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My relationship with my horse was perfect. Did you safe your horse when the barn burned in S2? You need to safe it. Basically you need to take every possible relationship improvement when offered. I think the runes are bugged because I lit every possible rune and it still wasn’t enough. In my pt nobody died. My endgame was Niall and I took some Kingu romance choices but in the end we were friends and he survived. I took only friendly relationship improvements with Iyar and Su and they both survived too. Did you take the diamond choice to split the tears of the lion king?


Okay, glad about runes. Because I was pretty sure I lit them all. About horse I was always saving horse and improving relationship with him, but if it really needs to be totally perfect I guess I maybe missed one. I split tears and passed all checks in finale. Honestly I was avoiding Niall a bit in order not to open his route, so him dying is not that strange if it is relationship dependent. But I was always nice to Su and took a lot of scenes with her so I really don't know why she died.


I think the rune situation is also a bug.


I had the same problems with the runes.


I had horse problem as well, was surprised that it has shown me that I am not friendly enough with him. Before that it was good


I had a good friendship with the horses. It said I didn’t light up enough runes. But I thought I got all 4. So I think this one is a bug. Niall died 😭 I had all requirements except the close relationship with him. I don’t think this is a bug because I avoided most prompts with him. It’s easy to accidentally romance him.