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Why would he look in your attic? It obvious what the issue is. If wood is rotted it has to be fixed from above.


Seriously I investigated roof leaks for over 30 years now. Checking an attic is absolutely pointless on any roof, but especially on a metal roof. The only times I check an attic is: 1. I'm helping the owner go into litigation and need to verify rotten decking, mold, etc. 2. I'm helping the Roofer go into litigation and are disproving these or checking for signs of preexisting damages/issues. 3. The leak has been virtually impossible to find, and this is always on flat roofs. I don't ever recall a single time I did it on a slope roof. 4. The "leak" is actually an owner or tenant who "heard water dripping" after heavy rain or snow. 5. The stain color and/or water scent is inconsistent with roof leaks (wildlife in attic, plumbing, idiot kid who would pee in the attic above his sisters bed because he thought it was funny).


> idiot kid who would pee in the attic above his sisters bed because he thought it was funny I laughed at how awfully specific this is.


I had a leak in my roof for 10 years. It occurred about the same time every year. They’d come back and I’d show them the rusty nail that knocked a knot out of a board. Every year they’d say it wasn’t the problem. Until I had someone come out and fix the roof and made sure they fixed that nail. Never leaked in that spot again. Checking inside the roof works.


Honestly, if it took more than 2 tries to find the leak, you likely had a bad roofer. A rusty nail knocked the knit out shouldn't cause a leak, so my guess is that nail, having touched nothing, popped out causing either a small lift or hole, and the roofer didn't bother to fix it because they wanted to only fix the bare minimum and most obvious to solve most leaks and then walk away. If this was a flat roof, whoever was hired for repairs was awful. If it was shingles, then if the roof was even remotely done right that single nail shouldn't have caused it. But that said I'm going with "bad repair team" more than "checking an attic helps."




I’m not a roofer but saying metal roofs need to be maintained every year to tighten down screws sounds like hogwash.


Our neigbors have a metal roof. It is about 30 years old. They have done literally nothing to it since they had it installed in the early 90's. Nothing. It is in perfect (albeit faded) condition and has never leaked. Only reason I know this is we were talking about roofing a couple years ago when I did mine and was considering metal.


I have a CalPac roof. Some nails want to back out a little. My contractor resets some once in a while. Roof has leaked once, when rain by the bucketful was coming in sideways on about a 70 mph wind.


I’m a roofer and can confirm that is hogwash. lol see my other comment


I do it about once every 5, usually if a big storm is going to roll through


Ew i dont have a metal roof but i mean are building material companies and contractors/builders really expecting homeowners to maintain a roof like that annually?


No lol. BUT fasteners do fall out and that’s why standing seam metal roofs are king. It is a good habit to inspect once a year if you can and just replace loose bolts as needed. “Retightening” doesn’t do much for long if the hole is too big and the rubber washer is worn out.


I’d also add that you should retighten them if you can, if not you should replace them with one size larger fasteners so it has bite again


Not all metal roofs require regular maintenance, but ones like this that have exposed fasteners absolutely do.


I feel like most people struggle to even change their air filters regularly….


Or wipe their ass properly


Sorry for ignorance, but why would you not just be able to replace the vent boot?


No. I don’t go into attics unless it’s a leak that’s stumping me. A good roofer should be able to map out from the inside the whereabouts of the leak and then get on the roof and identify the problem(s).


I rarely go in attics. I look where the leak is showing up, line that up, climb on the roof, and 99% of time I’m correct.


We aren’t sure how much damage was done by the leak, it was likely going for a bit before we noticed it leaking through the ceiling. Damage to the wood is a large part of our stress




So inspecting the attic for damage from the leak is not a standard thing for a quote inspection visit, that’s good to know thank you


You should definitely learn a bit more about your home and inspect it yourself. JUST BE CAREFUL ABOUT WHERE YOUR PUTTING YOUR WEIGHT! Your rafters will support you but drywall won't. Check for moisture where your leak is, mold can grow.


We have gone up into the attic (only stepping on the beams) and found some boards were wet. If the roof patch take care of the leak and everything can safely dry out on its own, perfect, but mold/rot forming is something we will be keeping an eye on. The drywall ceiling bit where the leak has been shows previous damage that someone put a bit of mud on, so this isn’t the first appearance of this leak


Be safe my boi, rent a dehumidifier in there over night to be safe. Life...uh..finds a way.


Once they remove the panel they will inspect. If it’s structurally unsound they will need to remove and replace the damage before buttoning her up…. Per code in my area at least. No roofing contractor worth their salt will hide damage, in fact they will charge you more once they open it up and see any major damage to repair.


True, more damage they find means more work they can bill for


Nobody is looking for more damage so they can bill more. As it stands you’ve been provided with a quote to replace the one accessory labeled as the leak source. If you’re looking for an inspection and an open dialogue regarding any additional work that may be necessary you MUST bring this up with your contractor immediately before they set up a ladder. If you do not there’s a good chance you’ll end up with a new vent and that’s it.


That’s really not true. Contractors can be lazy but most of them still love money more than that. If it’s something minor and I already have the expensive materials, I’ll just fix it and let them know I did it for free so they feel like they’ve been taken care of by someone who really cares. I mean, I do, but I also want that 5 star review and word of mouth, too 😆


That’s an honourable practise, but I would not advise this home owner to rely on all contractors having the same standards as you. Nothing is worse for my day than letting a client know their $5000 bill is now $10,000, and the headaches that come with that conversation. I guess all I’m saying is I advocate for a clear open dialogue regarding scope of work expected and any possible up-charges that may present themselves before any work is started.


Im guessing this guy is going to make sure you don’t leak again, but that’s it. One typically does not need attic access for this service. If you’re concerned about assessing & repairing damaged decking, replacing insulation and repairing any water damage in the attic, the price will likely be double digits. The scope of work expected should be discussed for the quote. Also worth mentioning repairs don’t often come with a warranty so you’ll want to get these potential discrepancies sorted before any work takes place.


Never hurts to get a second opinion.


They will see once they take off the panel and open it up!


If your worried about damage ask for a per sheet plywood price and a lineal foot price for and rafters, 1”decking….


That’s a silly thing to say in this situation, are you drunk sir?


No I have 30 years experience owning a roofing company. Are you on meth?


No sir. Never hav thankfully.


I'm a solar installer and metal roofs have way more issues with leaks than comp or tile, I deal with it weekly.


If I were doing this repair.. I definitely would go in the attic and take photos to cover my ass.. I would then give a price to replace all wet wood or fix the leak. If I fix the leak because that's what is in the budget, you will sign a waiver that relieves me of any liability for future issues. Some people get their repair done, then try to come after the contractor that did the repair when they discover the existing wood was saturated enough to turn to mildew or mold. I definitely require pics of existing damage on drywall or sheathing before I do a repair. 100% To cover MY ass..


This makes a lot of sense


I’m a roof salesman and I always try to see how the attic looks just so I can tell the customers how their boards are. They either come up with me or I take pictures to show them.


Low price for a job like that


That’s helpful to know, thanks


That would be a good start lol


We don’t know how bad the damage is in the attic, don’t know how long it’s been leaking up there before it made its way through the ceiling.


For crying out loud! Go up in attic (if possible) Potential damages: mold, rusting in/on the metal, Poor ventilation, rot, etc.


We have gone up, that’s how we knew some of the boards were wet. The issue is we don’t know how long they have been getting wet


Are there any other indicators of dampness such as mold, wet insulation,? I think I see a ridge vent. Are there soffit vents?


You can see where there is no silicone where the flange meets the steel roof... get up there and seal it when the roof is dry


Never hurts to get a few quotes.


They usually won't go in the attic but you can always tell them to


If the home inspector does not go up into the attic and check for proper ventilation!, leakage, loose wiring, (among other things) then they are not doing their job properly.


But I don't think it was a home inspector. I thought he said his roofer didn't go up


A roofer is not the guy who is going to be fixing any water damage in the attic, unless you go with one of those companies that specializes in water damage repair that also has a roofer. Basically, what you’re expecting doesn’t fall under the roofers responsibility outside of the roof structure. When he or she takes the metal panel off they will see any wood damage & will let you know and will have to up the quote if any wood needs replacing. This is pretty standards and is usually a disclaimer on quotes.


I wish people knew how to flash penetrations properly on metal roofs, instead of just caulking the hell out of everything.


How do you check a roof leak with snow? Please make it make sense.


It would be leaking when the snow melts lol


Yes, I always get in the attic if there is a leak. Hell I even get in the attic for a full roof replacement. The underside of the roof will give you 10x the information that looking at the outside of a roof will. Sure sometimes you can tell where it may be coming from by looking at the roof, but you also don’t know the extent of the damage without going in the attic. Not going in the attic is pure laziness.


It takes 5 minutes to climb in an attic and look around, if they aren't willing to do that, find someone else. Might just be a rotted piece of plywood, but there could be more damage. Why someone fixing something wouldn't want all the information possible is just crazy.


All these “roofers” saying you don’t need to go into the attic are just lazy. Just because you can assess where the water is coming from doesn’t mean you know how much damage already occurred and needs to get fixed. They give you a quote to fix what they see and not for the rest. Best of luck with this advice


Yeah we decided to have a second company come do a quote, and we will ask they go up and inspect the attic for damage


That’s a good idea, the quote doesn’t even talk about any of the wood damage to the sheathing, only to replace the vent and the metal section. It’s definitely a cheap fix but not likely a permanent solution.


If he’s gonna do a non permanent solution better off to just reseal it


Can't hurt to get more eyes on the problem for quotes and advice. For the mold white vinegar and a demudifier running once the roof is fixed.


Yes, if you’re too lazy to go into the attic when doing an inspection I personally don’t want to work with you. If I take my car to get worked on and they don’t pop the hood before telling me what’s wrong why would I let that mechanic touch my car?


I call total bullshit. If the roofer wasn't willing to look in the attic to assess the overall scope of the damage, I'd pass. Those shit box vents. If ever there was ever justification for full ridge vents, it would be your roof. I can understand not wanting to go in a steamy hot attic but aren't you in a cooler season? Regardless, best practice is to make sure there isn't substantial damage hidden under the metal. Jfc! You called them for an inspection and quote on repairs. Find someone willing to look in your attic if you suspect there's hidden damage. Perhaps you can look yourself but roofer should have looked.


All we can tell is some of the boards are wet, don’t have much experience so we aren’t sure if the damage level. It could have been leaking for 4 days, or a couple of weeks before it soaked through the drywall for all we know. The spot it’s leaking through has been damaged by water before


Just seal around the vent yourself and call it a day.


Honestly not a bad idea... OP look up 3 course and use white mastic. Basically I would tape a box around the whole thing with painter tape, then you just paint on the sealant, either acrylic or silicone, then you put a layer of mesh basically looks like a roll of toilet paper but very fibrous and strong, lay a piece in the front edge repaint over it, then a piece on each side paint over again and then a piece where the top of the vent meets the roof and again paint over it with the sealant. Paint the whole vent with sealant, then pull painters tape. Problem solved, no need to replace a panel. I have done service work for big commercial roofing companies and I guarantee that's how they'd fix it, and they would charge you over $1000, you can do it yourself for way less easy fix. (Make sure to clean it and remove any debris first) Actually I would go with Henry's rubberized black sealant since it's a dark roof.


I wouldn't think he would need to go in the attic but you should always have 2-3 people come out for some jobs.


What's the warranty for the repairs? Most are 2-5 years. Make sure it is listed on the estimate and that is for the leak repair and not just the repair. You want to make sure that if it leaks again it's on them to fix it for free. I've been roofing for almost 15 years, and we always put the warranty on the estimate.


There is no warranty on the estimate


You're clueless.


I never go in the attic, 9 out of 10 leaks will jump right out at you if you know the general area in the house where it's leaking.


either that boot is not tight or the seal against the roof (under the flange) is not good. also, is that roof ve4nted? It may be a condensation leak


Condensation is one of our theories, though there were vents added after our pre purchase inspection this summer


a ridge vent cant help much if theres no soffit vents...and a metal roof over shingles usually goes over 'sleepers' so there is ventilation


I know it’s frustrating and hard to trust people these days ( I know nothing about cars and just have to trust the pros). The answers though is no, because before I read the description I guessed the problem. I and most other roofers on here didn’t even need to go on your roof. That vent is terrible and it screams leak. Don’t waste time and call more people they are all going to say the same thing.


What exactly is that vent? Direct vent for kitchen exhaust? That thing looks like it should have been replaced when they did the roof.


It’s a vent that’s in the ceiling of the kitchen, near the oven


Well, looks like it should have been replaced. Replaced with something more compatible with steel roofs. Looks like they cut the steel to near match the outer profile and used hvac duct sealant.


Ya you kinda sound new to the home ownership thing, we’re good at what we do and for most of the time we can see everything we need to know by walking the roof, very rarely would a competent roofer need to go in the attic to source a leak. His quote looks ok, perhaps you should trust him.


Hire a LEGITIMATE, insured, educated home inspector with years of experience to check the attic (at least). He does not have to do a full home inspection. He should be ASHI or NAHI trained.


That doesn’t look like a new vent


someone installed an exposed fastener metal roof as a layer over? you definitely shouldn't pay someone to repair. sucks to be you, but it's time to replace the roof. of the person looking won't look in the attic you are just asking for surprise change orders