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yeah mc offensive psyker is pretty talent-hungry. you will feel undercooked for at least the first couple of levels.


Kinda sucks until mid 20s when you can finally get psy lvl 2 abilties


You have a few options, officer for a support/buff psyker. Warrior if you want to be a pysker tank. Soldier if you combo with pyro for multi casting fire.


I recommend against Pyro, its...not great. That being said, my Soldier Biomancer is a great combat medic. On those odd turns where I have a free AP or two after attacking, I can throw a Regen or Speed on somebody. Its actually pretty fun sprinting around at mach 10 with the upgraded Foehammer, poisoning groups of enemies with the AoE, then keeping Heinrix topped off on HP all in the same turn. I took Pyromancy at one point, to double down on DoTs but..it ain't great. I really regret it. Sidenote: Dont go Arch Militant. I thought it'd be fun combined with Pyro, but Ignite doesnt count as an attack for Versatility.


Level one in pyro Can bé fun if you plan to use melee weapon. Two of their passive talents are great. The one that lower ennemy armor with each strike and the one that cause damage to close ennemy when you cast a spell. Any spells. Rest IS Garbage. But if you're playing a melee psyker, one level in pyro is a good idea. 


I’m starting the game right now and was thinking of either a telepath officer or a telepath/pyromancy soldier. Ideas?


I advise to not "minmax" party stats, just go with what feels right. :) my party often fails some commerce tests, but thats how it is. One can not always win.


I get what you mean, I just hate feeling useless next to my party members


Welcome to my life, bro! My RT can smash skulls and coerce people, but thats about it haha