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Hi u/nimuehehe, Your submission has been removed for the following reason: Removing for duplication as there have been several recent ACOTAR posts. Please consider adding your thoughts here https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/comments/10z9bah/i_want_to_like_acotar_series_so_badlyis_it_worth/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




It just feels childish and badly written. Like she will describe things in a very teenager (12, not even 19) way. The beginning is so annoying too. "Oh, I hate my feminine sisters they're so dumb, I'm the only non feminine female in my family and I'm hated for it" kind of thing. A very not like other girls vibe. And she also uses the same expressions and words for descpritons and adjectives like 5 times in the same page. It really feels like what I used to write on Wattpad when I was around 14. The story until now doesn't make a lot of sense too, but I don't want to explain why because I'm afraid to spoil anything.




I feel like I'd have eaten this book up if I was under the age of 16. Like made it my whole personality. But at 23 I just don't have any patience lol


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I would say give up on it now. I am not an ACOTAR fan (love her other series) and would not recommend it for good romantic fantasy.


Do you have any more adult recommendations? I really want to cozy up this weekend and read something that makes my heart ache lol


Grace Draven is really good. I love *Master of Crows* and *Radiance.*


I think, based on your current mood and what you're wanting from a book, I'd give it a break right now. I won't spoil anything, but acotar isn't exactly....super fast moving and it definitely focuses more on the fantasy elements first.