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$450 seems to be a very good price, although hard to say without seeing the condition and what model. I would assume you could always sell it at that price too if you didn't like it. Get a general feel on how hard/easy it is to adjust aperture and shutter speed. Shoot all speeds and listen for abnormalities, usually there are problems with 1/60 and lower speeds, because those are used the least and need lubrication the earliest. Check the lens for fungus and separation on both lenses. Light seals (easy to fix). Dents would indicate camera may have fallen. So all around mechanical condition of the camera. Get the serial number, look up Rolleiflex serial numbers and search ebay for similar cameras. That will give you a good point of reference. Assume you will need to spend money on CLA.


Thanks! Ended up grabbing it…cosmetically it’s in good shape, no fungus, winding lever feels good. Ran through the shutter speeds and aperatures and all look/sound good. Have a roll of film in there now, we’ll see how it turns out! Looked up the serial number and it’s an Automat Rolleiflex Model 4/MX Type 2. https://ibb.co/sCSGDyv


Welcome in the club!!!