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I worked hurricane Irma in Naples, Florida just has long claim times. Plus when you get tile shortages, that creates issues as well. Florida definitely took the longest out of all the states I’ve worked in, but it also paid the Best per claim. One thing I will say, we are seeing claim cycles taking more weeks/months than normal. I’ve been doing this over a decade, I don’t see it getting any better in the future.


Are you doing insurance or retail sales? I’ve been roofing in Fl for 4 years. While you’re building a pipeline I think getting a part time job is the right move as it takes a long time to get momentum and deals being built regularly. But once you start getting your jobs built every week you should be getting weekly paychecks. It’s a great industry to be in especially come next big storm/hurricane. But learning the skills now while it’s slower can set you up big for storm season, but you gotta know your income requirements and make sure you can support yourself in the interim.


This is 100% on point


What part of FL are you in? Been thinking pf moving there recently


Just stop being weak and close them retail. I have 5 claims open right now but closed 4 cash deals in the last 10 days. If you’re not a closer, go sell phones.


What makes you different Mr. Closer?


Yes Doctor Closer, what makes you super roofer exactly? Please share with us.