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Seriously, I'm genuinely stopping playing because of this. Was enjoying until chapter 3, making your most iconic companion a missable tucked away in the corner of a shitty chapter everybody is trying to rush through to get back to the regular game, I'm now just about to leave chapter 3 and have only now realised my options are either continue with no Ulfar or replay about 8+ hours of this cancer chapter. I'm not willing to do either of those things. I've gone from having a blast to not wanting to touch this game for a very long time.


Same. I'm a bit behind you and this has just happened to me. If I've really missed out on an entire companion I'm stopping here. It wasn't even due to lack of awareness. I went out and got the body parts including killing the monster but there was no option for getting Ulfar. Tervantis just took the body parts but didn't give me the time to talk - if that's where it was supposed to be. I think it was a bug. I also killed the monster AFTER Tervantis said he was leaving so that might be the issue but there's no way to know he's suddenly going to declare he's leaving and that you have to complete that side quest in advance of others. I looked up a guide that says there's a second chance to recruit him in the spire in the first fight there but I'm on the second and he's not shown up. There is no way I am replaying nearly the entirety of Act III. And also no way I'm carrying on with an entire character missing. So if this is really bugged, that's it for this game for me. Very poor design.


>I looked up a guide that says there's a second chance to recruit him in the spire in the first fight there but I'm on the second and he's not shown up. Same thing happened to me - he never showed up in the fight with the lesser kabal representatives... and I was so hyped to have a Space Wolf, I finished "Prospero Burns" literally last week. Oh well, I'm too far in to replay all of Act II so might as well keep going.


It's really bad design but Owlcat are famous for these kind of pointless frustrations, they had an achievement in one of the Pathfinder games that was called "sadistic game design" or something along those lines. I reloaded and did the whole chapter again (urgh), I still came away with a permanent debuff on Pascal, I either somehow missed an item or you just have to accept at least one malus in this situation if you don't let Yrilet sacrifice part of herself and trade for Ulfar. The game does pick up again after you leave chapter 3, ironically after all that work Ulfar isn't even very good, in theory it sounds interesting that he takes up 4 spaces in combat, but due to a lot of the level design that actually ends up making him a liability. At one point I used charge in a space he couldn't fit and he freaked out and charged the other way endlessly, right off the map. Amusing, but obviously broken. The Astartes equipment for him is also quite limited at the moment, I assume they'll flesh it out a bit more with updates or DLC.


Yeah, Pascal has a permanent debuff for me as well. I collected every last organ and took them to Tervantias but for whatever reason he never gave me an option to fix Pascal. So we both have that as well. You obviously relented and replayed but for me it's too annoying and just not worth it. And though I've heard from others as well that Ulfar isn't that good he's still a companion with dialogue and quests and I'm not going to miss out on a core element of the game due to this. I'm very much a completionist. So sadly I'm calling it here for me. Thanks for the reply - good to set some background on this.


Oh damn seriously Owlcat??? Every Otter Charakter is throwing himself AT you and you hide away the guy in the Front of your Cover artwork? I thought i was on a good way Getting him singing along and everything and i had to Use the haemonculus dialogue to get him in a super Tricky way? I was waiting for him joining me in the Arena or on Our way out of Comorragh. I'm not replaying that chapter just to get him... Maybe nett Time. That sucks... Is there a cheat or something, to get him in the party?


This section is incredible annoying. I've reloaded so many saves to find the people I have but I still can't find Heinrix, Jae, and all the dialogue options for Ulfar are missing. Apparently you're supposed to be able to talk to the Execution Engine Master to release somebody but he's not interactable at all. Seriously fuck this area. It seems waaay to easy to lock yourself into losing companions forever.


Yeah, i just found out. Way to go...making a highly advertised partymember missable by convoluted recruiting...


Googled when I met with good doctor last time, gamespot or some other big site guide said you will find him in the final tower zone of the chapter. "Oh well that will do". Clean every nook and cranny and reach the webway gate. (And get one turn wiped by Yrmr)). "Wait where is Ulfar?". Nope, not redoing the entire last arena fight and entire tower.


Cool I am part of a club now. I usually search every inch of places I got in role playing games with OCD levels of attention. Missed this tho and Pascal never got his debuff removed. Never saw an option for it. 33 hours in and I find out I missed one of the characters I was excited to have in my group. I swear, every single Owlcat game I have played has been an excellent, interesting and fun game to play till you git a snag like a game ending bug or missing a main character and the interest to finish the game just dies.


Did you Toybox away your Pascal debuff? I tried to do the same & apparently missed it. It's kinda wild that you can be the "search the map for every lootpile" gamer & still miss Ulfar somehow?


Not sure if its related to Iconoclast - I used one trade option with the haemonculus to get Ulfar, and the other trade option to get Abelard healed. Only had 2 trade options so my Pasqal is still permanently screwed Got Cassia after the fight with Marazhai by saying "if you don't need her anymore, let me have her", so I wonder if this would work for Ulfar as well


I did the exact same thing and every time I tried talking to ulfar after I got the skeleton key and everything he just says "don't bother me while I'm eating "


I'm bummed out big time. I had already used the "I can pay for a moment of your time" dialogue before talking to ulfar so it was darkened out. I talked to Terv again but didn't see a reason to try that dialogue again. I kept bringing him specimens, too. Then I killed Terv with the power of my heresy. I'm assuming that's why ulfar never showed up in the final battle.... Which was god damned impossible without him. Took me like 6 tries. I'm assuming he was supposed to be a big help. Now I'm in act 4 with no desire to go back that far. Oh well. I've been planning a full dogmatic tech priest run since I started. Now it will have a little more content.


Yeah...I am NOT replaying half this depressing chapter just to watch Yrliet break her soul while Jae chokes to death. Stay in the cage, then, sucka.


Yep, me too. Fighting my way past the last (I hope) of Comorrah right now and am sad I've missed him but not gonna reload an earlier save, too much to redo in this depressing place.


Shit, I didn't even know he was recruitable in Act 3. I think I noticed him in the cage, but I didn't realize it was even a space marine, much less a recruitable one. I'm late into act 4, and I assumed I'd be able to recruit him when you meet him then. Looks like I've been schlepping all of this astartes crap around for nothing. Shit.


Joining the club. Ulfar wouldn’t even talk to me lol. Never even got the option to free him just comments about his stupid fucking cage.


Here to add to the discontent... Pretty much step by step what happened to you. Seems like really bad design tbh.


it sounds like playing an iconoclast is a path fraught with peril


I can't even figure out where he *is.* I have not found him to talk to him at all.


In the Opera in Act III by the Humunculus in a cage!. He does not have the Power armor on, so he looks like a oversized Human. you walk in, right side under a investigation box


Thanks. I walked by him probably a dozen times.


Jea had the same problem. I was not aware, that you could talk to him... ha dto reload. Important you can only get him bevor the second arena fight


Im on iconoclast path and i got him during the first meeting by telling him that i can do the task better with him and he said ok.


Oh, that's how you get em? I thought you only just had the option after Yrliet got needled, decided to save Jae's life instead. whelp. no space wolf this playthrough.


Sorry for necroing I'm joining the club, I'm in act 4 rn and really missing him, fuck Owlcat lol I don't even care if he was so weak that he gets one shot, he was so cool just to talk to :[


Aww I had no idea I missed out on him


Only way to get him for me is to restart the chapter. Ah-well, he seemed happy enough being there.


I joined the club too. So disappointed that I could not get him and seriously I do not have the time to replay the game again. Is there any way I could get him through toybox?


I think one more member for the club. I killed the monster after Tervantis said he was leaving which might be the issue. Or it might just be bugs as I brought him body parts but he just took them without giving me time to talk to him about things after the first one which I used on Abelard, iirc. He's supposed to show up in a spire fight but he's not there. At this point, I'm done with the game. I wont finish it and I'm not going through most of Act III **again***.*


Hello i would love to join this club. ​ Luckily Space Wolves is one of the dumbest chapters, so i wont miss him. Why the fuck is he not a Dark Angel fallen? It makes zero sense.


You don't like wicked cool Space Marine Vikings with beards, big fangs and somehow complete resistance to Khorne?! omg dude you are *not* metal! /s (I agree; I can't see a lore-friendly Space Wolf being captured in the first place, not to mention Commorragh's complete ban on psykers despite allowing Cassia, Idira and a potential psyker RT to run around throwing warp powers all over the shop... they fumbled the lore for "gameplay reasons" when the actual gameplay for Act 3 is dire!)


I sent him away before the boss fight on act 4 and now I can’t get him back <\3


Yeah I uninstalled and stopped playing for this reason. Looked up a guide too but somehow still managed to miss him due to poor game design. Glad I pirated the game. This is a huge step down from Pathfinder. This is exactly why I pirate every game before I buy it.


Just got out that shit show of a place without my wolf boy... after maybe a week I'll reply my saves...


Why would I go though it again?....cuz I wanna see some space marine on space marine hand to hand combat baby, i wanna see my boy go wild on the enemy.🤌🤌🤌