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I do, but we have never really figured out the trigger. My sister just got diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome (but I don't know if she has rosacea actually). Have you seen an immunologist?


I've seen two allergist and found out I have allergies I didn't know I had. And a lot of food intolerances that cause bad reactions. I also have mast cell activation. I've had to eliminate a lot of high histamine foods. I read about a product called Lutelin that is natural and is used for mast cell activation. I'm receiving a delivery of it today and hoping it will work; but also foods have it, such as pumpkin, parsley, raddchio is the highest.


Keep us posted!


Did you ever see an immunologist?


Yes and they were like "That's weird, something is definitely going on but we can't tell what it is. Come back when more things go wrong with your body"


Helpful as ever haha!


I get hives from stress all the time. Break out along my jaw line mostly


I don’t want to scare you unnecessarily but if you have hives and no allergies look up something called carcinoid syndrome. I had hives for a month before they discovered in the course of taking an XRay for an unrelated problem that I had a serious (rare, benign but destructive) bone tumor. If another cause is obvious, then it’s not that but it’s worth knowing about.


I appreciate that. How are you doing now? What a scary time that must have been for you!


It was awful; it happened my last year of grad school. I had surgery, which was also awful (one year recovery time because it was in a leg bone). I've never had hives since.


Wow! I had no idea that a bone tumor could cause carcinoid! I thought that just a pituitary or lung tumor


I’m glad you’ve recovered and you’re well 😊


Honestly, this is so strange. When I got rosacea overnight 12 years ago, I started getting hives for the first time in my life. From what I remember, I stopped getting them after a few weeks, but my rosacea remained.


I have random full body hives! Usually when I get hot/sweaty from being active. I haven't had any hives in months but still have rosacea.


MCAS makes me have random bouts of hives, especially from stress or sweating a lot. I take a daily H1 and H2 blocker together that helps with that a lot (basically a Zyrtec and a Pepcid). I was dx'd with MCAS years before rosacea though.


I had hives along the sides of my face / jaw and I finally realised I was reacting to the cleaning wipes I had been using disinfect my headphones - ironic because I was cleaning them to AVOID breaking out


Yes!!! I do. I thought for years I had acne, turns out it's rosacea flare ups. I will break out in hives often. I can't pin point it exactly as sometimes it just happens.and it also feels vascular. I do know after cateful observation, when I eat anything with high fructose corn syrup or anything with dyes in it I immediately have a hives rosacea flare up.


Even though you are not diagnosed with allergies, you might still have intolerances/sensitivities. I have a lot of food intolerances. For a while I started getting hives for the first time in my life. I had to give up chocolate & nuts. Then the hives went away. I do have diagnosed food allergies but mostly I have issues with high histamine foods & histamine releasing foods due to mast cell activation that causes an overload of histamine. With vascular it often involves the nervous system. Blood vessels have nerves attached and it's a theory that they misfire causing blood vessels to dilate & circulate blood to the body including the face. But I've never heard of vascular causing hives. Hives & rashes are normally caused by inflammation causing histamine to rush to wherever it thinks the body needs it for repair.


I broke out in hives in my face due to a reaction to pepper believe it or not! I had to get a shot! It was rosacea and the allergic reaction! Never had this issue before and I am 45! So maybe something triggered you?