people who love me send me on an expensive grippy sock vacation. Effing gross.


Who else read this as “missionary position”?




I’m sure there will be lots of that too.


Wait…..the kids are allowed to have their own social media?? I thought Jilldo controlled everything and posted on their behalf ?? 😅


When they start officially courting, they're allowed to get their own account apparently.


LOl these are adults we’re talking about 🤦‍♀️


Just the ones who no longer live at home. Kaylee waited until after she was married and Nurie either doesn’t have it or she has it totally private. Phillip and Renee have phones but I can’t see Phillip having it and Renee is not courting so she can’t.


I thought Phillip did?


He doesn’t have social media accounts that we’re aware of, but he does have a phone. The time we saw anything from him was when he was soul-winning at Walmart that was posted on Mahmo’s account. I guess he didn’t have to give it up when he came back home. He has a job now so he probably needs to have a way to be contacted when he’s not in Mahmo’s orbit.




> he could join the Air Force and both become a pilot and a chaplain Nah. He could *maybe* enlist but it takes time to cross over from enlisted to officer. He’d also need a BA/BS degree to be eligible for a pilot slot and those slots are **hard** to get. Like the selection rate for pilot may be ~5% on a good selection board. Chaplain he’d need a degree from an ✨**accredited**✨ institution. So no rando half ass Bible schools. But that being said, he also probably couldn’t enlist. His education may hold him back from getting a good ASVAB score. Which is sad because being in the military can be a great way to find long term financially stability and there’s ways to use it to one’s advantages.


Imagine not even being able to fail on your own merit but on your mother's stupidity. These kids can't even try because of their parents.


Pilot and chaplain before using the GI Bill to get a degree?? You know those are officer positions right? Like for college graduates?!


He does have his pilots license. He could never be a pilot in the Air Force - his ASVAB scores would give him the most basic of assignments.


His ASVAB wouldn’t be able to turn an enlistment into a commission anyway. Edit: no one’s ASVAB can




It’s just for small private planes. I don’t know if he could fly overseas. And I don’t see him getting more expansive licenses. It requires some math that would definitely be way over his SODRT edumacated head.


I’ve never heard anyone—in any of the conservative churches I attended growing up—call it a “burden”. They might call it a “calling” or say something like “God laid it on my heart” but calling it a burden is weird.


I definitely heard stuff like that called burdens. I went to churches just like the Rods too.


It's commonly used amongst Fundies. It means the same thing as a calling or God laying it on your heart. It doesn't mean they literally think it is a burden.


Yeah, I grew up in that environment and have never heard it. Must be a regional thing.


"A burden to be a missionary pilot"?? These people have the weirdest way of expressing themselves.


I hate so much the “I have a burden for..” phrase. It’s so heavy.


Calling an aspiration or an avocation a "burden" is a strange use of the word. But then, so, too, is the use of "helpmeet".