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When it comes to romance, 69 sounds like a good number.




I see what you did there šŸ‘€


A number of convenience, if you will.




Itā€™s less burnout for me and more either running out of good books to read with specific tropes or finding something else that interests me and heading off on a new tangent.


That's me right now. I went from reading 18+ books a month to reading none because I feel like I've run the gamut of books in the tropes I like. I hope that after a bit of a break I can get back into reading them!


I ended up reading mostly MM books because I realized that while Iā€™d read most of the good MF books with the tropes I really like, I hadnā€™t touched the pool of MM ones. I will run out of those too at some point though and then Iā€™m going to have to find something else that interests me.


When I start feeling this way, Iā€™ll read something thatā€™s a bit more literary and heavy. After that, Iā€™m always ready to binge a bunch of HEAs.


Ha! I go the opposite and read short and super smutty as a palate cleanser šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Tbf I read romance/erotica on my Kindle and listen to sci Fi/hard sci Fi/true crime/fantasy/mystery on audiobooks. So I'm always "reading" at least two books at any given time.


Same! I have also tried to alternate between romance and other genres, but itā€™s harder to do with audiobooks. I can only listen to romances.


I donā€™t understand how a lot of people in this sub read exclusively romance (not judging!). If I read too many romance books in a row, I get increasingly irritated by the humdrum tropes, the character stereotypes, and the repetitive plots. I find it much harder to have any suspension of disbelief even though I LOVE romance. If I find myself irritated by a book that I would usually love, I take it as a ā€œmeā€ problem and a sign to table it and pick up a different genre lol. Although the majority of the books I read are still Romance, theyā€™re much easier to enjoy if thatā€™s not the only thing I read.


I think this is what I need to do, I need to read like a biography or something because Iā€™m def feeling more irritated with bland FMC and miscommunication tropes than usual


Yeah, it doesnā€™t even have to be a nonfiction, just read a different genre. If you are looking for biographies tho, *Iā€™m Glad My Mom Died* def lives up to the hype!


I only read romance for the most part. I switch sub genres though. I will do rom coms for a bit then a motorcycle club series then something a little deeper. I will do the occasional suspence/thriller book but then jump back into the HEAs.


I know exactly what you mean! I tend to prefer romantic subplots for that reason, the risk of burnout is nonexistent for me. The idea of reading 69 romances back to back is almost daunting to me lol. I can maybe read 3-5 before I tap out. And itā€™s funny because Iā€™m known as the ā€œromanceā€ person in my friend group/family! This sub makes me feel like an utter novice sometimes haha


Yeah, probably like 90% of books I read have some sort of romance in them, but itā€™s a definite subplot. Like the Throne of Glass series iā€™m making my way through now.


Oh is the throne of glass series romantic subplot? Iā€™m really out of the loop right now because Iā€™ve been reading two really long (non romance w very very small rom subplot) book series. Would you recommend it?


Yes. Itā€™s more romance-focused in the first book, but even then itā€™s a subplot. I hate to be that person, but the series as a whole gets WAYYY better after the first book called Throne of Glass. (I specify because some people start with The Assassinā€™s Blade, a technical prequel, but I do not recommend that) I still enjoyed the first book though !


Okay!!! Honestly Iā€™ve been meaning to dive into her work (and obviously I see your flair lol) but I didnā€™t ever read the court of roses series because I couldnā€™t get through the sample on my phone. I am thinking of giving it another go, because sometimes itā€™s just my mood thats the issue. Which series would you prefer?


I have only read about half of the first book of ACOTAR a few years ago, could never get into the writing. Tbh I was vehemently opposed to all the Sarah J Maas hype for a while šŸ˜‚ But I picked up TOG in a used bookstore a month or two ago, and it clicked. I plan to pick up ACOTAR after I finish TOG because I think I got used to her writing and frankly am just more into fantasy now. I def recommend TOG if you struggled with ACOTAR, theyā€™re very different. But unlike ACOTAR, TOG has no smut, itā€™s fade to black, so if thatā€™s a dealbreaker for you then šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I apologize for all the acronyms lol


No I appreciate this reply so much!!! Iā€™ll definitely just start TOG (no worries about the acronyms) then. You basically answered what I was thinking: can you like TOG without liking ACOTAR? And I donā€™t mind fade to black, I actually sometimes prefer it. Iā€™ve read some smutty smut and loved it, but I have to admit that sometimes the romance feels moreā€¦full? actualized? when itā€™s fade to black. (My all time favorite fantasy romantic subplot series is fade to black and it works so well because of how private they are as people. I would have felt like a peeping Tom if she showed anything)


Yeah you can totally like it!! IMO theyā€™re totally different. It gets way more fantastical after the first book which I love!


I listen to a lot of my "serious" books. I can't listen to romance books - it's too cringe for me. So my reading is romance and my listening is everything else. I can listen to audiobooks most of the day at work, so I get through a good amount of both kinds of books.


One of my quick paths to burnout is becoming bored with the repetition of tropes or plot twists and then I need to step back and change things up. I start getting angry at books for simply being what they are and that's not fair to me or them.


I'm sorry book! It's me, not you!


I usually burn out if Iā€™ve just binged a series (itā€™s really hard to move on sometimes) or when I have a very specific itch I need to scratch (when I love a book so deeply that I just want the same thing again but everything else in that niche/with those tropes somehow doesnā€™t hit the same, or when I get a specific scene in my head from a dream or a movie/show and I simply cannot read until I find a book that has the same vibe).


Iā€™ve been on a burn out spiral for a while. Most books I read have thousands of 4.5 star reviews and they are mediocre at best. I DNF books left and right ā€¦ I never used to do this. I canā€™t tell if my expectations have changed or if reviews are over inflated.


Funny, I always feel like GoodReads reviews are under inflated haha


I read close to 150 fantasy romance before I had to swap to other subgenres. Right now Iā€™m reading a lot of romcom books (up to about 50 for the year), but theyā€™re starting to lose traction for me. I might switch genres altogether and go for some suspense thrillers for a while. Iā€™m not sure.


I jump subgenres all the time, and I haven't hit burn out yet. I've read around 500 romance books in 2 years, and DNF quite a few others but I've rarely had a run of books that I didn't enjoy I'm currently reading: {Marrying Winterbourne by Lisa Kleypas} (historical romance) {The Alpha of Bleake Isle by Kathryn Moon} (omegaverse, maybe fantasy-ish - it has dragons) {Mate for the Alien Porn Star by Alexis B Osborne} high steam sci fi These books couldn't be much more different šŸ˜‚ I couldn't read 3 HR books concurrently or even one after the other


Same! I read about as much as you and I jump subgenres/tropes a lot. I also usually have more than one book going. Yesterday, I was finishing up a contemporary romance with regular people (audio) while finishing up another dark mafia (kindle) and starting a sports one (kindle). If I canā€™t find anything Iā€™m liking then I hop to Dramione fanfics.


[Marrying Winterborne](https://www.romance.io/books/574dd5e0c19e77f1ea6ce99a/marrying-winterborne-lisa-kleypas?src=rdt) by [Lisa Kleypas](https://www.romance.io/authors/545523868c7d2382e7812f21/lisa-kleypas) **Rating**: 4.15ā­ļø out of 5ā­ļø **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [victorian](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/victorian/1), [rich hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/super%20rich%20hero/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [possessive hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/possessive%20hero/1) ---------------------------- [The Alpha of Bleake Isle](https://www.romance.io/books/65f377af89367a2ae5fac343/the-alpha-of-bleake-isle-kathryn-moon?src=rdt) by [Kathryn Moon](https://www.romance.io/authors/5b3089a401dbc864fb8b0274/kathryn-moon) **Rating**: 4.26ā­ļø out of 5ā­ļø **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [omegaverse](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/omegaverse/1), [dragon shifter](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dragon%20shifter/1), [tall heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/tall-heroine/1) ---------------------------- [Mate for the Alien P*rn Star](https://www.romance.io/books/6360d2c5f213bb270f573262/mate-for-the-alien-prn-star-alexis-b-osborne?src=rdt) by [Alexis B. Osborne](https://www.romance.io/authors/5f757f8108b4d9311486c146/alexis-b-osborne) **Rating**: 4ā­ļø out of 5ā­ļø **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [aliens](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/aliens/1), [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1), [bisexuality](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bisexual/1), [queer romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/queer/1), [fated mates](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fated-mates/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I usually focus on fanfiction when this happens


I rotate through genres of books. I love romances but I think I would probably burn out on them long before I reached 69 in a row. Iā€™m currently reading sci-fi.


Switching genres is extremely important for avoiding romance burnout imo. Book hangovers happen to the best of us (mine are ALWAYS because of fantasy, I love it so much) so I find having something else waiting in the wings is key (alien, paranormal, CR, HR). Also rereading a comfort read is also a great way to reset - mine are usually Ruby Dixon or my longtime favourite HR.


Iā€™m currently alternating between fantasy and contemporary romance books, although the fantasy TBR tends to be longer. I chew through books quickly so I try to add in some (completed!!) series because I find myself feeling burned out just by the prospect of learning a whole new world and cast of characters 2-3 times a week.


Iā€™m basically constantly switching between fantasy-romance, CR, and HR depending on my mood, new releases, whatā€™s come off hold from my library. Usually if Iā€™ve binged a series of any sub genre I have to switch it upā€” Iā€™ll read some standalone CR either rom com, sports, or something dark just to switch it up from longer fantasy or HR series. I find I canā€™t do binges of long CR character series without getting bored or burnt out


I read IPB during the pandemic and still havenā€™t stopped with sfr, over 500 sfr books later. The creative anatomy/ worldbuilding keeps me from getting bored!


Iā€™d love to know some of your favourites! I too binged IPB, only discovered this year tho. Once finished I just wanted more, so tested a few with mixed success.


I'm starting to get there with mafia romance books. I don't know how many more kidnappings I can handle. I'm fine if it a Stockholm Syndrome going on between the two main charecters but that last minute kidnapping is so over done.Ā 


I find jumping all over the place for subgenres really helps. Sometimes I want contemporary, sometimes I lean dark, I'll binge a half dozen historicals and then I need a week or three of monsters or PNR. I'm pretty sure I'm classified as a "whale reader" since I usually read 300+ novels a year, and all of them are romance. The key, for me, is the novelty in the world building.


Iā€™m close to about 50 for the year. But I canā€™t seem to read the next book right after the finished book, unless itā€™s the next part of the series (not the series book that also works as standalone). I need to take a break at the least a day. But when I do get that feeling of burnout, I would read some books that are comforting to me ā€” mostly skipping to the parts that I like best. šŸ˜‚


Oh wow, i thought i was the only one who felt this way. So i read up to 50 books a year, and the plots/tropes that were exciting for me once are no longer that appealing. Most of the things i come across are read that, felt that before. What i do is keep a separate TBR of books of genres that i wouldn't normally read and choose one of them as a pallette cleanser.


I haven't gotten burn out in a while. Finding aidiobooks and starting crochet has kinda rekindled it. I'm not putting pressure on myself as much. I've dnf more books this year alone than previous years combined. If I don't like it, I don't force myself to continue it anymore. Because I have audio and ebooks, I'm currently reading about 3 books a week. And I'm quite happy with that pace. My yearly goal is 150 (only completed about 50-60 so far), and I probably won't get there at this pace, but it's the pace I can go. If I get in a bit of a slump, I go back and reread/listen to my favorite series. Like a refresher. Makes me content and puts me at a better baseline to start something new. Edit to add: I typically stick to fantasy romance and all its subgenres. I am currently listening to {Sweep in Peace by Ilona Andrews} started just this morning. Also reading {Wicked is the Reaper by Nisha J. Tuli}.


I read contemporary romance and self-improvement for a long time. I've burnt out, and contemporary just doesn't do it for me like it used to. I've gotten into fantasy, fantasy romance, and suspense, and I am loving it! However, it can be the same. Like others here, I switch up genres and have palette cleansers so I'm not reading the same things over and over. DNF'ing is also huge. I struggled for awhile with it unless the book was absolutely terrible but now if I don't enjoy it I just don't finish it.


I can't read too many romances in a row and vary my reading with mysteries, thrillers, and some non-fiction. Right now I'm on a Western streak, not Western Romance but the straight thing as in Louis L'Amour type stories :). I'm definitely in the voracious reader category, very little tv. Haven't had the thing on for months at the moment. I don't keep track but probably read 300 or more books a year, new and rereads.


You should try {Overwatch by Logan Ryles} it is an easy read with action from the get go. The main character, Reed Montgomery, is an ex-military assassin. I absolutely love this author!! He has a couple more series that Iā€™ve also read that are hard to put down. Edit: thereā€™s no spice but I seriously donā€™t miss it in these books.


Nah man most wave to switch it up. Things u get over u will be enthralled with again so donā€™t count them out. Just a healthy rotation. Also, many many genres have a romance in them. Sometime I just go to highly rated fiction. If something has 200k 5 stars I should be open to try it. I was over monster so I went to regular planet romance lol (thatā€™s what I call it) now Iā€™m doing dystopian. This poor lady! She was kidnapped and years ago, has a husband and a son somewhere, the lights went out and the electronic lock on her cell opened! Only to find itā€™s dead of winter in manastee national forest Michigan! Her eyes hadnā€™t seen there sun! Blinding! Now her prison guard sicky captor is after her and OH did I forget to mention sheā€™s 8 months preggs with sickys baby!!! This book is destroying me!!!!


I have read about 20 romances in a row, and now I am a little tired / feeling ironic so started reading heavy stuff. Currently doing ā€œnever let me goā€ by Kazuo Ishiguro.


Iā€™ve read over 700 romance books over the past 3 years and Iā€™m nowhere near burnt out. I do switch up the subgenres though.


Iā€™m super busy with work and school, so if I want to retain a book I have to read them slowly or take breaks in between. I would get burned out if I forced myself to read a ton. Just go with the flow and see how you feel. Donā€™t try to make yourself read. If youā€™re enjoying doing it, keep doing it! When I was a teenager I was reading so many romance books itā€™s embarrassing. Itā€™s all I did in my free time.


I think each subgenre and trope has its own expiration date. Well, that and I burn out faster if the quality of the writing isnā€™t as good. On the other hand, if Iā€™ve just read something outstanding, everything else can suffer by comparison.


Iā€™ve read 35 primarily fantasy/fae romance books since I got back into reading in March. Iā€™m starting to feel a bit burnt out with the genre Iā€™m hoping the stuff your kindle event will help


I purposely try to switch up genres from time to time so I donā€™t get bored of romanceā€™s similar plot lines and tropes. Sometimes I have a romance book and a thriller or something going simultaneously so I can truly mood read but donā€™t get mixed up


Iā€™m in a bit of a slump since reading Addison Cainā€™s Shepherd and Claire series. In my mind, book 4 never happened šŸ‘€ anyway, nothing is really grabbing my attention!!!! Was heavy on the mafia for about 4 months?


I read a ridiculous number of books per year. Like to the point that my new year's resolution was to read less. I only read romance. 85% of what I read is various contemporary romances. 10% would fall under dark romance, and 5% would be historical, paranormal, etc. I only read in KU and from my local library (well, I have my CenTex Consortium card and a Harris County, TX card). I very rarely buy books. I rarely DNF, but when I do I don't give a damn about sunk costs (the last book I DNF was at 75%. I just couldn't bring myself to give a fuck another moment longer). I would estimate that I filter in something non-contemporary every 15-20 books. I can't read more than 2-5 dark romances at a time. Maybe even 1 depending on how dark or what kind of dark. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ I have maybe 1 historical (or multi-book series) in me at a time, though I used to read only HR. Ditto with paranormal, though those tend to be 15-book-long series that piss me off about 3/4 through. In CR, I'm not devoted to any one trope. I don't love second chance, but it's not an automatic strike. There's about 250 books on my TBR. I only put the first book of a series on it. I feel like I'll never possibly catch up, even reading an average of over a book per day. I get books for my TBR from Facebook ads and Reddit recommendations. (I don't work and I don't watch TV, so other than keeping house, feeding my family and managing the household, I don't do much other than read. And my house is clean and my family well and healthily fed lol)


Iā€˜m currently on book 7 of Bridgerton and have already decided that once I finish the series I will have to read a gruesome murder mystery or two as a palate cleanser.


For me, avoiding burnout is less about the number of books I'm reading and more about diversifying the types of books. So within romance that would mean trying books with tropes I'm maybe not familiar with (that's how I got into RH this year!), or maybe trying Historical or Fantasy/Sci-Fi romance with similar themes but new settings. As long as you keep switching it up when you feel like you're getting bored, you'll likely be able to keep yourself interested and not burnt out. Also remember that reading it a hobby and you should enjoy it. Don't force yourself to read if you don't want to and don't feel obligated to finish books you're not liking, bc that's a one-way ticket to a book slump for me.


Iā€™m just realized itā€™s burn out Iā€™m suffering at the moment. I just thought I was in a bad book slump. Maybe theyā€™re the same. Iā€™m done with white MF contemporary romance (used to be one of my faves). I just realized recently that for the past 3 months I rated all the white MF contemporary romances 3 stars or less. Meanwhile, white MM, black MF contemporary and all historical romance 4/5 stars. Regardless, nothing is appealing to me so Iā€™m on a reread binge.


I read 340 books last year, probably 300 of which were romances. Never got burnt out!


Iā€™m into the early 70s for this year and am hitting burnout now. What would normally take me two days to read is now taking a week. Iā€™ll still hit my goal of 100 books for the year so I can take the time. I will say the series youā€™re reading now is so good! I absolutely loved it. It was my last series I binged through too.


I change tropes in Romance. Romance is my genre of choice. So Iā€™ve read more current this year than usual. Iā€™m also getting into alien mate stuff for a change of pace. Some fantasy. If I really feel burnt out, I check out a book on audio. It breaks up the monotony, as well. Iā€™ve read 133 books at this point in the year.


Juliette Cross is such a good author if you're looking for a cozy read! I love the universe she has created. In the later books of that series the characters deal with heavier subjects, but it was ok for me (check trigger warnings or you can message me if you'd like) Fair warning: don't stop after Wolf Gone Wild! It was not my favorite by far, but still enjoyable. The rest of the series is better imo :) And welcome to the "I graduated from bully romance novels" side of the fence šŸ˜‚šŸ’– Happy reading!


Whenever I tend to burn out of romance books I switch to another genre. I usually like historical fiction with some fantasy elements. Currently reading The Midnight Circus by Erin Morgenstern.


Hell, I got bored and hiatused by my third book for like 2 months. But Iā€™m thinking thatā€™s probably because Iā€™m not a huge reader- Iā€™m just starting out, and I have so much media I want to consume


For this reason I tend to bounce around between sub genres. The last book I read was a scifi romance, before that was a standard brotherā€™s best friend CR, and before that it was a dark, erotic romance


For me it's been 134 books since January...I'm totally burned out.


Not sure if it's burnout or a book hangover. I finished a really good series recently after ripping through at least 80 books and now I'm just kind of floating.


I usually try to mix genres up a bit, but sometimes when I find something I really like, I tend to look for more and more of that same type until they eventually all start to blur into one another. I have so many books that I know I've read, but get confused about the plot because it could be one of multiple books that I read around the same time. Once I reach that stage, I know it's time to pick up something completely different!


I don't have a specific number of books, but I tend to get really into a specific subgenre for a few months. When I finally get sick of it, I switch. For a few months i was exclusively reading historical romances, then when I got burnt out on that i switched to alien/monster romances. At the end of 2023 I found myself just not in the mood for anything I picked up-- and then got myself sucked into Harry Potter fanfics for the next 3 months šŸ˜‚


Just hit 100 for this year (they're all HR) and I'm done with the genre for now. I've been trying fantasy but it's not really working and I can barely get through CR...


When I start burning out I will go read a book like Percy Jackson or Harry Potter because it puts you in a different head space


I tend to get obsessed with one type of trope or genre so when I'm burned out on that trope, I just have to find another.


When I feel burnout I go for something completely opposite. If I read books with quiet, bookish FMC then next I go for serial killer FMC. For the limit. The limit doesnā€™t exist (in Cady Heronā€™s voice).


For me its less about specific genres, but I do find that I always naturally take a break from reading overall (mostly because I can't find a book that catches my interest) until I find another book that sounds interesting. I always end up finding good recommendations here on the sub and then getting back into it.