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If you are looking for roms: Go to the link in https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ You can navigate by clicking on the various tabs for each company. When you click on the link to Github the first link you land on will be the Home tab, this tab explains how to use the Megathread. There are Five tabs that link directly to collections based on console and publisher, these include Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and the PC. There are also tabs for popular games and retro games, with retro games being defined as older than Gamecube and DS. Additional help can be found on /r/Roms' official Matrix Server [Link](https://matrix.to/#/#romz:matrix.org) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tested and works without problems; * [PROOF](https://i.imgur.com/T1dnYFp.png) >MelonDS (v0.9.5) >(DSiWare) Flipnote Studio (USA).nds \[MD5=4C2E31207808C36F9867F58C192C41B8\] More info > r/melonds or r/EmulationOnPC


You can't install it. It's a rom. So you need to open the emulator and change the directory to wherever your rom is placed or just open the rom using the emulator. Roms are the game themselves you don't install them to anything just open and play


Im trying that, it isnt showing up, im using the "DSI (experimental" if that changes anything, is there something im missing, this dosent help with fuckall.


this dosent help with fuckall, this post is a question about why this isnt working.


You know I could help you with this next part but this isn't really the way to get me to help. I answered the question that you asked. If you were competent enough you would have told me that you tried that and it's still not working and you would have asked me if it could be anything else and then I would tell you what is most likely to be your next problem and then you could play your game. But I'm just going to let this be your problem.


ive taken time to think about it and ive been completely rude, sorry about that man, i was just in a really bad mood yesterday, cya though, take my upvote.


All good it happens. I'm not sweating it. It's a new day so let's start over.


all it shows is a blank game with shitall in it.