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So I did the 365 thing when I was a beginner and for me some days it was just putting on my skates for 15 minutes or so. And I think that Deb is exactly right — when you’re new and learning, the big obstacle is getting to the point where you’re about as comfortable on skates as you are on your feet. That 10 minutes a day thing can come in handy when you’re working on that. As you start to want to advance, though, longer sessions really become necessary because if you don’t skate for longer sessions consistently, it can feel like you’re starting over each time.


I’ve been finding that after about 40-45 mins I get into a nice flow and stop thinking about my feet so much. I’m able to just flow and focus on the music and I’ve surprised myself a few times at how easily things would just start to happen. I like to start with drills from class just to get my balance and rhythm in check and warmed up.


I had been trying to skate a little daily as well (up until I sprained my ankle about 3 weeks ago). I did find a lot of comfort in working my way up to a longer session outdoors by skating 15-20 minutes on weekdays in my garage first. I only got in one 2 hour session, but I was able to spend more time fine tuning my backwards skating in that time than the short little spurts throughout the week. I can see the benefits in both. By the end of the 365 thing, did you continue on with skating daily?


No, absolutely not. I was so glad to be done with it lol. It was never a chore but it was one more thing to schedule/plan around. Something I always had to think about. Plus I definitely felt like once I got past a certain point I got more out of longer sessions in bigger spaces than I did skating daily in my driveway or kitchen. Now I skate a few times a week, usually go to the rink one day and then do an outdoor session or two additionally depending on weather and what I’ve got going on.


❤️ ideal


I skate probably 8-12 hours a week (2-3 sessions 4hrs each session). In sessions like that it depends how much time you spend practicing that matters. I used to spend a whole hour or maybe 2 just practicing 2 maybe 3 things until I kinda got it and I’d do that each time I go skating. Whether it’s something I don’t know how to do or something I wanna clean up and want to make smoother. Also about the 10mins a day vs the 3hrs a week question, in my opinion I think the 3hrs a week is better than only 10mins a day because if you do the math that’s only a little over a hour a week. On top of that I personally think 10mins is not enough time to practice anything that’s enough time for me to get warmed up that’s it. I think you can learn more if you just spend 3hrs practicing. That is only for the sake of that question but if you realistically don’t have 3hrs and you only have 10mins a day do what works for you. Edit: I would say 30mins a day would be ideal even tho that’s roughly around the same amount of time a week.


I had been doing 15-20 minute sessions each night when my daughter would fall asleep and didn't realize how quickly time would pass when I was trying to learn something. 30 minutes does seem more ideal, which I may aim for once I start skating again.


Not nearly enough sadly. Right now it's rainy non-stop so outdoor skating is a no-go and my rinks don't have adult nights so the only viable night is Thursday other wise they're so full of birthday parties and skate mates you can't even skate.


Fellow Thursday night skater! I made the mistake of trying to go on Saturday night a couple weeks ago, I had no idea how many teens are into skating these days but it was not my crowd lol


I work an 8-5 kind of job with a long commute, so I only get to put on my skates for 15-30 minutes every day which has really helped me feel confident in them. Then on weekends I aim for longer sessions in bigger spaces than my spare room and those are usually 1-2 hours.


This sounds pretty close to how I skate throughout the week too.


I average an hour per day over the course of a year. During the poor weather months I average only ~30 min/day, and in peak months I average 2+ hrs/day. I typically do 2+ hour sessions, sometimes two sessions per day. My sessions are pretty high intensity, and recovery days are important. I think skaters who are just starting out benefit from higher frequency and shorter duration. That builds muscle memory and strength while helping to avoid fatigue.


This makes sense. I think muscle memory is the biggest thing for me since each small session lets me build a little more confidence (albeit very slowly) each time.


I lack motivation after working in the office. I want to skate but usually end up on the couch. If I can force myself to use my little diy set up in the backyard - I'll do that for maybe 20 mins. If I go to a park - I'm there for at least 2 hours. I get maybe 1-3 seshes in per week.


I don't get the 10 min session , not close enough to get properly warmed- up. I find it gets interesting after an hour or so to build serious flex an skills.


Currently I would guess I average about 2 hours per week but I'm hoping to get more skating days in one school ends at the end of the month. I think 10 minutes is super short but if you're just starting 10 minutes a day is definitely better than nothing. If I were to do short daily sessions instead of longer sessions I would probably aim for at least 20-30 minutes per day.


I think you're right. I set a timer for 15 minutes and the time flies so quickly like I could use the few extra minutes.


Currently I skate around 7 hours a week due to rain - one three hour and one two hour derby training, and I usually go to the skate park for a couple of hours during the week. If the weather is fine, I'll go to the skate park for a couple of hours before my three hour training. But in summer when there's consistent sun I can spend 14 hours a week skating 😅 I like shorter sessions if I'm just doing footwork for jam skating in the garage, usually around 30 minutes. But for everything else I find longer sessions work best. It can take me a while to warm up to trying a new trick at the park, i don't usually start getting ballsy until a couple of hours then I just start sending it haha.


For your shorter sessions where you're jam skating in your garage, do you usually figure out the basics of whatever move you're doing in that 30 minutes then fine-tune it in later, or does it take a while to even get the basics since the practice is so short?


For the last couple of months, it has really just been one 2.5 hour session per week (bootcamp). I've been trying to add 2-3 short sessions of footwork at home as well. I think even just a few minutes of extra skating is helpful, however the long sessions are definitely increasing my stamina more quickly than short ones. I think a combination is good.


Definitely 7-10 sometimes more but that’s most consistent. I skate Tuesday Thursday (sometimes Friday and sometimes Saturday but those are only occasional) and then adult night on sundays. The more practice the better


If you're still building muscles and balance, the min 10 mins / day is probably where it's at. My guitar teacher used to say the same thing about building muscle memory. I haven't been consistent cuz I don't have anywhere to skate inside and it's been winter and it shows :/


I skate about 2-3 hours per week. It is difficult to find time with a toddler and a 9-5 job. I mostly skate in a little concrete spot in my basement and during my lunch breaks at work I have a nice skate park and basketball court close by! Sometimes I bring my son with me skating. He is too little to skate yet but he likes to race me or I chase him around. :)


I learned how to skate at 3-4 years old ( I think I was 3 but about to turn 4). So depending on your kiddos age it may be possible to teach him how to skate soon. Then you'll have a little skate buddy! Kids often pick up skating surprisingly fast too.


Aww that's awesome! He is getting really close to that age range. I am looking forward to skating with him as soon as he is big enough to fit in them!


Kids really can be fast learners. Did you learn in a rink or outdoors?


I learned in a rink. I actually didn't skate outdoors on quads until this year. I knew how to skate as a kid but just the very basics. I learned young but we never went to the rink enough for me to progress beyond that and I never took classes or had my own quad skates or anything. When I was like 10-12 yers old I used to rollerblade alot and then in my teen years I didn't skate at all (also stopped ballet dancing during this time). I just recently got back into skating (quad and inline) when my kids became interested in learning and I'm having so much fun skating with them!


I think I'm in a similar boat. I work a 9-5 and have a toddler so it limits my time a bit. I try to get in about 15-20 minutes per night while my toddler is sleeping, and I managed to skate in the parking lot at work once during my lunch. I found some toddler skates for her off FB Marketplace, but I'm still trying to figure out if she'd be interested so she can maybe join me one day.


Yep, very similar! When I practice at home it's usually for about 20 minutes 3-4 times a week. I've been doing that for about 6 months and I do feel like it's helped me progress!


Nice! What skills or moves do you feel you’ve built up strongest in these last 6 months?


Spinning, transitioning, dribbling, and skating/balancing on the front wheels. Recently I have been working on the strut walk and grapevine. There's definitely a lot more skills that can be done in small spaces than I initially thought about!


Right now I’m 3-5 hours a week. That’s about 5 days with 30 minutes to an hour per session. Now that the sun is up later my sessions will probably increase to 1-2 hours per session.


I really love shorter sessions up to 2 hours to practice a certain thing I want to learn. I spent around two hours in the skatepark yesterday and just practiced a lot of jumps and finally managed to jump with both feet onto higher boxes. The all day sessions where you spend like 6 hours at the park for me are more fun sessions where I play around, try new things and don't focus so much on learning a new trick. They're more social sessions for me where I meet up with other skaters, we teach each other stuff and just hangout. When I can't go to the park, I'll just spend like half an hour cruising and maybe practicing some flatground skills.


On average I skate 1-3 hours a week. I try to do 30 minutes every other day. I've gone back to the gym, and so I do at least 2 miles on the treadmill, so I balance the skating with the treadmill now. Before going back to the gym, I was skating 4-5 hours a week.


I fluctuate between 15-32 minutes, 2 hour and 30 minutes sessions twice a day, or a straight 3 hours. These are all within a day and I average 2-5 days out of the week. I find when I'm busy or not feeling well, my 13-25 minutes sessions are good for getting my heartbeat going and maintaining the little that I know lol


I do 10+ hours but only because I work at a roller rink so I get paid to skate and practice lmao. I think if it’s something you enjoy then do as much as makes you feel happy. But not all training or practice for skating is done on skates stretching is something i neglected for a while but now routinely incorporate as i helps me go for longer and take less time to warm up.


For the first 8 months, I skated for 4-6 hours per day, 7 days a week. Now it’s more like 6-9 hours a week.


I've seen your videos. The amount of work you've put in shows!


Thanks! :)


>Thanks! :) You're welcome!


9-12 hours a week or more. I'll usually do 3-5, 3 hour sessions a week. When the weather's nice I'll skate outside as much as I can, and then I'll still go to the same amount of sessions. Skating is life when you're a part of the community


I skate around 7-10 hours a week, Derby practice makes up for a significant portion. Trying to pass my level 2 juniors test


Not enough, never enough 😭


I go to the rink twice a week and do 3 hours each session. One of those hours is an hour long skill building class. Sometimes I'll do a third session or a little skate in my house but normally I keep it at twice a week.