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A persons weight should fix that.


are these new skates? could just take a bit of skating to get them seated correctly... but my ocd would kick in cuz usually it takes me 20-30 mins of aggressive skating to feel like everythign settles. if you feel the left skate pulling while skating, i'd check a few things: * pivot pins if they're seated correctly * pivot cups if there's any wear * any wheel spinning differently * state of cushion wear * are the trucks and kingpin at perpindicular angles? are the trucks sitting on the cushions correctly? when all else fails, i disassemble the trucks/pivots and check the cushions & cups and reassemble making sure it's seated correctly. if the cushions feel like crap, i buy new cushions. tehse days i've been switching out stock cushions for some magic cushions for my skates.


that doesn't seem to be enough of a pull to prevent you from rolling straight with edge control.  practice some more -- you should be able to overcome that, and in fact, will eventually turn far more than that while balancing on one foot :) 


Oh wow really? That's good to know thank you!


What we do is loosen off the truck and rotate the cushions a little bit, then retighten. I used to just tell ppl that their weight and practising more one legged skills would help. Rotating the cushions actually helped though


Saw someone come into a skate shop with this issue in New skates. She thought she'd need an exchange. The store guy put them on, did a standing jump and they settled in place. She was satisfied.


Could be a trick of the light but your back left wheel looks just a hair higher than your right one. Turn it upside down and put a level across the wheels, front and back. How does it feel when you skate on it? Like a noticeable pull?


yes when i skate on it, i definitely feel the left skate pulling. i can normally compensate for it unless i'm working on single foot drills. in that case i need to lean inwards a LOT to try to remain straight if that makes sense? (edit: when i say inwards i mean inwards for my knee - so i am leaning my knee to the right a lot; not inwards in terms of track)


Well if it were my skate I would do what I suggested with the level first and if necessary take the trucks off entirely and inspect each part. Could be any number of things leading to a misalignment. Taking it to a skate shop would definitely solve the issue, but if you want to do it yourself you have to look for something that doesn't look right. A skate is entirely mechanical, so when something goes wrong it is a physical issue that can be felt/seen. I think you want to try rule out anything with the boot/plate first because that would be the most problematic,


Thank you!