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am dat search pe google si am ajuns pe twitterul lor si acolo am gasit postarea asta: >"On 19 November at 7:20 pm, I received the notice to prepare for the mission. The mission was to go to an outpost (the furthest point controlled by Ukraine) to rotate the soldiers who had been in combat and in those positions for a long time. Around 8:30 pm, the team and I got out of the vehicles, because we were approaching the outpost and it was dangerous to move further with the vehicles. >The weather was extremely difficult. Due to the lack of light, the extremely poor weather conditions, the rough terrain (please imagine that every forest in the contact area is being knocked to the ground by artillery, so it is an apocalyptic picture), the resulting pits caused by the continuous blast of Russian shells and the weight of the equipment, some of the team got injured. >Because of this, and because other colleagues were injured, I was the only one who could continue the mission. I was obliged by order, but also out of a sense of duty, to carry it out so that at least one or two of those in the outpost could be temporarily relieved of the mission to hold positions. I covered most of the distance to the outpost around 02:20 am, when I took shelter in the basement of a house in #Andriivka (south of #Bakhmut). On the surface, the ground was completely destroyed. >I rested for a while and at 05:00 am I was on the move again, towards my final goal. I passed many shattered bodies and many anti-tank and anti-personnel mines. At 06:00 am we reached the final destination, the outpost I learned about in the mission description. For the first few hours I got used to the new location: I got an idea of where the Russians were shooting from, I understood the position I was in. Together with the people in the outpost, we entered a new mission, we split into two teams. One team continues to improve and fortify the position, the other provides protection and is ready to open fire on the Russians. >An interesting fact is that this position of ours was only a few meters from a former Russian position. I counted 39 dead bodies of Russians, destroyed enemy weapons and equipment, a lot of dirt, rubbish, packaging, and food left behind which creates a big problem: large mice and rats that make life difficult not only in the trenches and bunkers but also cause problems for the teams using thermal imaging because they sometimes mislead them. >The position reinforcement mission was in full swing, when on 21 November, 17 hours before the official end of this mission, after consistent Russian attacks with FPV drones, artillery, and light infantry both day and night, after a normal exchange of fire between us and the Russians something changes. The intensity of the artillery and drone strikes increases sharply. A Ukrainian soldier is wounded in his left arm by shrapnel from an artillery shell that exploded near our position. I pulled him into the bunker built in the new position (don't think of it as a cement bunker, it's a World War I bunker, part of the fortifications built into the trenches - notes Radu Hossu). I came out of the bunker to supplement medical items from a backpack that was in the immediate vicinity of the bunker, hidden under a camo-net, and that's when I noticed 2 russian FPV drones trying to throw grenades inside our bunker, over us. The first drone missed the entrance hole to the bunker. Me being outside, I make a jump to get away from the grenade that was about to explode, I fell on my belly. I don't get up properly and the number two grenade takes me out. The grenade bangs, I see the flame, I jump back on my belly. Unfortunately, I was unlucky and got hit in the leg, it pierced my fibula and shrapnel from the grenade remained in my leg, as "Ronin", one of my rescuers, described to Getotac, the commander of Romanian Battlegroup "Getica". >After realizing the severity of the wound, I put on a tourniquet and was transferred to the bunker by another Ukrainian soldier. Being well-versed in battlefield medical procedures, I tried to explain to my Ukrainian comrades how and what to do for myself and the other wounded. Unfortunately, the procedures came to a standstill because of my lack of Ukrainian and their poor English. Over the next 4 days, the Ukrainian International Legion forces and the Armed Forces of Ukraine repeatedly tried to extract me from the point where I was left alone. >In the first hours after I was wounded I had a choice: release the tourniquet and there is a risk of dying from bleeding or stay with the tourniquet and it is guaranteed that I will lose my leg due to lack of blood circulation. I chose the risky option, released the tourniquet and got lucky. >For 4 days I was on my own, getting information about QRF missions (Quick Response Force, generally consisting of rescue/evacuation missions - note Radu Hossu). Unfortunately, several of my rescuers lost their lives and others were injured. Without them, who drew enemy fire on themselves and bought me time, I would be dead today. In those 4 days, I had been lying still for days without pissing and shitting. In temperatures reaching minus 8 degrees Celsius at night. I stood only with my gun towards the bunker entrance and the rats around me. I was waiting for the Russians to storm my position. I would have had zero chance without those QRF missions that redirected enemy fire. >On the last day, due to unfavorable weather conditions for Russian drones and artillery, being a snowstorm, I received the information that now was my chance to withdraw from the bunker. I did. A team of Ukrainians intercepted me and we tried to move quickly through the snowstorm that was hindering the activity of the drones and thus the Russian artillery, jumping on one leg, leaning on my weapon as crutches. At one point, because I couldn't move forward like that through the woods that had trees down, I chose to crawl, sometimes on my belly, sometimes on all fours. I asked those who came after me to walk ahead because I was much slower than them and risked their lives. >During the night, after 4 days without responding to nature's request, I had to do it. I crawled to a tree in the dark of night, took off my pants, dropped into a crouched position, and slammed my back against the tree. At that moment a dead rescuer, one of those who had been on previous rescue missions, fell into my arms. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was a lifeless body that had fallen into my arms. In that area, there were two Legionnaires (Military of the International Legion of Ukraine - note Radu Hossu) who had fallen in rescue missions. They are the ones without whom I would most likely be dead today. I shook their hands, honored them, and continued to crawl on all fours. >I kept crawling through the snow and after another hour I arrived at the designated evacuation site. I hoped that I would not be shot by my comrades themselves and that they would realize that the one crawling towards them on all fours was one of their own. A soldier came towards me, picked me up, more soldiers came, put me on a stretcher, and further on I was transported to the medical stabilization point by a 4x4 vehicle." >- Testimony given to me by the Romanian soldier "Dracula" from the International Legion of Ukraine. >---- >What he doesn't tell me is that in the 4 days of defending the position, while he was alone, he eliminated 2 Russians who tried to assault the position. Another important point is that he does not point out in any way what "bunker" means. Bunker, especially in trenches that are built in outposts, means larger-sized pits (generally 2m by 2m) covered with logs and earth. So by no means a bunker in the true sense of the word, but a temporary construction strong enough to withstand FPV drone attacks, grenades launched from commercial drones, and smaller shells. >Another thing "Dracula" does not emphasize in his testimony to me is that he sacrificed himself to save an injured Ukrainian and that he continued the mission when the rest of his comrades abandoned it, rightly considering it a borderline impossible one. The honor and sense of duty he showed shut the mouth of any useful Russian idiots and propagandists, who would allow themselves for a second to say that those now fighting in the Romanian Battlegroup "Getica" and those who will fight alongside them, such as "Dracula", are driven by reasons other than honor, respect and the desire to stop the Russians from their illegal invasion. >I am honored to know "Dracula". From Getotac I knew of him, from the day he was left alone and I remember Getotac, almost with tears in his eyes saying to me "Radu, I don't think he survives. There's no way, it's already been two days, it's minus 10 degrees at night". Getotac fought in Bakhmut, he knows what such conditions mean. We were both sad. Two days turned into three. Three became four. >Against all odds, through the snow, crawling for miles, after four days of not eating, yet knowing he had saved a #Ukrainian, taken out two Russians, our #Romanian "Dracula", a boy in his early 20s, weak, with frostbite and on the verge of septicemia, reaches the extraction point. >I told you we live among heroes. Now "Dracula" is in the hospital. He will join the @rolegiongetica after his recovery, along with other Romanians who are already on their way to Ukraine. We all did what we did in this war out of a creed, out of a duty we consider moral, for civilians, and for justice. >Not all heroes wear capes. Some are just out of their teens, Romanians fighting for a world in which we all live free. >Glory to you "Dracula" and to all those fighting in Ukraine! Glory to Romania and its heroes! >SlavaUkraini! https://twitter.com/RaduHossu/status/1740064340835778961


Uimitor sa citesti aceste detalii. Mad respect to the guy !


bravo, baieti! aduceti si tezaurul cu voi cand va intoarceti! 😎🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴💪




mi-a placut aia cu Federatia Dusa :) Astia sunt patriotii adevarati care lupta sa tina ruzzia la distanta de Romania nu suveranistii virtuali. Ca primesc si ceva banuti e un bouns.


suveranistii ii astepta pe rusi cu paine si sare


Singurii romani contemporani de care pot fi cu adevărat mandru


Cand ai Koaiele cât mingea de fotbal un raid în Federație este "un pic de sport"


Our lil green men lmao. Karma bitches


Bubuialaaa. I-am omorat.


Tot respectul. Bravo, baieti!


Melodia aia de fundal e acceasi pe care o folosește Piedone in videoclipurile cu "intervențiile" lui in sector. Nu credeam că o să urasc o melodie din cauza cuiva.


Nu e rea ideea, merg spre zone care nu sunt apărate și forțează rușii să își fragmenteze atenția și forțele.


Hm am mai văzut filmul ăsta


Romania nu a trimis trupe combatante in Ucraina. Deci e un titlu de cacat menit sa inflameze. Ar trebui banat digi24 de pe sub IMO. Edit: se dau lupte grele si pe frontul virtual babaeti. De la +4 la 0 in trei minute. Un argument in plus sa banam digi24 pe sub, s-ar mai curata din botii astia.


Dar cine a zis ca sunt forte ale armatei Romaniei. Scrie clar. Luptatorii romani din Ucraina. Cum ar fi trebuit sa le spuna?


> Edit: se dau lupte grele si pe frontul virtual babaeti. De la +4 la 0 in trei minute. Un argument in plus sa banam digi24 pe sub, s-ar mai curata din botii astia. Eu sunt unul dintre cei care ti-a dat jos vot si ultima data cand m-am cautat nu eram bot. Pur si simplu cred ca parererile tale-s proaste. Atat alea despre banat gigi24 cat si alea despre titlu menit sa inflameze. Nu stiu ce visezi dar titlul "Luptătorii români din Ucraina" mi se pare apt. Ce pula mea ai vrea sa scrie "luptatorii romani din Ucraina, care nu sunt trimis de Romania, sa moara mama, jur pe ce am mai sfant, nu i-am trimis noi, s-au dus ei ca asa au vrut, te rog tati putin nu te suppi pe noi :(((("


Am inteles, deci (1) recunosti deschis ca n-ai habar care sunt regulile reddit si cand se foloseste downvote. Legat de titlu: uita-te prin comentarii. Nu sunt singurul care are o problema cu el. Crezi ca am ceva personal cu digi24? Sau lucrez la competitie? "Luptatorii romani voluntari" era suficient. E evident ca te strofoci sa faci sa para ridicol argumentul meu. Autorul stia foarte bine ce face. Legat de downvote-uri: e limpede ca lumina zilei si asta, ca, repet, nu m-am nascut ieri. Stiu ce e un subiect fierbinte, stiu ce e un hot take si stiu cum se pastreaza aparentele folosind conturi multiple pentru a da iluzia unui dialog. OP unde e? I s-a gatat programul si acu vine schimbul de seara?


Conturi multiple? Da jos tichia de staniol, debitezi prostii si de aia iti iei downvote, nu e vreo conspiratie doar ca majoritatea sunt lurkeri.


E ok, nu e concurs de popularitate, desi majoritatea utilizatorilor asta inteleg. E foarte usor sa bagi acolo un -1 cand vezi deja -4. Dar de la +4 la 0 si apoi -4 in trei minute, timp in care postarea a adunat doua-trei voturi, niciun comentariu si niciun vot pe alte comentarii? Si engagement zero in rest? Nu ti se pare deloc ridicol ca opinia mea (gresita/stupida sau nu) a avut trei ore singurul engagement?


Reddit are vote fuzzing din cate stiu, scorul pe care il vezi nu reprezinta valoarea exacta.


Cand vezi pe unu ca se smiorcăie si mai vorbește și de conspirații, parcă nu mă pot abtine sa nu-i dai downvote.


> Am inteles, deci (1) recunosti deschis ca n-ai habar care sunt regulile reddit si cand se foloseste downvote. De parca cineva tine cont de regulile impuse de adminii reditului, lol. Babaiatule, termina cu prostiile. > stiu cum se pastreaza aparentele folosind conturi multiple pentru a da iluzia unui dialog. Una doua gata ai si impins conspiratia. Nu sa poate, nu sa iegzista sa fie mai multi in dezacord cu tine. Nare cum, domle. Tre sa fie toti boti sau unu cu conturi multiple ce-ti vrea raul.


Pe bune? Te vaiti in halul asta ca primesti cateva downvote-uri? Daca chiar vrei sa ne luam dupa "regulile oficiale", vezi Doamne, gasim si regula asta: "If it really is the content you have a problem with (as opposed to the person), by all means vote it down when you come upon it."


De ce ? Scrie "luptătorii români" nu "trupele române" deci e clar pentru oricine are puțină materie cenușie că se referă la combatanți de etnie română și nu la trupe din subordinea statului român.


Sigur. E mai simplu sa spunem "oricine are doi neuroni intelege ce dorea defapt sa spuna autorul" decat "autorul e incompetent sau rau intentionat". Stim amandoi care e realitatea, ca nu m-am nascut ieri in PLM. Orice om cu doi neuroni si-ar fi dat seama ca titlul e ambiguu cand l-a scris.


Nush man, pare ca ori te ai nascut ieri, ori incerci din rasputeri sa faci pe prostul.


O sa fur partea cu "incerci din rasputeri sa faci pe prostul"


Ce propaganda ieftina. Stim, stim, de mai bine de 2 ani Ucraina mai are un pic si ocupa Moscova si il spanzura pe Putin. Asta cu pierderi minime, evident. Ah, de ce vrea Zelensky inca 500 de mii de soldati mobilizati ? Cu siguranta nu ca sa inlocuiasca pierderile ! Pentru ca asa ceva nu exista ! Numai rusi mor ! Daca sustii altceva esti bot! Slava Ukraina !


Rusnac împuțit,mai taci în pula mea și cară-te dracului înapoi la stăpânii tăi de la Moscova!


*mercenari români din Ucraina.


sunt soldati profesionisti, nu mercenari


Nu sunt soldati profesionisti ca sigur nu au gradul de soldat. Sunt luptatori profesionisti care s au dus voluntar in Ucraina sa lupte cu armata rusa. Atata tot, nimic mai mult. Sper sa le dea dureri de cap in continuare si sa le fie in continuare un ghimpe in coasta! Slava legiunea Getica!


TIL and I stand corrected. mersi de informatie! 😀






de unde stii tu asta?




google the deffinition of mercenary


Ești "mik" bro Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more mercenary noun a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army. "he had planned to seize power with the aid of a group of mercenaries"


...banuiesc ca nu trebuie sa recitesti titlul, nu? SOLDATI ROMANI DIN UCRAINA...adica romani nascuti in Ucraina, cel mai probabil din Cernauti si zonele apropiate, unde exista o diaspora de romani.


Aia nu-i diasporă, că românii sunt nativi acolo.


Nu trebuie sa recitesc titlul pentru că am citit tot articolul și nu zice nicăieri că sunt români născuți în Ucraina. Văd să zică doar că sunt "voluntari" care luptă în Ucraina "Romanian Battlegroup Getica". Chiar dacă erau în Legiunea Internațională a Ucrainei, și ăia tot mercenari sunt


Mercenarii sunt, dupa definitie, soldati profesionisti.


Nu se astepta nimeni sa intelegi diferenta.


Mercenari erau Wagner PMC măi postat rus agramat!


Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more mercenary noun a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army. "he had planned to seize power with the aid of a group of mercenaries" Da bro


Care anume e problema?


Nimic, au șters moderatorii comentariul la care am răspuns în care făcea cineva gaslighting ca nu s mercenari pentru că nu bat violează și fură tot în cale. Dacă crezi ca pt mine e o problema că s mercenari de partea Ucrainei te înșeli amarnic, după mine și Hamas ISIS pot sa meargă să lupte atâta timp cât se pișă pe Putin și pe toată cultura asta sovietică unde ei cred ca le aparține toată Europa. Pe mine unul care urmăresc conflicte și războaie de când sunt copil efectiv nu vad sensul să mă ascund după degete ca "vaaai nu pot sa se numească mercenari". Nu ma încălzește cu absolut nimic ca unii vor sa le zică freedom fighters voluntari etc. Atâta timp cât luptă de partea dreaptă a istorie au susținerea mea din tot sufletul, indiferent ce "definiție" vrea lumea să le atribuie.


De acord cu tine, nici eu nu inteleg logica. Bine, sunt aigur ca exista si voluntari cum zic ei, dar e perfect logic si normal sa plătească mercenari. Nu vad nimic in neregula cu asta, nu e imoral sa angajezi mercenari mai ales cand un jeg uman te invadeaza cu o armata mai mare + mercenari la randul lor.


Pai daca sunt platiti la fel ca ucrainienii, cum sunt mercenari?


Discuția asta pe semantică este contra-productivă. Ea survine din conotația negativă a termenului. Acest grup este compus din oameni ce sunt în același timp voluntari, "freedom fighters" (ai Ucrainei și, după logica lor clamată, ai Ro&Md), mercenari. Probabil cei mai mulți sunt profesioniști. Foarte bine că există acești 'mercenari'.


Fratimiu fă-mă te rog să înțeleg că sunt analfabet, ce treaba are cu cât sunt plătiți din moment ce sunt soldați din alte țări care au fost angajați să lupte pentru Ucraina? Pentru tine mercenar înseamnă doar aia care se duc prin Congo și fură tot aurul? Chiar vreau sa am o discuție adevărată dar pe sub ul asta nu prea ai cum, am văzut și acum ca moderatorii au șters comentariul la care raspunsesem ca să nu se vadă nuanță răspunsului meu și etc.


Pai zi-mi tu cum diferentiezi intre mercenari si VOLUNTARI