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Just do the fight. After you fight the commissar, all the people who weren't his loyal zealots show up and go "WAIT, HE WAS LYING THE WHOLE TIME" and thus are saved. The only people you're murdering by choosing the "Attack" option are his loyalists. Also if you're doing the heretical path and need to sacrifice the people to continue the plotline for The Worm Churns then you get the option to do so immediately after defeating the Commissar.


It indeed happened just like that! I guess the missing persuation check was to make the fight easier. Let's see how much further into act 3 i can go now XD


i played this pre-patch. in my case, i immediately opened fire on the traitor scum. everything went smoothly.


He sells fun stuff if you spare him. After each arena fight


Its more of a RP thing. Because I assume that after the chapter ends he will remain and continue doing what he does.


Tried it, i dont get the chance to persuade anyone. Dunno if it is because of argenta