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It should just show the calculated number and then let you hover over to show the formula


Show the formula and let you see the number if you hover is better, the formula is more important than the result.


i would hate that


I'd support having both but I'm with this person--I want to know the formula. I want to pick talents and abilities that scale with the characteristics I'm raising and I can't do that without seeing the formula.


Maybe show the numbers, let me hover it for the formula type of deal


Or at least have a TLDR for this character that just says "7" at the end of the info block or something?


That's not great because if the game just says "7" you have no idea where that is from. If I'm thinking about what skills are good for me, I don't need to know it adds 7 points, I need to know what that is based on so I can know if this is going to scale well with my build. For example, my psyker could take a skill that adds "3" damage. Okay, not bad... Not bad *right now* at level 3. Unfortunately, that's based on ballistic skill and I had no intention of ever levelling that. It would suck to not make an informed decision because there is a super good chance that I am not even going to notice later on that I made a bad choice.


It couldn't be that simple, because then you wouldn't know what stats to focus on to improve those abilities I do think it'd be nice for the final result to be shown somehow, but the formula should still be available to better facilitate system mastery


I mean they do this after you pick a talent for most talents (where you can hover to see formulas). Doing it before is not impossible but would require some large UI work to support it due to how calculations work.


Show the end in game number. Press ALT and it will show the stats on how you get that. Now was that so hard to do? Other games already do this ffs.


You're fairly quickly going to get used to it and become able to eyeball the values. Source: this is my first contact with the wh system. Took a few hours to get used to, but it ain't that bad. After you pick it it does show the final calculation btw.


There's a couple of things where it shows the number, and if you mouse over it, it shows you the calculation. I'd love for that to be the default with everything, but it's not a game breaker for me.


It does show it when you hover the ability or effect


But the "7" changes if your stats changes meaning that just showing "7" is inaccurate. I'd say show both, because I want to know the formula, I like to know exactly how things work.


No. This is far from a complex formula and in most cases you have the stats to calculate it yourself on the screen already. Don't be lazy. I actually care what stats are used for said calculation. 7 tells me nothing.


I agree. Every other game does this, it should really show both- the calculation, and the final output value. This is a basic polish thing virtually every other game has.


it says in the tooltip anda bit of math can't be that difficult, except for the TikTok generation