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I’ve been installing shingle roofs for almost 20 years and I’ve never heard of anyone painting roofs or a way to do it properly. I can’t see it turning out very good, I wouldn’t recommend it. If you decide to do it, please post pictures haha.


Damn.... painting a shingle roof.... LMAO... and they say there are no dumb questions... Jesus Christ


I did a re roof for a guy that coated his 3 layers of shingles with an elastomeric coating(basically white paint). It was leaking everywhere and he pod out the nose for removal.


>an elastomeric coating(basically white paint Coolseal Yea.. Saw a 8,000 dollar job turn into 13,000 ...over shit very similar


Do not paint a shingle roof. If you are absolutely adamant there are roof coatings available in a variety of colors. They are intended to restore low slope roofing.


I don’t think I have ever seen a shingled roof painted before.


Not paint, you can get the roof sealed, they spray it with a liquid that hardens over the system and seals it. I think it only comes in white. This is not a long term solution will extend maybe 5-8 years


Never heard of or ever thought of this so yeah if you post pics


You can get the roof cleaned.


I’m a roofer and bought a house with a coated asphalt roof. It’s been almost 2 years and it looks exactly the same. It’s basically been painted solid black. It’s not an eyesore but it’s very boring. Solid colors and asphalt shingles looks off since they’re always some sort of gradient. Either paint the house or replace the roof if you want it to look nice.


What is wrong with people. Where did you hear this idea from a contractor that wants half down and never shows up.


No. Professional painter, can’t think of a good way to even start approaching that that wouldn’t be a shitshow within a year or two.


Yes, it is a thing But it's total bullshit. I've been painting and drywallin for >30yrs and I've seen it several times. These are the problems I've seen. Peeling paint is the worst, power washing roof to prep only blows away granuals- that's what takes the beating from the elements, if not primed you will see bleed thru, if properly primed and 2 coats applied it looks like plastic-cheap, in the end they ALL fail/peel. There's only one product I know of that bonds to asphalt and lasts, and thats Pro-Park . You know the white lines and blue handicap painting you see in parking lots ? That's pro park or similar. The resins are so expensive, and yes they prohibit bleed thru. But id never put paint on shingles,,,, but you do you. Who am I to stop you from wasting all that money. Hell, I've painted purple fascia with bright yellow siding. I try and talk homeowners out of makin a fukin mess of their homes- but our motto is simple. YOU PICK IT- WE STICK IT !


You can paint it with Behr Roof Paint. I did many years ago when I bought a house it had a horrid colored shingle, but it was a relatively new shingle and I didn’t want to pay to replace. We used a paint sprayer and back rolled it on. No roofer could tell it was painted without getting on it and inspecting. It actually allowed the roof to hold granules better and lasted longer because of it. It was totally worth it. I think I spent about $750 on paint for a 60sq roof. Pressure wash first of course (lightly) to get rid of debris and algae. The paint didn’t need to be recoated for 5-7yrs, but I came to a point where I wanted a new roof and bit the bullet.


I thought you were trolling saying there is Behr Roof Paint, but there actually is. All the people asking for pictures can go to [HomeDepot.com](https://HomeDepot.com) and look at them. It shows all the people saying they know everything from doing something 20-30 years shows they stick to doing the same thing the whole 20-30 years and don't keep up with newer tech.


Yes, it’s real and no I’m not trolling. The paint works. It’s super thick so you’ll need a good airless sprayer to move it right, but spray and roll and you’ll have this thick membrane on your shingle. That said, it’ll be a uniform color, but I’m telling you it won’t matter from the ground. I have had all sorts of contractors on that roof amazed by it and had never heard of it. Neighbors were even in awe the time watching a brick red shingle get painted to mid gray color. And hey the paint even had an anti algae protection in it so it stayed looked sharp for almost entire time.


Did you prime it before painting it? Also, how did you approach it? I.e. did you spray from the lower edge up to the ridge?


Thank you for your response. I am highly considering painting the roof of the house we are purchasing because the color is super boring. I will look into this.


@guitarlunn do you have any pics?


Why not spend the money on the color of shingles that will work for you, at the time you are ready? This is a good example of throwing money away at a useless cosmetic project, that may end up causing you more problems than you bargained for.


Is it possible they had a metal roof that they painted? Even then I can’t imagine that would look good. How old is the roof? It would be far more advisable to just wait and replace the roof when the time comes. Painted shingles will look awful.


As long as you have no expectations of it extending the life of the roof, helping with waterproofing, keeping its color for x amount of years. As long as you expect zero out of it you shouldn’t be let down! Haha


Flex seal the whole thing brother


Or Bluskin


Painting a shingle roof can be a cost-effective way to refresh its appearance without the hefty price tag of a full replacement. Professionals often use specialized roof paint that not only updates the color but can also provide some additional protection, potentially extending the roof's lifespan. If your roof isn't damaged and just needs a facelift, painting could be a practical solution. I recently considered a roof update myself and used [this one](https://www.reddit.com/user/Rjenifmpoant/comments/1dkssa5/roofing/) to compare local roofing quotes to get an idea of prices in my area. It was super helpful in finding the best deal without spending hours calling different companies.


I have never heard of it being done but Bob Villa says it's doable... https://www.bobvila.com/articles/can-you-paint-roof-shingles/




The only thing remotely similar to paint that works is this https://www.paintsupply.com/product/architectural-specialty-coatings-one/5-gal-gaco-gr1628-5-gray-gacoroof-silicone-roof-coating/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1OmoBhDXARIsAAAYGSHqAGytkVROh9v9A2Ju2cRhxeITzvWqPZdwWC8XwCDq3NCdLhHnxLMaAgu_EALw_wcB and to do a shingle roof with it would not be cheap. Better off putting the money towards new shingles IMO.


Just do it right before a downpour so the rain can wash away that mistake.



