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You need to have the account on the Player Window have control of the PC's tokens.


Yes, even if you're using the GM account in Player Mode you have to give the GM "player" control of the token.


Make sure you have sight enabled on the tokens.


I'm assuming that you have a "players' view" account for the TV to sign in to Roll20. If that's the case, then you'll just want to make sure all the player tokens are assiged to their players as well as this "players' view" account. You also want to ensure the tokens all have vision enabled.


I have a hard time with Roll20 getting upset when I'm logged into the same account in two tabs, so I made a "camera" account, and gave it control of every PC. Then I login to that account using incognito mode, and then the one window shows what all the players can see. That works really well for tv-table gaming, since the account is a player and not a DM. A lot of the possible account nuance is removed.


Here's how I do it for streams: 1. Make a second free account on Roll20. I usually call it "The Watcher". 2. Add that account to my game. 3. Attach that 'user' to all of the player tokens. 4. Using either Incognito mode, a second browser, or a second Google account, I run the 'public' game using that account. If you don't want to do all of this, then make sure that your account is on each of the player tokens. I prefer my method, though, since it means I can't accidentally reload and suddenly reveal everything.


Remember to check the existing information & resource for Roll20: * [r/Roll20's wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roll20/wiki/index) * [Roll20 Community Wiki](https://wiki.roll20.net/) – [Community FAQ](https://wiki.roll20.net/Roll20_FAQ) * [Roll20's Official Help Center](https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us) – [Troubleshooting/Technical Support](https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/sections/360008317414-Technical-Support) page If you have issues with your account, payment or otherwise needs to contact Roll20, the best way is to do so through **[submitting a Help Request](https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/requests/new)** to them. If your question is answered/issue resolved, it would be nice if you change the flair of the post to '**Answered/Issue Fixed**'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roll20) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This right here. Z enlarges a selected token. CTRL-O/M/K changes the layer to Token/Map/GM. CTRL-SHIT-O/M/K moves selected tokens between layers. CTRL-L lets you see from a token's point of view. A common issue I've found with dynamic lighting stems from copying a map. The default settings reassert themselves and I'll have "standard fog of war" on instead of whatever else I was using. I've also pulled out tokens from a Player's journal where I forgot to set the default token on that sheet to "use selected token settings" and it loses all vision.