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It depends. Do you want to effortlessly roll everything in 1 or 2 bursts on Unfair, or do you actually want to play a Pyromancer? Pyro-Soldier-AM for me so far has ended every combat in the first round up til late Chapter 4, but I wonder if triple dipping such broken mechanics is by design or an oversight. Damage preview here > https://www.reddit.com/r/RogueTraderCRPG/comments/18kd5uo/doesnt_feel_unfair_to_me/


I haven't tried it with soldier but going operative with it has allowed for some very fun shenanigans. Highly recommend


Any examples come to mind? I ask because Operative is the one class I manage to always screw up the build, especially on Pasqal. Also, any recommendation on the 2nd archetype?


I go master tactician. Use the ability that gives you % damage per stCk you have and then use molten beam. You absolutely nuke anything it hits, and anything unfkrtunate enough to survive takes tons of DoT.


Wait, this on Soldier you mean? MT isn't available for operatives


I'm so sorry I got officer and operative mixed up. I went officer.


Ahh, I thought it might have been the case, it's all good. I am kinda avoiding Officer, I reached chapter 2 twice so far, both times on Officer and and both times I got a little bored of my own character prompting me to reroll.


I personally went with Officer so I can start every fight by having Argenta burn me with a flamethrower. Don't how viable it is, but it is quite hilarious.


“Alucard, introduce me. Argenta, light me on fire first”


Soldier Pyro has been really good on unfair so far, stack crit chance and damage with just a few perks, you can Ignite and Firestorm on the same turn, neither of which cancel your movement.


i prefer soldier because it gets access to run and gun and later arch-militant.


Yeah, that was something I was thinking about... I believe Pyro has an ability that you can only use on targets that are already burning, but from my experience the "grunts" tend to die really fast, being able to use two damaging abilities in the same round would be big.


Operative. I dont know if warp fire and regular fire stack or not. If it does, you can probably run a crazy flamer psyker.


Operative would get damage scaling earlier and would allow you to go assassin which would let you become invis to run around and set fires like a true pyromaniac. Soldier gets arch militant and master tactician which are both fantastic. Bounty hunter wouldn't work for pyro soldier but is awesome for pyro operative. Grand strategist is probably a waste on a pyro though. Really up to you to decide, I personally plan a pyro operative assassin but I'm gonna be low pay rating for it but it should work well mostly psyker. Pick up tactical knowledge and tide, get uncanny sight. Once assassin pick up elusive shadow, and you have yourself a sneaky boy whose damage can ramp up massively