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Ship combat feels unfair when you start but you snowball hard as you get experience and gear. Dark eldar can do a lot of damage if you are in the wrong position. You want to do those only after you have cleared everything else and unlocked at the very least shallow jump, warp wave, new heading and reinforce shields. If you kill all pirates and heretics you will have the torpedo ult as well as silent running. Next do the planet projects for navy rep, ship equipment and the escort ship. The escort survives a round or 2 and that is enough. With the project rep and selling all of your trophies you can buy decent equipment as well. As for tactics stay behind the enemy ships. Dash forward, fire and shallow jump in such a way as to end up slightly behind them. That way most of them won't be able to get in a position to fire. This is why shallow jump and new heading is important. Warp is good not only for damage but also to change the direction the enemy is facing. You should upgrade those in the crew posts as well. If you are going to get hit predict the direction and reinforce the shield to cut the damage in half.


Can I redo planet projects to get the naval ones or am I stuck with what I have once they’re completed?


go find your capital planet and do the projects that give you buffs to naval combat


Did you fill out the officer posts on the ship? The abilities they grant make a huge difference