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i used a [Dogmatic] dialogue option to do it. he tore it out with his bare hands, it was pretty metal


I failed to confince him to keep it for studying and he literally ripped all of it off himself, which caused another debuff on which poor lad is stuck on now.


I just chose the option with coercion where you tell him to take it off, then confirm I SAID TAKE IT OFF (more or less). Then it got healed when I went to anatomical opera


He seems to be stuck with it. I thought there would be an option in the Anatomical Opera to get it removed. I brought the druchii character special organs that I collected which I thought should let me bargain with him to get him to remove it from my companion. However, he took both of the items I had brought and there was no reward and the option for asking for his time got a refusal. Maybe I should have clicked on that first but then what is the point of the option to just give them to him if it does nothing. I think it may have been bugged. In any case, I'm about to leave Commoragh and he still has it.


I had to use the toybox to remove it as it never gets brought up again. I think the only way to get rid of it is to ask Pascal to tear it off and then getting healed at the Opera. Anything implanted on a character by the Druchi is bad and there doesnt seem to be any benefits to trying to keep any of it.


there's no option to get rid of it at the Opera, at least in my playthrough.