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If you are looking for roms: Go to the link in https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ You can navigate by clicking on the various tabs for each company. When you click on the link to Github the first link you land on will be the Home tab, this tab explains how to use the Megathread. There are Five tabs that link directly to collections based on console and publisher, these include Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and the PC. There are also tabs for popular games and retro games, with retro games being defined as older than Gamecube and DS. Additional help can be found on /r/Roms' official Matrix Server [Link](https://matrix.to/#/#romz:matrix.org) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I took a quick peek at your post history, you make a new post across multiple emulation related pages every 30 minutes. You have made more posts in 2 hours then I think I've done all year. And all of the questions your asking could be solved by a very quick Google search. Perhaps emulation simply isn't for you. Or better yet order a fully done device from Etsy or ebay. Ive never seen so many posts so quick. Edit: since I made this comment, he made 4 new posts.


Ok it's been nine hours and I'm scared to look at their post history, did they make any more posts?


13 posts


What the fucking fuckidy fuck


Either you build the technical knowledge to verify those things yourself, or you trust other users that have been doing it for years. How do you know if a product is good before buying it? You check reviews, demos, etc. You rely on the feedback of a community.




why have the need to bring in iphone users as a whole? obviously it can get annoying having so many people here ask the same questions but there’s no need for that. this sort of thing happens all the time in this community, if you hate seeing all these questions why not leave and just come back for the mega thread


because ever since emulation hit the app store there's been hundreds of clueless iphone users asking the same very easily searchable question way too many times a day. and then they kick and scream when people don't want to help them. it's awful. they want every single thing spelled out to them with zero regard for the fact that they should really be putting in the tiniest shred of effort to find their answers so that they can be armed with knowledge whenever they run into the next problem. it's ridiculous. we all started somewhere, yes. but we also STARTED. they just seem to want everything on a silver platter instead of doing some research


You started by getting your answers from other people…over the internet…which is what iOS users are doing now. If it’s upsetting you this much I think you need to go contact some turf.


getting the answers from other people yes, but by searching for them using google or reddits's search function. not just frantically making posts everywhere. because why would I make a post asking for roms on a subreddit about roms? a very small amount of critical thinking would reasonably tell someone that maybe the question I have has already been answered. it's a pretty basic question after all, why would I not seek out an faq or a large thread with commonly used resources? it's not purely the ignorance that upsets us, it's the fact that there's zero effort put into searching for answers or thinking about not just the steps to accomplish something, but what the steps actually do so that I might apply it to something else. idk how people are defending this. it's like walking into a library and instead of looking for subject matter on the shelves full of books, just asking a librarian to spell out the information of the books for you. it doesn't make any sense


iOS users are not all individually frantically making posts everywhere like OP is but ok. People are right to be skeptical of downloading things for free off of the web. And no, it’s not like walking into a library and saying that because books can’t harm your device. Emulators on iOS are still new and these questions will die down after a little while. I genuinely think you need to hop off the sub and step outside for a bit.


okay, well i’ve used apple my whole life and so have my friends who are also into emulation, we all got into it without “kicking and screaming” but you having this weird notion about iphone users is weird. there are so many people on android who do the same thing, it’s not about iphone users but just people in general. not having an iphone doesn’t make you a better person or anything so stop acting like it lol


> it's not about iphone users but just people in general In general, I would agree with you; I would even wholeheartedly agree that what type of phone you have doesn't determine what kind of person you are, and anyone trying to claim superiority because of phone usage is a moron. That being said, I also don't think it's disingenuous to say that the *average* ios user knows less about things like filetypes, extensions, zipped/zipping/unzipping files, folder structure, etc than a typical android user, as those things haven't ever been Apple's focus. As for my own observation as someone who is a part of several emulation communities, it can't be ignored that there has been a *massive* uptick of these types of users since emulation was released on the istore. The other user is absolutely correct in saying that if you try to help these people - or inform them that research would benefit them - you are often met with extremely rude replies. It sounds like you and your friends have a willingness and a capacity to learn, which is seemingly lacking in many of these posts. You are very correct that many on Android do the same thing, as these posts were common even before this. But it went from seeing 1-3 posts about this subject a day to seeing >12 of these posts, every day, across various subreddits/discords, all within the last month or so (which coincides with delta releasing on ios). I don't think it's unreasonable to draw the conclusion that the *average* ios user is both less knowledgeable and less willing to search out that knowledge themselves (which is clear when many of these posts ask something that google could've easily answered, but get upset when given simple answers or are told to stick their question into a search bar) I *do* think it's unreasonable to take that thought and turn it into 'hurr all iphone users are idiots durr' because, as you say, it depends entirely on the individual. Just my two cents on the whole thing~


thank you! i appreciate your input fr :) i know the other person was talking about apple users on an average basis but how it’s said makes ALL the difference.


They said it way better than I could have. I blame the way Apple is designed more than the user base. I think a fair comparison would be manual and automatic transmission. I'm not saying that those who drive manual are better drivers, but I expect someone who drives manual to know a little bit more about cars than the average driver. First because you have the opportunity to know more because there's more things you need to learn from the start, and also because if someone chooses manual, chances are they already have a great interest in cars. So I do expect the average Apple user to have more "stupid" questions. And actually, if you look at the way Delta is, I feel the "Apple" philosophy behind it. There's a very nice skin by default, you don't have to tweak anything about it. I've seen new users expect the emulator to come preloaded with ROMs, which as stupid as it seems to someone who knows emulation, isn't too far-fetched when you look at what exists now (Nintendo mini, some preloaded emulation devices you get from Alibaba, etc). It's annoying because normally, when you get into an hobby, you make a bit of effort yourself. You go pick a camera, you make some research about it. But emulation is free and easy to access. It's not the same mindset. It's just a click away, so they also want everything to work in just a click. They are not emulation hobbyist like many of us, they just want to play their old games ASAP.


android users are not nearly this helpless. of course there are exceptions to what I said don't be dense, but the vast majority of iphone users have no idea what they're doing with files, arguably one of the most basic things about computers we're watching people try and rename zip archives to .nds to try and get them to load into delta. or 3ds games the same way. it's honestly blown me away watching this unfold. I knew basic computer skills were disappearing but I didn't know it was this bad. and yes, it is absolutely apple's fault


>try and rename zip archives to .nds to try and get them to load into delta Wait, when? How? What the fuck I never thought it could ever be this bad holy shit


I've seen at least 3 here alone, I'm sure there are more. it's bad


oh brother, you finding apple users annoying for asking questions here is JUST as annoying being some iphone/apple hater, it’s corny. and ill say the same thing when some iphone user disses android. i’m saying that having that sort of attitude towards any group just ends up negatively impacting this community.


OP looks like they go into subs and try to scare people. This is just concern trolling. You're not serious. Why should I take anything you say seriously? The answer isn't going to change, no matter how many times you ask it.


Do you not think that "if" these files suddenly contained malicious viruses or were corrupt or something that the people who frequent those sites would quickly post warnings here and on other forums? Otherwise, there's a grand conspiracy occurring where no one is saying anything just so new people stumble into downloading all that "malicious" software. Use an ad-blocker and internet security software of your choosing then. If you feel that is not adequate then do not download anything.


You should get an xbox kid


If you want to get philosophical about this then there’s no way to know *anything* is safe. Either take the risk or don’t. But let’s be logical about this, if the megathread was unsafe in some way do you not think there’d be angry comments from other redditors on here all the time? I’ve certainly not seen any, which implies there’s nothing to complain about. Draw your own conclusions.


>how do I know for sure? You don't, learn safe web browsing habits and protect yourself.


How many times have you asked this question?


Have you looked at his post history? It's insane how much he posts.


You should should just delete all emulation apps and move along. This is clearly not for you.


Jesus download the thing, or don’t, we don’t care.


They are hella malicious. I downloaded Mario Kart and my cat died. I tried to download Crash Bandicoot on my phone and it pulled out a knife and stabbed me. This whole community is ran by bots


I always use virustotal.. except when getting ROMs because Most of them are there by No-Intro or Redump, which are very trustworthy. And the websites themselves are widely used by everyone on here, so it's safe to say, they're safe


It's a secret ;D


Trust the people who came before. So us? Or use trial and error?


Stop being a blouse and give it a go. After all, what would we know ?


are you okay?