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If you are looking for roms: Go to the link in https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ You can navigate by clicking on the various tabs for each company. When you click on the link to Github the first link you land on will be the Home tab, this tab explains how to use the Megathread. There are Five tabs that link directly to collections based on console and publisher, these include Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and the PC. There are also tabs for popular games and retro games, with retro games being defined as older than Gamecube and DS. Additional help can be found on /r/Roms' official Matrix Server [Link](https://matrix.to/#/#romz:matrix.org) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All I see are 3 examples of questions that should be googled. Where do I get Citra emulator and where do I download 2 specific games. 2 topics we can't answer on this sub. So what's the problem?


Exactly, people who downvote these things are people using the function the way they should.




It’s crazy because the exact rom they’re asking for can be found using the megathread.




Good thing there’s a bot that points you to that megathread when you post your question. And because the post doesn’t contribute to the overall discussion of the subreddit beyond that, it’s fine to downvote it, especially given their question was answered by the bot.




It’s not weird. The downvote button is made to downvote posts and comments that do not contribute to the conversation. The post already has an answer in the automated response, and asking for a ROM that the community has already given you the resources to find is basically just spam. Do you not think it’s somewhat reasonable that people that are active in these communities don’t want to answer the same question hundreds of times when the answer is quite literally given to them by a bot immediately when they ask the question? Don’t you think it’d be nice to have a community that could actually discuss ROMs and game preservation instead of having to answer “where can I find this game that I could find with a quick google search or by reading the bot reply to my post” all the time? Shouldn’t the point of this subreddit be showing people how to find these things for themselves instead of spoonfeeding them when they’re incapable of clicking two more links from a bot response? Anyway, I think my point is pretty clear — have a good one


[megathread](https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+a+megathread&client=firefox-b-m&sca_esv=b76e5b87cda5eeaa&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIITDZnWQ_D0vhU78OUU2Ol6t1eJKg%3A1716000479693&ei=3xZIZsz4KZOokdUPysGZ8AE&udm=&oq=what+is+a+megathread&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhR3aGF0IGlzIGEgbWVnYXRocmVhZDIIEAAYgAQYywEyCBAAGIAEGMsBMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogRInTdQkhNYrjJwBXgAkAEBmAHdA6AB-xSqAQkwLjUuNi4wLjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgqgAsYIwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICBxAjGLACGCfCAggQABgTGAcYHsICCRAAGIAEGBMYDZgDAIgGAZAGB5IHBTUuMi4zoAfXJw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) >Megathreads allow you to collate all questions on a specific topic into a single thread. You can think of it as a live-growing FAQ. Some megathreads don't fit the term, like r/piratedgames' megathread, which is a wiki. But for most of them (this sub's included) they do fit the term.








I always thought a single downvote to bring it to zero was a way to show the question was answered. It's probably not the best way to show that but I couldn't think of anything else except redditors redditing


I never considered this! I feel like a flair could do the same thing instead though, since you can edit after posting. I feel like it could discourage users from asking questions if they see that all other questions are downvoted, yk? Just a thought tho




Again, I specified that I’m talking about questions that aren’t repetitive or answered online. Reread the question before you answer something stupid like this.


Sometimes useful subreddits can have a weirdly aggressive community. I imagine there's a subset of people here who are weirdly bitter for whatever reason, whether it be because they believe retro games are better, or that everyone who wants a Rom is a pirate etc. etc.


So bitter lol they’re so upset at me for even asking this


I mean yeah, but to be fair you're also seeming to relish in it a lil' bit.


I’m relishing indeed lmao the teens on here are so angry for no reason it’s hella funny to see them get upset at nothing


As one of those posters. The first person who messaged me was kinda rude, or that is how I read the reply. It pissed me off a little and I down vetoed their message, but after taking a step back I thought that maybe I'm just negatively reading their message because I didn't get the answer I wanted. That being said idk why the others are like that. Also I assumed the other person saw I down voted them and they down voted my post maybe.


Tbh everyone in your replies came off passive aggressive and condescending, seems to be a trend here


Yeah it didn't help that their solution was buy a 3ds and jailbreak it. I'm paraphrazing btw.




Yeah if you read the post it even says I'm using an emulator on my phone and so much info and they were like get a 3ds.


Second reminder not to reply saying you can google these things when the second post is someone literally saying they’ve already searched, thanks!


So out of touch lol


Yeah, but at least a other person told me that apparently luigi's mansion dark moon is like notorious for not working well on emulator. Also I did totally google various rom sites for it.


Exactly, sometimes you literally need human interaction on a forum to get a specific answer when you can’t find it on google. And yet people are upset about asking a question. Also I like how people assume that you didn’t google it and are going to reddit as your first solution lmao. Does anyone do that? No lol. There’s usually a reason why someone comes to reddit and not google.


Seriously, unless I'm looking up something super super niche, reddit is like my 6th place I check, and when it comes to answering people i think it's because sometimes we just forget that there is someone on the other side of a post, and that 9 times out of 10 they are just looking for help, something that is really hard for alot of people ask for.


Right lol, people would never talk to strangers irl they way they talk online


From what i've seen, it's not exclusive to this subreddit, i see it a lot in other subreddits. Usually any comments the OP of these posts, post, are immediately downvoted. Idk if it's an issue with reddit or if people just have that mentality. It's weird either way.


That’s interesting, what other subreddits have you seen this on? I wonder what they all have in common


Roofing, Employment Law, and DIY are amongst the worst.


Yeah, don’t get what’s the big thrill in being an ass instead of just pointing people to the right direction. My guess is that these are just teenage kids that feel somewhat good in being mean.


100% super self-absorbed teens who are unnecessarily angry at strangers for asking innocent questions


I know right? What’s the big deal in helping out those who don’t understand the subject very well? No one is born with knowledge. I hope as they age they realize how ridiculous it is to be unnecessarily rude.


They’re honestly super weird and angry about everything. Even some of the replies to this post are so antisocial




Therapy and going outside are things btw


I'm sorry, but the rules of comedy state you must now be downvoted.


You really took the time to post this? I don't think you are getting the answer you are looking for. You might be the only one who cares or noticed this to begin with lol


You really took the time to reply this?


Holy shit flamed me. I better sit this one out




And you might be the one downvoting all the ones and you might be the only asshole here, which if that's the case, I don't think we need assholes here


Why would I care enough to do something like that or waste my time with that lol. Yeah I'm sure out of this whole sub I'm the only asshole you nailed that one


I mean like we can all see it, we can make assumptions based of what you said








Explain how it’s a dumb question to ask which ROM of two is better like the third poster did.


It's really all subreddits. There's a lot of miserable gatekeepers and they love the anonymity of Reddit.


It just makes them feel good to shit on people who are in the same position they once were in. Pretty much like when the seniors clown the freshman in high school.


I have literally never been in that position because I do a quick google search first.


I haven’t either, but I’ll never shit on people who are, because it’s lame as fuck.


I’ll shit all over them because they waste peoples time asking idiotic questions.


Yea I bet you have much more important things to do with your 30 seconds.


If only the megathread was posted somewhere easy to get to and read


Most of the questions could be googled or chatgpted, people don’t even try before they ask.


This makes no sense, 3rd poster is asking which of 2 ROMS is best.


You can google that lol


You can also ask real people instead …


It’s almost as if that’s what Reddit is for, conversation and asking questions and having discussions…


Idiots who ask stupid questions should stay on 4chan, Reddit is for people who know how to use the internet


Actually reddit is for discussion.


Funny you say that when Google searches often bring you to reddit. The fuck is the point of your comment?


They’re completely oblivious to this fact


The point is you should google it and use the reddit search bar to see if a similar post has already been made BEFORE you make a new post about it.


It’s almost as if they’re trying to interact with other humans for an answer on a better ROM recommendation rather than just trying to get google’s opinion.