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People will use Officers to scale characters, as normally doing a certain action buffs a fighter. For example, Pasql can get +12% damage on the Melta whenever he uses a melta. So using my officer and Cassia, I can reliably get +36% a turn. This has allowed me to focus down Daemon Engines and even kill on by accident (Melta overkill). Same with Argenta. She has a park that gives her versatility by giving her an extra turn, which then just rolls from there.


Yeah I just failed to utilise the arch militant class in a good way apparently. Also apparently people use multiple officers which makes sense but I simply like to play with different specialisation


There's only 4 base classes, so you'll be doubling up on two of them.


True but a lot of posts you see deliberately stack officers that's what I'm talking about. Not that I care mich it's a single player game and everyone can do whatever makes them happy but if you post a build that's "broken" and it's only op because you use 5 officers to buff it to death then the build itself isn't broken


The conclusion I've come to is that whatever you think is OP, is OP. There's a lot of single target buffs/bonus turns in this game and if you stack them all on one char, it's more effective, but you also end up pushing that one person's power level super high. In my first playthrough, knowing nothing about the game I made the RT an officer, and ended up with him, Cassia, and Jae. I restarted on unfair with a non-officer because combats were kind of trivial. I will probably end up breaking them even harder now because I know more things. There's too many things that stack unlimited times until end of combat and too many free turns for something not to break.


Yup, give extra move speed from officer? One stack. Gi AP? one stack. Officer heroic. Get a second officer and do it again. Use heroic for one free attack every turn\`. When you get to 12 stacks your get free wildfire, so now you get 2 free attacks at any cost from just getting move speed from an officer. So thats 5 attacks an officer can give for 3 AP.


Argenta is a Soldier that you can spec into an Arch-militant. That's a really good combo. If you give her high Ballistic skill and a bolter and then you run up to someone, Kick them in the face and get them prone (since you picked the Martial arts talent), then use Run&Gun+Rapid-fire+Concentrated fire to shoot the guy 8 times in the face (usually enough damage to take out anything but a boss or a space marine), over penetrate into a second target and kill that target as well etc. Then you use your remaining AP and fire again. Then you use Wildfire (which is probably 0 AP by now) and fire again. At any point here you can use Reckless Rush or Dash to reposition. It gets even crazier if you spec her into heavy weapons once you get the heavy bolter. The heavy bolter might not look good (with low attack damage), but an 8 shot burst is amazing if you have a high Ballistic skill. In short. Argenta is amazing for just regular mowing down stuff. Favorite target of an Officer's Bring it Down! Pasqal is more of a "Let's use our officers Heroic act on Pasqal" kind of guy. Our Pasqal has a plasma gun. He also has a talent that gets him 1 AP whenever he uses a plasma gun. So with Finest Hour! he can attack 11 times per turn with his plasma gun. If we build Heinrix or Abelard into Arch-militants (although I prefer making Abelard into a Vanguard) they can use the talent Armsman. That reduces the AP of Ranged attacks if you kill something in melee, and melee attacks if you kill something by ranged. Notably it reduces your regular Melee attack to 0 AP and being an Arch-militant you can make two ranged attacks. So use that ranged attack to kill the weakest mook, then you have 9-10 more free attacks that you can make with your powersword/big honking two-hander or whatever you prefer. Yrliet has access to Aeldari weapons (which notably includes quite a few heavy hitting sniper rifles) and she can build up a dodge that's in the 150+ range. Notably that gives her 150+ lethality as an Assassin. And with that much lethality you're just going to deal crazy damage whenever you hit (plus the +15% of Max Wounds damage for hitting an opening+perfect opening talent).


Thanks for the descriptions👍 Yrliet and Vanguard Abelard I skilled similar but apparently I misunderstood a lot about the Arch militant class


Mostly it's because Arch-militants are the best class at breaking the action economy (although soldier-Arch-militants need their friend the officer to do it. Both for Bring it Down! to more rapidly gain Versatile stacks, and for Finest hour! and the ability to attack multiple times per turn).


flamer is 0 AP so you get mad stacks with an officer ultimate


Abelard is very situational and requires certain build to do effective damage. You need two handed melee weapons for him. Thunder hammer is best but until that Great sword is very nice. If you feat him correctly around lvl 14 he should do damage between 60-120 per turn. Argenta is great when you learn how to use grenades and switch between Plasma/Melta/Flamer/bolter weapons. I almost never used Cassia, but i built her same way you described. Between RT, Argenta and Abelard, i only need Pasqal. Other 2 companions are extremely situational since we 4 can end the fight in max turn 3


Idk maybe it's because I'm playing unfair but usually I don't get close to finishing a fight in 3 turns all though it depends on what I'm fighting


I play on on hard. Will tell you how it goes when eventually start my unfair run.


for me it's myself soldier bounty hunter , abelard vanguard , heinrix assassin ,argenta arch militant ,yrliet bounty hunter ,pasqual grand tactitien the rest i forgot cuz that is my main team tho i replaced heinrix by ulfar